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An Ordinance granting to Guy Dann and A.V.Dann,
their heirs, associates, successors and assigns, the right,
privilege and authority to erect, osthblish, put in operation,
operate, maintain, improve, alter, repair and use within tho
corporate limits of the City of Port Angelus, plants or works fo
making or providing gas, together with •11 the- necessary grounds,
buildings, apparatuo, machinery and. appurtenances for the pur-
pose of making, selling acid supplying gas within or without the
boundarioe of said City of Port Angeles, and supplying the
same through pipes or pipe lines from any place within or with-
out the City of Port Angeles, the said gas to be either natural
or made bg artificial means, and to lay doun,maintain,operate,
repair, change, supply and keep in use, pipes or other conduits
in the streets, alleys and public places in the said City of
Port Angeles for the transmission, supply, distribution and
Salo of as for heating and illuminating purposes, togothor
with all.neeossary and proper attaohments, connections and
appurtenances for transmitting, supplying, distributing and
selling gas for heating and illuminating purposos withinor
without the said City of Port Angeles.
The City Council of the City of Port Angolan do
Ordain ao follows:
SECTION 1. That in the constructionand for the
purposes of this Ordinance, (whore not inconsistent with the
context or subject matter) the following terms shall have tho
respective moaning hereinafter assigned to them.
"The City" shall mean tho City of Port Angeles,
County of Clallam, State of Washington.
"The Mayor" shall moan, embrace and refer to tho
City Mayor of the City of Port Angeles,County of Clallam, State
of Washington.
"The Grantees" shall moan, embraoo and rotor to
Guy Dann, A: V. Dann, thoir heirs, associates, successors and
�vo A 'to Watt /A +* s ip -) e i e�;;.�� �, Ccrvv.
'a`n`y` , 1,11s, , • ` ;�.
"The Council" shall mean, embrace and refer to t
City Council of the City of Port Angeles, County of Clallam,
State of Washington.
"The Clerk" shall mean, embrace and refer to the
City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, County of Clallam,
State of Washington.
"The Treasurer" shall mean, embrace and refer to
the City Treasurer of the City of Port Angeles, County of
Clallam, State of Washington.
',Street or Streets" shall mean any public
thoroughfare, alley, avenue or public way within the City of
Port Angeles in the County of Clallam, State of Washington.
SECTION 2. That there be, and hereby is,
granted to the Grantees the right, privilege and authority, for
a period of fifty years from and after the passage, approval
and publication of this Ordinance, to erect, establish, put in
operation, operate, maintdin,improve, alter, repair and use
within the corporate limits of the City, subject to the
approval of the City Council.
(A) Plants or works for making or providing gas,
together with all the necessary grounds, buildings, apparatus,
machinery and appurtonances for the purpose of making, selling
and supplying gas within or without the City as the boundaries
thereof are or may hereafter be.
(B) To supply gas within the City through pipes or
pipe lines from any place within or without the City, said gas
to be either natural or made by artificial means.
(C) To lay down, maintain, operate, repair,
change, supply and keep in use pipes or other oonduita in the
Streets in the City for the transmission, supply, distribution
and''sale of gas for heating an illuminating purposes, together
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with all the necessary proper attachments, connections and
appurtenances for transmitting, su.pplying, distributing
selling gas for heallng and illulminating purposes within the
City or outside thereof; all of which rights, privileges and
authorities and rights of way are hereby granted sabjeet to,
Protected by and with priyilegy in all the conditions, re-
striations, specificatione and requirements in this Ordinance
herein or hereinafter expressed.
SECTION 3. In laying down such pipes or conduits
the Grantees heroin shrill not make excavations in any Street
for a distance exceeding two blocks at any one time, and on
completing each work, shall leave such strect in like good. repair
as the same ma before making such excavation; and all pavements
and sidewalks shall be taken up and all excavations in public.
streets shall be made in compliance with the Ordinance of the
City under the supervision and rules of the:superintendent of
streets, or other person or board having supervision of the
public streets, and in ouch manner as tO.give the least incon-
venienee to the City and the, inhabitants thereof, and where '
pavements or sidewalks have been disturbed, after the pipes are
laid, such pavements or sidewalks shalIbe restored in the
same Manner as they were before making the excavation, and in
accordanoe with the Ordurinwoes ind rules fif the City, and all
done at the expense of the Grantees. Back-filling of any
excavation made shall, where necessary in order to make the •
same useful for street purposes, be properly puddled.
SECTION 4. That the Clerk shall, subject to the
approval of the City Council and subject to general ordinance,
grant permits to the Grantees for the purpose of laying or
relaying said pipes underground, all of whioh work shall be
done under the supervision of the public authority of the
City, and the oost of such supervision shall be paid by the
Grantees herein,and if not so paid, the same ahall be deducted
from tho deposit required to be made by the Grantees to the
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Sreasurer, as hereinafter provided; and prior to the opening
of any street Litho City, through its proper officers, may
arrange for a revolving Rind deposit to cover the cost of
suoh supervision. Before granting any omen permit, the
Grantees shall file, with the Clerk, a'petition in writing,
accompanied by a diagram drawn to scale, delineating phe place
or places where it is desired to open the street for the purpose
of laying a pipe or pipes, and when said petition and diagram
have bean filed and the'same bting in accordance with all the
terms of this franchise, the Clerk bhp', thereupon issue the
proper permit subject to all the provisions of this Ordinance.
SECTION 5. That the Grantees shall indemnify the
City against, and assume_all liability for damages which may
arise, come, or occur to theCity on account of injury to
persona or property because of doing any work contemplated
herein or the neglect of any of the employees of tho Grantees
to comply with :any Ordinance relative to the usa of the Streets,
or to comply with any reasonable requirements that may be made
or imposed by the Council.
SECTION 6. That whenever it ahall be necessary
in grading or regrading, planking, or repl *n king, paving or
repairing, improving or reimproving- any highway, street,
avenue or alley in the City, and in building any sidewalks
or making any improvements or reimprovoments thereon or therein,
to remove any pipes or appliances, belonging to the Grantees,
.the Grantees shall, upon reoeiving forty —eight hours'hotioo from
the Clerk, move such pipes or appliances at their own proper
cost and expense, or place the same so that they shall not
interfere with carrying on such public improvement: and if the
Grantees shall fail, negleot or refuse to remove or replace
such pipes or appliances, then suoh pipes or appliances shall
be removed by the proper officers of the City at the expense
of the Grantees. Whenever it may be necessary in making
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any of the improvements mentioned in this Section or in the
construction of any sewer or water manor in the laying down
of any other duly authorized conduit or duet owned by the City,
to remaire,_relooste or in any manner charms any pipe or
appliances belonging to the Grantees, they shall, within a
reasonable time after receiving notice from the Clerk so to do,
remove, relooate or change said pipe or appliances, and if the
Grantees uhall, uton receiving said notice, neglect ok refuse
to remove, relocate or change such pipe or appliances within such
reasonable time, then the same shall and may be removed, re-
located or changed by the City at the expense of the Grantees.
SECTIOD 7. The Grantdes shall, at all times
during the period that the rights herein granted shall emain
In force, keep:Ion deposit in the City ;treasury the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars to be designated as an emergency rund. Whenever
in the opinion of the Council, an emergency exists for the
immediate repair of-any dangerous defect found to exist in, or
in relation to any pipe or appliances require& by thin Ordinance
to be kept in repair by the Grantees, and the Grantees have
failed, on notice properly given, to immediately protect or
repair the eame, then the Council shall cause said repairs to be
made at once, and. ii the Grantees shall not promptly pay the
bill for the actual cost of such repairs when the bill is made
out and 'resented. at the office ok the Grantees in tho City,
then the Council may, upon order duly passed., draw the amount
of such bill from the Dnorgency Fund, and thereupon and tritheat
delay, the Grantees rill deposit a eufficiont amount to
restore the Emergency Fund up to the sum of Five Hundred
TheprOViSiOn as to an Emergency Fund is in
addition to all the other provisions and requirements herein
contained on the &abject of repairs and maintenanod, and is
not intended to modify or ohange any other provisions or
penalties of this Ordinance concerning the same.
SECTION 8. That before the Grantees shall commence
the installation of the works or plants or systems hereinbefore
authorized, within the City, they shall file with the Clerk a-
bond in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, with proper surety ar
Sureties to be approved by the Mayor and the City Council, condi-
11 -
(1.0 That each and every street or public place in
the City that may be disturbed or torn up under the provisions
of this Ordinance, shall be replaced and put in as good order
and condition as the same wore in before being so disturbed or
torn up by the Grantees, and
e .
(B) That the Grantees shall and will fait *hiully
keep and perform each and every of the terms and conditions
embraced and sot forthnin this Ordinance.
SECTION 9. The Grantees shall have and are here
by given the right to charge and oolloot from all person or
persons, corporation or corporations, or others to whom or for
whom they shall furnish gas, a sum or sums not exceeding One
Dollar and Twenty —five cents per thousand feet of gas so used
by such consumer or consumers.
SECTION 10. The City shall have, and is hereby
given the right, at any time after the expiration of twenty years
from and after the date of the passage and approval of this
Ordinance, to acqui ne by purchase for cash in lawftl money of
the United States, all the works, mains, pipes, property,
apj;urtenanoos, fixtures, rights'and privileges of the Grantees,
at a fair Dash value thereof, for all of said property and
rights; and if the City and the Grantees are unable to agree as
to the fair cash value thereof, then such value shall be
ascertained and fixed by appraisoment in the manner- as followo:
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(A) An appraiser shall be selected and appointed
by the Mayor with the Epproval of the Connell, and one shall
be appointed by the Grantees, and the third shall be selected:by
the two thus chosen, and the award made by a majority of each
appraisers shall be final and binding upon the City and the
Grantees, but all provided, however, that the City shall notify
the Grantees, at least six months prior thereto, of its intention.
to purchase said works and its appointment of an appraiser for
said property and rights. - Either party to each arbitration
arrangement may add is hereby given the privilege to submit
any and all profs deemed advisable in substantiation of any
claim of value of the property and rights to be transferred ar
ECTION 11. That the rights and privileges by
this Ordinance and all thereof granted, subject to all the
conditions, restrictions, specifications and requirements
hereof, ahall continue to be and remain in full force and
effect for a period of fifty years from and after the date of
the passage and approval of this OrOinance, unless the rights
shall be terminated by purchase by the City as hereinbefore
SECTION 12. That within six months from and
after the passage and approval of this Ordinance, and the ac-
ceptance thereof by the Grantees, the Grantees shall commence
the construction of the properties and works herein authorized
to be 'constructed, and within two years thereafter complete
the construction thereof until gas for general purposes shall
be provided for all the business sections-of the City, and to
such reidential sections nt as can be serve& at a reasonable
profit to the Grantees.
SECTION 13. That the gas to be produced for sale,
as hereinbefore provided, may be made from coal, oil, or other
proper mineral substances which will produce gas for illuminating
or heating, or, in lieu thereof, and at the election of the
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Grantees, natural gas may be supplied, and when gas is supplied
by either of such means or processes, the supply so furnished
shall be deemed, and shall be a compliance witi this Ordinance
regarding the furnishhng of gas.
SECTION 14. That the Grantees shall at all times
after the acceptance of this Ordinance, keep and maintain
a representative, agent, officer or employee within the City,
upon whom service of all legal process, or of any required
notice as herein provided may be made by the City, which said
representative for service, shall be at the office of the Grantees
during reasonable business hours.
SECTION 15. That the City reserves the right to at
any time hereafter repeal, change, alter or modify this
Ordinance, or any part thereof, whenever in the judgment of
the City Council, the franchise hereby granted is not carried on
or carried out in accordance with the provisions of this
Ordinance, or at all, and in so repealing, changing, altering, or
modifying this Ordinance for good and lawful.reasons, and "for
failure to comply with the terms hereof, the City shall not be
liable for damages in any sum to the Grantees, due regard at all
times being had for the respective rights of the parties hereto
in any action which may be taken.
SECTION 16. That the rights of way and all the
rights, privileges and authorities granted by this Ordinance
and all benefits thereof, shall be assignable and may be
assigned by the Grantees as they may at any time elect, either
as an entirety or as respects any part thereof, provided, how-.
ever, that no such assignment, either total or partial, shall be
of any force or effeot until a copy thereof, certified as such
by such assignee, or his, its, or their proper officers, shall
have been filed in the office of the Clerk, and when so filed,
the Clerk shall issue his certificate under seal of the City to
the Grantees, stating in substance that the Grantees have filed
a copy of such aasignment so as to comply with the terms of this
1 make and file with the City Clerk, at the time of such payments
a verified statement of its then annual gross earnings.
Said Grantees, their successors and assigns,
sl#al1 at all times keep thorough books of account of such
Ordinance in regard to an assignment or conveyance of interest.
SECTION 17. Within thirty days from and after the
passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance, the Grantees
shall file with the Clerk their written acceptance of all the
terms and conditions of this Ordinance and the rights herein
granted, and unless such acceptance shall be sol filed, the
grant herein made shall not take effect, and tkis Ordinance
shall be wholly inoperative and void. When sueh'written accep-
tance- shall be filed with the Clerk, the Clerk shall issue
his certificate under seal of the City to the Grantees, stating
in substance that the Grantees have filed their written
acceptance of said Ordinance in accordance with she terma'and
'provisions thereof and in compliance therewith.
SECTION 18. That on and after the fifth year of
the existence of this franchise from the date of its passage on
the first day of January of each year said Grantees, their
successors and assigns shall pay into the City Treasury one
per cent of its gross income for a period of ten years and
thereafter two per cent of its gross earnings, and the
Seoretary or other chief officer of any association or corpor-
ation owning or conducting the business of this franchise ahal 1
e6rnings or gross receipts, which boobs shall always be open
to full inspection of any Auditing Officer of the City.
,SECTION 19. This Ordinance shall take effect and
be oroe from and after its. passage and approval and five days
attar its publication, according to law.
Passed Oct. 25th, 1913
Approved Nov. 4th, 1913 W. K. Mead,Mayor
Published Nov. 14th,19b3.
Attest: C•E.Shields,City Clerk.
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