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City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
June 14, 2011
3:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson
Other Councilmembers
Present: Max Mania
Other Councilmembers
Absent: Don Perry, Brad Collins, Patrick Downie
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Utility Advisory
Committee Members
Staff Present:
Dean Reed, Paul Elliott
Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Randy Brackett, Phil
Lusk, Dennis McBride, Sondya Wray, Jason Paynter, Helen
Freilich, and Ken Dubuc (3:42).
Others Present: Bob Lynette
III. Approval Of Minutes
Chairman Dan DiGuilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of May 10, 2011
Committee Member Brooke Nelson moved to approve the minutes. Dean Reed seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items:
V. Discussion Items:
A. Nippon Paper Industry USA Co., Ltd, Power Sales Agreement Update
• Staff requested that the Nippon Paper Industry USA Co., Ltd, Power Sales Agreement Update be
removed from the agenda.
B. Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Grant
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, discussed the City's grant submission for funding request
with the Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition Electric Vehicles Infrastructure. Dennis McBride,
Fleet Manager, reviewed the details and specifications of the alternative fuel technology
acquisitions. There was a lengthy discussion.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize City Manager to 1) sign the
agreement with the Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition for the City's electric vehicle
infrastructure project, 2) sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Seattle for
procurement of electric vehicle infrastructure, and 3) make minor modifications to the
agreement, if necessary. Brooke Nelson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
C. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Agreement Change Order No. 1
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, reviewed Mueller Systems recommendation
to the City for consideration of the use of fire rated meters for commercial customers with fire
suppression systems. Ken Dubuc, Fire Marshal, discussed the value and purpose of the fire rated
meters for the suppression systems. A lengthy discussion followed.
Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to approve
Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Mueller Systems, LLC for the Advance Metering
Infrastructure System, Project WTO1 -2008, in the amount of $78,550.00 for a total contract
amount of $4,468,314.00, including applicable tax. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
D. Residential Solid Waste Collection Route Revision
Randall Brackett, Deputy Director of Operations, reviewed the current residential collection
routes and proposed a new collection route. A proposed advertisement plan was reviewed. There
was a brief discussion.
For information only, no action requested.
E. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Settlement
Agreement Ratification
Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, discussed the Residential Exchange Program
settlement agreement with the Bonneville Power. More than 75% of consumer owned utilities
have accepted the settlement agreement. A lengthy discussion followed.
The Utility Advisory Committee provided guidance to staff to forwarded a favorable
recommendation to City Council to authorize the City Manager to send a letter to congress
supporting ratification of the Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange
Program Settlement Agreement.
F. Bonneville Power Administration Commercial and Industrial Demand
Response Grant Amendment No. l
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, explained an addition to the scope of work for
Amendment No. 1 needed on the Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project.
There was an extensive discussion.
Cherie Kidd moved to recommend City Council authorize City Manager to sign
Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration for the
City's Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Pilot Project, and make minor
modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Paul Elliot abstained. Dean Reed seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
G. Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 3 for Commercial and
Industrial Demand Response Project Evaluation
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, proposed Amendment No. 3 for support services to be
provided by EES Consulting for the Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Project
Evaluation. EES Consulting is currently assisting with the City's Residential Demand Response
Pilot Project. A lengthy discussion followed.
Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council to authorize City Manager to sign
Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with EES Consulting for an
amount not to exceed $20,000, and make minor modifications to the Agreement, if
necessary. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
H. Bonneville Environmental Foundation Solar4R Schools Project Update
Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, gave information on the Bonneville Environmental
Foundation, the Feiro Marine Life Center, and the City's implementation for an energy Solar 4R
Schools demonstration and educational project.
Information only, no action taken.
Information Only Items:
A. Northwest Public Power Association Tier 2 Power Supply Workshop Update
(Verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
B. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Update (Verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
C. Eagles Easement (Verbal report only)
Information only. No action taken.
VIII. Next Meeting Dates: July 12, 2011
Dan Di uilio, Mayor
4:26 p.m.
fa Hurd, City Clerk