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_ eLN.C3.-Pc..C.SL A-Nr'f-^"-C\1-?Y•7151-C..-.tdas,‘ / Cilra \AC) 2 • - E.MINX5.a.C\ /1-^N. GLNK\ NCtwALMo _AO %O.N■rt c _ A.UMeLsNrvY■ t-SkSI:N.J■ j14. 0..W.a.Cre:AAL,4 _ 0.-NA k-9.* -1•;-%9A., _ -sualcaNJA. - -LN orN■sl-r■Ak , enrv.& u..kak isk,k Eksk e, bze,stt, -sfe„ 11,6\tcry, fict.jz) .CrOla9(‘Rx, UA..34 nStk - _ c;_ vcr. cr, \C"\- __ ON, _lr-v■sNAst Ner &Jaw, , ca*AnskN _715nsk As3,3 (SCTL'k Arl takk. -Nil."■AZIYJOZIKLOy\ .10-1.-1-MaAS 61.5a.t.N63.5-t) +A, - OJA, tclrctssa-Ste-Q-,... -Wk1.90.L., lisfg3a-Q" timk _ Li a 3 , cs-ro `-N-c1-52":\ -kAsk, A -4,i, _ &Le, leyskv, / •• 2-5k-0-4-t covx.01 o..1L pcNizaa.c...T... th.;,,,-(3.--,..,-sz.,-c\sLA tVA LI a...a J.L...4(vISIR v_C,0--sL t - c-""vvIArt"1-32APNr•-- `CA0 • Li (20A-S6V1V8A ayk U.LN . Cow-A jw,_e_kLo„‘ %-kl-N■SU - 0'0_510 •-f°-'hik-5131 JLY ALLLN.34V.-04 0-4 ,Rts_L-t:fai■Ja 04q Q-121/4,.A. 30-k uakrut \ASASIL c■-.72.:_wy.F) • y 3 0-„socsks,S3A • __Aiszc__ k a 3 .Cctniz../v.ksk JaSk4 ko,V9, -545ut 0-Nt.0\ /0-Lc_tz 40-y aste,„Ltb \\\\ 2. .9.,4 /y/y. Li 4.. /7 /9. Atovaksz. Lb-0k _ P7,1 J-F-1-Pr - 01-0,41:;LIC:( -4Q.• -,;;31 2,-t“.1c14.,14: bi; vlf N . 13121:0 b.14,1 1„,4-ru_ a/ 5.-11 vt44:1, ccbrU OL 411-1 6 fll rU6 Dift.K.: 13111 r:f "j:1•3:1 i'L;,•. a 1:, ;Iou• fism (.4oriucTi o CT BoLV 1=1:7 Ott , 1 _10. _ 1141 • Lj 24.3, er•---\:ASLDS, A Ati7tro.,-,,,,, , , _ _ a_rkszLI,r.t, Oj , cer‘iper.s.--"SL , ptr -Nr•r■CS.-4- Cr - Ic•••,'•••0•3-\•&•;•-• kolssa91,su,— .VSLXV 65. ASINSks"mst_s_staiwar.4.___ , 0.-ryNA okk. a-Tv.c\ _ Qr■._ cr.N. t(N -.5)Z er-Nt-31nsk.,, tANk.--r4-4ZAQ.9,‘ CI-KR-SOT _ ek._"/■..C\ s-SI-CLA c3-t Vera_ y70-&-N-VSYCISU', 42' c-sLrax-,o—p..—y - .FaILC)A t &I•r■w&s_. \c L4 8 I c3.-1 pszt•-rassA c\SN- 191 y_ (2,-A \AA.Q_A a te, /9 300,_,,r■A\ _ - S 61, 1 Hon. Mayor and City Council-of the City of Port Angeles,'Nash' Fie, the. undersigned,., Guy Dann ,and" A. U. Dann,; the, grantees,= do hereby "makeand file our written acceptance of all :the terms and oonditions;;of said Ordinance No"481 amending Section 12 of Ordinance, No 423" An Ordinance granting to Guy_Dann and A.U.Dann,'their heirs,_ associates: and assigns, the right,. privilege and, authority to erect,,: establish;, put;, in operation operate, - .maintain, improve;alter; repair and usewithin th e; corporate: limitsof the City. of Port Angeles,.plants.or works for making or.prov- iding;•gas, together with; all;. the necessary grounds,: buildings,. apparatus machinery, and+ appurtenances,, for;, the purpose.of making,.: selling, and supplying gas within, or without ,_the boundaries; of said' City of'Port,Angeles,,and supplying the'same though pipes_or.pipe lines from anyplace within.or without the'. City;. of; Port; Angeles, the said gasto>be either natural or made by artificial means,,and'to lay down ,:maintain,,- operate,,repair, change, supply: and keep; in use,- ,pipes!or, other. conduits; in the streets, alleys and ; pubiic -places;in the said City of, Port' Angeles, for the'tr.n- .,mi,j un,.supply,distribution and:` sale of, gas for heating- and illuminating purposes ;together -with -all.;necessary and proper attachments,. connections and appurtenances for;; transmitting,- ,supplyingdistributing and selling,.:;, - gas:for heating and illuminating purposes.,within orwithout;;the = said City of Port,Angeles ",and the rights.therein granted and'.this acceptance:shal and'is hereby intended to be full and complete,and in all respects as are required to be done by Section 17 of said Ordinance No.423. In witness whereof, we have herewith setr'o of - 1915. ff • hands, on this /44-day cLN•" - -k / `l t . 19 CLAAR ' - X • ID. CIATA;i2V9A . ---.4 -- [ INS.-16;j:L911 \ A9A9, Qa.s.. C.._00..P. 'IttSl-C._41.1vv3)QA., D.. Z wVIA . _131.v. -----, 1 1 ' 1 . :It ksi...g...".,...., . U.s.AK. . . +I ..._ ._ • 4J ;-----: • • ' • i ,; •■ ■-• . .: - . • _...i • . . —.4 . n . . . . - . . N ,.. , . . K 0 • ,. ;' (-.. - • - . '- it-- . • ■ , . I .- - . . ■ . ., • ■ • • • • . .... r2,. :_-.- ii::---- • • : L'... ki . • • - ,:,:-. • _ .. , . , . .. .. ,,:-.._. _ • .__. .. . ,. . 74:-- - -11:LIZN-Q1kr \WA _ S CwerelittLke \ S.-CO--Vt....N. ANA N-INJZIASII. - -. --.1 ___ •.-1 C3- ,NAQ.-- .