HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.68 Original Contract
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The City OfPOli Angeles hereby leases the below described space to:
USA Mobility, Incorporated
to install, maintain and use communications equipment described herein at the City of Port
Angeles Radio l?uilding located at:
1022 South "E" Street, Port Angeles, Washington
It is recognized and agreed to by all parties hereto that this Radio Site Facility's
main purpose is to provide radio and other communication services for public
safety activities and/or operations, and that these functions have priority over the
conunercial equipment and/or activities at this site. "Public safety" refers to
services protecting the health and welfare of the general public, including but not
limited to COlllillullicatiol1s with or by police, fire, medic, hospital, utility repair,
aviation, Coast Guard, PENCOM dispatch services or search and rescue
USA Mobility, Inc. (hereinafter refen'ed to as "Lessee") covenants and promises, and the CITY
OF PORT ANGELES (hereinafter refelTed as "City" or "P APD") agrees as follows:
1. The Lessee shall have the right to install, maintain and use two (2) single-service radio
equipment installations ill the above designated building, and antemlae on the
associated tower as specified below. A single-service radio equipment installation is
defined as a transmitter or transceiver with antennae, including linking equipment,
duplexers or other antelmae interface equipment, all in accordance with and conforming
to the specifications listed in Paragraph 2. The radio equipment and antelmae allowed
and the frequencies authorized are as follows:
A paging only transmitter with operating fre.quellcy of 931.2,125 JnH:?: and an
associated link receiver which is not currently in use, but which may be used at
USA Mobility's discretion. One vertical fiberglass mast Olllili directional antemm
approximately ten (10) feet in height to be located at the twenty (20) foot level on
the northeast leg of tower is authorized for the transmitter. The receiver will use
an existing vertically polarized yagi licensed to the mobile/paging transceiver.
2. A single-service cOlllinunications equipment installation and antelU1ae shall be
constructed, installed and operated in accordance with the following specifications:
(A) Each single~service installation shall not exceed 20 cubic feet of space within the
building. No equipment shall be installed within the building and the Lessee shall
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not alter, modify or improve the building in any way without the express written
approval of the POli Angeles Police Chief or his designee.
(B) The Lessee's communications equipment shall not interfere with or cause the
degradation oftlle operation of any other radio equipment now installed, or to any
public safety communications equipment currently installed or installed in the
(C) No equipment shall exceed 250 watts output from the transmitter, measured
between the transmitter and antennae interface equipment.
(D) No single-service installation shall exceed 500 watts average power consumption,
or 1500 watts peale consumption. Peak consumption shall not be greater than
50% of total consunlption time.
(E) No equipment other than the antemlae and its associated equipment shall be
allowed outside of the building.
(F) No venting-type batteries are permitted ill the building, and no tools or other loose
equipment may be stored in the building.
3. All costs of installation and maintenance of equipment allowed pursuant to this Lease
shall be borne by the Lessee. If said equipment interferes with or causes the degradation
oftlle operation of any other communications facility equipment installed prior, or to any
public safety equipment currently installed or installed in the future, Lessee shall bear all
costs of installing corrective equipment or otherwise eliminating said intelference or
4. A key to the radio building and the associated security alarm key shall be supplied only to
the authorized communications equipment maintenance and repair personnel, as
detennined by the Port Angeles Chief of Police or his designee.
5. The POli Angeles Chief of Police or his designee, shall have the right to inspect any
cOlmnunications equipment at the site at any time. Lessee shall not install or use any
equipment until approved and inspected by the Port Angeles Chief of Police or his
designee. The Port Angeles Chief of Police or his designee, shall inspect radio
equipment during installation and prior to commencement of use.
6. The term oftbis Lease Agreement shall commence on July 1,2008 and shall terminate on
the last day of June, 2009. The Lease shall be subject to mmual renewal for a period 110t
to exceed ten (10) years in length ofiime, provided that Lessee gives notice to City of its
intent to renew at least ninety (90) days prior to expiration of said Lease and complies
with all other requirements. Either party may tenninate tlns Lease, without cause, by
giving one hundred eighty (180) days written notice to the otller party. Tills lease shall
supersede all previous leases between the parties for the property described herein:.
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- ----..----------------------------------
7. The a1UlUal rental fee for the two (2) above described single-service installations shall be
$3,244.00, plus the leasehold excise tax, as required by Washington State Dep31iment of
Revenue and RCW 82.29A.OIO, et seq., (cID1"ently 12.84%), payable July 1st of each
ye31'. On each annual anniVerS31"y date, a new annual rent will be established. The rent
schedule will be adjusted annually on the 31ll1iversary date based on 311 annual 4%
increase. The City will mail an invoice annually to Lessee.
A. In the event that the Washington State Dep31iment of Revenue establishes that the
said rental amoID1t is inadequate according to the provisions of RCW 82.29A.020(2) and
WAC 458-29A-200(6), then the p31iies agree that the rental amount shall be
renegotiated to bring the rental amoIDlt into compliance with the provisions of said
8. The City of Port Angeles will be solely responsible for and will provide electricity 311d
back up generator for the Leased Premises.
9. In the event that Lessee shall violate any of the telms of this Lease, particularly, but not
limited to, Paragraph 2 (B) above, the Port Angeles Chief of Police or his designee may
immediately stop or prevent the operation and use of the Lessee's equipment to prevent
interference with or the degradation of public safety activities, and shall give thirty (30)
day written notice to terminate this Lease for cause. The notice shall specify what terms
of the Lease have been violated. If, within seven (7) days after the date of the mailing of
the notice, the Lessee COl1"ects the violation(s) stated in the notice, the Lease shall not be
terminated. The Port Angeles Chief of Police or his designee may demand assur311ces
from the Lessee that the violation shall not occur again.
10. The Lessee agrees to indenmify, save, and hold h31"mless the City, its employees and
Representatives, from 311Y and all liability or claims of liability, for injmies or damages
sustained by the indemnifying pmty, by any of its employees, contractors, or third
persons, or by any third person inspecting, servicing, or working on Lessee's equipment,
arising out of, in connection with, or incident to the exercise of any rights or pelformance
of any duties under this Lease, except where such injuries or d31nages result fi"om the sole
negligence of the City, its employees or agents" Lessee specifically waives its inununity
under the Worker's Compensation Act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this
indemnification" The parties have mutually negotiated tIns waiver. The provisions of
this section shall sID-vive the tennination ofthis Agreement relating to all incidents taking
place while said Agreement was in effect.
11. Should a court of competent jurisdiction detelmine that this Agreement is subject to
RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to
persons or damages to property caused by or resulting fi.-om the concurrent negligence of
the Lessee and the City, the Lessee's liability herewlder shall be only to the extent of the
Lessee's negligence.
12. Lessee shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Lease iUSID"311Ce against claims
for injID"ies to persons or damage to property which may arise fi'om, or in cOlmection with
- 3-
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~----- - ~ .----------...- .--~-------------_._------------------_._--_.__._--------------- ------------~ - --- --- -- ._--.---------
the placement, maintenance, operation and use of c01mnunications equipment as
contemplated by this Lease. Said insurance shall consist of a general commercial liability
policy, written with a company licensed to do business in the State of Washington,
written 011 an OCCUlTence basis with limits of no less than $1,000,000 combined single-
limit per OCCUlTence and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and
property damage, muning the City of Port Angeles as an additional insured; and
13. Lessee agrees to asswne responsibility to ensure that any employed contractor, or third-
party who inspects, services or works 011 Lessee's equipment shall be covered by or carry
liability insurance in the lninimmn amounts of $1,000,000 combined single limit per
occurrence, and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property
damage. It is agreed that in requiring and setting such limits, the parties are 110t
purporting to assess any risks involved, but only wish to ensure the availability of
adequate insurance for any claims.
DATED this ~ay of ~ 1. .
, 2008.
By: ~ L f).;b~ ~
Jerald Osterman
Interim City Manager
..Au t'~~.j Ap~
Becky Upton, it lerk-
COUNTY OF l:\n U a!:>
) ss.
On this day personally appeared before me KATHRYN WENlUCK of USA MOBILITY, INC.
and executed the within and forgoing instrmnent, and acknowledged said instrument to be the
free and volwltary act and deed of said agency for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and
on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument.
GIVEN unto my ~1and and official seal this ~ day of 6t'f+e IVI b{ r; 2008.
~ /~\.'iA~f~t, MISTY E. JEFFCOAT
residing at: '~~,w:'.~~'t~.~ October 16, 2010
My commission expires: / IJ;/! (p JI D
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) ss.
On this day personally appeared before me JERALD OSTERMAN, to me ImoWll to be the
Interim City Manager of the City of Port Angeles that executed the within and foregoing
instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said
municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and 011 oath stated that he is
authorized to execute the said instrument. ",\\\\~P. R 1.(;""1'"
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GIVEN unto my hand and official seal this 4-f!:J
day of tJov9mke,.. , 2008.
NOTARY PUBLIC in and for t1 tate of Washington,
residing at Se't u; 1'1'\
My commission expires: '1) I a q ! ~a I'
NOTICES: All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, retum receipt
requested, or sent by overnight calTier to the following addresses:
If to Landlord, to:
with a copy to:
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5tll Street
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Attn: City Clerk
Phone: 360-4174634
City of Port Angeles Legal Department
321 E. 5th Street
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Attn: Sr. Assistant City Attorney
Phone: 360-417-4532
If to Tenant. to:
Annual Invoices to:
USA Mobility, Inc.
3000 Tec1mology Drive #400
PIano, TX 75074
Attn: Kathryn Wenrick
VP, Technology Administration
Phone: 972-801-0215
USA Mobility, Inc.
3000 Teclmology Drive #400
PIano, TX 75074
Attn: Accounts Payable
Send pavments to:
City of Port Angeles Finance Department
Reference Invoice #
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
- 5-
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