HomeMy WebLinkAbout117 E 1st St - BuildingFire Permit 117E P 11 -1059 Application Number 11- 00001059 Application pin number 547196 Property Address 117 E 1ST ST B ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 1653 -0000- Tenant nbr, name MICHAEL'S SEAFOOD STEAK Application type description HOOD /DUCT SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation 2300 Application desc NEW FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FOR THE HOOD Owner JOHN MILETICH COUNTRY AIRE BUILDING 117 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES Permit Additional desc Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Qty 1.00 1.00 Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total with j ethe the .r. Signat/' Unit Charge 25.0000 15.,0000 WA 98362 CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5t Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Contractor PENINSULA FIRE PO BOX 1744 POULSBO (360) 598 -3300 HOOD DUCT SUPP SYSTEM NEW HOOD /DUCT SUPP SYS 40.00 Plan Check Fee 11/14/11 Valuation 5/12/12 Per ECH HOOD /DUCT INSPECTION /TESTING ECH HOOD /DUCT PLAN REVIEW Special Notes and Comments A FULL ACCEPTANCE TEST WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THIS HOOD AND DUCT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM. THE TEST WILL INCLUDE A BALLOON TEST, AS WELL AS A TEST OF THE FUSIBLE LINK, MANUAL PULL STATION AND UTILITIES SHUT -OFF. A "K" CLASS FIRE EXTINGUISHER MUST BE PROVIDED AND MOUNTED WITHIN 20' OF THE COOKING AREA. September 28, 2011 1:52:40 PM kdubuc. Hood and duct system must be tied into building fire alarm system. Charged Paid Credited 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 40.00 40.00 .00 This permit becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and c• -ct, All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compied specified herein or not. The granting of this permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel ns of a sta or lo al law regulating the work specified in the permit. INC Date 11/14/11 WA 98370 Due .00 .00 .00 .00 Extension 25.00 15.00 REPORT SALES TAX on your state excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date Inspection Type Date Passed Comments FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM Rough -in inspection Alarm final LP -GAS Completed by Contractor: Test #1 Piping pressure test psi Underground piping inspection /pressure test Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Time initiated Tank (container) inspection Test #2 Piping pressure test psi Appliance inspection Time initiated LP -gas final UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK (UST) ABANDONMENT Removal of flammable /combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) ,S permit final /i FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE Call 360 417 -4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24 -hour notice. It is unlawful to cover, insulate C O or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. .sJ GENERAL COMMENTS: 2/15/00 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn: Building Permit Technician 321 E. Fifth St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417-4711 Applicant etc, /3 rtsch Phone Property OwDbr r1 1' r Cot. irstry fl ra Bv, IA!'v. Phone Property Owner's Address E s+ PA,Wp, q sg Contractor in a a Phone Contractor's Address 0203 'NC /sto c 9er37CZ License N )/V .C1 o Q Expiressya 3 E -mail PROJECT ADDRESS 1/7 3 ,m 40 e /t Project Business Name 711 c t f S c Too .4 4 fi g h� u Fire Alarm System Check all that apply One addressable loop One zone Additional zones List quantity of additional zones PROJECT VALUATION (labor materials) Fire Sprinkler System Check all that apply Installing backflow protection device(s)? yes no <2 inch water line (list quantity of devices) >2 inch water line (list quantity of devices) PROJECT VALUATION (labor materials) Hood Duct Fire Suppression System Residential Multi- family )Commercial Industrial Check all that apply Will only the fire suppression system be installed or altered? yes no Will a hood and /or ductwork be installed or altered? yes* no If yes, a mechanical permit will also be needed. FIRE RELATED PERMIT APPLICATION Residential Multi- family Commercial Industrial Briefly describe the project: For City UseOnly: Date Received C -'Z19, 11 Permit (O51 Residential Multi- family Commercial Industrial Briefly describe the project: la 8�J ?lea .4u ,rs°o� �1a1Ra Ys 4; co rat Briefly describe the project: kern 00 t 4- Be Lace 4), A CJ <M so,,, .4-r:C 9 u 302o GO C.+ GC) even PROJECT VALUATION (labor materials) 3 00 Cfer phoh p c0,11 w; N. R I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized t.` pply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to obtain permits prior to ing on roje. s. Datee/A �0 (t Print Name j (r1 -J I Signature T:Forms/Building Division/Fire- related ermit application PREPARED 4/02/13, 150646 INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT PAGE PROGRAM BP521L 0/00/00 THRU 0/00/00 CITY OF PORT ANGELES APPLICATION PROPERTY ADDRESS STRUCTR PERMIT ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER ALTERNATE ID INSPECTION RESULT DATE/STATUS INSPECTOR 11 00001059 117 E 1ST ST B 06 30 00 5 1 1653-0000- 000 000 FSUP 00 HOOD DUCT SUPP SYSTEM FFNL 0001 FIRE FINAL 11/15/11 APPROVED REQ COMM: November 15, 2011 14306 PM kdubuc. REQ COMM: Hood and duct suppression system test and final RES COMM: November 15, 2011 14331 PM kdubuc. RES COMM: System test satisfactory. KDD RCIIJTING SLIP Certificate of Occupancy $47.'70 Certificate/Inspection Fee e GATE AIM New Business Transfer of Business Location Change of Ownership New Building Remodel Temporary Business Change of Use C''''-- 7\ Address of Proposed Business a i_ d Apt- rant 1" 1, f Address 4' [_F �"f' C 1_, 42` 2 Phone: business y/ 1crcf 3Cf homa�LI /7 /Q!) business: ::1C Brief o �jR: description of proposed Lot 2:E Block Subdivisio /Voi�t}4FtS 1`e. Le gal Description: Currant Usa Property -S cc--" .e_ of Zoning Classification of Property: Ca ..p WILL THERE BE ANY OF THE FOLLOVYINO7 YES NO X PERMITS 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 6) 9) to) 11) 6) 13) 14) 15) le) THE FOLLOWING WILL BE REQUIRED: BUSINESS LICENSE rood Building 1) ra Plumbing 2) Paddlers Electrical 3) 2nd Hand Oaatar Machanical a) Pawn Brokar Sewer 5) Oanca Sidewalk installation 6) Hotel Motel Orivaway installation 7) Firewo•ks Curb installation B) Ambulance Sidewalk obstruction Tattoo shop Watar mater installation 10 Other L ii r•t^ I.'S, Construclion =hang.. >7— Electrical changes Ma.- hana stovas) N` icl (haating. cooling. Plumbing changes Now or ralocatad signs Now tanks saptic K New sewer sandos X Admission to charged patrons Is this hornet occupation? a Excavation filling of lots of In City X Work done right-of-way X Fira 'S. Is there. sufficient off- straat partdng? New driveway X Occupancy Sign Shoreline Home. occupation Conditional usa Other lif›T m '4- openings A for sita drainage grading plan —•X lots. downspouts, ato X (parking Ara the streets X existing pavad7 Ara sldawalks7 there existing Is thara curb and guitar' Other r I hereby apply for a Certificate, of Occupancy and acknowl- edge that 1 Nava raacl this application and states that tha information i have supplied is correct to the bast of my knowiadgo. ate ti Ci D Signed -i p (�ti�r_ AP 'AEI REJECTE Building Section Comments Conditions Public Works Department Planning Department Fare Department City Cleric t7"/ P13-1 -A. L 4 N 11 4. 'A 4Y S f O, 1 l v --J uct fi s fJ: v i ..,r'- i ii.': OWNER/APPLICANT JOHN MILETICH 117 E. 1ST STREET Port Angeles, WA 98360 3601000-0000 T: CONTRACTOR FERRELLGAS iO4 MARINE DR Port Angeles, WA 98362 360/457 -1151 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $500.00 Project Type: PROPANE LINE Occupancy Type: COMMERCIAL Occupancy Group: Construction Type: Zoning Use: FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 State Surcharge: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 _Plumbing: $0.00 Mechanical: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 511 STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 92362 PROPERTY LOCATION 117 1ST STE Lot: 14 Block: 16 El Subdivision: NR SMITH Parcel No: PROJECT NOTES ABANDON EXISTING UNDERGROUND LINES, INSTALL NEW TANK ON EASTSIDE PARKING LOT AND INSTALL NEW GAS LINE TO KITCHEN Commercial: Industrial: Garage: Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilltiea, private and public Improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized Is not commenced within 180 days, If constriction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 1F0 Jays after the wcrk as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. 1 hereby certify that I have reed znd eamined this application and know the same to be *me and r;orrect. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of v.rork will be complied with trhotner specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give autho:ty to vi. cance s provisions of any state or fecal law regulating construction or the performance of constroc6o INSPECTION TYPE DATE RESULTS INSPECTOR. DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN 1451,241 FINAL PI JZ31 COMMENTS Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc 4 circuits office space Owner MILETICH JOHN COUNTRY AIRE BUILDING PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date Fee summary Charged Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Grand Total ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 150672 63 50 7/28/09 1/24/10 63 50 00 63 50 Signature of or Electrical Contractor X ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 09 00000737 130465 117 E 1ST ST 06 30 00 5 1 1653 0000 ELECTRICAL ONLY CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT 0 Contractor ANGELES ELECTRIC 524 E 1ST ST PORT ANGELES (360) 452 9264 Qty Unit Charge Per 1 00 57 5000 ECH EL BRANCH CIRCUIT WO /FEEDER 3 00 2 0000 ECH EL ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT Paid Credited Due 63 50 00 63 50 Plan Check Fee Valuation 00 00 00 Date 7/28/09 WA 98362 00 00 00 00 0 Extension 57 50 6 00 Date 07/27/2009 10 46 FAX 360 452 9265 City of Poit Angeles Pemtit Application .BulAlinp Divilioi Settieal inspections 32tFUtf1111 $tract- PA.Soa 1150 Per►-t4n�lei.wdAbl9ton l$362 'Pit .is6 iitifl5'Fax: 417 .4711 Date: _62.Single Family Dwelling Multi- Family or Commeraar Commercial Addition Alteration Remodel Repair` Description of above 04111 1161f tf Owner Informs Name: /►�J Mailing resss: //7 041r" pr State: _f Zip: 94444. Phone: J.* Zi ne: V1 —7/7s' license Exp. Unit Charge 93.75 1113.75 5160.00 5205.00 $29125 s 2.00 1 57.50 2.00 1 72.50 586.25 511625 1131.25 75.00 69.00 75.00 5 50.00 50.00 93.75 i 60.00 1 86.25 27.50 1 57.50 1 86.25 43.75 latt Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator 1ECEIVED JUL 28 2009 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Plan ReviewMay 8e' fired, Please Complete Electrical Plan Intonation Sheet •JotrAddress: Building. Square Footage: o inz--eAtsvAlc. Contractor info tAgadon Name: MailingPtir ,SZW �/�7 State: Phone, z, License /Exp. Total fOty Multioliied by Unit Channel ServlcalFeeder 200 Amp. Service/Feeder 201.400 Amp. Service/Feeder 401100 Amp. ServicelFeedar 601.1000 Amp. ServicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit WI Service Feeder Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder 5 Each Additional Branch Circuit Temp. Swim/ Feeder 200 Amp. Temp. Service/Feeder 201.400 Amp. Temp. SenricelFeeder 401600 Amp. Temp. ServbdFeeder 601-1000 Amp. Partatto Portal Houry Sign/Outline Lighting Signal Clrcuft Limited Energy Commercial Signal Circuit/ Limited Energy 1 2 Family Dwetlag Signal Omit/ United Energy Multi-Family Dwelling Manufactured Home Connection Renewable Electrical Energy 5KVA System or Less s Fast 1300 Square Ft. Each Additional 500 Square FL or Portion of Each Outbuiding or Detached Garage Each Swimming Pool or Hot Tub &A Total Thermostat ZJp: .YPX 2. l�l 000 /!000 Owner u defined by RCW. *21261: (1) Owner will occupy the spveWa for fro years Ow fhb alecateal penult Is finalized zed (2) Own erb required 10 hie an electrical o.nh.ctoriabove said property b for sale, rent orM u. After reading the above statement, l hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a horned electrical contractor. l am making the electrical Instatladowor ahenition in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C. RCW. Chapter 19.26, WAC. Chapter 296.468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specification. Application Number 08- 00001526 Date 12/17/08 Application pin number 751092 Property Address 117 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 1653 -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation 0 Application desc Video system ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Owner Contractor MILETICH JOHN COUNTRY AIRE BUILDING PORT ANGELES WA 98362 HI TECH SECURITY INC 723 E FRONT ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452 -2727 Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc Permit pin number 139006 Permit Fee 40.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 12/17/08 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 6/15/09 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 40.0000 EL -LOW VOLT SYS =2500 SQFT 40.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 40.00 40.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DITCH SERVICE ROUGH IN FINAL COMMENTS: DATE: ZZ- RESULTS: ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: C1 E16:cric 1 Contactor 0 Annual Permit Jub wired by Ele •trt •al vnuector name O Owner 0 _Alarm 0 Carnival lsf €uLlnuuerelal CJ Resideutlal 11 Rcsideutial Mainz. lj Signs UGHT DEP1 Installation description O Electrical Contractor 0 Owner S License number t St.ct.sX z� Einar ors gS58C put;tt.scr't n�silinp address ct State ZIP YOc LOA 9836 2._ Teiepoon cumber FAX number p 34.0 4152 .27.Z 1 36 0 c�J 5 rYrcmiye+e Owner's name Adrt.ss Of inspection F'� Cit y oR" (4-)4,1,(10c. y S 2 --`7 I 1 S'_ I hereby certify that 1 am the owner of the above named property or a licensed dectricai contracta (or the firm's authorized agent) and am making the c1cer ical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical law, Chapter 19.28 RCW, tried contractor or electrical admlulstrator /'Signature of °lent Dar insulation WALLS D_ce z /era •d ay Cover impaction Date Approved 8y Oen Electrical Load Agglitians and or subttacii. O NO LOAD CHANGES O 8aaa5oard KW O Furnace KW O has Pump Ton LAR 0 Fan-Wall Kw C V ."11u .ALwORK PER'M.ITAPPLICATION DEC 1 pi Q uest inspection CEILING ThERMOSTAT Insulation Only Odle A pproved ay Cover Approved Oy Uuc Approval! Hy O Overhead Service O Temp Service O Underground Service Arca, Building or Equipment Inspected td Wti2S:Ot 8002 Zt 09S8 ZSt' 092 '0N Xtid 1 1rzOn —E. Sn.{St 0 Cash 0 Check 0 Credit Card Visa Mastercard Discover Card Expiration Date of card Dine 1'T C Approved by J 0 Thermostat 0 Telecom. Inspection fee Voltage Phase 0t O3 Service Size: Feeder Size: ACtion Takeo SERVICE FEEDER Dew APpw`c OY Oita Approved By Service Information Electrical Inspector SJINO2110212 HOB1 –IH Wad l+Of pORT 4 \Cip fir 'RNs At ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION The Electrical Permit Application must be filled out completely. Please type or reprint in ink. If you have any questions, please call (360) 417 -4735 Fax number: (360) 417 -4711 Owner or Eiec. Contractor Agent: Property Owner: h Address: iraa ■-...rmv" I St City: f'r'r ITN lS zip: c ElectricalContractor:446 �,L S r}E��1'tN License #f94) &fJHJyt1GL Exp:rj1�. )ibC Phone: )1 J 7 -0/// Address: I r City: J'i r 79vvye ff,S W 4' Zip: 9 g1,3 INSTALLATION WIRED BY: Credit Card Holder Name O ER ci-EtreTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1 a'7 r Billing Address: II Li S City: (..9( ,IN9 Credit Card Number: /16•' 6c f/ 4'3 Exp. Date: ��6.4 1/ 7 st 57; ..fw /7" PROJECT ADDRESS: 7 c W d• I.A-t-e le) TYPE OF WORK: Check all that apply: New Alteration /Addition Residential Multi family ommercial Mobile Home Sq. Ft Remote Meter Detached garage Hot Tub Swim Pool Septic Pump ''Low Voltage Telecom, Sign Number of Circuits added or altered: DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PROJECT: CNAN(I_ Li F02 .t >z�) Electrical Heat Load Additions and or Subtractions ;(171ode- No 0-0,40 CNA -N(L Credit Card Holder's Signature: Owner or Elec. Cont. Signature: Phone: Phone: Q YS OM Fax: :366.) y c"? 3/9s Pe<ASTWeiwf tA)/ Ag(„/ Baseboard KW e J$" KW verhead Service at Pump TON LRA o Temp Service Fan -Wall KW \k O Underground Service I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know that same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to apply for this permit. understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicants responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. Ai. t g lsGr U t �v /ELECTRICALPERMITAPPLICAT]ON 61C.- /4"' I Ac0 5 I 1 D i 4 FON t)FF)C;P.L. 'JSE ONLY LudBer F:n�t a Date Aplguvc.f Late Issued zip. 9r.. VISA: M Service information Voltage: Phase: 3 Service Size: Feeder Size: Date: Date: ,5 /�-4 PERMIT FEE: 59 O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ciisiot Port Angeles Building Division This Certification issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time Of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating Building construptie Ise. For the following; ti —+..w Fez .euaen...yeKSra+w:+we,.w :7) :,7 rte+ r'7 r.•. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT Al 'ATION N9 6233 Date Rr.eivcd 7 4. /�Z Date Issued 1 2e 45/7 .b Ad ss 1 ''pp e Addi s La Z (2. C.4 /''1� Cif ('hone 7 4ic. No °wn cr 0 KN -d Z� C Contractor Arch Env% Li 1 3 19' l Class of Work: lJ New „J Ad dition Alteration Repair Movc Demolition Description of Work: Type of Permit: J g Building CJ Plumbing Contractor Valuation S 63, O No. Fixture Type Water Closet Lavatory Bathtub Shower Kitchen Sink Disposer Floor Drain Floor Sink Fcc r r CO CO O9 3 y Permit Fcc .S� 3 t 4 p 2 Plan Check Fce S. 75— (receipt 0,&) Investigation Fee Other "ft v Total S Sri 7e 0 Receipt M Building S.oL_FS,_ Clothes Washer enJ Occupancy Group 1 Z Occupant Load No. of Stories Z Water Heater OD Type of Construction 61 7 y 0 e../,_ Drinking Fountain Lawn Sprinkler Vacuum Rrcaker Solar Panels Occupancy Permit Issued L'gal Description: Lot Ill O/ Block Subdivision ti /q S "1/ 77-7 —j,2::) Other Land Use 7,one Sub Total Lot Area cna CAO Lox Coverage Sq. Ft. Recci t N Total S 3stCO _Sign Ctntractox Mechanical Contractor Sign Type t No. Type of Equipment Fcc !]lamination Elec. Furnace Overall Height Heat Sign Height 1 pun Oil Furnace S. Ft Kitchen Hood Clearance Other l Land Use Zone Fee Tot em a Receipt N Receipt N Total S APP1 tU CCFrrFn BY RAM ai n err efTPOVtls F s: s�;# iCI By Special Conditions: d 7 a Oth Per i: mts Sevier t NOTICE. A tieperete pent* Is required for electrical work and utilities Ma permit becomes null and void J 'Knit or construction authanred is not commenr!d within 1E1 days, or if constriction or work as suspended or abandoned for a period of 110 days at any tine after work is commenced. I hereby esxtify that 1 have r„d and enimred this application end know the same to he true and correct All provintau of laws and twdutenon aovert ura alit tyre of work watt be eomp$ed with whetter specified heron or not The grantva of a permit door nor I priming lo law r. to authority viclsu. or csncel the provision.; of any *ha state a local construction or that pecrnormetce of connnc^tinn. !/70 //1 9 et AatariaN Aove Z 24,L. Driveway Other Water St ewee■ 1keidw) tp ssc .Lrr, VC. ti —+..w Fez .euaen...yeKSra+w:+we,.w :7) :,7 rte+ r'7 r.•. FOUNDATION NO Footings _YES Walls Found. drainage _ELKMECA4 Rough-in PI ,UMBING ..V 7 A'?" iF6/ Under Water line Rack flow/water AIR SEAL wins Ceiling FR AMINQ Joists girders Shear wall 1 Walls /roof/ ceiling 4 k••• L5 iz.... C t 1 4) Drywall S 9-r_ LA •--41 k s T-bar IN au LATION Slab Wall floor ceiling c I 2 5 MECHANICAL Chimney Woodstove Ducts UTILITIES CITE wopy, waterimcfmcvn Sewer Connection Sanitary Storm Site Drainage Parking Othcr ElNM, INSPECTIONS REQUI PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY USE RESIDENTIAL Elec'rical Phone Ext. 224 /2- 3- COMMERCIAL Elccuical DATE ACCEPTED ict at F.nginerring Ext. 124 Engineering Fire (Muhl-fain. only) Ext. 252 Fire Dept, Building Est. 125 /2 9 Building, I CrfOLL 457-0411 UNLAWFUL CONSPICUOUS t LiJ a. La. GENERAL COMMENTS: PEN PRINT iNC INSPECTION TYPE BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD EXT. 125 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. INSPECTION HOURS ARE 1-4 FM. MIN. 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. IT TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOBSITE DATE tfinivaorkvora ACCEPTED COMMENTS oat "tog al Walls: Floors: Ceilings: Doors: Alr Seal: Building Permit Application 0 Legal Descripti on of property q Owncr name\iHAJ �/1 /7 /C# Addr 821. 4 G NkK�E �.Phon51 -?31t Builder Name D !}U rUQ Type of Construction: New New Single Family Remodel Multi- family Addition No. of bldgs. No. of units al Energy Compliance Opidon /1 S (See page Check if applicable Slab foundation (occupied area) Basement Woodstove Vaulted ceiling Recessed lights Exhaust fans Note special 4" gravel base Insulation Outside combustion air Alr seal, 1" air space, etc. Airtight SIX 100 cfm kitchen, 50 cfm hathra, 2.5 sone rating /whole house fa Other Requirements Water heater ASHRAE 90-A with R -10 pad Alr quallty system: Whole house Central system Other Heating system: Type 'f] Window /Skylight Schedule List windows. Use additional sheet if necessary. R- Flat R U- .t7 Advanced AStandard Adv. Framing Slab: R- Vaulted R- Addr Phonef57'13, t Size/Value: Sq. Ft. Q C S, F, Valuation 8 .2 S:33. es VIN Std. f`s:,ting Size KW 06 TOTAL WINDOW AREA OF' CONSTRUCTION PRO, 111 111011WIrM0111111 M r man ctureris)2 =sf edIt4/; It V�Itic '.Aicx NO: Stye x �r;7"y Y y D'.r, t]'6ri,iw tAstot tnsrre p tit to r td� s o Below Grade Walls: R- f'; o complete this section. see page 4) FOR OFFICE USF. ONLY Dam Rec. Permit Address menus for each I have been advised of and intend to comply with the Northwest Energy Code requiremtatts pertaining to formaldehyde emissions standards for structural components and have received a copy of Exhibit 9A which describes quiremm _2/6/9'0— LINDBERG ARCHITECTS Project: Sub'e t: Date: 7 /g Proi. No.: gDZo %s1_ p r, tir ifi By; idKe, Sheet: of ApA/TM& .59/40., G ��ry,�Cr�7l�G.t ft2 S• f v /40., e �X�S7AI 6?42- r' /J6 37, 0 2 S. F. 6 St r-79(41-7 fttfiya Miff 6. (M ti)1 6 2/1 cif /G f7 ,2 g 77 6 G 05S c 2(,J; /u i5 R ci c:6,6/(wr--- i/�:`9 JL 44 sr 3 (t),5 /LUwSr R )1to r &7_ 1144,u. ---?(Artek 741,!r_ tctit.clE _pe 15 r 5-i(posEJD Er r<.sr1 319 SOUTH PEABODY ST., SUITF F3 PORT ANGELES, WASH. 98362 (206) 452 -6116 FAX (206) 452-7064 t 6 6 \7 (75S k- ,4ue J z•i Address: 127 E. 1st Plan 192 -17 -6233 [Y.-Building Department I_J Fire Cop. PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEW Project Names Fire Reconstruction Com R -1 Reviewed By 1- Date: July 14, 1992 We have checked this plan and find that it conforms to the requirements of our codes and ordinances with the following exceptions. 1. Please submit to the Port Angeles Fire Department fire alarm plans for approval. 2. Please submit fire sprinkler plans to the Port Angeles Fire Department for approval. Because we are adding onto this building and the building is greater than 6,250 square feet, all floors will need to be sprinklered. 3. Provide a 2- A -10 -BC fire extinguisher as identified on the plans. Fire extinguisher to be mounted no higher than 5 feet and be plainly visible. 4. Insure address numbers are provided for the living units. Address numbers to be plainly visible from the road and contrast with their background. NOTE: Prior to the Occupancy Permit being issued, compliance to the above conditions will b: met. Date "7- 9 1 cf sw x AaTt sa aasaasssisa ssasassuaaaaaaSaasaaraa> ssi ewn sgSaesaas ss83saas2Salastaasaseaas WiTTSUN 5.2 1991 WA STATE ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE REPORT 07/06/92• FILE: C: \WATTSUN 5 \RES \MILETICH.WS !alas limns= sssassts aasaasaaa ssseleasssasaraaa9maaeasaa sssas war Sito: Homeowner: Builder: The PROPOSED design *COMPLIES. COMPONENT PERFORMANCE ENERGY BUDGET REFERENCE DESIGN Component Floor Glazing @15% Doors AC 2a11 Ceiling, Attic Infiltration PROPOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Floor R19 vented Joist 1ioc Glazinq In3ti •a201 NorthWnntAIum Vinyl 2050 002G1 NorthWo tAlum V ny1 1030 Wood 1-')/4" solid t1u, h AO 441 1 1k12 111 r .v i. 1, °oti lhmt r Attic t i.af t j s3 u 1~1 w. Attic :'.Try batt"it Inti.It.e•att.an S t.;rm;ar•d Alr r.-saling i etrt Z Analyst: Jurisdiction: Utility: U -0.041 25/32` U -0.440 13/ :6" U- f.10c? 11-0.310 U- 0052 1!• 0.0;, Weatt:+r Data: Whidbey Island, WA Climate Zone: 1 with 1991 WA State Energy Code. REFERENCE FROCASF,D 227 230 Btu /hr -F 2.21 2.14 kWh /ft2 -yr Reference Value X Area 683 100.0 109.0 40.0 1077 476 :`•03413 HOUSE ID: HOLM Typ' Single Family /Duplex Floor Aron: C90 ft2 a s a s s a a s s f s s A a e a s a s s t a s s U e e s e a s A s s s s r a s e R a a Q e e e! t s e R M M i r R i e M M e R R e i s e t s e R e i s m R M fl t 7 t a s e■ R R e s e Y t s e e e e R R R e 4 f R- s e e e e e s e R e e t e !i w t s a UA U 0.041 681 28.0 U -0.650 133.5 86.8 U -0.400 40.0 16.0 U -0.062 1153 71.5 U -0.036 683 24.6 ACH -0.350 7191ft3( 46.1) Reference UA 227 Valuo X Area UA 28.0 44.0 54.5 13.2 66.8 17.1 6.4 18.1) Proposml UP. 224 211422sda2!!as ssl. B a 2 as a :surita 2 @ra:Raaaar.cart 2 tuw easeanaasnssa ?al.ReonwLtaaYYrits* Items in parentheses not included in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE totals. Denotes non- standard values check calculation of thermal value. aaeraAsaaareaararsazas =:ssaarraastsaa Page 1 eaa* *ff** esaaas:stleaatasx!=ssasseesa,t 1 1 1 WATTSUN 5.2 1991 WA STATE ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE REPORT FILE: C: \WATTSUN5 \RES \MILETICH.WS Struc Mass HEATING /COOLING /VENTILATING SYSTEMS Heating System Type: Make: System Efficiency: Modified Efficiency: Design ACH: Heating Load(at 46F dt): System Size: Maximum Size @150 Auxiliary: HP Balance Point: Average Annual Heat: Annual Cost: Ventilation System: Cooling Load(at -7F dt): Recommended Size @125 Solar Access: PROPOSED DUCT SYSTEM SUPPLY RETURN GLAZING ORIENTATION PROPOSED South: 29.0 ft2 Southeast: East: 40.0 Northeast: Light Frame, Sheetrock walls Location Attic or garage Attic or garage PROPOSED Heat Pump: Air Source HP Air. Source Default 6.8 HSPF 147 0.60 14577 12.1 6.4 6.4 2.0 35 2762 kWh 152 Integrated Spot Whole House 11362 Btu /hr 1.3 tens Stu /hr kBtu /hr at 47F kBtu /hr at 17F kW kW F Partially Shaded Avg Rvalue R- 8.0 R- 3.0 North: Northwest: West: Southwest: M- 3.000 890 Surface Area 178.0 ft2 35.6 ft2 PRCPOSED 120.0 ft2 20.0 Economic and energy consumption estimates are designed for comparative purposes only. Actual cost for heating will vary depending on weather conditions, occupant lifestyle and other factors. 07/06/92. HOUSE ID: 2b70 J l q l I g rcy�j NATU `.w. W!KE5 uLK 14SRF,S @OURM 1 K IUC F\.02-SN L FOODS, 61�rR /Pr E Cos 5 SuP0 -1 5 (-O &U R Mora. SAT 10 5: 3 0 NAME: alc) ti f 2� ADDRESS: //7 2 lsT PHONE: 75— ORDERED BY: 1 gYN DUE DATE Signage Proposal �OPm UIJDRL+' \I MANGE GO PL( ARE VAX. Lerets LE7 Llz 5 ou p.6 2E' 1 U c U kL. (3 v G ti 53 6[.6 EFTCS1 c'R M 7)- o P-‘1'Uic Q stEs■V7 U YDA1 c "n SSA G E Ara E r4 ON 5715 "tI FJ G- WPLL St6 IJ ESTIMATED PRICE: )6 AOUE (PLUS TAX) DEPOSIT: PRICE INCLUDES: 'MATERIALS >1 LABOR DELIVERY ❑INSTALLATION TERMS: BALANCE DUE UPON COMPLETION. d .:J (r) re• .001/".4 10,... ,..e r... 1 re° 1.--i Cr. 1.-4 r po rz i,••••■1 40.4 CN... 4 r•• k../ r.."4 k h....4 f V„.•• 1 ..„...4 r•-••■ }••••1 N..... r r"' 7 L r. 1 .....4 .r.1 4 .....1 P. r 's r 1. f 4 1....1, 0., 0;D se" CA z P.....4 ro ""--4 ...4 -a r- 11--4 p --4 r',..,Q ot i• V i ,e.:74* ,rA t'e4 ..4 I°. c 01. INe C.) A ,....4 p....4 1 Site Address: //2 i :1 READY FOR WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: License Number: Phone: Owner /Business: Phone: Owner /Business Address: Sq. Ft. Site Address: ii 7 4 4a....„.., Permit /Receipt N 79 es Installer: New Meters Date: RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BASEBOARD KW FURNACE KW FAN /WALL KW HEAT PUMP KW SIGN Details /Description W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE DATE ENGR. CAPACITY: O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: CHANGE TRANSFORMER CHANGE SERVICE WIRE INSTALL SERVICE POLE OTHER Ditch Inspection O.K. A Rough -in /cover O.K. O.K. to connect service Final O.K. Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and mit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Pg/tnit. PHONE 457 0411, EXT. 224. 1S Electri%al lnspec WHITE File by address cress YELLOW the by number OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457 -0411 ELECTRICAL PERMIT TEMPORARY SERVICE OVERHEAD SERVICE PERMANENT SERVICE UNDERGROUND SERVICE NEW CONSTRUCTION VOLTAGE REMODEL SINGLE PHASE ADD /ALTER CIRCUITS THREE PHASE SERVICE UPGRADE /REPAIR SERVICE SIZE AMPS SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) NO OCCUPANCY 011 USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT PERMIT NO. 379 e DATE 9-",s= n a Permit Fee PINK Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall PORT April 9, 1992 Mr. Mike Millar Rainbow Neon Sign 2251 Page Road Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Sign Variance SGV 92(04)01 GREENERY 117 -B F First Street Dear Mr. Millar: As you know, at the April 6, 1992 meeting of the Board of Adjustment, the Board moved to approve your request to allow an entire sign to be located on a portion of a facade not occupied by a business in the CBD, Central Business District, with the following condition: 1. The existing marquee iign which reads "Alley Entrance" shall be removed during placement of the new signage. The decision of the Board is final unless appealed within 10 days to Superior Court. If you have any questions, or if we can offer further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact this Department. Sincerely, Sue Roberds Planning Office Specialist 321E Fifth •PO Flo* 1150 cc: Public Works Department Tim Haley, President Downtown Association CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 PHONE 1206) 4570411 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING DIVISION PERNIIT APPLICATION N2 6034 Date Received tJ t—'. Dat issued y —a__ Job Address: 11- E3 /st- am Address //7_3 E_ /S_t_ Cu Phone is o. O ner -k— Contractor Z 5.2Z Arch Engr. Class of Work: U New 7 3 Addition 0 Alteration Rep= Move Demolition Description of Work: t 4 t Type of Pcrmit• Li Building (3 Plumhtng Contractor Valuation S No Fisturc Type Fee Water Closet 1 i Lavatory Permit Fee Bathtub Plan Check Fcc receipt 1 I I Shower Investigation Fcc 1 Kitchen Sink Ocher Disposer Total S Receipt 0 Floor Drain Fl Sink Clothes Wach fly iWine Et. Occupancy Group up Urinal Cccuprtt Load No of Stories Water HHc cr Type of Construction I I Drink). Fountain ciecursaricy Permit Is Law Ssrinklcr Legal Desch ion: V. uum Breaker Block Solar Panels Subdivision `j n s i� Other Land Use Zen f Sub Total Lot Area Permit Fcc Lot Coverage Ft Rcccipt 1 Total S JSign Contractor 7 Mcchancal Contractor Sign Type Y Nom. j No. T of F ment Fee Elec. Furnace Illumination Overall Height Heat Pump Sign Height Oil Furnace Sq. Ft n Kitchen H Clearance l Other Land L';c Zone Fee 3 e_� Total S Receipt A S G/2 6 Receipt i Total S arrt srp�e A Errvn BY rL `1 rues es o crrn a anatomy R 4 asty.SO BY I 1 f T Special Conditions: other Permits: Sewer RAW NOTICE A separate ',moat a required fa electrxal ..m and u::nres Thra prnnl becana nuC and rend If *art or ceru^ dice anbortred n not oa.3nKYrd .x/an 110 days. or if ca.rxtmon or wort is suspended or abandoned for a perod of 110 d.y7 at any tame after wadi r o nrrauad 1 heresy certify that I lave rad and examined tF t .pphcavon and know the acme to he toe and correct All prorntms of laws and ordinances 'overruns thn type of am* will be complied w:th whether rpectfIed herein or not. The grantnnt of a permit does not presume to give authority to Relate er carce4 the provinces of any other state or local la. relag `E X1 X Driveway Other Water sigwa.a .r O.n.. td..eet laLbl (DLO Fw P IVY ..r' BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD C4LL 457-0411 EXT. 125 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. INSPECTION HOURS ARE 1-4 PM. MIN. 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. IT Lk UNLAWFUL TO COVER. INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. GENERAL COMMENTS: PEN PRINT, INC [INSPECTION TYPE KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOBSITE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS FOI MDATION Footirp T 11( _YES Walls Found. drainage ELECTRIC r Rough in FLUMR j Under floor `ab Rough -in 7_ Water line Back f ow/watcr AIR SEAL r Walls Z Coiling C V C7 FRAMLNQ JoiclIJirdcrs Z Shear wall Walla roof ceiling wall S Tbar 1t'LATION Slab Wail floor ceiling Mall A.NICA{. Chimney Woodstove Ducts UTILITIES 1 SITE WOO( Waterline meter Sewer Connection Sanitary ttt ta: Storm E- Site Drainage Parking Other FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY USE Z J RESIDENTIAL Electrical Phone Eat 224 COMMERCIAL Electrical DATE ACCEPTED MS Na Cads Engineering Ext. 124 Engineering Z Fire (Multi -fam. only) Exi 252 Fire Dept. Z 1a. Building ExExt. 125 l I !�4y Z '6 Building BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD C4LL 457-0411 EXT. 125 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. INSPECTION HOURS ARE 1-4 PM. MIN. 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. IT Lk UNLAWFUL TO COVER. INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. GENERAL COMMENTS: PEN PRINT, INC [INSPECTION TYPE KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOBSITE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PERMIT N° 1680 EP VLF N !11f�C�e�l JOE3 I DDP.F.SS //7/±- /s 1 f 0AT4 ow ;ii E w. LOT__ 0000K /llr SUODIVISION Z. ti (Print Name Right-oh -sway construction permit '.object. to provisions Ii RIGHT -OF -WAY CONSTRUCTION required b, Ordinance 2165 as timer it and the municipal Corte or other City of Port Anr,ele, ordinance mss 1. U to f4 completed by (date) 2. L,icatinn nf work: Outside I air'r> traveled roadway (If within traveled roadmoy, cr><nr,lete item; 3, 4 4 5) U..,we .l' iiirrk to be ,,_rformn•1 (If over 52,000, r_omolete item, 3, 4 4 5)Of under 52,000, comniete Itrm 6i 3. Contractor name OR 0) 0!,i0 WORKS 001"!'. 4. Performance Rood Amount. 0 )'0RK ORDER 5. Prnnt of insurance Q 'ilori 52,000 and less: 550,000 per i njury, 5100,000 per incident, 220,000 property 2 ?,200 nnct mote: 2200,000 Per_0n11 injury, 2500,000 per incident, 2100,000 property Per'0ttro.inderstands that nn street may be closed to traffic unless, approved by the City Engineer and Chief of Pn1L-r' 'n0 notifications given to the Chief of Fire Department may be closed to traffic from to (street) City tnjinccr Chief of Police Fire Chief WATER MAIN Service Inntaallation Repair Inspection Fee SANITARY SEttli3 5orvice Installation Repair inspection Pee 5 Sit s Service Ine.taliati,n Repair inspection Fee 5 1;1 ■!0100 CARtc Installation Repair Other Inspection Fee .5 110)J'I.1)r1E 050030ROUNDI) Installation Repair 4)ilti 0045 1n,tallation Repair Inspection Subtotal S AC'T'IVITY ermanent ■irI I are re, my.11 ion... Gravel tiurlace Excavation Non traveled surface excavation New cnnr ref e walk installat Concrete walk, curb Sint ter remov•11 and/or repl,lcem.^nt Driveway solvent ins1;1110 i 1... 0rivcsrav inst.11lation Lj SEWER NOTES PER!11T RESTORAT1ON TOTAL, 7 ;(1. f i 30(1.0 ;330.00 '10.00 150.00 130.00 30.00 150.00 130.00 50.00 -0- 50.00 50.00 30.(10 11- 50.00 Il1t,I)11 Restoration tint) totaI 5 Sewer permit subject to provision re by Ordinance 2151) as amorded and the Municipal Cr On cr ot 0ity of port Anr)eles ordinance A. Sins,le t.tni I4 residence Si 5.0) B. residence 575.C5 for first dwelling unit and (Duplex, mild- twit, aDnt cots, $5.00 for inch additional unit trailer t; auto courts, mrtcls) C. Other st ocr arcs 70. ej. ft. of nrexlnd nrrn for the f irst (ilttcls, 011 ice hl stores, 11 RI. ft rut 50.1401'! sq. ft. for cOurcl'es, o wn ls i slsit.:ls rtmiinder in excess of 1(1),OGO sq. ft. irelustri:,l'coiner(' ill bld,tts.) in addition, 55.(10 for earn ds.ellla4 unit ('cmhined therewith, with a minirtnn, fee of $75.(7) ar.1 e rnxirrxcn foe of $77) U) D. Alter.v i•t,, rei,li exist ins: side some I?. :lddit irr1,11 '1fret 1 r, 01111.1 1 frets, I) Al'ltt 11 I, lnstal101ittl I:1 catch htsir er similar nvolrepl ns 515.111 ter 'omit PLUMBING imh L r o SIZE (,F PI IL N•.mrher of fixtures bas termit fee ';3.01 )lus '2,00 cr ('crone In c e Vlerstinn o! greeting of this permit, tr 1. further .greed by the applicant that the City of Fort t^trle, and n f or 0 ,t, ntt a enplore...hnll be harmless by the •ppl!- frm 1,e..11!, e, pr.nt'domain l!tr for ant .rrldent. Ions or domain to !tenons or pro- perty. he ;n••■nt >r n n t err the p It of an work undertaken under the terns -f this n, y the r /o�n`.� h may he granted in r ee thereto, and n. that all of s lty�n', lt les ,r J•><?r /e aedDh appl,cant. V 4a i l (114 A2 r s /IC) 67 '1 24 Hi R INIMUM NOTICE i ..r'rl X. REQUIRED PRIOR TO u.I10 iL- j- SERVICE OR INSPECTION Finance 1 ,st of r pili (from work order... t"; I lsork Urd r._0 feti. -111Mk, le p03) t ed 5 O' gel and .mont 'Hi perms t t ee 5 /,.,5 1 1 nt VI. I? j _,e,S 1.1 i' ):11 :um'urt du, Ci v C R,•, r I I N.)') i' 1 i,l Sum ns initial counrrlinns 0130r 1111.1CANT''0 (''(1)'y here),•; mnkes npplicat(1 fur the err!lowin4: "4,00 111,1)1) 'trout 0)0)0I .s> 0 Permit total Rest °rat ion tot 1l UD TOTAL. S S._) Race i pt `t. [S Telephone 0 ame€ CITY OE ps <Ai GELES FJBLlC VORk B UILDING D VISiO P,ERMI APP�ICATIQ 1: Own 2 :Contractor 3 Architect /Engr Solar. Panels,° Other Receipt F Mecha=nical.Contractorg, No ;'Type of.Equiprneht Elec`Filrnance „xff H eat ;Pu Wood stove4 OWE urnerie" Kitchen "Hood Sub Total 0 permit Fee Tnta 3; of /11172/81 M Ffo'or Dra(n`1 Flood. Sinkyx Clothes' Washer. Urinal4« ?u Water;Heater Drinking 'FotintalrfT, LaWn.Sprinkler Vacuum' Breaker'On b Bathtub.:,.>�` Shower Kitchen Sink_rr4 DisPO`seerg,7 Feet/ 6:.T e of Permit altfation .:Permit Fee Legal'Dsc'r'ptlon Subdiv� !4 Q.' ;ALand Ust3`Zone; Sign:Type ;Y 1116 min ation 70verali Height Sign.Width n adq.COn APPIICAfIO TED BY Piari Check Fee Investigation Fee'* O the r_ ::Total Lot °Covere Sign °Coritra:.tor- ��a��� ccupancyGroup 1 Occupant. Load. No f StorleyJ r F; Type of,Cor stetiotion Addition d V =.Dater °BIOC receipt CI-Alter tior eceipt t is Q NOTICE 3 A Separate- 'ermlt id required 1'or electricei F p ATMs pe.mit becomes WI and Sold 11 work Or construtlipfi authorizid.l not commenced within 180 daye t r It construction or work Is suspend”, or attandoned Inr it oerlod of 180 aeys st In) time w Idler orkWcommont,ed. hereby �ert(ty That t hive read and examined this pt idhlidn a' d k thi aamd b `UWe and tiiiiel A!(pthiIetons of laws and Ordinances po erninQ thli type tlrworkwlU bed Onir lied with wheliger specified bereln or ndt The printing et a per ntdoes not preslme; `$tre"tii Ittr ig;34iiati i? an the 157orlsronb other alt a I �a r 'lspule�lfn tnrctrort of th perf rma a ofa OnstKit'iion "ry w ,t o y e kilo. Xetr zed Agbnh 0 Plumbing Contractor Water,C,to3et Lavato Other. e Perriit Move!' 'Demgli #lo Total c Aec'e(pt ,'Receipt 1a R- ;Total Site Address: 1 i 6 e 13-7' READY FOR WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: It' f License Number: Phone: Owner/Business: 4 i r N J b F Q Phone: Owner /Business Address: Sq. Ft. Site Address: ism 0 Permit /Receipt No. If Installer: j it Nq t[ t i l r L tu-bt4 C_ New Meters -0•-- Date: I --Z 6 43 OLYMPIC PRINTERS. INC. Residential Heat KW Baseboard Furnace /Boiler O Heatpump Other T Commercialilndustrial load Total Connected load (attach breakdown) Total Motor load (attach breakdown) W.S. No Service Capacity: O.K. Not O.K. service At t --t nag O.K. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO /f8 DATE New Construction i► Overhead O Remodel nderground Service update /alter /repair Volt ge Add /alter circuits O Auxiliary power (list below) Special equipment (list below) Details/Description' DI- MC (Ai +v S IA/ s7 KL L t (-)14-7S 0 t) kin¢. 0 Service 0 Tempo ry T o Lib 2 2. S 16 N 7 P (-6)( '1n q hVA e juA Size Date Hold for: Easement Letter Comments Signed up for service /meter Meter Department notified for installation O Fire Department notified of inspection Plan Review approved /pending Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 158 or EXT. 224. NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT /61 !Lfl Inspector Y Am mo ou nt paid WHITE file by address YELLOW file by number PINK Top: Eng, Bottom: Customer GREEN Top: Inspector, Bottom: City Hall MEMORANDUM May 29, 198? TO: Paul D. Carr, Planning Director BUM:NG ENGr:EER!NG FROM: Otto J. Miller, Assistant Planner F,LE SUBJ: CBD Sign Code Interpretation for Country Aire Food Store PJM:sr cc: Kirk Johnston As of May 28, 1987, the sign for the Country Aire Food Store [which is painted on the western wall of the three -story building, of which the Country Aire occupies the :riddle level] has an area of 156 square feet; consequently, as per the City of Port Angeles CBD Sign Ordinance, page 5, Section 7 (1), "Each individual business with street frontage may have a total sign area... not to exceed 20% of the surface area of the building facade occupied by the business, or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever is less." As the aforementioned western wall sign is located within the building facade area of the business for which it is singularly associated, this building facade sign area, The Country Aire Food Store, may be of an area up to 200 square feet. �'v�� CITY OF POT ANGELES PUBLIC WORK (r BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT APPLICATION 2 Q 0 G Date Received 6 /,2 1f7 Date Issued P7 Name Address Phone Lic. No. 1. Owner 1, 7, f /17 ,Z 2. C.ontractorc q r ____;5 z1lr� c 4y r/ 3. architect /Engr. 4. Class of Work: Cl New t Addition C1 Alteration Repair El Move El Demolition 5. Description of Work: S'tci/../ 6. Type of Permit: i- Building C] Plumbing Contractor 1'-). Fixture Type ee Valuation Water Closet Lavatory Permit Fee Bathtub Plan Check Fee (receipt# Shower Investigat ee Kitchen Sink 0th Disposer tnl Receipt q Floor in I Floor Sink Bulking Sq. Ft. CI es Washer Occupancy Group Z Irinal Occupant Load Water Heater No. )f Stories Drinking Fountain Type of Construction Lawn Sprinkler Occupancy Permit Issued Date: Vacuum Breaker LegE.l Description: Lot 0.0 Block: /6 Solar Panels Subdivision t Cy&y5_1. C. Other Land Use Zone C ri r) Sub Total Lot Area I Permit Fee Lot Coverage Sq. Ft.. eipt Total Sign Contractor Mechanical Contractor Sign Type r wrp k IT No. Type of Equipment ee Illumination Elec. Furnance Overall Height j 2." (z Heat Pump Sign Width 4' Woodstove Sign Height g 4-- 011 Furnace Sq, Ft. 32'• L Kitchen Hoo• CIEerance Other Land Use Zone C p C. 3 D Fee_ _s_ IQ Total 3S i ecelpt ece pt t Total APPEI ;ATION ACCEPfr011Y PL CHFC'EI] IIY l ED FOR ISSUANCE BY Special Conditions: NOTICE A enr arnIR prrrIl Is MrpP•nd Inr ni.. r rnl This 1 ermil becnrnne null and veil it vent' or cunvl!ucllnr aulheHNkl ie not r ommnnced wllhi !;10 daye, or 1 c0ne100;1100 nr work is sulunndnd nr ehendannd for a pennd 01 1H0 days at any lima alley wbrh ,0 commnncnd 1 hehrby c rfify Ihet 1 hevn road and ex rimmed this application and know the Bane to be true :Ind ca yeti. All provisions of taws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compiled with whether specified heroin nr not The granting of a permit done not presume to q ve authority la violate or cancel the provisions el any other stele or 'peal law rer u song conetruc0nn Or Inv neriormrnce ul coy elrucllnn Other Permits: S Other Mgr a n *net I owner Is bultosrl Os). MEMORANDUM January 12, 1987 TO: BUILDING DEPARTMENT FROM: FIRE DEPARTMENT RE: NEW BUSINESS INSPECTION On January 9, 1987, I made a new business inpsection at 117 East 1st. I found the following violations. 1. Fire extinguishers not serviced. 2. Fire extinguishers not mounted. ^xi* sign needed over the west exit door. Tn E'epirtment will make a reinspection of this facility upon your request for occupancy use. Bruce Becker, Fire Marshal BB /cp PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. R 3 1927 Fr, i; Yn:. I CO?vl COr;C. CITYENCin LR BUILDIts:v ENGIN! E'dNG FILE Hand Deliver CITY OF PORT ANGELES 140 WEST FRONT ST., P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 PHONE (206) 457 -0411 January 9, 1987 John or Robin Miletich 117 East 1st Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: Occupancy of Structure at 117 East First St. Dear John or Robin Miletich: Occupancy of the structure at 117 East First Street prior to final inspection and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy is strictly prohibited in accordance with State and City codes and Section 307 of the 1985 Uniform Building Code. Failure to comply with this notice could result in legal action be!ng taken. If you have any questions, please contact me at 457 -0411, Ext. 121 or stop by City Hall. km incerely, Larr J. Rom( Building Offic USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIR 120V 1-D 240V 1 0 OR 30 I FEE l USE OF CIRCU NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIA 120V 1 0 240V 1 0 OR 30 FEE LIGHT SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS OR LESS c S 7 GC i [[[���JJJ 6,0„... CONVENIENCE r MOTOR CONVENIENCE APPLIANCE MOTOR DISHWASHER FIRE ALARMS BURGLAR ALARM DISPOSAL W MISC. RANGE OVEN /17 �v WoA et S =1-t 6/8 WATER HEATER LAUNDRY DRYER REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE M SUB TOTAL FEE FURNACE GAS OIL ENERGY FEE FURNACE ELECTRIC BASIC FEE ELECTRIC HEAT TOTAL FEE ELECTRIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER AMP PHASE A.C. UNIT SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS FEEDER SERVICE A.W.G. TOTAL FEE A 4 A CONT.LIC.NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGALOCCUPANCY N FEE T NUMBER ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Site Address I E is" 4L' I� CORRECT ORE IS RES?"SIBI ITY QF APPLICANT PERMITS WITH.WRONG A DRESSES E CANCE Owner l0 ✓tiTSy E 4 i f 1 5 7 Installation By yE E r LSLQ I Owner's Address c t Installers Address 5 Day Phone 4- 7 4 I- Application is hereby made for Permit to Install Electrical Equipment as follows: Al 01 oP 3 Sfitut LE RE. W t t.. CO U ,J-4 A-u 2e SUB -TOTAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT Installers'Phone SIZE OF GROUND Wiring Method A 9 SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH PERMIT NUMBER I certify that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the Installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date Application made 19 By TV CONTRACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Permission Is hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances 9f, the City of Port Angeles: DIP.E T CITY LIGHT Date Permit Issued r cfr By PLAN VED Mil m when Nntifv 17anartmant of Ci1v I inhf by Straal Grlrlrecc anrd Permit M her hn ree.4„ f.,, I r. IA/ .L DATE OF VISIT MADE BY REMARKS 1 s /f '1 1 ,.Sneke IYr C /464"j s ,rr 7 snC lg y j Co.— 1 1 rr 4! 0A K• Siei� 70 V/ Y 1 6 �o C c Le r 7 I. �p PI I b• I I 7 di;.----- V 4_ fiNM. Coci.i.c.Tna A-$oWC ►.a p c 0 ?hoti.. Cevtt Mf Le r r t. 5 or✓ pk ''Fl.- `CoJ"1xy f f/ �a+ �CI,s. A� nri ct J FtiNr MuTT 13C MkIrn,.LO t• CP i k c M L T C�cr E [tcr. -"rat_ F,w(c 3(," nd l t C CASINCT 'l D ISFL" MiCO f Co4P r f�tM.JWO ki.i.4 .-,AA i tp°• 57 YL" ra �C lc A rt r._. ft /14 L' p1 (D., ?c NEtor7 t1t F17( sso aorCtr r A---r i 1 -1 NE co 0 t4.--e..r. 1 O.K. FOR COVERING IN Q J O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE Q I REPORT OF INSPECTOR tt, .1 4, Y.: ;;;;;:,7-1.:' 1 A 4.... i OF PORtAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC VVOF1KS INSPECTION REPORT ■::11 REQUEST: t Date Time Received by (phone, pe .4, Location of Work to be inspected /1 Name of person requesting inspection t, Address of person requesting inspection Phone No Inspect Type of ion (circle appropriate one): Permit No. ..t. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Exoev. Other INSPECTION NOTE I nspected Date I de Time Br t,mark 411 iiiff/1/ O3 6' a i fi if //I (Continue on reverse side if neaessery)i 4%7 S TREET SUPERINTENDEiVT (DATE) USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIA 120V 1 0 240V 1 0 OR 30 FEE USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIA 120V t 0 240V 1 0 OR 30 FEE LIGHT SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS OR LESS CONVENIENCE MOTOR CONVENIENCE MOTOR APPLIANCE MOTOR DISHWASHER FIRE ALARMS DISPOSAL BURGLAR ALARM RANGE I MISC. OVEN WATER HEATER LAUNDRY DRYER REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE k SUB TOTAL FEE FURNACE GAS OIL ENERGY FEE FURNACE ELECTRIC BASIC FEE ELECTRIC HEAT TOTAL FEE ELECTRIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER AMP PHASE A.C. UNIT SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS FEEDER SERVICE A.W.G. TOTAL FEE O� �V go /4/4 r CONT.LIC.NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY 7 4 FEE RECEIPT NUMBER 1 ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY Site Address i 7 6 E. 1 5 CORRECT ADDRE S IS RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT PERMITS WITH WRONG ADD ESSES ARE CANCELLED Owner Y' �/F^U A^` '7" I nstallation B y H'A £!£4' iC C 71R-tL Owner's Address Installers Address Day Phone Installers Phone Application Is hereby made for Permit to Install Electrical Equipment as follows' M. ul�g >i7�12t.4/ aL/mf,✓'�P1d L AP s Pit £sc Wiring Method Date Application made SUB -TOTAL I certify that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Sy/3 Permission is hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. IRE TO OF PITY LIGHT •,t Date Permit Issued Sid 3 /rd Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. Permits Phone: 457 -0411 Ext. 158. 1 WARNING I OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. CITY OF ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT 7-4 NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH 19 By 7O CONTRACTOR OR OWNER (OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) r By PLAN A PPR ED PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK SEE OVER WHITE Original CANARY Duplicate PINK Triplicate WHITE CARD Inspector's Report A PERMIT NUMBER REPORT OF INSPECTOR GATE OF VISIT MADE BY REMARKS O.K. FOR COVERING cwALn r CITY OF PC ANGELES BUILDING DIVISION a Date Received /Q l PUBLIC WORK''' 1 PERMIT APPLICATION 2 5 O 9 l Date Issued I l o a N Name Address i-: i Alam Phone Iwo z Lic. No. 1. Owner /J J 2. Contractor 3. Architect /Engr. 4. Class of Work: L New E Addition L ?teratio E. Repair a Move a Demolition 5. Description of Work: Jat Q/ 7 ,',02/r7 0 0f/I /J1j f�(�� 17 �o e C 6. Type of Permit: LvBuilding •lumbing Contractor Valuation W No. Fixture Type Fee Water Closet J Lavatory Permit Fee (M Bathtub Plan Check Fee /9 (receipt# Shower Investigation Fee i Kitchen Sink Other i •o Disposer i Total Receipt "i Floor Drain Floor Sink Building Sq. Ft. Clothes Washer Occupancy Group j 3 Urinal Occupant Load Water Heater No. of Stories c.. I Drinking Fountain Type of Construction y -1fi Lawn Sprinkler Occupancy Permit Issued Date: Vacuum Breaker Solar Panels Legal Description: Lot: to lock Subdivision ',427 U Other Land Use Zone Sub Total li/ Lot Area Permit Fee IN Lot Coverage Sq. Ft. Rece pt LOS Total C; Sign Contractor L Mechan o ntractor Sign Type 2 No. Type of Equipment Fee Illumination Elec. Furnance Overall Height Heat Pump Sign Width Woodstove Oil Furnace Sign Height Sq. Ft. Kitchen Hood Clearance Other Land Use Zone Fee Total Receipt Receipt p Total A P��i CCEPTED PY PLA 1 0 B APPROV ,.$UANCE BY S ecial Conditions: p Other Other Permi,s: Sewer R/yy Driveway Other r TICE �r A separate permd rs required Irn rnctocal This permit becomes null and 'old if work or construction authorl:ed It not commenced wrthrn 180 days, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced I hereby Certify that I have read and evammed this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type or work will be complied with whether specdred herein or not The granting or a permit does not presume to give authurity to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulatin. construction or the performance of construction. i dge i er 3/ .t...• are 01 Contractor or Authorized Agent dale) signature of Owner Of owner Is builder) (3r 1.) 457.0411 Ext. 120 I PECTION RECORD PER IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER INSULATE, OR OTHERWISE CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED ACCEPTED. 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED PRIOR TO INSPECTION. POST THIS INSPECTION RECORD IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON JOBSITE AT TIME OF INSPECTIONS. Inspection Accepted Date Inspecfdr Foundation Walls Corrections Rough In Electrical Corrections Framing Corrections Chimney Corrections Mechanical Corrections Final Inspection Corrections Insulation Corrections Electrical Final Corrections FINAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED'PRIOR TO ANY OCCUPANCY USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIR 120V 10 240V 1 0 OR 30 FEE USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIA 120V 10 240V 1 0 OR 30 FEE LIGHT SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS OR LESS CONVENIENCE MOTOR CONVENIENCE MOTOR APPLIANCE MOTOR DISHWASHER FIRE ALARMS DISPOSAL BURGLAR ALARM *VA 6, RANGE MISC. OVEN WATER HEATER LAUNDRY DRYER REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE SUB TOTAL FEE FURNACE GAS OIL ENERGY FEE FURNACE ELECTRIC BASIC FEE ELECTRIC HEAT TOTAL FEE h e./ L5 ELECTRIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER AMP PHASE A.C. UNIT SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS FEEDER SERVICE A.W.G. TOTAL FEE CONT. LIC. NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY FEE RECEIPT NUMBER Site Address C RRECT ADDRESS IS RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT Owner T�44 rL Owner's Address t Z9 13 f� RK Day Phone "t'57 3 P Installers Phone Application is hereby made r Permit to Install Electrical Equipment as follows: I certify that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the Installer an Date Application made.._. LA. `1 Permission is hereby given to do the above described work, according to the condi :re and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the Ity of Port Angeles. DIRECTOR OF CITY LIGHT Date Permit Issued I WARNING M YUPI(:PRINTFRS IN(: ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT SUB -TOTAL CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT By SIZE OF GROUND 1 co ,TOR e WHITE Original CANARY Duplicate PINK Triplicate WHITE CARD Inspector's Report A Installers Address -C)Cc 1 Wiring Method SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH C 9f PERMIT NUMBER 117 11 rt g. •&`7 S TRE: PERM ITS WITH W R ADDRESSES ARE CANCELLED Installation By tG 1) /A)5i -L S -c.G_R /Tye ith the N.E.C.'\ trical Code. A (OR AU r AGENT) PLANS APPROVED Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. Permits Phone: 457.0411 Ext. 158. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK SEE OVER REPORT OF INSPECTOR DATE OF VISIT 7 -'s MADE BY REMARKS O.K. FOR COVERING O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE FINAL O.K. USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIR 120V 1 0 240V 1 0 OR 30 FEE USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIR 120V 1 0 240V 1 0 O 30 FEE LIGHT SIGN LIGHT 50 VOLTS OR LESS CONVENIENCE MOTOR CONVENIENCE MOTOR APPLIANCE MOTOR DISHWASHER FIRE ALARMS y DISPOSAL BURGLAR ALARM RANGE MISC. OVEN WATER HEATER LAUNDRY DRYER REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE H SUB TOTAL FEE FURNACE GAS OIL" ENERGY FEE FURNACE ELECTRIC BASIC FEE ELECTRIC HEAT TOTAL FEE if ELECTRIC HEAT SIZE-OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER AMP PHASE A.C. UNIT SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS FEEDER SERVICE A.W.G. TOTAL FEE ptD CONT.LIC NO. TIME TO COMPLETE NO- STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY as 2v FEE RECEIPT NUMBER ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Site Address F t ;2sr 4 i4 RRE CT A RESPONSIBILITY OF CANT PETS WIT W G ADDRE� ls E S ARE CANCELLE Owner 4h4, /itr``eJ� Installation By e4_�f Owner's Address .s g ib► F ,Itr.•�' /�y Installers Address 1 Day Phone Application is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical Equipment as follows: 14:1 Wiring Method I certify that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the Installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date Application made 9;4 o/ 19 err By CONTRACTOR OR OF/NER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT) Permission Is hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining,thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. t DIRECTOR OF CITY LIGHT Date Permit Issued /8 s f WARNING 111 YMPtC PRINTFRS. INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT Installers Phone 4'( S .7 b R' SUB TOTAL SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH By PLANS APPROVED WHITE Original CANARY Duplicate PINK Triplicate WHITE CARD Inspectors Report A P RMIT NUMBER Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by Inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. Permits Phone: 457.0411 Ext. 158. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK SEE OVER REPORT OF INSPECTOR DATE OF VISIT MADE BY 4- /S.S/S �-�r- fr 4 REMARKS O.K. FOR COVERING 0QS o,/, O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE FINAL O.K. 1.• i is REQUE 45-5- T:: Date CITY OF PORT ANGELE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbin INSPECTION NOTES: Time 8:so J Received by C %riff 1 zed hone No j ZL Permit No. Final S4wer Excay. Other Time 'its B y Inspected: Da e Remarks: _w*'ii,•el►irmit.... ~giwri%muki..mi.►amMO/%toter sS 4f &'/2T //1Y 2V d/Y e fe 144, i tstupozkd o n o f i z z 07121/ 02rdivn a e Y k /o ilal 1 got c7/40 d'y ab bee) RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO .no pa mf r�Jf N` -cigg _LT s SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: Unimproved CI Gravel Repaired by City Repaired by Permittee No Damage Found "e,, (phone /1 9 Asphalt PCC Other Work Order COMPLETE INCOMPLETE person y iContInue on reverse aide if necessa v1r STREET SUPERINTENDENT.* (DATE) b. .1 e frrfN 01 .f f•'. T •f tJf S••••/ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Tet City of Port Angeles Building Section (kip This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: Use Class,: _ation 1 1 Bldg. Permit No. n lam' Croup l� G "c, Ty Construction (honer of Business _41911' �1 //P l "ii "t2 I Address Building Address 1, C Post on the Premises in a Conspicuous Place Shall Not be Removed Except by Building Official VP: .t. ..t Building Official .••w. i4 f •tb* aw L. w.. w. Y�- iw- iiwt- iYi- kl- tr -Ltw /V Use Zone Z F,a�� C�� .a; L�'.a'':v ,�.a '�+,y'zy�s =_:w i ..L6a Zklik 45.'Sw.,�.' .+�•v� "�v 'd4�`�' MEMORANDUM May 31. 1985 PDC:CDVH:LF Please contact me if further questions come up. ar 1�. Bur.cwc> 1 ENG:NEE-ERING fllE TO: Public Works Depart Building Section FROM: Planning Departme RE: Recent Inquiry about Signage at the Greenery Restaurant R &F 198 David Reynolds, owner /manager of the recently constructed Greenery Restaurant behind the Country Aire, has proposed to install two signs on that structure. After discussion with you and Mr. Reynolds, and a site visit, it was determined that he could place the following signs: 1. An informational service sign stating "Restaurant Entrance" on an awning over the entrance to the restaurant, not to exceed six square feet in area. Since the sign does not give the name of the business or products sold on the premises, it is an exempt sign in accordance with Section 5(2) of the Sign Ordinance, No. 2152, as amended. Such a sign need not comply with the 20% or 200 square -foot maximum signage limitation. 2. Although the Greenery Restaurant abuts First Street right -of -way, that contact occurs below street grade and the exterior side of that portion of the structure is not visible from the street or nearby property. Thus it is not a facade and not an area upon which the restaurant can attach a sign. Accordingly, the restaurant would be classified under Section 7, subsection (3) and allowed to erect a wall, marquee, pedestrian and /or projecting sign, provided that their sign and all other non exempt signs combined comply with the 20 %/200 square feet requirement. The reataurant's sign could be placed anywhere on the building facade. Additionally, Section 7(3) permits one additional sign not exceed six square feet, listing all businesses sharing a common facade, with at least one business not having street frontage. .;L alit 7? JUE DATE: .0ERED BY:, TI!! PROPIRTY OF CRLATI's L ART ELNTI:ArItISES L"v ESTIMATED PRICE: ,f) SLACK- LVRtk& CQ NOR'? t1Ct Pcc() GeZeZ-N tuoaq ce■ee5 c.DaRez,FONP TO PAI Nie: oN) M.D.o..PLLNJ000, F,oceD 16— X 2Y SOLI WCOP FRAN\ 5 ALL kz.00ls t4A1uPP TON5 (PLUS TAX) DEPOSIT:41 PRICE INCLUDES: MATERIALS :t•,LABOR 'DELIVER' INS FAL L AT I ON TERMS: BALANCE DUE UPON COMPLETION. APPROVED: DATE: NANIE 117-,71-AUCAfJT ACDP7Br-:: PHONE ORDERED EY:17L DUE DATE DATE: 7( t''•/"/// LeTTCCIVr C ouT cr\J CCL-C r; hJ cr Aut. A.7acvn,D 5I( Ecr m:77c. FIA'uoccc) c .4 1 '7 r --55-•- EST: TED PP (PLUS TAX) MA■C,E 4 7 7 CEer_ PRICE INCLLJOE'r-- 2 L.L\BOR r7, DELIVERY _j LliNsTaLLA TEEPNAE.: BALANCE CUE UPON COMPLETION. TinS r7.0PEr,n' OF C;tCA11% ENTL:',1.1.1SES pOIT ti� O CF Hand Deliver Dear Mr. Reynolds: Stnte of Count of Clal!am '.ir. David Reynolds Owner /Mana Greenery Restaurant 117 East 1st Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Re: Required Second Exit cc: Jack i'ittis, Director of Public Works L.-Craig Knutson, City Attorney Gary Braun, Fire Marshal **-x **x *-ii-;4-i(3F Sign- and ,:worn to before me on Se?tenli "Anorerransamerstrrumummuisserarrammalummontiesrueorwiwram CITY OF PORT ANGELES ST .1' BOX 11'4) -)P" -:.ti ASiINCTTON933 iotiE !zti„ r., It has been brought to the attention of the Building Section of the Public Works Department that the equired second exit from your restaurant has been blocked off and emergency egress is no longer possible. You have been notified of the requirement to keep this exit clear and accessible for emergenk y egress by myself, Building Inspector Kirk `•)hnson, and Fire Marshal Gary Braun. You arc, therefore, squired to remove all obstacles from the aisleways to the rear stairway, all obstacles on the stairways and landing, and through the Country Aire Store to the outside. An inspection will be made on September 19, 1985, and if you have not accomplished this requirement, you will be cited for a misdemeanor. If you have any questions, contact me at City Hall or call 457 -0411, Ext. 121. Sinter ely, i t ..,rte -t/ Larry 1. Roinic Building Official Of I did hand- deliver the original of this letter to Mrs. Reynolds on September 17, approxytnatel 4:39 p.m. ice Engineer September 17, 1985 My appointment expires 6/1/86. r,nnli r\ is i 7 7 6*Iii ,c) /A2 t2if/ -7 Sti,Y 4 77i, 2 t 7%) (7/.36V e 4 k (=if 61 Meter No n Order Completed: Date I rn 0 t-! z "0 "roc 0r X F) z 0> zn m Z m zt 0 r 0 0 0 0 z ri 0 5 LI z 0 Reading By It r z z o USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIR 120V 1 0 240V 1 0 O 3 0 FEE USE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER CIRCUITS AMP PER CIR 120V 1 0 240V 1 0 O 3 0 FEE LIGHT /7 `M de_ %us SIGN o MR-M e R c A 1— NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY LIGHT a 50 VOLTS OR LESS CONVENIENCE MOTOR CONVENIENCE MOTOR APPLIANCE MOTOR DISHWASHER FIRE ALARMS DISPOSAL BURGLAR ALARM RANGE MISC. OVEN 1 WATER HEATER LAUNDRY REINSTALLATION LIGHT FIXTURE 11 DRYER SUB TOTAL FEE FURNACE GAS OIL ENERGY FEE FURNACE ELECTRIC BASIC FEE 7a� l OC, ELECTRIC HEAT TOTAL FEE -4-374:4 ELECTRIC HEAT SIZE OF SERVICE SWITCH OR CIRCUIT BREAKER 624 AMP 1 PHASE A.C. UNIT SIZE OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS FEEDER l. SERVICE 4 1/o y. Ak A A.W.G. TOTAL FEE /7 `M de_ %us o MR-M e R c A 1— 'FONT. L1C. NO. r TIMETO COMPLETE t NO. STORIES LEGAL OCCUPANCY .w. t a FEE RECEIPT NUMBER ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY NO OCCUPANCY OR.USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Site Address r S I y IjOR ECT A DR S IS'RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANT PERMITS WITH WRONG A RESSES ARE CANCELLED Owner %,3 oil I V I TIP, Installation By e-1 ea L% /P-Ct` Owner's Address Installers Address 5 ES �S Day Phone' Lj 7 fhjf s. Inttallers Phone L isp( C Application is hereby made for Permit to install Electrical'Equipment as follows: 'a 4 j+ Mt" LTe 7c,-MF /con Mr segi e 7 /fir'. is. /111 (w 5 ,W,r nce 0 Op Wiring Method SUB TOTAL SIZE OF GROUND SIZE OF ENTRANCE SWITCH I certify that the work to be performed under this permit will be done by the installer and in conformance with the N.E.C. Electrical Code. Date Permit Issued I WARNING OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF LIGHT APPLICATION AND ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date Application made Permission is hereby given to do the above described work, according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. ,19 B 2 Y tt CONTRACTOR OR OWNeR IOR AUTHORIZED AGENT) By PLANS APPROVED D IRECTOR OF CITY LIGHT ..0 ti Notify Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or current turned on before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by inspector in Writing on Permit Placard. A. Permits Phone: 457 -0411 Ext. 158. PERMIT PLACARD MUST BE KEPT POSTED ON THE WORK SEE OVER WHITE Original CANARY. Duplicate PINK Triplicate WHITE CARD Inspector's Report 4 A 000124 PERMIT NUMBER p Qd DATE OF VISIT MADE BY REMARKS file re4 le °S7Fs T Co�NrRY r'IC'e i se /re r( &51c 7 AC S5' 5 0 s -C.8) re g- SruRAAl r C T' r- rs OI_f ,7 e_ G/ f iz nfsTAI its. A 64r44., o S `h t Af. 4 r sox- Amp. O. i, L L 441-6 GOa sue- L s t t41 L4`- ,it-f AIL o re/v /IoLC s. f `(S' ts Off C cMe ent 41 ')d -D 5 1 ci( Cc/1 fRo, r L is o af cam_ -7 Al 0-)o pN Fircwr 1 1; 4- A7- l(j Ife`i O.K. FOR COVERING go i s /1/8 7- /*c l u A k /'TG x 2- N q i- -S 2 •1":" l Ill O.K. TO CONNECT SERVICE f /S- 'S FINAL O.K. 4 1 REPORT OF INSPECTOR N_ 17891 ELECTRICAL PERMIT r r Port Angeles, Washington. 19 3 In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation, extension, or repair of elec- trical equipment in, on, or about any building or other structure in the City of Port Angeles, per- mission is hereb granted to do electrical work as listed below. Address F V Occupancy CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT Remarks: Owner Wiring Contractor 67 -1 r 1 ma=r% J Light Outlets Receptacle Outlets. Dryer. KW Range, KW Water Heater: KW Heat: KW Motors: size, volts and phase: Total Load 1M Olympic Printers, Inc. Tenant I el S r By Service, volts ,v 0� -7 No. wires Size wires.. Main fuse Al Enclosure Type of wiring: Entrance Cable Rigid Conduit Metallic Tubing Current transformers: No. Size Ser. No Ser. No. Ser. No Ser. No. ELECTRICAL PERMIT Type of Wiring: Armored Cable Non Metallic Knob Tube Rigid Conduit Metallic Tubing Raceway Circuits, Light Utility Heat Range Water Heater Motor Dryer Furnace Total Permit Fee Treas. Receipt No By t j• r� NOTICE— Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. If work Is to be con- cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION N_ 17891 Address Date.. Owner Tenant Wiring Contractor By NOTICE Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. If work is to be con- cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. Owens Unger 117; East First Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 Dear Sir: As you are probably aware, the Port Angeles Planning Commission and the Downto• Business Association. have been working on a sign ordinance for the Central BusinesE. District over the past several years. After the original dra t of this ordinance was approved, a photographic field inven- tory was made and evaluated. This led to revisions in the original ordinance ani re- evaluation of the original inventory. Now, as a result of `.his re- evaluation, letters are being mailed to businesses in the Central Business Pistrict to inform them of the status of their signs. Should you have any questions in relation to your particular evaluation, we wou_'_ be pleased to discuss it with you. I would recommend you come to the office than telephone, since most of the questions, I anticipate. would require examinati-n of the photographs, evaluation sheets and ordinance. According to Section 9 of the ordinance, those signs classified as "non- conform.ir.: must be brought into compliance or removed by January 1, 1997. Those signs in t=_ "prohibited" category must be removed within 30 days of receipt. of this notice. There are possible exceptions to the above, under certain circumstances, but then_ would have to be determined on a case -by -case basis. G son ob-rt P. 1LT Chief Building Of g icial. RPW:cc Lity of Port Allijeles 140 WEST FRONT ST. P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 983c: January 25, 1982 J. J. Kaufman Following is the suwmary of signs associated with your place of business: Projecting sign non conforming Nat'1.Bank of Wa.Trust Pe P.O. Box 1997 Tacoma, Wa. 98401 insufficient clearance Dear Sir: Bryn Cougheiour. 117 East First Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 City of Port Aiireles 140 WEST FRONT ST. P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 January 25, 1982 J. J. Kaufman Nat'l Bank of Washington Trust Dept. P.O. Box 1997 Tarnma Wa. ()RAM As you are probably aware, the Port Angeles Planning Commission and the Downtown Business Association have been working on a sign ordinance for the Central Business District over the past several years. After thn original draft of this ordinance was approved, a photographic field inven- tory was made and evaluated. This led to revisions in the original ordinance and a re- evaluation of the original inventory. Now, as a result of this re- evaluation, letters are being mailed to businesses in the Central Business District to inform them of the status of their signs. Should you have any questions in relation to your particular evaluation, we would be pleased to discuss it wi,h you. I would recommend you come co the office rather than telephone, since most of the questions, I anticipate. would require examination of the photographs, evaluation sheets and ordinance. According to Section 9 of the ordinance, those signs classified as "non conforming" must be brought into compliance or removed by January 1, 1987. Those signs in the "prohibited" category must be removed within 30 days of receipt of this notice. There are possible exceptions to the above, under certain circumstances, but these would have to be determined on a case by case basis. ;Q Robert P. Willson Chief Building 0 ficial RPW:cc Following is the summary of sign ,issuci,ate.d with your place of business: Projecting sign Conforming A 1, 4� Brent Normoyle 117'•1 East First Port Angeles, Wa. 98362 Dear Sir: January 25, 1982 City of Port Amp les 140 WEST FRONT ST. P O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 J. J. Kaufman Nat'1.hank of Wa.Trust Dept. P.O. Box 1997 Tacoma, wa. 98401 As you are probably aware, the Port Angeles Planning Commission and the Downtown Business Association have been working on a sign ordinance for the Central Business District over the past several years. After the original draft of this ordinance was approved, a photographic field inven- tory was made and evaluated. This led to revisions in the original ordinance and a re- evaluation of the original inventory. Now, as a result of this re- evaluation, letter e being mailed to businesses in the Central Business District to inform them status of their signs. Should you have any questions in relation to your particular evaluation, we would be pleased to discuss it with you. I would recommend you come to the office rather than telephone, since most of the questions, I anticipate, mould require examination of the photographs, evaluation sheets and ordinance. According to Section 9 of the ordinance, those signs classified as "non- conforming" must be brought into compliance or removed by January 1, 1987. Those signs in the "prohibited" category must be removed within 30 days of receipt of this notice. There are possible exceptions to the above, under certain circumstances, but these would have tc be determined on a case -by -case basis. Robert P. Willson Chief Building 0 ficial RPW:cc Following is the summary of signs associated with your place of business' Pro,jrcting sign non- conforming insufficicnt clearance ok. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: Date h Location of Work to be inspected I Name of person requesting inspection 1< Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. 4245 Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 7// Remarks: (Continue on reverse side If necessary) 0 Time V Received by (phone, per /1 E Time 3 By k.J Td/K( /?Y2/ f�?��}- 2 r�� /2?/? /J y �%/i 77 t 7/0 -2 01/i RESTORATION REQUIRED YES NO Permit No. SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: Unimproved Gravel Asphalt PCC Other [j Repaired by City Work Order Repaired by Permittee COMPLETE No Damage Found INCOMPLETE STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) n) Sg TOTAL HOURS Of OUART STOCK N o. A/C DIST SIZE No REVIEWED DIVISION HEAD DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL CHARGE TO ADDRESS DESCRIPTION/ r 0 COST LABOR COOIPMENT MATERIALS TAX SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS labor DATE EMPLOYEE C-4 ANALYSIS At et s> CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORK ORDER REPORT r7 c r A./' <5'4 1/1 L SEQUENCE NO. STREET 4000 WATER 7000 WORK ORDER NO E R—L/ A j 1 ACCOUNT NO. DIVISION PERMIT NO. PREPARED BY J Li,DATEI LOCATION: C eu 12 4 9::y f HOURLY RAT( OR AMOUNT UNIT P RICE z I- w F- 0 I— 0 C J z 0 r- 2 0 L. C REQUEST: Date CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Time Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. '757 5T/ Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date i Time (3 Remarks: h 1 /1: J1. 1 k /rte u RESTORATION REQUIRED SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: Unimproved ❑Gravel Repaired by City Repaired by Permittee No Damage Found if? Received by YES NO By 1TJ, (phone, per Asphalt PCC Other Work Order rj COMPLETE L�] INCOMPLETE n) Slesememmeesseoneamememmene •■■•••■••■■•••••■=0.111...■■■■• 11.■•■•■••• 7 SEWER APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Pi:--,H N 112S JOB P,I)lkin;:s;; i 1, SUBDIVISION (Print N.:1tro,?. tt ne:tor; 'oil I PII)' l IT RF,SIT)RAT I()N 0","AL I Vt.{ HI 50. (X) P;:l.Ork 0 ,0.0» 180.(P() o fl.•■■■ -o- 5)). (PT t L 1;'; :2" 117th rn,ottf inns 515.) 1 1161 5lzki 2) PJPL PLUMBING L. It If ,her ht the erpltreot the eheli htlele‘e ht the ...pen- .11 et. 01, “ele.r ■he te eh...t. en. he grte te•p,te 1:•,,111 I ,t 11 1;,;; —0— 50.011 11 S trt unit i012 11 I cot 't <tddit unit 1 II If prrenl irmi Fr he I 111),(1)) it .1(1+1 $().(t125 I). Int tIrviin:Inr 1(1),111) sq. It. In add!! inn, tnr each c5..1211in14 unit (;11 tkutr with a ilininalin fen n! p nrixinum ftto of S7 Li) tt2.(n I T .111' I t;. I PlOY pink hereby makes an] IIII■NINIEMIMINCOOMMONINIMMII! Pint ri RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION tr, roaTiwsy (If witt;in tit over 12,00C, complete items 3, 4 E,)(1.`• U 1)1. 1,,,Ti lc ,....,,,,r,,,,. 1.,,,,,:,.1, 1:hr;,fk-Th r (OP. I,IC!0,11C.,0 per incident, 5,002 propert,„; 0, ter:;, 55 per incirlent, 1100.0U0 P00U-Fit t.c traffic Prof unlec:s; approved try tko Lit ,...jet of Ehief ir rjer,,,,,rtr,onr, 'crr tived to Proc rotc t ef Fire tk :vice 0 ton 0 Repair 0 I nspec P ne fl ,faLl: D Repair P I tispe(: i1111 ,1 10i110 0 P;?;,,Iir 1 t P:tedit: 0 ()titer Ite-t)1te ,P •i;111 0 !;;.1,1ir 0 Inspnct inn 000 Oct j to provisions re:Tilted Sy Cludinlo 2P0.5 thp Municipal Code or other City of Pc-t ntr f Itrjr Fermim t it Ri;ni .11 Hp, Receipt Tel opimne 24 HOUR MINIMUM NOTICE I 1 h• REQUIRED PRIOR TO 1,1 I 7 SERVICE OR INSPECTION k •11 5 K.* l f II I 1 ;1 t 6 7? .7 I r ;pi,. 4 /7, /7, e -•;-•(-c• ?Z. 0-7 s r--- .•••J i „„:„„;,1 ri X- 1 reiii(),ITL.Drfb isT -.I 1 10. 0.. 10 1 i 1 1 I •?...i i 1 C;; LtiViNILii 1 0 BUIL NO ENGIN EE R'NG //7 1 /12-. cA 7 4- 6 -724.1• 4 •10-4.-..a ‘7' .1 -4, e-• .,•,.4". /-1:-...-"". f', ot -4' L -.-C i j 4. -C. ---1 i G .7. .....).,.....„7,,,, 6":" 1 ......4-2 7.,.... 4-- c -.1 c 4,.. „...a le v•7f-.9 i ,f 7 RABDUI:1 June 19, 1985 K 1 L I Attachment TO: Andy Rose, City Engineer I'ROM: Ken Rigout, Office Engineer BE: Service Replacement, 117 East First Street The Building Section of the Engineering Division has reviewed the memo from Jim Anderson, Water /Sewer Superintendent, dated June 12, 1985, and has some concerns that the proposed 3/4" meter will not meet the 1982 Plumbing Code. According to the plans submitted to the Building Section, the building has the following plumbing fixtures: A. Seater closets 7 at 5 units each, equals 35 units. B. Lavatories 8 at 2 units each, equals 16 units. C. Dishwasher 1 at 4 units, equals 4 units. U. Three-combination sink 1 at 4 units, equals 4 units. Total units 59 The 1982 Uniform Plumbing Code allows 22 units maximum on a 3/4" service with 100 feet to the furthest fixture. The 59 total units is 2.7 times the allowable amount. A I" service with 1" branch allows for 48 units, which the Building Section feels should be installed and should be close enough to meet the requirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Attached is a cor-v ci the UPC water system sizing calculator showin.g our area of con ;ern. (-7"///' —j (`1t /c i(fy 7 ZACo� /D J /5 /ff ft //t; i)i f17tD i16 //J J 7A -LJ /J /tlil_ %t h? <.)L) //J 3/ ail) /c>; S ��2V1 /fU i'C /l t- 60/L6/ kb A 7 /i r ,ca/ A/ illt jI c //CL JL L,71 i J L,c?V /1/- t .c: tz4) J Ct_.;X i3,' [5iJ 12 L c c.7 UJ L (I el= C- (ALT)) l i�; N 61'1' ((i t)/ L 'J i L 4(A;U7t_j) Sc,UtD Ls A tiL %Liz Jado' ti 7 /1L iii girt j key ct: (UM L'11 ItiuD rn47 1c: 'c4'(21 )'7Li) A.t)i a I "51---l-ut( t)vF 7/(• Mrs 171c7 l/M7" f-(t Az-3E6 F A I" cc. S t "t( iF /10/7inU7,1 /0(/' .17 //71/i J.\:k m MEMORANDUM ):ATE: June 12, 1985 [O: Andy Rose, City Engineer FROM: Jim Anderson, Water/Sewer Supt. SUBJECT: Service Replacement, 117 E. 1st The Building Section has requested this 3/4" service be removed and a I" service be installed due to expansion of building facilities. Approximately six years ago, this service was renewed at the same time the fire service was put in. I have investigated other alternatives to upgrade this service because of the problems it would cause: a large planter would have to be moved, a parking meter, and a urge section of sidewalk. We are looking at one day to install a new service and one day to restore concrete. That i, two days' disruption of service to this building. I have checked the plumbing in the building. It has been renewed. I have spoken with the owner and he has informed me that they are not having any volume problems at this time. It is my opinion that we could change the meter size from 5/8 to 3/4. This would give an additional 10 gpm, serve the needs of the building, and save a very costly restoration. It is our opinion that this new meter will solve the immediate problem at minimal cost and disruption. If additional plumbing units are added to this building in the future, at tha time we could look at enlarging the service. 1 Co, th1 7 2 Plant J 2fl ;f ,ed 7' v(;/- m ?li,r*n. /X/ j Ui�1 �r (.:19:4j 7 CS xi") n 35 o? f /1/5. 8 e t2)ij ea l d/tj lcyvon1 covP. Jrr I 7)C /9 //2!& 7 P /robe Cod albie 22 xi i /rte. Q 3 z rs WYe ern /0) l 7 Z. 7 140 albrfo e (1/721 e 0')20 amaze A i ''J -il/ii e 14/it/ "bary/9 0// J 98 02/fJ w /zeJ2 at- d f J ,s-,m rnJtkl,ed file (cbo ery n TA X TOTAL C COST ANALYSIS labor EVPLO'r FE materials 4 u LY AD:DR:CS DESCRIPTION SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ••■••IMI CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORK ORDER REPORT (TI," 7-.7 DIVISION 1 1 1 1 I -1 1 I CERTIFIED COMPLETE_ !VISION HEAD DEPOSI I PAID AMT. S Ll BALANCE DUE X REFUND DUE LOCATION: //76 /f REVIEWED 1r`lORK ORDER NO PER7,11T NO //2 C ACCOUNT NO. DATE .2 2 s CITY ENGINEER z cc w I— D 0 H (i) 0 U m 0 0 a uI1 F1s0do1d 0 z 0 co z 0 A en O z N D<7 3: me m m m 0 I SI T Property Llne S 0 0 m y 0 2 m m 1 .0 N 3 0 O 10311HOHV c.. 0 1 N 0 3 cn z rn m d 1' S H.OL3VH1NO3 EON/MO 3311M13d T 0 N z m m 0 s. 0 CP a J T 1( z 1 z 0 O z m x 0) In I C�D CD V m ti 0 D q n Bo o D D m .Z) m 0 m DD o z m 0O� cc L LJ Z 0 G7 I g o 't Y m Oi O m DJ D3 z -1 m m—�I P m O cn O z n C 0 13 Z Z 0 0 m 3 0 N JST ANALYSIS SEQUENCE NO. CITY OF PORT ANGELES STREET 4000 PUB:. IC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATER 7000 WORK ORDER REPORT WORK ORDER NO r BOR EQUIPMENT 9ATERIALS TAX Q a C -J a t/ ACCOUNT NO. TOTAL DIVISION PERMIT L CH CARGE TO S! "7 R 1 f= J NO. 7 PREPARED BY ,1 '2-N %7 '"7 U 1,-/ ",,DR �i_ 7 /llf 7 -u `IDATEI ESS DESCRIPTION/ 7`0 c'" vJ 4 -2 LOCATION 4 u IL tR. y /9/ t SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 5 i�'tiC G (1 S 1 /0/ruJ S'-e);\1/it, -Q^ labor DATE EMPLOYEE TOT•L H ouRs or QUART, SIZE No. STOCK No HOURLY RAT[ OR UNIT PRICE a ,94 AMOUNT A/C DIS1 -rn 1 ki.ov ,PJ a �Pi Y tic f), r? 1 7d Jf e rn r rr /P/ g11 ,Z216 S -1 ,2ff7 g__ (7/1/ /a- 22, X77/ �l" a ________r_F equipment __.GEa(R:PT9'1 i .—......W_ 1 7 /o 71 a n,d/171...... .7 1 z1/ i :ZS T Y.; !7_� �n L /F, r d ll o 2 J��s /o,ud �v Uv 1, U RENTAL r SLEIPT 19 materials M-t L� /Y z,e 7 /J-/ 1 yr &J ,'5U 1 1 1 __4_0_17..P. A c, 77 t,t .A s�i Go i c, El v ti-- _daJv! h f o JDd9 U C 1. ,Yd 1.. I CE9TIFICD COMPLETE REVIEWED J DIVISION HEAD DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Nir. David IZeytio1(1 i Owneri\lanager Greenery Restaurant 117 1':t kt Street Port Angeles, ‘Va$111ngton W.3362 iv 61 I V% 4(1 .A".! 41 V.:00 it'.61W4>P4.1*4 111070 ■;.4.1 i Re: Required Seeond Exit Dear Mr. Reynolds: It has been brought to the attention of the Building Section of the Public %Yorks Department that the required v‘cond exit from your restaurant has been b■ocked Off and ernergency k no 10n4 )td. YOU ilitVe been notified of the requirement to keep this eKit clear nnd aect,ysible for emergency egresti by myself, Building inspector Kirk johns;m, and Fire Marshal Gary Braun. You are, therefoN.!, required to remove all obstacles from the ni5leways to the rear stairway, alt oblta on the stairway and landing, and through the Country Aire Str,e to the ou! Sin`.erelY, Lnry 1. Oohs, An iw:pection will be made on September 19, 1985, and if you have not accomn!I4ted requiement, you 'A III be ci ted for a inl If you have nny qUoq!ior, ont nio C11. y IIaI or call 457-0111, Ext. 121. irr;titIING n�. REQUEST Date 7 Location of Work to be inspected 1)7 7001-77/0/ f /if/ Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No Permit No Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other Foundation g g9- 9"W k ?i i.► /0 U� Time W By: ^t/- AGO YES NO Type of Ins Sewe INSPECTION NOTE Inspected: Date Remarks: CITY OF PORT ANGELE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT (circle appropriate one): RESTORATION REQUIRED SURFACE RESTORATION SURFACE TYPE: Unimproved El Gravel Repaired by City Repaired by Permittee No Damage Found Continue on reverse side if necessary Time /0/5 Received by (phon Other Port Angeles Fire Department 102 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 MEMORANDUM November 30, 1984 TO: KIRK JOHNSON. BUILDING SECTION FROM: GARY BRAUN, FIRE MARSAHL, `J RE: BUILDING ADDITION 117 East First Street John Miletich Kir We have reviewed the plans for the proposed addition and have the following comments. An approved hood and duct system roust be installed as per NFPA #96. 2. Also an approved automatic :ire extinguishing system must be installed where crease -laden vapors emanate in normal cooking process, installed as per the Uniform Fire Code and NFPA #96. The extinguishing system used for protection of commercial type cooking equipment shale be installer: so that the entire cooking surface including deep fat fryers, griddles, upright broilers, charbroilers, range tope ana cri.lis. protrct<d. Protection shah also be provided for the en( .osd plenum space within the hood above filters and exhaust ducts serving the hood. Plans must be first s °ubrr,itttd to the Washington Survey and Rating Burea: and to the Fort Angeles "girt DLpartment fo: final approval prior to in- stallation. 3. install in the kitchen one 40 BC dry Chemical fire extinguisher as pe r NFPA 410. 4. install tire extinguishers (except in the kitchen) with a 2AIOBC rating dry chemical with 75 feet travel distance or 3,000 square fret as per the NFr'A 410. 5. An approved rire alarm :system with automatic aetection is required and further required `c be connected to an approved fire alarm center as per City Fire Alarm Ordinance #2301. GB/c,: P /y2 PLANS 3 It?, r� Date kc ric+'�_! Date Checked j'r' Legal Descrim Zoning (City Ord.) Occupancy Group Chp. 5 -12) No. of units (Tbl. 5 -A, Percentage of Lot Coverage Sq. Feet Additional Filing Requirements (a) Variance (h) Conditional Use Permit (c) Environmental Impact (d) Shoreline Management (e) Air Pollution PLANNING DEPARTMENT COL`iENTS: Floor Area No. of Floors (ib1. 5 -D) Height (Tbl. 5 -D, Zoning Ord.) Exits (Chp. 33) 12. Doors (Hardware, Signs) Windows (120'+, 05 Sec.) Stairways (Cbp. 33' 14. Fire Resistive Separations (Tbl. 5 -B, Chp. 43) fir 15. Sanitation Restroom Requirements C4 No. Plumbing Layout of Fixtures C; Bnckflow Preventer c u'C, 2 /C S A'S, 61 f17t PHONE JG/3 D r_10 1'A Garages /Carports attached /detached Occuparlt Load (TbI_ 33 -A) W SITE 3 Permit Number T Type of Construction (Chp. 17-22) 7 J1 ?1,�1n' 9. 5. Location of Property (J{�l,l?� o t5k2' CJ k. (Tbl. 5 -A, Zoning Ord tC 1\1(3 I1C12r Valuation' G Fee Street Address Light Ventilation (05 Sec., Chp. 5 -12) Heating System Fire Dampers (UMC 1006, 2004(C)) Ventilation (j) Headers HEC 5 0 24. Special Hazards (a) Side Hazard (b) Flood Plain (c) Soils Construction Foundation Roof Laundry Kitchen 20. Underfloor Access (2516 (C)2) 21. Attic Access (3205 (A)) 22. Roof Access (3306 (0)) 23. Other Hazards (Vertical Openings, Shafts, Stair- ways, Decks, etc.) (d) Other (Tbl. 5 -C) f'!rL' t /j) :Y li.'lt(/(7 5. Footings f 2 `t Reinforcement (b) Walls 0 Reinforcement /J ✓2l Masonry 07.. f;6I JA Reinforcement (d) Pads (e) Beams Floor, C'9 "d/ E T ,047 Roof i..77 i2 "/t" 'AGO (f)' Flo6i' Joists 1st Floo j,�jo 2nd Floor2 Y k�l'F 1 (g) Ceiling Joists (h) Rafters l /r ;i SI }h? (i) Trusses Studs (1) Walls Sheathing Ext. Siding (m) Roof Sheathing.`;:;` vReof Rating (n) Interior Finish Q i '3 Restroom b'�'Q1.';;�C f Corridors, Stairways 1.AN SITE CHECKLIST (Cont.) 2. Construction (cont.) Area Rooms (a) rite riesistive Req. Exterior Valls Interior Vills Floor/Cciling Ceiling/Roof (p) Dropped Ceilings (q) Furred Spaces (r) Drafi. Stops 2(). Structural (a) Registered Architect Engineer's Stamp (b) Plan Check Service 27. Future Additions 2. Insulation Floors Walls 0 Ceilings C) Glazing Ducts Hood Duct Systemi;: F/K 3. Wocdstoves );:ctiPTJ Chimneys 4. Site Review 1) 61) Sidewalks Servjce 4:4° Water Service (backflow preventers, sprinkler Off-Street Part.ing Provided Required iff?,/ 1)02) system) 38. Signs (z)AiSs 1 I (e) Road Condition (f) Driveway Openings 7'07' 7f /1 (g) Site Drawings (h) Other (i) Person Making Physical Review Review by Offi(e Engi (k) Review by Director of Public Works 41. 0:her 35. Combustion Detectors 36. Address Numbers 7 37. Barrier Free Design Doors Corridors Parking Stall(s), Sign(s) Building Access 7, 39. Special Inspectors Std. Com. Hand. *4! /24i ha Vs' dire Ext. System (Chp. 3S) Alarm Ord. 2145 Fire Hydrants Electrical OiqtY Health Department Date ll/26/8 Date Date 17, 17. 1 "Jil!k i 11 80 lJ7d11•40J 1 t13NL10 11L ANld r r 1 7 0 I� n r �Iv 1 2 T I; Iz n y m j b Y D r T t rn v o ti Port Angeles Fire Department 102 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 MEMORANDUM November 30, 19E4 TO: KIRK JOHNSON, BUILDING SECTION FROM: GARY BRAUN. FIRE MARSAHL %S-d RE: BUILDING ADDITION 117 East First Street John Miletich Kirk, We have reviewed the plans for the proposed aadition and have the following cc:i;rents. 1. An approved hood and duct system must be installed as per NFPA #96. 2. Also an approved automatic lire extinguishing system must be installed where crease -laden vapors emanate in normal cooking process, installed as per the Uniform Fire Code and NFPA #96. The extinguishing system used for protection of commercial type cooking equipment shat: he installed so that the entire cooking surface including deep :at fryers, griddles, upright broilers, charbroilers, range tops and grills, i, pret('ct'-d. Protection shaii also be provided for the e- ne.osFed plenum space within the hood above filters and exhaust ducts serving the hood. Pans must be tirst submitt d to the Washington Survey and Rating Bureai and to the Fort An7eles Firc. Department for final approval prior to in- Staliation. .3. Install in the kitchen one 40 BC dry chemical fire extinguisher as NFPA it 10. 4. install fire extinguishers (except in the kitchen) with a 2A10BC rating dry chemical with 75 feet travel distance or 3,000 square feet as per the NFPA 010. 5. An approved fire alarm system with automatic detection is required and further required to be connected to an approved fire alarm center as per City Fire Alarm Ordinance #2301. AN SITE CHECKLIST (Cont.) 27. Future Additions Construction (cont.) Area Rooms rire i\esis.tive Req. Fxt(.riot V,t11 interior W;111s Ceiling/Roof Dropped Ceilings Furred Spaces DiaN Hops Structural (a) Registered Architect Engineer's Stamp (b) Plan Check Service Insulation Floors Walls 0 Ceilings CiGlazing 0 Ducts Hood Duct System! /(/j Woodstoves Off-Street Parking Provided Required Road Condition Driveway Openings V( rv)e {1077 35. Combustion Detectors 4. Site Review (a) Sidelks Seer Service r;v‘, Water Service (backflow preventers, sprinkler system) 1:17 h Electrical Ol< yy Health Department Eire Ext. System (Up. 3S) Alarm Ord. 2145 F;c: Fire Hydrants Barrier Free Design Doors Corridors Parking Stall(s), Sign(s) a uilding Access i Making Physical Review by Office Engineer by Director of Public Works PLANS D;Ite Chocked J Type of Construction (Chp. 17 -22) 1 1W'11;C? d 'G Laundry Location of Property (Tbl. 5 -A, Zoning Ord.) t(6 NiJ t Kitchen Percentage of Lot Coverage Sq. Feet Additional Filing Requirements (a) Variance (h) Conditional Use Permit (c) Environmental Impact (d) Shoreline Management (e) Air Pollution PLANNING DEPARTMENT C0.'•L`1ENTS: No. of Floors (Thl. 5 -D) Height (Tbl 5 -D, Zoning I Signs) Windows (12OA, 05 Sec Stairways (Chp. 33) 14. Fire Resistive Separations (Tbl. 5 -B, Chp. 43) 15. Sanitation Restroom Requirements Plumbing Layout No. of Fixtures Backflow Preventer AND SITE HECK 20. Underfloor Access (2516 (C)2) 21. Attic Access (3205 (A)) 22. Roof Access (3306 (0)) 23. Other Hazards (Vertical Openings, Shafts, Stair- ways, Decks, etc.) 24. Special Hazards (a) Side Hazard (b) Flood Plain ^n' j (c) soils Out,: e_T j L. "7/ Other /7 t' t) (i kg/11 C /32 2 1 5. J. Garages /Carports attached /detached /L'/ Occupant Load (Tbl. 33-A)/' 0!'(Y" Street Address l i t �N. Light Ventilation (05 Sec., Chp. 5 -12) 17. Heating System Fire Dampers (UMC 1006, 2004(C)) Ventilation Foundation Roof Construction Footings Reinforcement (b) Walls 0 Reinforcement'°` f0/42) Reinforcement Masonry Reinforcement (d) Pads J. r-- (e) Beams c Floor ?r,)f 1,i ti Roof (fr Floor Joists c 1st 2nd 12 "xcw 4 IC's 1, 11If /1 S /2'//6' fll) Floor _;,Uh r /3.7 J Floor 9,1 k;72/T (i) Trusses O Headers (Q) Studs (1) Walls Sheathing Ext. Siding (m) Roof Sheathing :Roof Rating U,l� L Interior Finish Restroom I/`,/Qfr yij/i /0 Lk -3" Corridors, Stairways c r,) (M j 0 z D. O 1- 0 0 C.) =L C) (I) 0 I-U o z o G 0 -I 0 0 Z —1 5 D 0 03 CC Ui 0 cn 0 al LL 2 0 F. 5 1 C r LU I— a. a. CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT Od -17 C 3 r- -j LABOR EOJ PMENT PAATERIALS TAX CHARGE TO ,S Al CL 1" fr- 1 ADDRESS 57 7 DESCRIPTION 7i SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS r OS r A/ cEit labor DATE EMPLOYEE 0 a. F COST ANALYSIS 4 A equipment c RIPTioN I: 7/ 7 'zy �7 7X 'RENNf _�.ESI rIP';ON w c) !1 A v/✓ CERTIFIED COMPLETE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORK ORDER REPORT a t�� ACCOUNT NO. DIVISION PREPARED BY �1 /`r Rs L' LOCATION: TOTAL HOURS OU ANT. SIZE No. WORK ORDER NO PERMIT NO. STOCK N o HOURLY RATE OH UNIT R RICE 2z a 7,0 D /',04) SEQUENCE NO STREET 4000 WATER 7000 AMOUNT 0a,9d JpJ 3-t- L ?d ./7'4 5 6 l materials ^1J 1s os`u e_ t-t; I3 c' x J/f r1 `J L_ra/ i .-1) I_.- F a 1 s 5 d r v S g 11_�� s'y -ds 57-f--- U .)1/ e -X-, 7 /P °a VD? UI t o CP REVIEWED DIVISION HEAD DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS A/C DIST •I tit PO 6•I` (Continue on reverse side if necessary) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUELIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST: Date 7. -1 Time {1. Received by _}<2.4____ (phone, par an) Location of Work to be inspected II 2 j..,.�t f 2L L...�,,,_.,._ Name of person requesting inspection _l\ 1,. Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sower Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date /t.'w 7 Time r By .2c Remarks: J ?U ??jL7 (•--1 x� C� i�1! f �i JAW yam raj i /1J� {(J ry f 1.+7246 5 /Y. ��-1 1. /Z `1j:(7 ..r`'� i /7";;/;;e RESTORATION REQUIRED YES Repaired by City L.._I Repaired by Permittee Li No Damage Found SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: I Unimproved ;Gravel Asphalt PCC Work Order C J COMPLETE L INCOMPLETE NO L) Other I it S' 1 /It 1 1 ;rt.t .a „n4,: at,ii 14 hilt (,i4F3 4,l irt',:i i ttx, It ,••I I'.4, r ±l I 11 1'4', ,.,7i1 I +t ,.o-: II tln I11'! .is X1' ,I 7 {r'llb:i l;,, Nif, I4 it fl:l4,l1!!il't t:; j; 711 .1::1 a PitX11u.1 I, lit $4 if iit 1 it IIf i_f (T Ci it ('1 t i r .'.31.: 1t, 4,441: Ill', fit; 51. 1 s 3 3o_cC (J 4.4 4, t.i,4 1(•,1 I:l SEWER imoonomein ti, l t t t 4,1 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT N° ”T 1(4„1 iI't RIGHT —OF —WAY CONSTRUCTION 1 tt'it t;4till I 4.,. 1 t I ^.1 1 .1at 11 1, {4,, tit Q_(7 IOTAI. kr(iiif s35S -°v I0__7 4,a r11AncL 21 HOUR MINI!,'JM NOTICE I REQUIRED PRIOR 10 &p SERVICE OR INSPECTION !It 44•a t. 44 !r. 1.-1 ^1; 1 1 cr 1• :I,, i il• (I `L. tz I 't itt? f r1 ,l it 6+01' CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Time 2. v`/ "l' Received by /rte (phone(ersor Location of Work to be inspected Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Phone No, Type of Inspection (circle appropriate one): Permit No. Sewer Foundation Framing Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excay. Other C INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date 's %3r Time 9 `J.! Remarks: Y f ?ilC 7Z .E= x1.157 _f ,4 c_ y RESTORATION REQUIRED YES (Continue on reverse side if necessary) SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: Unimproved ❑Gravel Asphalt PCC Other E. Repaired by City Work Order Repaired by Permittee COMPLETE No Damage 'Found INCOMPLETE Country Aire 117 East First Port Angeles, Wa. 98382 26 Robert P. Willson ll Chief Building 012 icial R1'W: cc Lity of Punt Anre J. J. Kaufman Nat'] Bank of Washington. Trust Dept. Dear Sir: P.O. Box 1997 Tacoma, Wa. 98401 As you are probably aware, the Port Angeles Planning Commission and the Downtown Business Association have been working on a sign ordinance for the Central Business District over the past several years. After the original draft of this ordinance was approved, a photographic field inven- tory was made and evaluated. This led to revisions la the origtnal ordinance and a re evaluation of the original inventory. Now, as a result of this re evaluation, letters are being mailed to businesses in the Central Business District to inform them of the status of their signs. Should you have any questions in relation to your particular evaluation, we would be pleased to discuss it with you. I would recommend you come to the office rather than telephone, since most of the questions, I anticipate, would require examination of the photographs, evaluation sheets and ordinance. According to Section 9 of the ordinance, those signs classified as "non conforming" must be brought into compliance or removed by January 1, 1987. Those signs in the "prohibited" category must be removed within 30 days of receipt of this notice. There are possible exceptions to the above, under certain circumstances, but these would have to be determined on a case -by -case basis. ercly, "No Parking" Prohibited 140 WEST FRONT ST, P.O. 80X 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 January 25, 1982 Following Is the suuua y of signs associated with your P lace of business: Wall sign (west wall) Prohibited Painted on wall Projecting sign Non- conforming Projects too far Wall sign (menu) Conformir.,; Marquee (awning) Conforming Window sign Conforming Alley: "Coffey's" Prohibited Painted on wall and not current business Painted on wall t X a APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON nt1ILDING DIVISION DATE Ph. No. v N C. 7 avild g C Addvu 1 7 1-- x _1 A rv� I NAM ..J C,n 417I 7.r t G Mod Add,.., City Ph. No. NAME i !..I 11._. I r t l.e 1',‘■ City Ph. No NAME Addre.. Coy .53 NAME Address City Ph. No. License No. Plane end Spocificat. ons subm:tled Prep•rty tin• Sir el Applicant to fill In between heavy lines New CLASS OF WORK 1/ Demol sh Aherol on I Repo r Addition µo Ur• of bu'Idng t.-OYS9 ty f Si,. of building Height No. of room. No. of Families No. of floors Sir. of lot No. of EIdg,. Use of aide. Now on lot New on lot C. 111111(,6 tat floor Area SPECIFICATIONS EOUt DArION Aso_ it Lot /eater;ol 1 Exterior Plitt Wth of Via i Foaling Sir* c w S I bis NeigSl I Mal •rIal Site Spacing Span Roams Jail L I,, F._. Joist Jot? C «rag Roof Rafter. Exterior Studs Interior Stuck COVERING Exterior Wolh I Roof c s� Interior wen; 71 TY I Reroofing Neat: wand Gas/f Oil I hereby acknowledge that I have rca ttTs application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction SIGNATURE OF PERMITEE LJ -t. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sobdiv I tot Mn. clock No. /6, W. 3c' '114 f 14- Permit No, 1 �?1 •t 1 r 1.5e I. .,r b ..���F"... Valuation building Permit Eva ?Ion Checking F« Type Construction Use Zone cSD Occupancy Group A E I 1 Fire Zone 2 3 Date Permit Itsu I iolol S5i7 0 Treasurer's Receipt Nc. 7' Life of Permit P. /—s Application token by Oat* review completed ..3/4/7f. H R 34 3 4 5 APPROVED 1,,/,; 6‘,/ 4C -42i7 Dittoes' of Dept, e Inspections SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDIJ{ONS PPr_ri-i _a 4/3. d d fa_ Cc•JiyttT•<Q /lst3_. SO tC iG�TitJ >S PROPOSED OR EXISTING BUILDING APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS —CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON r J BUILDING DIVISION Building Address ''r .x NAME p i Mod Addr.,t City Ph. No. NAME Address City Ph. Ph. Ne. NAME L t !"...T. r ,.4. Address J f l'. 1 iL .fit _.L– C t J Ph. No, F� A NAME Address n City Ph. No. license No. Plant and Sp•rificotionr submittal Pro •rty line Jo, Applicant to lilt in between heavy lines New Alteration Adrlition Use of building Sire al building Ali, No. of roams No. of flee,, No. of Bldg.. Now on lot SPECIFICATIONS FOUNDATION Materiel I Exterior Width of Wall Footing Sin Beams iin1 1 Joist 1n N. —A_ Joist 2nd Joist Coffing Roof Raft•rs 'j.;' E t for Stock Ins for Studs I COVERING c Exterior Wa11s�L)t Int•rior Walls Reroofing Heat: Wood Gas Oil Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Lass regulating building con- struction. I; LEGAL DESCRIPTION S.bdi.;den let No. CLASS OF WORK Jf Mot•riol I Sis.� Variance or Conditional Use Permit I t I Demolish Repair J rr tt No of forntliirs Sire of Lot Use of Bldg. on lot Sparing Piers r fe'r Span Permit No. S Valuation Budding P.rn.it F.. Plan Ch•tking F« iotol Treasurer's Rccr'Rt No. f J r, Life of Permit .i Application token by Date review completed .(r },.f'i Tool Floor Area Area of let Date Pemr es Typo Construction I II III IV FR 1 -Hr HT Use Zone C5D Occupancy Group A E I H i el 3 4 5 Fire Zone APPROVED{ r r ".N Director it Deer. of Inspections SPECIAL and K UNUSUAL CONDITION: r r.,, t PLANSCovyivy-/ L ave,•,f, hone Date Received 2 7 4.10/7e7 Date Checked 7 Permit Number Valuation 2_. C��IJt'D 7( Street Address 1 /7 E, 21. Signs (Uniform Sign Code) 22. Special Hazards (see occu- pancy Chp.) 12. Stairways (Chp. 33) fit)f, 13. Fire Resistive Separations Table 5 -B; Chp. 43) 14,E Interior Finishes 15. Furred Spaces (Sec. 2508, 3205) l'lyy. 30'i.,i /4 5//r /6 I/'.5.+,:1zr 1. Legal Description 2. Zoning (City Ord.) C 3. 4. Fire Zone (Chp. 16) Occupancy Group (Tbl. 5A; Chp. 5 -13 inc) 5. Type of Construction (Chp. 17 -21 inc) 6. Location on Property (Zone Ord; 5A; Chp. 22) of Lot Coverage 7. Variance or Cond. Use Permit 8. Floor Area (single floor) 2,6- (Table 5 -c) 9. Height (Tbl. 5 -D) 10. Occupant Load (Tbl. 33 -A) /z,? 11. Exits (Chp. 33) Z Door Hardware 16. Sanitation (Plumb. Code) e skk,; Restroom Requirements 17. Plumbing Layout /18 i Light Ventilation for Occupancy (Sec. -05 Chp. 6 -15) Over PLAN CHECK LIST Commercial 23. Other Hazards Vertical Opening, Stairways, etc. 26. Future additions Property Drainage 24. Construction: (a) Foundation (b) Reinforcement (c) Walls (d) Reinforcement: Bond beams vertical (e) Beams Floor Roof (f) Floor joists (g) Ceiling joists (h) Rafters (i) Trusses (j) Headers (k) Studs (1) Sheathing Walls Roof C D jC ov-er m Interior finishes Restroom Corridors Area rooms (n) Dropped ceilings 25. Structural: a. Registered Architect Engr. stamped b. Plan Check Service 28. Roofing C!c7 .5 'A'' P.•b4 5 29. Driveway Openings (City Ord. 1125) 31.' '32.2 Health Department -f` (Health District) Public Works Electric Service (City Light Dept.) 36. Additional Filings Required (a) Environmental Impact '(b) Flood Plain Slide Hazard (c) Shoreline Management (d) Air Pollution (e) Barrier Free standards 34. Fire Extin(Nishing System (Chp. 3 F /i .5 'y-;ct k !Err_ r t"'/,'/4,/ 35. Combustion, Detectors Port Angeles Building Department: We he reby agree to put a fire-code approved sprinkling system in the basement of the "Country-Aire" store. This will be installed as required by the Fire Chief and Building Department. Respectfully, t•,°• !CATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON BULDAD- DIVISION _7_ St 1$ No. :77 _157_1_ c. k t 1 Ad PA Specifications submitted PROPOSED BUILDING I 'a' I! Ph. No. Ph. No. Ph. Na. Pro orty Line Street Applicant to fill in between heavy lines CLASS OF WORK V 1 I Demolish Rep air 1 1 Move Use of building R tt I- sit. of building 4 2 /0 Height No. of rooms No. of Families No. of floors Sine of Lot No. of !lidos. Use of Bldg. Now an lot Now on let New Altamahor, Addition spr.:3FicAT:oris FOUNDAIION Material Exterior Width of Wall Footing Sim X 7/t.1 c Hei ght Demme Joist lit Fl. 1Pfneli: Joitt Citing Roof Roft•n Exterior Studs Inferior Studs Material Site 4 .17 1 .t&-f_ (LT -it COVERING Exterior Walla r- cy r k„ Roof Interior Walls i Reroofing Heat: Wood Gas bit Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. SIGNATURE OF PERMITEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subdivision 7 14/ Lot No. 1 /rt. Block Piers Spacing Spots Variance am Conditional Use Permit Permit No. G 7 3 r‘ Valuation Plan Checking FIMI Total gii.u.l 2., Building Permit Fee Treasurer's Receipt No..(07 Life of Permit 3 1f Application taken by .,..k Date review completed Total Floor Area Area of Lot Type Construction I II Ill IV V FR 1-Hr HT N U.e Zone CBD Occupancy Group A E I H 173 Fire Zone APPROVE Date Permit soot q —5, Directof opt. of Inspec ins SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CON ITIONS 774 -re-s,4; a. 4 1 0ey_C(04.4.:,9 7 1 {a4 'KS c Work do 4 Sty Sq Ft :4•.; ga' t r 1, if" r' fir .j *;i1 '.PLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS—CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WAS9INGTON BUILDING DIVISION. 1 9 75 in 1L1511, TE ing dress NAME 1R, Mail Address u I- 7 a C;Pl PA Ph No. NAME a Address City NAME Address City Ph. No. NAME Address Ciry License No. and Specifications submitted Plan Ce PROPOSED OR ISTI BUILDING Ph. No Ph. No. 7 7,5" Property line Sir•et Applicant to till in between heavy lines Neo Alteration Add,rion Use of building C Vs. of building 3 No. of rooms No. of floors o r Jo. of Bldg'. Now on lot Width of Wall E" Height CLASS OF WORK V Demolish Repair Move c. 1 'Le 777 re. 4 4 r o Heiuht I No of Families S i re o lot 30 'X Use of Bldg. Now on Lot SPECIFICATIONS FOUNDATION Material 1 Exterior I Piers 74' Moterial I Sire Spacing Span Bocvo /Lr joist it Fl. I(Et 24L? lnd FL I Joist Ceiling I Roof Rafters Ext•rier Studs L 1 l Interior 1.5 L //v 1 j.. 4: COVERING Exterior Walls e s ,r, 4.0-,.„,_ I Roof r Interior Wallsp: 1 Reroofing .---s....-- Hoot: Wood Gas Oil Electric I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the abase is correct and agree to comply with all City Ordinances and State Laws regulating building con- struction. _,...---'9 ---7""—f' SIC NATURE OF 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sulsclirislon Block No. /e Yerionce or Conditional Use Permit Permit No. 4 Valuation Building Permit Fee Plan Chtickingisto Tafel $32. Treasurer's Receipt No Life of Permit Application token by. Tato; Floor Area Z-4-4 Area of Lot APPROVED Type Construction 1 2 C) 4 5 Use Zone C F 0 Occupancy Group A B C D E OG H 1 73 4 5 Fire Zone 0 2 3 Date Permit I 7-2 s Director of Dept. of Inspections SPECIAL and UNUSUAL CONDITIONS Pe) n-Las 1 1 Mr 47.74 Lex- .3 C frre kr C. CI- .37 is I Dear Lay uf Nut Atiums rfoi t40 WEST FRONT ST. P.O. 130X 1150 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 As you may be aware, the City is currently ip the procest., of de■xluping the second phase of the downtown improvement project. Included in this second phase, will Le sidewalk restoration ohd repair, as well as street and land- scaping improvements. The sidewalks abutting your property LIvo cnd found to be in need of repair. Since each sidewalk condition varies as to the degree of restoration or repair needed, each property owner is being contacted en an individual hasis to discuss the specific details of their sidewalk, especially as it relates to now construction. You, or your local representative, are requested to contact the City Public Works- Department (457-0411, ext. 120) to set up an appointment to discuss repairs to rr your specific sidewalk. Your cooperation and assistance in the effort to irprove our av is appreciated. Very truly yours, Jack N. Pitt is, P.E. Director of Public Wor0, 3;: jr cc: City Mlnaqor, Davo I led, rom 1)31IHD8V 110DVa1NOD r T n D Z -i a e I .m eNN IE' 'J z 0 113NMO 3311W113d a a n 7 O N -4 I 3 v r 1• 9 q g n 9 C o 0 v o' I z n I Z ,o t l 0 10 D -4 m v m D n 7J C a O 0 O T N C w o r z 0 N b I b n a 0 o m 0 I x' -a D z m r m N z N 17 0 z N ry 3 Y 9 v Front Yard Is Lot on Corner? 1 Property Lin• Side Yard .u11 Apo 044 Side Yard Rear Yard 1p311 liY IIOLDVd D :NO) t13NMO 3311Wa3d 'A 4 2 7 Z n D z n j z j2 3 e y 7 D N m o r D p r \ma a b -n O C C N C tv O C !8 TI i .v PM q O Z O Y, Z IA 7 A T 1 Q °o S 0 of p r 20'0 0 CID b Zi a 3 kr g v a m r m b v D 7J L0 --1 C i 2 o z d n 0 m C C �Wr z 1— C) 0 M v n 0z T n M n I —4 5` C m _4 H Z C) G� r) 0 z 'ti t) C 3 N M M b 3 0 d C r ro f O ro 5 o 9 4 I Q o �z I c h'; T 0 c n n Ip C N u N 0 O O z I") w m 1. n A n 0 x d D T F 0 75 m D v :U -4 c 3 vb. F m n o 0 Q m %Ai :TA co r 0r C7 Cl L7 O a 'V M 3 -1 Y y Y O r �4 21 D� z .h A m ft r y rn O N F._ O 0 0 z `C z 0 v Application Number . . . . . 23-00000820 Date 8/01/23 Application pin number . . . 223740 Property Address . . . . . . 117 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1-1653-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc New service retail space ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ CHERBOURG COMPANY LLC ANGELES ELECTRIC 601 Diamond Vista Dr 524 E. 1ST ST. PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-9264 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 225.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 8/01/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 1/28/24 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 225.0000 ECH EL-COM 401-600 SRV FEEDER 225.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 225.00 225.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 225.00 225.00 .00 .00 U M / COMMERCI ELECTRIC ALP FR IT APPLICATION , Public Works and Utiiities Depar"rment 32,1 E,5th Sn'cer, i)oL.r Angeles, WA 98362 '3 60,4 | 7 .47 35 | wrvurcityofpa,us I e1 ectri calpel.m its(1CIci ryo fira,u s //7 E. fiBsrstt** (D 5;+ {+ Project Address: Project Description frK I Multi-Family Residential n Commercial / lndustrial / Public Building Square Tootage: Name:Emall: Mailing Address:phone; Ztr{ -7ft-SjtZ Name Angeles Electric, lnc, Mailing Address:524 E. First Street, Pod Anqeles, WA 96362 License ANG ELE146ORS Expiration Date :21112020 Email ksimpson@olympus,net Phone:360,452-9264 Ite!0 Service/Feeder 200 Amp. Servlce/Feeder Z0'l -400 Amp, Service/Feeder 401 -600 Amp. ServiceiFeeder 601 -1 000 Amp, Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. Branch Circuit W Service Feeder Bianch Circuit WO Service Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit Branch Circuits 1-4 Temp. Servlce/Feeder 200 Amp, Temp, Servlce/Feeder 201-400 Amp, Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 AmP, Temp, Servlce/Feeder 601 -1 000 AmP, Portalto Porlal HourlY Sign / Outline Lighting Signal CircuiULimited Energy - Multi"Family Signal Circuit/Llmited Energy/First 1,500 sf - Commercial (Note; $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf) Renewable Elec, Energy: SKVA System or less Thermostat (Note: $5 for each additional) Quantlty TptA{antlty x Unlt Charge)Unlt chilgji $132,00 $160,00 $225,00 $288,00 $410,00 $5.00 $74.00 $5,00 .$86,00 $ 1 02,00 $121,00 $ 1 64,00 $1e5,oo $96,00 '$BBr00 $BB,.oo $96i00 t o'I $ $--.--.-.--..-.._.-* ov $113;00 '$56;00 rrc Owner as defined by RCW,19,2S .261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for tvvo yeals after this electrlcal permlt is finallzed, (2) Owner ls ;;;;;ilil;; unif ""tri.ul contractor il abovo said propuity is for sale, rent or lease, Permit expires afler slx months of last inspection ' Afler reading the above slalemeni, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor, I am making the electrical installation or alteration ln compliance with the electrical laws, N.E,C,, RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC' Chapter 296- 468, The city of port Angeles Municipal code, and Utiliiy Specifications and PAMC 14.05,050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications' $ $TOTAL z Ken Sim son ate Print Name Signature (fl Owner Electrical Contractor / Administrator) [Eleciricat permit Applications may be submitted to city Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us or faxed lo 360'417 '4711] PREPARED 7/31/23,14:39:25 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00000820 117 E 1ST ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 225.00 TOTAL DUE 225.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL COMMENTS NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 10/18/2023 23-820 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Angeles Electric PROJECT ADDRESS 117 E 1st St Application Number . . . . . 23-00000114 Date 2/03/23 Application pin number . . . 384300 Property Address . . . . . . 117 E 1ST ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1-1653-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Horn strobe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ CHERBOURG COMPANY LLC HI TECH SECURITY INC 601 Diamond Vista Dr 723 E FRONT ST PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-2727 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . . . 96.00 Plan Check Fee . . .00 Issue Date . . . . 2/03/23 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 8/02/23 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 96.0000 ECH EL-LIMITED 1ST 1500 SQ FT 96.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 96.00 96.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 96.00 96.00 .00 .00 Public Works and Utilities Department 321 E. 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 360.417.4735 | www.cityofpa.us | electricalpermits@cityofpa.us ELCOM MULTI-FAMILY / COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Project Address: Project Description: Ƒ Multi-Family Residential Ƒ Commercial / Industrial / Public Building Square footage: OWNER INFORMATION Name: Email: Mailing Address: Phone: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name: License: Mailing Address: Expiration Date: Email: Phone: PROJECT DETAILS Item Unit Charge Quantity Total (Quantity x Unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp.$132.00 $ Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $225.00 $ Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $288.00 $ Service/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $410.00 $ Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $5.00 $ Branch Circuit W/O Service Feeder $74.00 $ Each Additional Branch Circuit $5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $86.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201-400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 401-600 Amp. $164.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 601-1000 Amp. $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly $96.00 $ Sign / Outline Lighting $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy - Multi-Family $88.00 $ Signal Circuit/Limited Energy/First 1500 sf - Commercial (Note: $5.00 for each additional 1500 sf) $96.00 $ Renewable Elec. Energy: 5KVA System or less $113.00 $ Thermostat (Note: $5 for each additional) $56.00 $ $ TOTAL 2ZQHUDVGH¿QHGE\5&:  2ZQHUZLOORFFXS\WKHVWUXFWXUHIRUWZR\HDUVDIWHUWKLVHOHFWULFDOSHUPLWLV¿QDOL]HG  2ZQHULV required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296- %7KH&LW\RI3RUW$QJHOHV0XQLFLSDO&RGHDQG8WLOLW\6SHFL¿FDWLRQVDQG3$0&UHJDUGLQJ(OHFWULFDO3HUPLW$SSOLFDWLRQV Date Print Name Signature (Ƒ Owner Ƒ Electrical Contractor / Administrator) Pe r m i t # : [Electrical Permit Applications may be submitted to City Hall or electricalpermits@cityofpa.us or faxed to 360.417.4711] 117 East 1st Add horn strobes to 2nd floor remodel ✔ Old Country Aire Bldg 117 East 1st Hi Tech Security, Inc HITECTS955BS 723 East Front St hitech@olypen.com 1/10/2023 360-452-2727 1 96.00 96.00 2/2/2023 Mike Shirley Mike Shirley Digitally signed by Mike Shirley Date: 2018.05.31 14:52:42 -07'00' ✔ PREPARED 2/02/23,14:09:13 PAYMENT DUE CITY OF PORT ANGELES PROGRAM BP820L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION NUMBER:23-00000114 117 E 1ST ST FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL 96.00 TOTAL DUE 96.00 Please present reciept to the cashier with full payment ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT APPROVED NOT APPROVED DITCH ROUGH IN/COVER SERVICE FINAL COMMENTS: Horn Strobe NOTIFY INSPECTOR at (360) 808-2613 WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DATE PERMIT # INSPECTOR 2/9/2023 23-114 TAP OWNER CONTRACTOR Hi Tech PROJECT ADDRESS 1814 W 4th St