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STtlg OF \\ iSltlhl:TO\
Covx -i r OF C(.A1.1.A V, SS..
being duly
sworn, says that he is the manager 'of the
Oh niptc Leader t weekly nen•spaptr publish
cd tt 1 ort Angeles, in CI dlant County, State
of Wit,. lun,gton and Unit said ncn spaper dur-
ing- all the time herein mentioned is and was
a newspaper published at least once a week
as a weekly newspaper, and is and . was a
newspaper ofgcneratl circulation in Clallam
county, Washington, and that the annexed
is the correct and true copy of the
as it %t as published in Ole regular and entire
issue of said paper for a period of..
consecutive weeks commencing on the ltf`J1Y
day of 19S'� and
ending on tit .._d ly of -- 1190 -_.�
slid that said newspaper was regularly. dis-
tributed to its subscribers during all of said
period, and that said notice. was published
in said newspaper proper and not in a sup
plement form
ti ib 4bed . tobef or.eme' this .:1744. li hi- lr � 6.1..i. de 2 i
} tpJlf� A.D.,19 .
ort Angeles.
manes grantlinf;I Thomas
.. i aimaelatear belie aid
rfght.';prIvilege ll;
oeoae,''sulLorlty arid +franchise to
eitict eonelruct and nraintaln ".pol'ea
and wires Em; over f"aloug and across
the streets,- i'aveniee and drays ";of
theCltZ of .Port Angeles, in �C1a1=
lnm County t Waehingtont end, to
conetroot, etuip and maintain 'con
da,U 1n mold ratreeta .eve men, and
allege, and to inetail end maintain
all ouch fiber. means egnipment ;or
3evlces, tab may be net eery xproper
Or tronvenient;for the yarpcee ,of, -the
tranemise{toij. dfetrlbutfon and''aale
of.eleetrk onrrent for eleotrio power,
heetandgli '�bt,Zaad.'for- anyEother '
purpoeelfor whioh electriait} or eleo
trio pow¢r me`p' be
:The Clty-_Council of the cityyof
Port Angeles does erdaln.as folloivet�
'.`Sheila i? That there be and`hers
by-ia granted; unto Tlioraae T.sAld
well, hlaj"essooiatea ,heirs and -as
signs thbtxright privilege license,
authortt} and franehlse; to; erect,
maintains and vas poles or other
devices for -the sappart eft sires in;
over, alone across ,audy aeon; the
streets avenues and= alioye ;or tke
City of Portr`,Augelee_ and to von
etreat epd �ttp aoadnlls m snob
etreelsi� avenues rand alleys end : to
install all such other masse equip-
meat nail devices as may(.. be Decesse-
ry,t`�proporAK or r convenient end "t0
maintafa and aseSoach'pules Icon-
duitu, ar oilier me nus, Egmt meat; or
decloas for the purpoee oyf the tiane-
minsiou and dletnbatietl fof elactr'I,,
aitfieat for use ass eleotrlo s-power,
hear and�plight� and fornuy, other
pefpose for whmh� electricity ? may
1,aieed and to turniah`electric
power beat ;and. lIghtZ within f the •
orpomte bmlte of the City of Part
M1ngeloe C1n11am fCoanty, Wasbmg...
too, F�'for manleipah domestic and
mauufaotarlug;, uses .'end for :auy
other use or •esee to whioh"eleatrtaity
may bo put„- and to charge and col-
lecL 1i,ll - rates and aompansatlon
for each over, heat and <Ilght�_ and
enoh' -.Qtly -uses subjeot-to' the reser-
!vetfoua ere)oafter, eoatnined In :;fu-
var�1if \r fil429ity,1n fora ? periad",€of
[wetrty i n {(15 )�yrnys from end after
.hp'paeee a -and � aoceptanee byyy esld
drdetea thri< ordina "
nce provided
that "F {nom a oonatractton,'-4operation.
and;mai edm be of said pba plaute'
wittiin d oiry,limlts, :aatd�giwutee
*War iota- �and�asslgue;ihallat"
•,all.,!imes ouform "to;;.-stich ordinen --
ces,<rol 5ud regulati one; :whioh niay;
be In free or whlah msy�i hereafter
be adopted by,i, ea Id city f o srelatinn
to the aoitstiauttou .l operetiee `and.
maieteaaoce ofr any of the appliances
or :woriail of Bald power plant heroin.
for ld,ii500),8ya;Lundred 4;,,llaf6 .
per month_'i Said ialuretfivw'linndred..
(500} .dollue par montehh tu'ha pall
by rid each month �withont re
gird " 1c..whether. or -not
- it shall .nnri
any, or all of said oae;"hundted, filtyl,
1(150)• horse power'; Said grsateee,,I'
their eacoeasora ens aaetana;;further
agree 44 to furnish `.0.to said city,'
power. in eacees•ef the one :hundred.
fifty (150) horse -power herein con -
tracted for, at the following - rates, I
to wit
For the) first one hundred - (100)
horsepower col aneb- exresa; power,
at .the "of: = =awo - and - one-half
(2 1,2) pants per kilowatt hour. r. -y;i
For, the -next "two- hundred, (200) borne power of such excess; power,',
at the -rate-.'of :two and 0110 quarter .
(21.4) 'cents -per; kilowatt hour,
,z::'Aud ' for,' `power over_:; four
hundred ',fifty, (450) horse power;
at <, the` rate of two r."'..(2) cents per
kilowatt 'hour
In the'- event thatf. the,: grantee
shall by : reason;, of causes , beyond
bumau control; be Unable to far-
nisb powerl,rat' any - time `the city_
shall = be entitled "Fto deduct from the
payment, for the time snob -power
is not "fururaahed, at the rate ; said
city, would be by this agreemeat
•required, -to be paid at the _ time ' of
said, deduction
"' All power I_fnrnished to said city_
sunder thls section of this franchise,1
'shall be delivered by tho'':graetecs,
their sucoesaore or aeslgoe to`,said
oily at its_ power,; house or : distnb-
ntingst1tinn tn; said city, and the
amount of power," geed by said city
56011 b determined by the -o8e f
standard metersc.' anrl measuring
devices toga the eeatisfaci loo ,. of -r the
�uoid pity, et the coat of the.graotees,',
'their- 'auecessors. or assigns
Section - 6..That the said gmnteee,'
their';; euucesems _nod designs4 are
given the right, ';license
lege for the ported -. of � five ai jean::
from and after the date > when the de-
1ivory of power under this - franchise
ehnl l commence to use the ' polee of
acid city = far the'stringing of • its
wlree -for the transptiastoa of power,
such uee 1,i -�,be . etbjeot "to regular
tione b`y;;tbe elty
Sectlon-7 That-all poles,-aonq
delta and dmima_eet up or it: -
atall.d, ini*,74 esete�"- F�venpee and
alleys of card olty,,ahelLbe aot.up or
lustalled• lit conformity with.the reg -j
nlatlona of the cityconncll. -;-y,, '
p*Section' 8 That'the eeld City_of Port '
Angeles shall': In =no • : li
way be. able'
for any, accident or ;damage In the
oonetrvotiuo i - or ''-operation of = the'
pelema onduits `amohiuery ;;,wires ; -
or other appllancee Of said grantees,'
thilirrsucoeasore" or. assigns, by. iea-
eon of the default 'ori misconduct; of
said grenteee, tbeli1successors or as-
signs, or their_ employees 'And.= the
acceptance of-_this'giout 'shall 'be ;
deemed an agreementoo. the,: part ; of
said -.-., grantees, their, eacceat+ors and
assigns,- to. aare''the eity,g :harmless
tram rand. against all' liability; Iose,'
cosis; :expenses and, damagee'; at any
Mauro which tnay accrue or arise,by
reason of the couetructioa'- or"' opera:'-
elan of "said pates; Wires,-,-; oouduite
and other; appliatiaee Tor arenas of
operating or constructing !said power .
plaute. and shall 4 !ndemoify ^ and
repay;sald- ; city for any .roes;': costa i
expenses dor damages - misoondaet,:
accident, .,nr injury.aforeeatd; and
if any. judgment for, damagee; for auy
each default, reiscondnot, accident.
, ur injury shall , be 4 recovered :there
fore egalnat said city; - the;- recovery
thereof" and + the judgment therefore
_shall be conducive as..to ::the amount
of , damask: cud a. liability, of said
grantees, : -their socceasore or ` essigna,'
i to said City of Part •Angeles. -Fa,,<4h;^� i,
�• Section 9. 11.r at' any time except
fifer causes :beyond , the power:;' of
man, sand- grantees _their successors
or assigns,.- shall fell neglect, or
return .for,ia period of aixty,(co)
days to comply withf any; provleion
of ", this 'franablse, `' to .be by:, them
complied ",; with, or _shall- fail,' neg
lent or refuse for .. sixty ; (60)- daya,to
comply with iany,„ munielpal,regu -;
atiana now.'', in fercei -: or;-whiclr'may
hereafter', be ; lawfully` . imposed E by
the .. "5 city coi nail of -the'said r city, :
Ithisfranchiee and all',• rights under]
the ordinance shall at`the option - of
-said jolty lintiuol1 be i forfelted„ land
the enld elty'shgil. at_ oaoe.opan 'such ;
fofe itur have t •r' iltht to, rego(rts
iii 'cundulte, po�leesa",, wlr�eea and other,.]j
appliabcee end�pett,{f Bald grni -i
tees, their anoae®os aotl seefgns,• tot
be' removed4irom? the sbeete and
other public prance of the leatd ; city. I
a Section 10.• That the said ,granleee
shall- within fifteen' (15)`,days, from ,
and after the ;.passage and"approvall
ofthis urrdlnance file an , aoaeptaace l
thereof- with,the clerk of. -the .said!
city' in' ;writing . .:- -'.- -- := T :..
t, Section 11.s+.7'his ordinance shall
take effeotand be to force `after - -its ;
Passage and approval,' mat:, from' and,'
after five (51 days after its lawful pub-
1 = cation. -. s"^?- ` -,- ifs. -.
,a Passed March -th 29 1910. Vetoed
by the ;mayor !April, 4 - 1910 : Re-"
; considered_ and •passed over mayor's;
veto -by flue - votes` of the'- council
men'.` April a 5th„ 1d10. -; :- Pablisbed
April'.:: 10th, .191.0.' Attest. C :,E..
Shields, City'Cterk.
eee .7„,524-bd
2.& ;_,:eziu‘,66.6fttl,
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j ,a4-r-66 ca-&t.e114/1' "4,47/
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