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ordinance .proHding forthe:Tk m� .
p ne:atinn of certain additional tersi�
L tort:to the d* of Port Angeles for
tt manleipal purposes, to carry ont •the
terma'ot a certain tease 'from the
IIWted State9to,'the�dt>:.aad�o «col-
�leotandfe><pend the income from
leases t1ie4of . that whereas the
City-, of Portingotes ben; received
•b lease from etU¢tted.8tates nn
grew ,approveda'M
'•'of Eats Hook
LlghtHonaq.Reeervation and imown�
y;'sa the Spit. w)tichaYoaterllnes
Port..Angelea�Bay_ commencing at
erNortherawbomdary'otithe City:
o[ Port Angeles' 'at the head of the
ay�in iront:�ot; said alty'and ex
as satd' spit'runs; -tw0: miles
,sublease sald;aarea Jnrsubdtvistont
fsrthe`use of,industrlal plants an
they. commeercial` purposes fora
term a of., ninety nine, years' and,
whereas lt(ta easary,:.thate
samee;; iZinder%nnnleleal control
and- lurisdletioonn for poltce,IIre :and
snttar� protect(onAand�.tor munld
pal mregulatlonand management Hof
• 3tstcommer�clal`Y ehlpp[nSland water
fronh taclliUda Land r whereas the
Sole Lof'the�aouthee].y -line �oE,'eaid:
two miles of area frmtta'`;upoa the;
orCSAngeles'Bay' and; {orms part of
thettcommerdal•'watert frontage of
- ths�city ofP,ort'Angeles` and now in!
greattdemand - Cor Industrtal r ai
commercial uses which will''ln +rho
'' near.:future be: fully occupied and
used'- enttre�y a`s apartof the • bust=
neea_wd comtpercinl front ',or ]''.• the
N , O W <�theretOre .the City Couneti of
• ins City of •Port fAngeleq -do ordain
Sectiop T�hat,forlthe -.mun�clpul
rposes of giving police sanitary
and46re •protection and for municipal
�gulatlon1.r comltletldg and;�.induding
within "R isjboundnrlesthe+ whole of the
water;frontage of the cityaud of i`"
wholebusiness,,.commercial and iti„
dustrllal secUons:�now,i adjacent touts•
present territorial limits and forming
arcontiguou&eait` thereof' oi^the parts
thereoflnot �eretofore inelude.dlrytfor
the opening "!Mate vemenand regtd -.
tlon *of the streets andY other public
Placesgand the w
within;the nrea;herelnatter described
ae follows ali:;the land and area fn-
eluded; im the lease glyento the City
of Port Angeles 'byithe U
,,nited States
fo the term oC nin
ety nine years from;
the- datelof said lease to-wit August
17 114 a copy` of whic1'1'1
in the office of "the City Clerk leasing
all rtbat porUon'of the land known as
the,„Ediz Hook Spit; the same being
the outer strip *of landFvhieh forms
the Eno'rtherly line
bay described In sa follow
"Allot that tract of land reserve&for
b P id tial
Ord 10 1908- and ben
lighthouse urp. y res en
F •
'ed on the sou‘'hwest by sub to Passed February,�2udr1916: ` P
numbered one hundred and thirty flv February 3rd 1915 - -
and one hundred and fortyseven Published February , -
shown by ,the plats • of Port, Angeles
� AS ttE es t B r" j - i i
l� L
i townite Statea9oft Washlogtofl yaps ' a " � yG
CitylClerlt k
proved by the United States surveyor w nom., ra -y.'.N ,,, _
general [ the Staff �yaehingl, •Date,firit tpublicatlon •Feb.`1.6 -3t y' { ��, j -
ontNevember fourth ghteFrf'fhand- " "fit ^+ �� - /1JV�+�Lz - Larr.Pi.
red x and slaty three and,- September �— j `- i t •�
twelfth eighteen bundred: and ninety, - , t ee /2 ' 'e e- W
two? togetherwith opt lots fnumberid
Ltgbtbonse 7teservatton, Weahingt,.4 •
as may be required to give sfrootage
o� two °statute -mllea menacred ln? -a
tic 4.!=r.0,41.1: and eastetly dlreagoa eloag
Ctpa�resterlp and: northeNyjbonndar.
lOjsaldreser►atlop beglfling et a pol¢t
oT :high water 0#.15:. 01'50.56. 'the
nerthweaterlry, corner of lot -one hund
drandytotty�.seven of�'?th- o'er- ,'ea[d' port
Angeles- ..townstte -= .also-th ddan'da`
on the titralt oL'7aan ae?',`Fpca arid;
•en'7�ort-'Angeles 3arbor abutting on°
thoea Portion of the Edla Hong
I.ishthoasa Reservation . be etofore
described in said lease (Said leas y -. f8
and'b�ueprints being flow on:,file la tliq;
dty darks office);; and�incladiag _s..
iiteleads oneach aideatthe said
ft d °all that parF. o[ Port"An •I "'
toa�be ndddle =of the Bap -`or'
t_ rt{tbereo[ no[ ¢ow with
City limits be and �Uta are ,here-
by^aanezed tot the Clty jimits• of Port •
gel es nd to fount a parrt'ot the Clty
-aadtshall pe subject'to the full
tlpaltjurisdicUonyor $said ity for
ry `"..Purpose, s3and to;,a�afcomplete
fY MYs F�L Y
munidpal control_�as said:- C�ty��inow
oasesses over the�Lala¢ce of-ite terrl-
tonal .limits enevertheless all the pro-
'piston ofthls- ordstnance;ahall be sub£
to_all the terms and Conditions
t eaidfleaselandthe Act of Congress'
! horiztng the same r ...
t% r 4r y o son.
Section 2 �fIn order�to carry out}all
the conditions of'sild ]ease ?the City;
of Port - Angeles shall subdivide- B
area into lots blocks and acre tra
aFnd open run and establl h streets
ndtother publte places therein and�to�
/2 <2 rsa e
taurveyuand platk�theleame and` -to dedi;
Gcate such atreetaUeysxand� othe
,�ub$c�plaees therein and to maintain
pease atid�aubjec _toEthe terms otsa[d�
Aea$e ahall�aubleaee�'said lots j'bl` rilet ��.�, --
nd' streets for ihdustrlahplants "sad'
Fcoinmereialap Dees for sueh,tertne
;a '`prtcesras theiiClty Council4}may, �c�- ysGfs,D,Oi > • , and s:_ to cbange� and regulate the
same and to collect and reti[oroeCo
leckionep,as' by }law�in other"ACcaees lot
h,moneya which: map accrue upon
.('rentals or oliargeatito,6 -,!! eases
Ito payythe sam;`. into a spedalfunl
therefor:: and out of saidsfund toiea-
peed line same in,`ltthe opening con?
rstrueUngt and" naintaining'' roads;
fetreets;' alleys and •.other public places
find torYanj other ; muntdpat, purposes
twlthln Heald area,and any ;aurplue re-: •tnainisg • jn said 'fund beyond y the
municlp 1 needs . of saki Spit area here;
rin nnnar m at etl ed: or each ct en. _ _.
der year:: maytbe used for current er-, /-
penes of the ltY'.' , 9W YL` : { a / - - r
Serlbed 3�t Tha urea ;herelnbe[ore `
described i shall t.bs annezed ` to and ui
form alpart of t4e8lath Ward of the -- _ /
City•∎ • -; ,it Angeles i Yt�:�: c." � �j
, Section 4 Thle ordinance shall' L-
Make effect and be•,in force from and. , - `Erb
alter five days after its lawful publi- '
'cation ;a •
�ix.Ll�ixQ -
one, ,'two„ .hree;. feurieve sir and
such�portton ottr °out lot numberaeven
`ll Yia «Townslitp'thirty oae1:7:11—; ; L iT�LR/�I7i�
4 ry �? .rat- . e44 past.;;Wlltat etteya);a
ors '1 &t2 w
t f LLfL}i