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above datu:' m
tra:.tbeiice ',along
ne m uter Lne of First :street for a
dl . :,4 dletanea el 40000 feet' sus grad out,
ordlnavoe _ttle M1 ordtoanee-
`�"i348 't'entttled Aa•o mauve of0 3 ytgCperl00:t)0 feet,atwhlcb �.
?' < an p iioae - pnia`e the elevation of grade to 104.00"
eadinB sad sepeelin I feet above datum from tbence along
�it1 d4. A E-, �`rdiuen..e No.� 117
(( oegeatahllehiug neuter line of ,.Flret- ,- atreelyfgr,e
,ebtitlea, An oMl� distanda of 18f000 feet on agradient
the oTador at a t�and _repeal ', of =-0 1` t..et pea ?JO d0-feet,st;bleb
•;_,.,�, ilit] of 1?ortYAagel eint the elevation of gradeJa 9,7:00
f. } • v -feet above: datum from thence pg8t.
y��tl`t�tttf � •lif 11�i�ttFt�tIIlt w tog- ordtnavaee +1d � 19 n•� �0 P
_. -. 10g -nr torn _ _.
approved 7:�Da°em --4.r resloriu ail] along center liui °P Rust etreet
cud "t4. cal`ab Filt. 4,, for a't distance 0! 800 00 feet:0n-a
STATE (11: LlasHt�cro�, , '. radiant0i_ 0 -12 feet per10DOOfeel-
. ±� the gmdae -o First slixet avd ';4)u �
et which point the elevation of gredel.
A- Lnnret etreet In sel� mfr mot° ihe � 1 g ?'
w' grndwx'ttiat were _''''' bhs-- -(1 I •i4._ 98 OOrfeet above_r "datnm:drow.
COUNTY 01: l_'Lnl.l.nu•� o ( thenveeleugvrenterhneotFirst ,etinet
drigmal,eactlousetid 18 In eatdt,` I s
7j �7'G IrdlaenNo 11 r mld rePealmg 1 -
�/` �`//' fora dietence of 900 - -0D feet btu a
ell other ordiu¢uces ,uud paTla. °f diet ot�-0 "2 Jfeet per 100 00
feet at which point the eiflve ion o
heittg du urdiunaees iu cuu9iot wltb tltie� gee •
'arl4. t I e - t € reds rr 9U 00 teat above datum-
sworn,�s:t1s fluff ht is-the'
s the maaaber oft cF-Uovl oouuctIufttb'e Ctty� � �
4.y from thence atod(t ce'iiter hue i°. of
L)I atpie -Lt tder,a weekly newspaper publish p Au1.de 10 oirlaln iil 4.411 ;First street; for a dttitnvoe of COO 00
ettim 1 That ardlunnco :teat 4)a a indient of`�Q -GY tent p'er.
cd it fort Angeles, m CI 1111111 County, bt;t2 ` B -{
euhtled du or[�iaau °e am. -00 00•feet,at wlneh'pviatithe eleva -_
of \1 t- hinnton, and that s.tnl newspaper spaper dur.1 h �t•,•nd rrepeelmg seetiuus.,.t ¢°d r1 8 lion of rage ia100 UU feet above do,
am all the time herein mentioned is Ind tv t a: hrdmauoe No 117 00 �ltld tom tram`- ihevve along ,center line
inavice estebl>.SUtu6 tLa grndes of rift pisteetreet 00:1i0a dtatauae f=.of
a 4.w weekly ewsphed [t least 4)04.4 1 wee at etrex(o of the CiLy of Portiaau
dievt of 9�OQ_
a� 1 w ttd(ly new s rt )tr and is end was 400 00 feet on sy lfta F
I � 1 `gelea cod iepeahng:0rdivances Nos
l roved �Decewbor
nw spaper of general circulation in CIa1Ltn eCan 180 0 at pr d1I othert!ordi ' center hae0f FJret sheet being 20 00
counLc, Washington, and that the annexe[ 11-1. tf'ordtuances m • Meet to• eastward ....the ioIr .tf tloo,
anc aiau8 P f :FI t street- W>`W Liberty street,
is the co
._.. ...:., set or
4.5 it was published 1n the regular and entire,' mad are: hereby tored au `r 1 LADR7 b IiTR
V acted aad7 they eatuhllaUed grades . t`s�y geot'Lr•A That S the eeta liehed;
issue of sni[l paper for a period of.:_ 07-----t-'' 1` , t First etreet r it ai3 tity 0f ".' Porl grade ot;Geuret atreot a4., deearibed,
consecutive wreaks c ntAil • cing on _the me n elee as dee� in said ecaliot 3 `. ,iv eeott °u .18 of • said ordlv0000 No
�'q�q�� /�1 of said lodlq'tl> iaer,N '1.17iftd 1 '117 shall be and tlie: same to as fo1
clay of. -�a � % /� 19Q�0-, and vend the snmbS s us fotlow9 f 's l IuWakto wit r �''
ending Oltthe day of 190 7 the elePAtiOnrO )grad OF at,1fi 10 ; The 0 eP�e
and that said newspaper was regularly dis- er0euttou of L its ud� au P
e 4.e 00 [aetnbove durum Om.lUeuce li atceet i4. 26 OOfaet ,above datum th_
tnbuted to its suhseriUcrs [luring all of said ' elevation 0(.grade ac,tho imbrue thou
Ivng geete lice of Fet• etreet
period, and that Said notice 'teas published on! u 'grndttn�Tf O "47 foe.) par.; d of oat eti et ti:2 004. eoubo line °t
in said newspaper r4) er and not in a su I1100 00 teat fora dt, stenos of 1150 00 r. _ Front etreet i4. 26.00 feet oraoet.datum
proper P feet atwbie140ia Li IeI vation of ii from thevice Ali-, ihe" ivfereeotion' of
•�., grade is •`JO 0fi feekkbOPedatum from .: Laurel street with the north lino of
plement form. •/ t-Z,4 �7 � >thence seslorly i P) H:x tfuter liv° °Y F 1i lret street a dietnnee of 30000 tent
', Q Pir t etreet for Afte ance of 1.13,11 00 on a gradleat et44.?7 feet por 100.00
if 1 yr S- .,,if- d va+ot :feet per .< feet jut Whmh•polat the elevatron of
.,L %vt 1.....--,
felt per lOD 00 feet to a p01nt on the
correct and true cope•, of the auu0tot with this ordioauae are'he V z at whleh,poi¢t the elevation if,gra110
repealed s �.. * ,Y - -� 1, -i4. 118 00 feet above datum (Vide+
8ecttou'2 That aectiona 7 4.¢d 18 r ro01e No 2) y tip ;tit
d - din�a St 4.e -i•� 117" @bone � _, �
d e
1 1100 Of " grnde f� the in-
tereectlon,4ef. tsurel v With>f'Frout
.. - . .' frtxt on 'a gre . }.
ntethi� ++ 100 00 ,font, at 4. 141011 Quint the 4.1000 r grade tsr39 30 feet �eb0ve datum -rho
' t is - t floe of cad is' rat�-00[fe t above du elevation of grnde at the iulereechaib?
A. D., 1917rQ �� R.' wee along of 1.10 1' with First stroet is_ 40 • 0f1''
' f,1110431;1' Z r tom from thence ht,0 or aloe Den d
1rh �/ � ( ter line �Vlieta' etlfur e. dieteuogl ,, feetabove did the elevation of
ft d tl f Laurel •
)�,�; li'7'ilo .. ou�dleut of. -'9 •_ i,radA ut rho i ersec nu v j`
i1�+ Noll, }• } •:)m:u for the, tats o ¶-v uagton, r feet p i:1: '01 fee p 1 Wttlgii' poia - Whh thes0vth liee.Of First etreet;leI
Residing • ¢t a es. a elevation uf: ura0e to 70.00 feel 00 faettalr , b'" atntu fro in thence
(!' 4.v -iAtih yfrom' thence `eaetetl ' -:tee s Bji obi "eurel'etieet
'Ion eater knee rt �fli'T a ) t,•
di' h b4)`e ut'f2U0t01: 34fi di �..
Ient Of, - 4U.,feet;lper 100.00 feet, at
wbiob "point rho elevatio`nfroff; gradm is'
ill D'8b "tit above::ie10 • Iu tl�n9C
° ` ela0g venter liue-o
eaeeaf °°t�
tetreetttor a distance et .00. 4.r 100.011;.
a • gradtent,°f - y-4.10 feet p fi
;feet,' at,whtolr�¢o °t. the elevation o
`grade is 0 0 6 30,..feet X a.tnmi,
from == ibe0ve geslerly s along center:
line' of Firetietreot for a diet:none O
200.00. fee ti'0'i ; 0• gradieot } ot .oiot
hiet ;par 101/ 00.feat; at -which ..p
the',:elevation-o4. grade';; 1e :213:60j feet
l v'2i 7�i�u/�i /Er' L //9.�
'withthe. north line of Second: street.')
a distance of 300:00 feet,uma gradient
of+11 33 feet perlUd.00feet,at which
'point the'eleration of grade is 75.004
'feet above. datum,; the' ele0at loo' of
grade et.the intereectiou of.iourel�
street, with Second street is,.76Oa- teat
shove datum :;:t he elevatiui of gcaat'
at tha intsrseetiuu of -beurel stieee,
with the south lam of Second street
Is 76.00 feet «hove datumfrom tEeoce'
Ito the intersect ion of:Gaurgl &etree>i
With.tbe uorth. I the of TbIM iireetg
'a distance of 300.00 feet ou a grndi4: _{{
oi+6.O0 feet per,1O0 00 feet,atwliict
paint. the =eteoaliou of grade -la;
feet aline datum: front thence alone
center line; of street`. for 45r.
distance of 400.00 feet. on a grodient
of '40.75 feet ',per 100.00 feet, "at
which point the elevation of - grade'
is'- 07.00 'feet above detuni: '-from
thanes center I tae of ; Luurel,l
'street foi a diMlauce oi.700 00 feet' un
gradient Of ',i -1.37 feet, per. 160,00
feet,suid poiut being 10.00 feet north'
' from the in£ereectiou of Luarel street
• with the mirth line of Sixth street. t
the elm:atioe of which 2 ie ;106:03.'
feet 'above datum. (Vide ' Profile j
1 No. 0 l _ ' -,',.:
I : +- Section 4: This crdi0nuce stall .
.take effe= . ct nod he three rce nfterits
I paseafe .npptaval, ,nod from end.
after Oda days sifter ifs pubhcatinn:
April r_ 12th;: 1010 Ap
proved- ApriL- 15th, 1010. Published'
April L'. 1010
Lewis, Mnyor
i ia latent C 'E Shields City Cler{