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M15 "
13. Dli=
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,..'1391:er 0 , imL,
tinsiv. ail 6iit ctioiiiII;.;
',City- of-,Port,Aagelefi,;;;I6aalifigtoii:flas
erebyv: ordered by ihe 7, conistinefion-
F gi:isanItaiyi,sab-so er,g.thei',183irig
therein .the.beiequillt4of .864: glazed;
AliDEed., clay...14pol, and in,'111.4. .rea-
. ecti".accordinetoT.pe plans zuidleae-
t'-...4i6Ilit1W17.6.WW61..an4 flIPI:L1tht.
RP.UL6.1t3:....- der ._. d'cl0 6 .144F
•worlrate4itirrbe- necessarrin,connec-.
titiftlierZ;iti, ITlii;e64iiiiCeielth.
said plans and apeEldeatieLtUreand% of
Itee'oleitar,c.45.- tlie.',CitiMaC11--,. NO..
Sectioixy 2., ,That- Abe vioati; and- e,z-
penaes,ob, said , improyement:sooill.-o11
ie7,11#1:K.Zo'licciai' atial.-eiiiiiei
_ liari.Z6,iliiiiiwe.mw.liii,:aidfoidli■iinsp:
ziair.1.,.;;;4izitiili;;;,k-,iiiif ' - • isog
eAnat';-.91.o:Orcperty.;iiieied 't'.
..,.. Oated.:.,,iii '..accordance,w1 s evf-41T0
;71 Beeisiaent :. disti-let • bereltiatter.t• c
,-.. said e.11Y..3ii Pirt"-Xigetelr,aliall jit i be --
,Illiblel iit any manner ' for any oiiiiin
,*�ta1i. ...
•I Sectioa '3:7 That'tlie i‘liereby
:created, a,-.!loeal,ImproveinentodittrIct
to 4be'.1cnOwnlae"Itio'cal.lietirovemeni
.D trict; No.27n.f.,which=:- said:01E4Oct. -
-.-tW4 eett." the termini 'or :said '
-abr il.441
3, its, i,9_,41vi U•k
e;_t_Lq p„t Q0 ests.%ww,,itA,
.L to-tk QQ
. . . —
9016q0 '41r6t ''st17?..,.
a 3 ent;):-ViellielIiind
• 'S• • Ciii-C1-0--• •
0 i!!)5` ' • ,3,/„i"- Pr,' ti;i!ii .
,,,itiiiii-.....tect., it.ii to , a
**".?...4 ' ,...! .1.
' ...Vrgliial
• ,,,f,1
iicabeer .tergi; P.tit
s. ;rcooi' ki1,pn-ro—eriir. , a e ',it7. - . •
. , ear.-- Of tlietrA,, reig(i4Oef,*ten,
Ogieiliii:Osir1ie(its,':••ebnil Illici,
. . fp" Oy7O"On-1." Iii"i,""eol)t if:, a_atii,,,
k,..ii.Ae,7keeiiiiied5ii t69. :0616.67'
- ' e . ',.tie lee,
•'9nOnte, to .,,,,,, .,-
"qoal"iiiieeliiieiO4p011`11hP:PTC9- %
tiiin;..said,;.dtatrlet,m4Y6 . -,. A
-- ' • builiii,,tii
41a14,," 1.:Iii!.t.a:lLaient.14'. i';itik „46teei.
Diereon.,. at -tne;rato.o1 seven ..Ji.,
",11;:e;:ii',.;:. it ind'''s-(' aed `K.6eil'Anl'e.'6.1w-b°5'd!%°!'
,i.t. per, 11nturfr11P '.- m --iv:
'1# aniliordinoileei3Of.the- eiti, of port Ail-
-r1 geles. TheseS.bolida; may be ,deliver7,
-,..' _ ad , to the . contracts of, said ".Improve;
.„.. melitir
in .,tedeiniitton-:, °I / iiiirraote, on
,'• ",dietrief,', I und,,,,, la.
:Bald Aloprov9nieRt
sued on eatimlitea of the -City/7E110a-
eer,','or,tliti:.Cky; ef Port Angeles may
'Lit). lif''..eul tid,...' sell A,13. onclia ',.1;od
0:4.9:4;1! " 't ,;•i"„:41..",-..1:1:a:;',V ''-...4,'-
4..tIO:b:•:").:F1:e..cafired 'sbY - firm.
Ailtii rtfii,91tY.- tges.aid .... are.
., i3eitl .,,,Tk''..Ptinj cii 981119°i,
,' lane , an qP'3 ,
y" ..C11,771,1c:,.;an :0n.:, .;
lie' ., rebY adopted
l41ii"1= .-. .-''•" ,:. 1, or :... ,u,,•,,n,. .,.,,anO kp• 4 .i, ••B.,-: -,, h P, . .,
ta ffeet an e inforce iOniand
alter after Hai la b ub
ii,i Ii iii iiai* 2nd 191 .. ,
Approved 'buiich, Iirh, 19151! . .. •
,,..i ,,, i , : b 5th, 1915. •
ye8t;:.i :,,,,Li.':" ,, ...loc.", .. cl' Ork4!::
J 1,,,,
Afii013LE6 r
Is the 3 tntloa of the
Clt} Council to ordartheFCOnstrncttoa
of a sewer'systent as: follows:-
Set to Hroadway • {h' en
talons Broadway to Alder Street;
thence north on .Alder Straw
to +Fourth Street thence weak:'""o� -
S :• I.
_9., -} ,,,s,„ , C4Af.9k
o� -�S•. ��a� 1).)01.: h.. -
Fourth treet`to a potat One • Hued ed: C' p� '�p pJ�y`
Alder S t: t heneenorthon null it
w- A trunk •sewer , on ;Franrle street feet west of the 'iireat tine of -Aide
Aweat o[. the great l fi of
parallel to One Hundred fifty (11i0' I
tram Itallroad Avenue for th$ a11e7 Street to .Front StreeE; thence ivies
betweenlseventh and.l.'hghth B a on %Front Street to, a.polnt Three
also s sultsewer In the alley afters I Hundred (300) {tt west of the west line
Front Street and deoretea ' -r
fetal sewer In the nll4y be• (300) feet went a�-th hhe [ lan` `F
coat Street,aad Georgians Alder S[reeLfo Oeorglena �Street�
i n Alder Street theft tnorthco.,�
Dom Francis Street Ito Race "Street line parallel td md' TLree-�H�oudred
alsoaa is
tireee F �` :�.r - :e ea e o
Street' from Franca -.treets to Vin L *.- .•.r*x yra..
6treett Also Sf ° �heace�west ,`,on�'yfieoza- Btreet?Lta .._ -_
A a ]ntbral aewer.'jn the L1bertY Street then_ north�on`�L•ib-
alley between Front�BS and.Ftrst SE_ arty Str� 'to.' �'a1fl t
from Francis St to -V tea 8t nlsu''s' th _ t pj '°� Ni0
�, rice wee boa -. mab S
sLb•e g er Jn the alle71between First a
the east 11� oi Bubntba'n {Lot Na?33•,
andc econd,,,Str`eets 4from tFrsncls ti ¢ce�westsoo thesit¢e�otr`Oolnmb�;�
treetsto Vine Street thenceaouth iSireet prodoceu acroeseaid Lot 33 o
on�T�>}no Street to`thetalley between the Interseo[lon of Race Strgetp'a¢d
aTI1IrdxStreet•-adrd Fourth Sleet �aiso p torfa Street, thence wejteir
-)ateral sewer 1t¢ the hues behvBeu aloncng Vlctorla Street to' the point of
Third Street and FoulfhlStree Allem
7Suburban lot No° Y2 .a1 ora"x7atarai'� ptthe. cost'
aewe�Jntthe alley�'between 'Second
.,street and - Thtrdx 3treetlltr m� VI¢e
YlnoStreet.W the west boundary of ,.� ,i`rdietrtbf`i
s a
Street to the wen 0bonndac -#`of'Sub-
lwn Lot iiel togethertwifli the
sa p'wmanh to ea-redtchrb6�3neg+10
'and appurtenances and-thb do=
Ing of such' oWec �work�'an Finay be
ineceasary Int,*connectfon therewith;
fall_ fa r accoida$co with maps ?;Diane;
land* e,.eclfirauoan to be�Drepared by'
Etlra City + EUgineer'�v,,, j
,T'he, difttrict hereby outlined tn ceu
Sormlty with topogtaphtcal'' e'ci0l iene
sand ttntended`�tof include`Y+is�neae'_'a'e'
says "be l +alt . territory° whicflk,Finay be
eawered for,, drainedtheangh`?�auch
tivnkteewer.'uandr su`clr. aub•sewera{
and'rlateial'ssewers as mayi'her'trafter
be Contracted to'1 tonaeot'1lherewltb
- u
1s• %deacr'tbed��aef`[ollows to-wltf'a�`L; �
!Begtnningset the into l tjon'xoi
Fiancie.Street with. !VictorlaBtreet i
!hence Sweetelylalong?Vlctbia�etee 't'to
Albert Street thence southlon Albert
.toy Oeprgisha Street j-thbnce ideet" ens
Georgian a Streets to?AVtnp' gtreet f
ence sout6•on Vlne-Street to Fpurtlil
r5teeet thence east -an Fouth , Al i tl''�"-
�a1¢et�.�the property,'�"r lying�betweea,
th �termini o[�e
p veytent and
°' h tom fire � - �. t
mt,dle - 9i,-s.te blocl®
aing- the �acglnaY`liaee ofztlao $fa3
erase II"- '`Mi edi'saeh r a truss ; as
ild repredent the reaaonabl� coat �O''� - -1 (�
a loml sewer and atsappnrtances, - ` n a ` , t\ i
ed to the.;equlremeats„et�ta '• te%
r9 in,�the mode p eecri diiy
a 13 Chapter 96 of the Steelon
gas s
ot: =:' :'the`
- 1.;�9a9:.A&stc\ cs1 -._& -Prato
Ws ofj�•hai82atajo
to1911 anlh the remai
cost andr�ezpepee ei- -'' eh improve_
m rat shall ybe' dis�buted o er and'
.a, ».:..tee �-.•....,
eased all ot'the property�,t,ritbfn-the
ds o[ eatd3le6'iliV{,dlatrtctq'(a
itdan •rw tli t1�hnenp��eclaI neflte
Di ea'''. mdl i•p hots on to 1plea g
6) That persone',wbo may ^de11
to objects hereto are hereby Holt,
Hed�.t 4appear} and present\aech
jeer one at a ;meetingo[ the City;
OO incil toi Foe Sheld 1n; the Couricii --
chaiQbbr in the,Clty HallFof -the DIty,
fFOCt Angeies at 8 o clock p m `on" -- - - - - --
hx)'' th day of Apr11 41915, 1 -7hichry
be'rtr Street '4thence .'.South ran SAlbere- _,h&
Street • to FifUitStreet;3theace'easton
Fifth Street toi Eunice- Street °tLencc
aopth do Esnlea Street to °Seventh
YS 5
Skreet thence
'Oat an ^Sevnth street
to'�Francts �`fStreet tll�ace�soutli'o¢
�rancle t Street -� to s. Eighth '=Street;
ence east on °iElghthq treet toga
otnCOne Hundred If�y 5150) itwe3t
of;the rweys17sllneoLyof RSCetSt.,�thene
south o -line parallel` to One Hun
'dyed dityi[ weatofthe west iris of+
Rice Street; to Ninth Street thence
east on'Ninth Streetto Race- street 1
thence youth 7oa #Race street4to
T;. . { Street ?thence -;east on•4Teetlf
ris ,hereby' ed.1 e
pct rg
all 'ynatters 'relgting i to . aid;
prop�sed tmprovement,n and}a1I J ob2-,
Jec ons thereto and a far- dete ining - -
toe; method at paym4Qnt for sad tm -f
p gYement =' ' j
) That the Ctty Engineer:rehalI
mil to the Clt�( l'cpancii gt ".;or
prl�arpto Bald' date all data and !n 0r-
matron required by 1ary to be ub=(,
mttted y,,a�i.'�i fs, {r ". L�+ , <•^
t () yThaE the costaand ezpenee `ot
-id- improvement`eha1T;,ba boryn'j,lay-
and;. assessbd! agalnat a the 'property.
lallee therefor -as provided by law '�_ }�,
:Paeaed by, }the City:�Councll 'and -
Igned by the -Mayor on- the,l0th day
March; ' 1,915. •
Yr i,:
... ._.. y, HORACE' WIIITPI, u -.
g Mayor
Attest S 1:.7:1)EAM City Clerk. "::•+
',Data of fl publla5Ion'1Hareh
1915 :.. -