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0...,.._6a:_r-c ∎es vc,cst, no .
°MANCE -NO ! .:
INANC@: Alii�oltlznva
if.: 1888888 sad Bale t- LocslFlmi
prorerment_bonda to'pgy` the coats
awn "feepenses. of the„1mprovementl
{ordeted by ordinance No.' 471 `of the,
eity�ot Port Angela's, approved Octo-.
ber 26th, 12�14. providing for tbhe
�+ pro�ent'bf.iYont street from'
li -. -: westerly :fro :.`
' wea�t rly _1„, i'.e .of Oslo, atFeet'
westerly llne`tot Valleys s et;
Cherry street <fYOm, *ne southerly
line Front street to the,
:northe ly
Une'at `First street rand *:Valley
4'3 street from :the sentherly tine,; of
Fra it street -to': the northeriy'line
ti rat'
street;. within Local Im-
provement District Na 84; Prised.*
tng•therate of "Interest;` the time
and .m'nnner of payment; and tike;
Atpdaate of issuance of sold, bonde -,,,,, +'
• AS :Ft
Sectional- There shall' be" Issuedd
by the'mayor and atteested.by the Cla
Clerk.Rith� theeat S oL the Citq of
Port }Angeles stampedythereon.�Local
t. ImpiovementBOnde�upoa .the proper J
ty assessed„andtnrluded iaLOOa1}'Im -;
j provement Dlstrlct Na124;;andtupon.
tthespecial fund'ot said itetrict'.cgo
ated'by ordinance ? o 471' aforesaid
�and�insae•`cordaaeeYwith chapter 96 -oi
•the;9esston :Laws of 4tri' -state of
((�y�,,VssLinSton for the year
l 1: 9ectlon.2$ That the farm`and mode
1of execution oLathe bonda='aamed in
Sectionfl of this ordinance shalltbe
ae prescribed in'aatd chapter 96 of said
'-f6-wa oL 1911eand! o[ ordinanceNa
930 oi.the city titetssaidFb�onds when
Ipso rezecuted atiull"�be�dellvered rote
- �t�e custody oL� that Clty�Treasuror oP
?tiidr.Oity t "o
e purchaser or purchasers thereof
ld`rto: the cantractur oL eald�Locals'Im'
pro: orement Ilietrict Nw `24 according
to 'the :ordera ot..the Gtty,CounCil-up-
r h,
anthe receipt efithe amountof their
par value witht "the ;accrued interest
rthereon` from Purchasers -or In pay=
gment to the said! , contractor * ;in accord
once with said law and ordinance ``t
Section 3 "That the nmyoe and City.
Clerk�:are hereby authorized and ll;
rested to negotiate the sale of sax
bonds' unless ttie same shall be. 'paid
to said contractor up .to =the amount
*which' -may become :(1118'. to him under
'�his,.contract ,with the city <for work
tin} said dIstrict No 24
re , 9ectionr 4 ry,T'hat said, =bonds shall
be made payahla on or f.ibefore •ten.
�yearsfrom the,.date of their ISeuanee
In'ten equal 'annual installments "; inq '
rcludigg the Hrst paymeat;thereofsnd 1
shall ,heir interest at tha <rate of sev-
UP" cent per annum interest
spayable, annually each of, one ..bone...-
red(100) "dollars or leis son a fraction 1
•balance sad each bone shall have;at- D_
tacked thereto „interest coupons a for -UX
peach ;faterest!.paymeut,,,the bonds. fO R
ba` numbered -from one.;upward� con,
(eecntively and. each.pond!and coupon
shall be signed, by the 1lfayor and at-
tested'hy the _Clerk -with -the eeal.at
}tacked _,Provided Con pons may
inaleu of
sold ;etgninghave-rprinted
rttieretin-e; facsimile of the signatures
;Of the,pmypr'and clerk and •each bond
�shnll'” refer,to'the Locat.Itnprovement
to ;pay for, which the same shall be
issued and to `'said t ordinance No
1,471 `ordering said improvement sod
teach -hood Sha11,"Provrae that the pile : -
frivol and interest thereotbe paid only
vout of the Local Improvement Fund
171etrict No..24,�and'out,of the fund
�provlded by:Speclal Aeseesments on
property Within sold- 'Local Improve -
Ement Dtetitat No: 24 -and no other,
etund of said city shall . -pay or bo liable
to pay Said bonds, nor any part- there-
of nor any interest or coupon thereon
Section 5.>rEaidsbonds,ow -put
or fraction_ thereof, may .be sold 'or
P to said 'contactor'. tit said !m-
provement in p ayment tl erefor 0...P3 any other, p urchaser ar pumbabeera•lLa
provided In Section 1 oL this ord
alice-and 'tie ',proceeda thereof e
ppUed to the'payment-.oi the cast
" expense" of�.aaid' Improvement
Seale , 6. Such -bonds ilk' not be
iissued for-any amount in excess of the
cost.a¢d expense of aald improvement
or if issued in.excesa the .>+iayor. "and
Qlty,.Clerk are -hereby autharlred i."to'
cancel alt suelfbonds na remain a ex'
cess;oL-auch enshroud expense when
certained- '4
SOctIon 7 :We 'form of such bonds
amend coupons sluill be 'snbstantiaUy
taccoidtni to theform'f, thereof pies
4crlb'ed"_!n Ordinance .No- .430 and ,is.
septton'97 of Chapter 98 of:'dhe laws
f 1911:`oL the:. State o[,Washingtaa-
Section 3 i Said:Fbonds shall be {is
ed in the amount •of r; twenty Rio@
housand eight • hundred seventy four ■
aid 16.100 (29874.16) dollaie v - -
Section ,r9 4:Thla - ordtnaa'nce hall,
ike effect and Tie to force; fro d
at ',
� t e r . five days after, [ts lawful pub-.
cation. ;[
Passed 4prili13th.Tile, 1E
a+*: -:
App •ved ApolxAtb, 1916_' <�
s''HORACE�t1W1I1ia ,,.
.ec . 3faOrr
b pri1t16th�19166:;rr,.
EA24 City; Cleerki -,
IA ict.f.•-7'
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t_ oo'Cp omc� ,st, h.,v,9,,A � k,4,q i t� Qss`c A-AA ..
ha • Lf 7/ . 6 ' hsk - o i V a � t i JN-v V p ,
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