HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/20/2012• CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC COMMENT: • CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 20, 2012 Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.in. Members Present. Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present Acting Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Pierce, G. Cutler, B. Smith, D McKeen, L. Kheriaty, L. Dunbar Mayor Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Virginia Vadset, 503 Roberson Road, Sequim, spoke in opposition to the Nippon Biomass incinerator Anami Cloud, 133 E. First Street, spoke regarding the quality of life, public input, estuary park, Waterfront Project, jobs, lack of population growth. urged Council to listen to the public, stormwater, the Combined Sewer Overflow project, soil conditions, use of consultants, low impact development (LID), dangers of wood smoke, and air pollution. Rose Marschall, 162 S. Baar Road, spoke regarding an email she sent to Council, lack of response from Council to her concerns regarding diesel fumes. the widening of Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge, the Nippon Biomass project. and dioxins. Mayor Kidd referred Ms. Marschall to Acting Manager West for more information regarding the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge project. Diana Sommerville, 2399 E. 3`d Avenue, spoke regarding comments she made to the Clallam County Board of Health regarding the expenses to deal with the problems of air pollution and requested Council to rethink the biomass project. Nelson Cone, Port Angeles, spoke regarding the use of tax money for the cost of cleaning up the Port Angeles harbor and use of grants and subsidies. Marilyn Harbaugh 312 W 5th Street, thanked Council for support of community gardens including the one located across the street from City Hall and invited others to garden. Lynne Lohr, 781 N. Kendall Road, Sequim, spoke in opposition to fluoridation of the water, the Biomass project, and diesel trucks and fumes. 1 7094 7095 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 20, 2012 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Councilmember Mania requested the topic of a moratorium on the Biomass be placed on a future agenda. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1 City Council Meeting Minutes for January 21, March 6, and March 13, 2012 2. Expenditure Approval List: 2/25/12 to 3/9/12 for $1,442,544 49 3 Proposed Medic 1 Ambulance Transport Rate Adjustments / Set Public Hearing 4. Proposed Electric Utility Time of Use Rate Ordinance / Set Public Hearing 5 City Pier Fire Suppression System, Project PK03 -09 6. Dry Creek Water Association / Special Service Agreement No. 2 7 Bonneville Power Administration Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Grant Amendment No. 1 Motion carried 7 -0. 1 Telecommunications Utility and Electric Fund Ordinance Amendments Deputy Police Chief Smith briefly summarized the process to date. The UAC Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation. Changes requested from the March 6 meeting were included in the ordinance. Attorney Terry Mundorf of the Western Public Agencies Group gave a presentation using Powerpoint slides to outline the purposes of the ordinances under consideration, pros and cons of establishing a telecommunications utility, and recommendation to adopt. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd conducted a second reading of the ordinances by title. entitled. ORDINANCE NO 3448 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to Telecommunications Utility, adding a new Chapter, 13.53 to Title 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Mania to adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. 2 • • • ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont'd) CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS. BREAK: CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 20, 2012 ORDINANCE NO 3449 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 3 24 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Electric Fund. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Downie to adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. Proclamation / Austin Fahrenholtz Mayor Kidd presented Port Angeles High School Diving Coach Rich Butler a proclamation on behalf of Port Angeles High School student and champion diver, Austin Fahrenholtz. 1 Fire Department Related Municipal Code Updates Fire Chief McKeen briefly explained the purpose of updating ordinance to coincide with international fire code changes. Chief McKeen and Fire Marshal Dubuc explained each of the proposed changes many of which eliminate out -of -date terminology Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd conducted the first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO 1 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to the Fire Department; making changes to Chapters 2.16, 5.32, 14.03, 14.21, and 14.23 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. United Way -2012 Funding & 2011 Year End Report Deputy Mayor Collins recused himself from discussion as he is employed by one of the agencies funded through United Way He departed Council Chambers at 7:02 p.m. Jody Moss, Executive Director of United Way of Clallam County presented Council with the 2012 Funding Allocations and the 2011 Year End Report.Moss thanked Council for prior support. She then outlined the process for preparing the 2012 funding allocations and reviewed the 2011 Year End Report. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Mania to approve the allocations as requested; Motion carried 6 -0. Deputy Mayor Collins reentered Council Chambers at 7.26 p.m. Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 7.27 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:35 p.m. 3 7096 7097 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 20, 2012 OTHER 2. Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement — Port of Port Angeles / FEMA CONSIDERATIONS: Lawsuit (Cont'd) Acting City Manager West explained the purpose of the agreement was for the Port to share one -half, but not to exceed $2.500.00, of the City's legal costs. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Nelson to approve an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Port of Port Angeles regarding the National Wildlife Federal v. Federal Emergency Management Agency Litigation where the Port agrees to pay to the City one -half, but not to exceed $2,500.00, of the expense the City will incur in opposing the lawsuit. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6 -1, with Mania voting in opposition. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Nelson reported participating in the St. Patrick's Day run. REPORTS: Councilmember Mania reported on attending numerous meetings regarding the Fine Arts Center Councilmember Downie reported attending the National League of Cities (NLC) Conference in Washington, DC with Deputy Mayor Collins, and their meetings with Congressional staff He found the conference extremely worthwhile and of beneficial importance. Mayor Kidd reported attending the day of remembrance ceremony in Seattle for the Tsunami anniversary and visiting with the Spanish consulate representatives. Deputy Mayor Collins reported on the NLC Conference and the leadership training seminar including five powers of public leadership, a program called Gifts for the Community; the Community & Economic Development Policy Meeting Committee meeting as part of the NLC Conference and a forum coming up in May in California that Director West may consider attending; and another meeting in DC with representatives from NOAA. Councilmember Bruch reported attending the first Transition Port Angeles meeting. Councilmember Di Guilio had no report. 4 • • INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 20, 2012 Acting City Manager West spoke regarding a reminder of the special Council meeting on March 26, 2012, at 9:30 a.m. as ajoint meeting with the Port of Port Angeles Commissioners; and the first Council Work Session on March 27, 2012, at 5.00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Acting City Manager West bid a fond farewell to Peninsula Daily News reporter Tom Callis on his leaving to take a job in Hawaii. Deputy Mayor Collins stated he spoke with the Cronauers regarding the previous action taken on the Birdwell property and the possibility of documented easements and suggested reconsidering the issue. Attorney Bloor responded a motion would be necessary to bring it back for Council consideration. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch for Council to reconsider the Birdwell street vacation. Council discussion followed. Collins amended his motion to include the provision for Mr. Cronauer to provide the necessary information or documentation by the end of this week. Council discussion followed. Motion failed 3 -4 with Kidd, Nelson, Mania, and Downie voting in opposition. None Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Che ie Kidd, Mayor 5 I� Teresa Pierce, Deputy City Clerk 7098