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Port Angeles, Washington
June 21, 2011
Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 5 :30 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers
Collins, Downie, Kidd, and Nelson.
Members Absent: Councilmember Mania.
Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, N. West,
R. Korcz, T. Pierce, and S. Roberds.
1, Planning Commission Candidate Interviews
Council conducted interviews of Amanda Anderson and Dr. Dale Holiday, asking a
series of questions previously provided by staff. Both candidates answered the
interview questions and then shared their reasons for applying for the Planning
Commission. No action was taken.
Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the special meeting at 5:58 p.rn.
Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers
Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present:
Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler,
D. McKeen, N. West, T. Pierce, G. Roggenbuck, L.
Kheriaty, R. Korcz, R. Bonine, D. Beery, T. Partch, and L.
Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
i . Korean War Remembrance Day
Mayor Di Guilio presented a proclamation in recognition of June 25, 2011, as
Korean War Remembrance Day, to the Korean War Veterans Association, Local
#310. The Association then presented a plaque to the sister -in -law of a late Korean
War Veteran, honoring his service.
June 21, 2011
PUBLIC COMMENT: The following members of the public spoke in opposition to clear cutting trees in
Lincoln Park:
Devon Graywolf, 438 Lopez,
William Hunt, 438 Lopez,
Bill Larson, 420 W. 31'd St.,
Warren Musgrove, 1621 S. F St.,
Debra Wilson, 115 E. Orcas,
Lois Danks, 1621 S. F St,
Randall McCoy, 112 E. 11th St., and
Joseph Jackson, 1215 Hwy 101 N.
Randall McCoy also thanked City Council and staff for installing bike lanes on
First and Front Streets, and for making bike lanes and sidewalks a priority in the
Devon Graywolf also submitted additional petition signatures against cutting the
trees down in Lincoln park.
Deputy Mayor Ferry stated that the Council had not made any decisions yet
regarding the trees at Lincoln Park and asked the public to be patient.
1. Smile Survey — 2010 Report
Dr. Tom Locke, Clallam County Health Officer, opened his presentation on the
2010 Smile Survey Report by commending previous Council for fluoridating the
City's water. He discussed the current statewide oral tooth and health decay
epidemic and the 2010 Smile Survey results. He reported that in 2005, Clallam
County was significantly higher than the statewide average for oral health issues,
but now is virtually the same as the state average according to the 2010 report.
Council discussion followed.
2. Action Communities for Health, Innovation & Environmental Change
Council tabled this agenda item until the July 5, 2011, City Council meeting.
3. Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce / Quarterly Update
Council tabled this agenda item until the July 5, 2011, City Council meeting.
4. Council Training / Public Works Contracting Issues
Council tabled this agenda item until the July 5, 2011, City Council meeting.
Break: Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7 :04 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 7:12 p.m.
June 21, 2011
PUBLIC HEARINGS- 1 2011 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and Transportation Improvement
OTHER: Plan (T1P).
Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler presented possible additions and
revisions to the 2011 -2017 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and Transportation
Improvement Plan (TIP). He discussed adding back in the Alternative Cross -Town
Route Study because of a recent meeting request from the Washington State
Department of Transportation regarding this issue. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Perry and seconded by Kidd to:
Add the Alternative Cross -Town Route Study to the 2011 -2017 Capital Facilities
Plan (CFP).
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to:
Table the discussion of adding the Alternative Cross -Town Route Study until all of
the other CFP items had been discussed.
The motion to table failed 2 -5, with Mania and Collins voting in favor of the
Perry and Kidd withdrew the first motion and second.
Director Cutler discussed adding the Bi- Annual Water Lines Replacement project
and increasing the funding for the ADA Curb Ramps and Sidewalk Program. He
also discussed the possibility of delaying the following projects including the
Westside Fire Station, 18th Street Reconstruction Phase II, Combined Sewer
Overflow Phase I1, City Pier Float Replacement, Stormwater at Laurel and
Highway 101, and the upgrade at the A Street Substation. He stated that all of the
recommendations were submitted by Councilmember Collins and Mania, Council
discussion followed.
Councilmember Collins stated that his suggestions stemmed from wanting to
control utility costs and not increase utility rates. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 7:44 p.m.
Norma Turner, 3928 Mt. Angeles Rd., thanked the Council for tying utility rates to
the discussion regarding the Capital Facilities Plan, She discussed the possibility of
the economy continuing to decrease and that construction costs could possibly
decrease in the future, She also expressed her concern for the high assessment costs
on projects.
Mayor Di Guilio closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. Council discussion
followed regarding what projects to add or delay.
Council agreed by consensus to amend the 2011 -2017 CFP / T1P to include the
Alternative Cross -Town Route Study, amending the Bi- Annual Replacement Water
Lines project to include the year 2016, delaying the Westside Fire Station until
2013 -2014, delaying the City Pier Float Replacement one year, and to leave the
other projects as planned.
June 21, 2011
PUBLIC HEARINGS- Director Cutler discussed reducing a list of projects by 20% including, the Pole
OTHER: Replacement Program, Annual Stormwater System Rehabilitation, Overlay
(Coned) Program, Alley Paving, Sanitary Sewer Infiltration / Inflow Reduction Phase I, Bi-
Annual Sanitary Lines Replacement, Bi- Annual Water Lines Replacment, and the
Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement.
Councilmember Collins suggested that the reduction percentage be changed to 15%
and stated that the City needed to start living within its means. Council discussion
Council agreed by consensus to not reduce Alley Paving or the Concrete
Cylinder Pipe Replacement projects, but to reduce the Pole Replacement
Program, Annual Stormwater System Rehabilitation, Overlay Program,
Sanitary Sewer infiltration / Inflow Reduction Phase I, Bi- Annual Sanitary
Lines Replacement, and Bi- Annual Water Lines Replacement by 15%.
Director Cutler stated that he would bring back the Resolution with the agreed upon
amendments to the July 5, 2011, City Council meeting.
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement
Program for 2011- 2017.
2. Street Vacation Petition — STV 11 -02, Port of Port Angeles — Portion of
West 19th Street.
Director West described the need for the street vacation stating that there is a new
binding site improvement plan and that the Port of Port Angeles no longer needs the
street improvement.
Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 8:38 p.m. There being no public
comment, he continued the public hearing to July 5, 2011.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion
of 19th Street within the Airport Industrial Park, Port Angeles, WA.
Break: Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 8:39 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:46 p.m.
June 21, 2011
CONSENT AGENDA: Clerk Hurd stated that there were minor changes made to the minutes of June 7,
201 1,, to reflect statements made by Councilmember Mania.
It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to approve the Consent
Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes for 5131111, 617111 as amended, and 6/7 & 6/8/11
2. Expenditure Approval List: 5/28/11 to 6/10/11 for $1,382,203.48
3. Surplus Vehicles and Equipment for Disposal
4. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Pre - Clearance Excavation, Project 06 -01
Award Contract
5. Pole Replacements, Project CL05 -20101 Award Contract
6. Morse Creek Hydroelectric Dam Power Line Easement
7. .Bonneville Power Administration Commercial and Industrial Demand
Response Grant Amendment No. 1
8. Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 3 for Commercial and
Industrial Demand Response Project Evaluation
9. Friendship Diversion Contract Amendment
Motion carried 7 -0.
ORDINANCES NOT 1. Ordinance Revision -- Purchasing Policies and Procedures
HEARINGS: Director Cutler explained the need for the amendment to the City's Purchasing
Policies and Procedures, stating that the amendment addressed modifications to the
procedures to reflect State law regarding Small Works Rosters, Professional
Services Agreements and alternative contracting methods.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter
3.05, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Purchasing Policies
and Procedures.
1. The Gateway, Project US97 -20, Final Change Order
Attorney Craig Miller, Clallam Transit's legal representative, discussed the
mediated settlement regarding the satisfaction of all claims of Primo Construction
for the Gateway Project. He provided a brief history of the issue and process by
which the mediated settlement of $110,000, plus sales tax, was reached. He stated
that Clallam Transit had approved the settlement yesterday, including paying the
full settlement out of the Gateway Fund, instead of a 50/50 split between Transit
and the City. This included halting all distributions from the fund until all of the
final issues between Clallam Transit and the City are resolved. He stated that
Commissioner Chapman suggested forming a small committee to address these
final issues. Council discussion followed.
June 21, 2011
OTHER It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to:
(Coned) Concur with Clallam Transit System to accept the mediated settlement in full and
complete satisfaction of all claims of Primo Construction for The Gateway project;
direct the City Manager and Mayor to meet with representatives of Clallam Transit;
and direct the City Manager to sign the settlement agreement with minor
modifications, if necessary.
Motion carried 7 -0,
2. Planning Commission -- Appointment
Councilmember Mania exited the Council Chambers, stating that he was doing so
on the advice of the City Attorney. Council discussed the qualifications of two
candidates, Amanda Anderson and Dr. Dale Holiday. Council agreed that both
candidates were highly qualified; however, concerns were expressed regarding the
number of times Dr. Holiday may have to recuse herself because her husband,
Councilmember Mania, is on the City Council.
It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Perry to:
Appoint Amanda Anderson to the Planning Commission.
Councilmember Collins made a point of order inquiring about the process of
appointing a candidate to the Planning Commission.
Attorney Bloor stated that a motion is sufficient for two candidates; however, if
there were more than two candidates polling would be more appropriate.
Nelson and Perry withdrew the motion and second.
Mayor Di Guilio polled the Council. Amanda Anderson was appointed to the
Planning Commission, with Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, and
Councilmembers Downie and Nelson voting in favor, and Councilmembers
Collins and Kidd voting in favor of appointing Dale Holiday.
Councilmember Mania returned to the Council Chambers.
3. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program
Settlement Agreement Ratification
Deputy Director of Power Systems Dunbar explained that the agreement had
recently passed and that the accepters were made to agree to ratify the agreement to
Congress as part of signing the agreement. Approximately twenty public utilities
did not sign the agreement, including the City, and some of these utilities contacted
the City to sign a letter to congress urging them not to ratify the agreement.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Mania to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign a letter to members of Congress expressing
concerns about the ratification of the agreement.
Motion carried 7 -0.
June 21, 2011
FINANCE: 1. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System, Project WT01 -2008, Change
Order No. 1.
Deputy Director Dunbar stated that the change order allowed the City to purchase
fire rated meters for commercial customers with fire suppression systems as
suggested by the project's contractor, Mueller Systems. Council discussion
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Perry to:
Authorize the City Manager to approve Change Order No. 1 to the contract with
Mueller Systems, LLC for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure System, Project
WTO 1 -2008, in the amount of $78,550.00 for a total contract amount of
$4,468,314.00, including applicable tax.
Motion carried 7 -0.
OTHER 4. Parks & Recreation Master Plan
(Cont'd) Recreation Manager Bonine explained that the development of the 2011 Parks and
Recreation Master Plan included an online citizen survey, hosting three community
workshops, presenting it to over a dozen user or civic organization seminars,
receiving input from the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission, Parks
and Facilities Oversight Committee and City staff. He also stated that this same
type of Master Plan will be developed for Lincoln Park. Council discussion
Councilmember Collins recommends that a statement be added to the 2011 Parks
and Recreation Master Plan, which stated that the City Council will be the final
body to make the decision on Lincoln Park Master Plan.
Council agreed by consensus to add this statement to the 2011 Parks and
Recreation Master Plan.
It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to:
Adopt the 2011 Parks and Recreation Master Plan as a document to be used as both
a "road map" for the future of the Park and Recreation divisions, a planning
document for pursuing state grant funding, and a document to be later incorporated
into the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, as amended.
Motion carried 7 -0.
Councilmember Collins spoke regarding his attendance at a recent Clallam County
Economic Development Council meeting and stated that the EDC will be
restructuring their activities and encouraged Council to stay aware of this process
and results. No other reports were given.
June 21, 2011
Manager Myers provided Council with an update regarding the PenPly CDBG
grant. He spoke regarding the Finance Newsletter, Tier 2 Supply Workshop
summary report, and commended Glenn Cutler for working on the new bike lanes
installed downtown and for negotiating fencing and landscaping design for the
Border Patrol's new location. He also provided updates regarding the recent Retail
Sector Group meeting, the City's utility collection procedures, and listed upcoming
public meetings on the new AMI system.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m.
an Di Guilio, Mayor Janes j` urd, City Clerk