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• 490 . __, Fl.t_ .P.v!!),111°:!Pit '.11416 7 c43,.. ,......, "'- Ups of a sub-sewer . ,.,.?!.' through •dh ;mays :In: bi?r-kP,.. 69,. lirt!";- di 4:11!' '-i_ir!!_Atig., else ;, townaiteA.. • ., ;31Th..ertyr airantt.1;;IAit jii , , iT-110'lii.:c.4-Ti41;01.-.44! P54.14- Zton. ,.. L tint a • 1oi i0o*e14 !,-;:: fitstriet „therefor. and: iiroridtagilar tiiila:Paihrilae::;4prot::.lipertreitiaiiithia`.*tuij.48n1,11-ti 1;?:;,tLtrm..5.,,ir,,- - :ienS ia.,c•'1-.!.., .'Z".7.'t.-. m'',l”'' 1.'°-' 3 --!.n , -' 1 h•. LT,.i...' ,- s", -. 'or'',k ,ho;-i,' t: d'., :.. s,- - .l !.- .r -,?-:i-.'!!i• ,, „47,'`- ';-74 '—.::. '....-P;-. ;' aci:i,i toy i*„di4 dil.cobici:.oanpr:7. ' •- e•:-: i —s:; ys ,teii::7lrtin17414:b:b d,eb6t:i*L:°P! i:flb.°13t et49s7i :he :net?s_,77;76F basInwyes ae !!8r i. oth er Ieseasary'""r ttzb O! r' e Con4.et6 0,31tila ed,sait,klized cconcrete.briek or 6iher Buita na ail lighlf1iet Uii9 l, aa3zbe,natesujW .. . ! - iieridelitfcrlili iii•I'Fireli Lb' iiirlii'cn- bi e, in the-, office or. the- Citg: Cill'i:i'44-;0Q.;;;;;i4iii10. iiiiakttiesoVi!::kiiintiii!-..coliiilirticti'a ;LudygglabA4g!...bieapoys- :.!,!_trir.ttdoc.iii is, ,30ranehlret&the <L,Port,'Aiikeleil 19„..7,1.09t Riw,irofye:qiotkillitri4t7 tot ectt9...L1.7.-71,4,04.e7tr,ink,-:!7.....,.;6., Ltimoln street In the CIty7oi!TOk'Sni ... iOieS.--tii. OulliSCS Si tlistilctjAS 1 Mitch • '! the property !: to Iii Pe ,;, assesse theinfer;•nre3MSfro .olys ,isc _se, sts .., an_ :blocks included!...,be . .”' ! ' 1-U■Sefif C1ipiri .:,,,,. Lincoln: streets:meat • and:1,7 est r!ad ,Tb.trd., and :!Tciurth :, streets!, north :!alid soiiigffii.:',."14.4.417,41.4i,!:;434:;,•412': '.4.-..11,1rA-44.ilia-;41.1F914T40,-."3z pMasefurkaatd , ClIa•P.ro;reAk"14cluOrrill: altmeceseart aritliAnVden 1!, expenses SliSlltie ,b6rneiby4sn_d.,--assessed,sgalagi iiwar-7„i.6::,Inciitaeilfttlitiq9i....6.7:018: iiia',110011.4.*N.,..crep. created In !accord- ince!: with , a :' hS, Ibitiiot 4Ores.A,U.- gales; Shall not pi,!:iiiibiEr•Ire!!any!.!glarl, - ! ieAttar apy,i,port499.....4",t.kfii -..:4- said nile,!&:_sall-.0sipiormeit"*.Q:4;:i espe k86ction,3 .4-1-!kafr.iii,rti42.1'ii :1effiby • tabibibecl;-,.:a.-041c.C.O.1!-, icapfsv,emer, , . __ tkci, tii . L�ca1Jinpoyumept .--- District 'sN'9f.011.31;:,...:;ic'h.lir-t!411!-C-ICC'1})2'di -el'''' 117,iPrtl#*e3444P-3Ft': mini!. ofIrsablv;improvemen t Ebutting upon, 4 adJacent,l, vtr.lnal!'", or,4 imate Icimucti, portion ; Of - said ,strrtei prlIsslAs :SecMcs!.2..,Oyttlis.40ra.p.ilscei: if iyiedlitadoe -,. back tireay thZ-tharginal tinestitkersot. as ,!pt-ovIded !S"C'09:94.14";?,4SOOSY:bcsi!,Iseinteitst ,KIi.O:',1abr seven '.1.:.', cr) :ALF, ?.4..: .p.t., "Stikiiipa:yabie- on ,ci!befors five yeara frornitOS",a49;of.isanance.'aitall.,peAS: ifed.;:la..:40-5:1Tioni!.!!!;.011 •oekt...i.t4'. ,-1.'• UMM:Ofsaid:i.ltneroyeme14;4!!rgOoll Ondisiiiill'be; redeemed !,bi.., the -; col. 1940!?4?f,-, !!PFhil.i!a?!.kc!..0.4P!#I!91136 10414:44141 .sssesited`dipos -,:tlishirfot*- 1 ty,llahle ,t4e179P7- 7,f4..!51!14,1! _ _ i4t4ii24,9,14.1,4.41:1p.tril!.44ifi , : *Itti.:IntMiest ittJhe' rate Of Seven!!'(t). p sr. cent-Tc!!! adnyea, ,under the mode 4ri^lir!, ,YA': e?l,t'41,',Y.: .,C.!.11,,Nf!!!'!•!,P911."q,r4 Y law,; and !the! oiviiiikiCes' tlie;city. pei.dep4erea .tO, the Of'''',POrt!.!%_:ogel.O.'lliepLetTriliall!! -5F-Iii-re- dernption • Of 'oirarrante-V. t ..,_ sea . PIIPY9Y.c*IPt-'41'141Ct!.P.141V?I'Pq!' Ohl', 41,4 i9F.L;Vt!!!414*:-°' t.. 11F97t.,,7.1■47o.1i?42.,,1...8. ! 4'.:" iF,4 X1OY itileC0:1B0:b9:ait:: .0.;retopp9n .fn 4,Y4::,;, .. ea:iop. si:141„ pidil"e4 lakeMlecijaa be On_ p4i.frn0 . 164rto4yico,wti ; :. ,iliti.8491:100''' A. "i3.ci.:.i:In'l:i'ill,''.S0'''i'p''';'; ,....11' , : :.': ' *1"APproted 4011.44th, 1915.1 , ... - .7 Horace Wrini: ...;t!*!,1- . Mayor l'ubllskeN.4"r11,16th!, 191:6. " ! - Atieat: i !L,..13EAM, City Clark. 385 s. s. 3,-1.5)AD, usAi est 0. t...io&st,z.\ --- adapted . • . _ _ bro, 0.51/9.5v .1)-ko-dlik.34 WI, 74 _euncl _7/ p.A. cA ty_tekm. ,LtA.94_ t‘kt C Rra --NrA t51,-„,„ •rv-..cnot on cser,e Css 1,:-9caz L 4-FLA PcA. )4t5t, ef 1 s, _ -40 1-5-c3-0 74 deL3 / 15. • eisust- _