HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/06/2011• CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: • CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 6, 2011. Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: Councilmember Collins. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, and G. Cutler, and N. West. Based upon input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Di Guilio announced the need for an Executive Session for approximately 45 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel. The Executive Session convened at 5:03 p.m. The Executive Session concluded at 5:47 p.m. No action was taken. Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the special meeting at 5:47 pin. Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins [arrived at 6:27 p.m.], Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Councilmember Collins just returned from an out - of -town family memorial service. Members Absent: None. Staff ,Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, J. Matthews, D Bellamente, L. Dunbar, and B. Coons. Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Police Volunteer Recognitions Mayor Di Guilio and Police Chief Gallagher presented James and Marilyn Walsh with proclamations in recognition of them both receiving the President's Call to Service Award for their 4000 plus hours of lifetime service. Both James and Marilyn Walsh have each volunteered over 4000 hours for the Port Angeles Police Department. 6969 6970 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 2011 CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: (Cant' d) PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ordinance No. 3434 2. City -Wide Clean -Up Day Mayor Di Guilio presented a proclamation to Manager Myers recognizing September 10, 2011, as Clean Up Port Angeles Day. Manager Myers described the ongoing work by City crews and community volunteer groups and encouraged all citizens to get involved. Edna Willadsen, 1719 E. Lambert Ln., spoke in opposition to the AMI smart meters. Don Zeller, 129 W. First St., spoke regarding ongoing issues between the members and the board of the Port Angeles Downtown Association. Norma Turner, 3928 Mt. Angeles Rd., spoke regarding utility rates and urged Council to provide utility assistance to the working poor not just seniors or disabled individuals. Shirley Nixon, PO Box 178, spoke in opposition to the Port Angeles Municipal Code codification outsourcing contract and the proposed ordinance amendment regarding the addition of a new member to the Utility Advisory Committee. Councilmember Mania spoke regarding his trip to San Francisco. Councilmember Downie spoke regarding his attendance with Director West at the Northwest Regional Conference of International Council of Shopping Centers. Deputy Mayor Perry spoke regarding his attendance with Councilmember Kidd at the most recent Saturday Farmers' Market. No other reports were given. 1. 2001 Electric Revenue Bond Refinancing Finance Director Ziomkowski provided a brief description of the proposed bond refinancing with First Federal, stating that the City would save $120,000 with no changes in maturity dates. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3434 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the issuance of an electric revenue refunding bond of the City in the principal amount of $1,662,056.10 to finance the cost of refunding certain outstanding electric revenue bonds of the City; establishing the date, form, terms, maturities and covenants of the bond; and approving the sale of the bond. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. 2 • • Break: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 2011 Mayor Di GuiIio recessed the meeting for a break at 6:42 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:55 p.m. None. At the request of Councilmember Collins, Mayor Di Guilio pulled the Expenditure Approval List, and the Affiliation Agreement with Tacoma Community College at the request of Councilmember Kidd. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Collins to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council minutes for July 12, 2011, and August 16, 2011 4. Award 2011 Street 1 Alley Overlay Contract, Project TR04 -2005 5. Final Acceptance 1 Cable Restoration Phase III, Project CL01 -2010 6. Transfer of Fire Department Surplus Apparatus Motion carried 7 -0. Expenditure Approval List: 8/6/11 to 8/26/11 for $2,939, 411.92 Councilmember Collins inquired regarding the large expenditures for Waste Connections. Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler explained that the expenditures covered more than one month. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Nelson to: Approve the Expenditure Approval List: 8/6/11 to 8/26/11 for $2,939,411.92. Motion carried 7 -0. 3. Affiliation Agreement with Tacoma Community College Re- Establishing Port Angeles Fire Department as Paramedic Training Site Councilmember Kidd asked Fire Chief McKeen to review the history of the agreement because of the positive nature of the partnership. Chief McKeen provided a brief history. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Mania to: Authorize the Fire Chief to sign the Affiliation Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Tacoma Community College for 2011/2012 academic school year. Motion carried 7 -0. 1. Industrial Transmission Electric Rate Ordinance Amendments Director Cutler introduced Power Resources Manager Dunbar and Terry Mundorf of Marsh Mundorf Pratt Sullivan. Manager Dunbar conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the proposed Industrial Transmission Electric Rate Ordinance Amendments. Council discussion followed. 3 6971 6972 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 2011 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Coned) ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Coned) Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 7:26 p.m. Shirley Nixon, PO Box 178, spoke in opposition to the Industrial Transmission Electric Rate Ordinance Amendments. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. to September 20, 2011. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising portions of Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to purchase and sale of electricity. 2. Utility Advisory Committee Membership / Ordinance Amendment Manager Myers stated that this ordinance amendment was drafted in response to Councilmember Mania's request to add another member to the Utility Advisory Committee. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Utility Advisory Committee. 1. Ordinance Revision / Purchasing Policies & Procedures Director Cutler stated that a portion of the ordinance had been adopted by Council and that at that time Council had asked staff to clarify some language in the remaining sections of the ordinance. He explained that the ordinance revision before Council tonight is a second reading of those revised sections. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3435 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 3.05, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Purchasing Policies and Procedures. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. 4 • • • • OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: FINANCE: INFORMATION: CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 2011 1. Port Angeles Municipal Code Codification Clerk Hurd described the proposal to outsource the codification and internet hosting of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. She stated that an outside company could provide a better product for the public and staff, and that it would be more cost effective and efficient. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Municipal Code Corporation to provide codification services and internet hosting services for the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Motion carried 7 -0. 1. Award Stormwater Outfall Repair of Valley Creek / Project #DR01 -2004 Director Cutler discussed the need to expedite the repair the outfall of Valley Creek especially before the rainy season. He stated that bids were not included at this time because they were still in process, but staff did not want to wait to move the project forward at risk of missing the last few good weeks of weather. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Collins requested to be informed throughout the bidding process. Councilmember Mania stated that he approved of the project, but did not approve of the process staff is using and that he is uncomfortable approving a contract before receiving bids. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Perry Authorize the City Manager, at his discretion, to award and sign a contract for the Stormwater Outfall Repair of Valley Creek, Project No. DR01 -2004, with the low responsive and responsible bidder in a price not to exceed $ 100,000. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 5 -2, with Mania and Kidd voting in opposition. Manager Myers spoke regarding the reports in the packet and the Facade and Signage Grant program recent awards. He introduced Joel Norberg, with AVI -SPL, the vendor responsible for installing the new Council Chamber audio system. Mr. Norberg provided a brief training on the use of the system for Council and staff. Manager Myers also spoke regarding the recent budget work session with Council, the upcoming Elwha Dam removal event, the dedication of the 9/11 monument at Francis Park, the upcoming presentation on Telecommunications as a Economic Development Tool by Lee Afflerbach, and recognized Director Ziomkowski, who will be sworn in later this month as the new President of the Washington Finance Officers Association. Director West provided a brief report regarding his attendance with Councilmember Downie at the Regional Conference of International Council of Shopping Centers. 5 6973 6974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 2011 EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: WORK SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Based upon input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Di Guilio announced the need for an Executive Session for approximately 15 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel. The Executive Session convened at 8:25 p.rn. The Executive Session concluded at 8:38 p.m. Council reconvened in regular open session and added a new agenda item: Pettit Oil Litigation Settlement Agreement. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Authorize the City Manager to sign a joint City -Port of Port Angeles settlement agreement on the Pettit Oil litigation, with payment by the City not to exceed $30,000, subject to approval of the settlement agreement by the Port of Port Angeles. Motion carried 7 -0. 1. Council Training / Ethics Issues & Related Topics Tabled until the October 4, 2011, City Council meeting. eting adjourned at 8 :45 p.m. uilio, May 6 Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Rf71\2y • 6975 EXECUTIVE SESSION Date: September 6, 2011 Expected length of session: 45 minutes Is action expected following the session: No. At the start of Executive Session, remind participants that: • Only announced topics may be discussed • No final action can be taken in Executive Session • Discussions are confidential Reason for Executive Session: To consider matters affecting national security. To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. . To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or 40 discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. 1 6976 EXECUTIVE SESSION September 6, 2011 To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. X To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. T Time session began: 5 :03 p.m. Was session extended by announcement: No If so, when: Time session ended: 5:47 p.m. In attendance: Mayor Di Cruilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson, Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, G. Cutler, and N. West. • • • • EXECUTIVE SESSION Date: September 6, 2011 Expected length of session: 15 minutes Is action expected following the session: Yes. At the start of Executive Session, remind participants that: • Only announced topics may be discussed • No final action can be taken in Executive Session • Discussions are confidential Reason for Executive Session: To consider matters affecting national security. To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual,employee or class,dfernployees,,or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. 1 6977 6978 EXECUTIVE SESSION September 6, 2011 To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. X To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: 8:25 p.m. Was session extended by announcement: No If so, when: Time session ended: 8:38 p.m. In attendance: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson, Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, G. Cutler, N. West, and B. Coons. City Clerk 2 91914711 • •