HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/18/2011CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: • CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 18, 2011 Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, M. Puntenney, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, B. Coons, and P. Lusk. Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. None. None. Councilmember Nelson spoke regarding her participation in Winter Corps in conjunction with Port Angeles High School and encouraged others to participate. Councilmember Mania spoke regarding the new Community Garden across the street from City Hall. He stated that they had broken ground over the weekend and encouraged volunteers to assist and contribute to the project. Mayor Di Guilio spoke regarding the recent visit from the Mutsu City delegation and opened a gift from our Sister City. He also stated that the joint meeting with the County regarding City and County cooperation was successful, and that five areas were selected to address at a future meeting. No other reports were given. Councilmember Mania requested discussion of recent Federal regulations on fluoride, and the possibility of the City switching to pharmaceutical grade fluoride, be added to a future meeting. Manager Myers added the item, City Manager 2011 Goals and Objectives, to the agenda. 1 6806 6807 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 2011. CONSENT AGENDA: The following items were pulled from the Consent Agenda, and moved to Other Considerations for discussion, at the request of Councilmembers Collins and Kidd: Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System Communications Plan Professional Services Agreement - Amendment No. 2; Farallon Professional Services Agreement, Amendment No. 2 -- Rayonier Property Sales Agreement Support, Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment; and Professional Services Agreement with Waterfall Engineering, LLC for Project Design and Permitting Services for Valley Creek Restoration Phase III, Project US 10 -03. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.) City Council minutes for December 14, 2010, and January 4, 2011; 2,} Expenditure Approval List: 1215110 to 1/7/11 for 51,799,640.60; and 3.) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Capital Agreement — Amendment No. 1. Motion carried 7 -0. ORDINANCES NOT 1. PA Forward Committee — Ordinance Amendment REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Attorney Bloor stated that there were no changes to the Ordinance amendment from the previous meeting and asked Council to conduct a second reading of the Ordinance No. 3421 Ordinance. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3421 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Port Angeles Forward Committee. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. RESOLUTIONS NOT 1. Resolution in Support of Proposition No. 1 Port Angeles School District REQUIRING PUBLIC Maintenance and Operations Levy HHEARINGS: Resolution No. 02 -11 Manager Myers stated that the Resolution was included in tonight's agenda based upon the request of Council at the last meeting after a presentation from the Port Angeles Citizens for Education Committee. He stated that Council should accept public comment before considering the Resolution. Mayor Di Guilio opened the meeting for public comment. He read aloud an email received from Penny Miller in support of the Levy. There being no other public comment, Mayor Di Guilio closed the public comment section. Mayor Di Guilin read the Resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 02 -11 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, in support of Proposition No. 1 to finance maintenance and operation expenses for the Port Angeles School District 121 for the years 2012-2015. 2 • • CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 2011 RESOLUTIONS NOT Council discussion followed. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: It was moved by Perry and seconded by Mania to: (Cont'd) Pass the Resolution as read by title. Resolution No. 02 -11 Motion carried 7 -0. OTHER 2. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System Communications Plan CONSIDERATIONS: Professional Services Agreement - Amendment No. 2 Councilmember Collins stated that he did support the original Agreement for a communications plan, and did not believe the expansion of the contract was necessary or an expense that the City should undertake. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to: Approve and Authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Parker LePla in an amount not to exceed $27,015, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 6 -1, with Collins voting in opposition. 3. Farallon Professional Services Agreement, Amendment No. 2 — Rayonier Property Sales Agreement Support, Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment. Councilmember Collins requested explanation of the Amendment, stating that he was under the impression the Agreement already included indemnification for the City. Attorney Bloor stated that the Agreement did already provide indemnification, but that the Amendment would help the City to qualify as a Bona fide Prospective Purchaser under the Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). He stated that this qualification provided added protection in addition to the contractual indemnification. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Perry to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Farallon Consulting in an amount not to exceed $70,000, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $25,800 to $95,800, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 6 -1, with Mania voting in opposition. 3 6808 6809 CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 2011 OTHER 4. Professional Services Agreement with Waterfall Engineering, LLC for CONSIDERATIONS: Project Design and Permitting Services for Valley Creek Restoration (Cont'd) Phase III, Project US 10 -03. Councilmember Kidd requested that staff provide an explanation of the project for the public because it was such a positive project. Deputy of Engineering Services Puntenney provided a description of the project, stating that the project was designed to return the natural meandering of the creek and provide more daylight by exposing the culverts to provide for better fish habitat in Valley Creek. He also stated that the project was being done in conjunction with the County, and that the current agreement was for design and permitting only. Staff is still working on funding for the construction portion of the project. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Nelson to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Waterfall Engineering, LLC, for Phase III of the Valley Creek Restoration, Project No. US 10 -03, in an amount not to exceed $121,000, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 7 -0. 1. Teamsters Union Labor Contract Extension Human Resources Manager Coons explained that one year extensions to the current agreements had been negotiated with both the Teamsters Sworn Officers and the Communications and Support Unit. He stated that both extensions did not include any cost of living adjustment for the year. He recommended Council approve the extensions for both parties. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Mania to: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the labor contract extension for the Teamsters Sworn Officers and the Communications and Support Unit, covering the period of January 1, 2011, through December 31, 2011. Motion carried 7 -0. PUBLIC HEARINGS — None. QUASI - JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS — None. OTHER: FINANCE: None. INFORMATION: Manager Myers spoke regarding the reports included in the packet, the City Council Retreat, the appeal filed with the Shoreline Hearings Board regarding Nippon, and the joint City Council meeting with the City of Victoria on February 25, 2011. At the request of Manager Myers, both Police Chief Gallagher and Fire Chief McKeen described what procedures to follow in an emergency in the Council Chambers. 4 • • • • CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 2011 Break: Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 6:42 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:48 p.m. WORK SESSION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: 1. City Manager 2011 Goals and Objectives Manager Myers reminded Council that this item had been tabled at the Council Retreat due to lack of time. He requested Council assist in combining and condensing the 18 different items suggested during his recent evaluation. He explained that once the list was finalized he would begin to share it with all of the City Departments. Council discussion followed. Council and Manager Myers condensed the list to nine main goals and objectives for 2011. None. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor J 5 sa Hurd, City Clerk 6810