HomeMy WebLinkAbout0493•.ORDINANCE :NO.498
.`'`.the numbering of- houses 'and.budd -li
4145 treating oa the : Streets. unlit
IL i nues of the Ctty of Port NAnga-
The Clly Council of the City,. of. Port
;Angeles do`ordetn.as:followra _:a -i..j
t. '$ectlun Y 's That _4 all houses and!
buildings tr_onting on.anypubUcetree.�.T•
roryavenue'In the Clty�_ot Port'Ange+;
:les; shall. be, numbered In.;contormlty
frith the provielonE contained ln.thls
ordnance, x M
bgllnefor �, numbering . baildings
frontingupon streets; ruAntng {r, easf
and'west °aliall be liaurel etreet,Las?.
eumedgnsN300 ,and�trom +Snidninitial
,ainter base line east or west,,,100
aball be nndtls herehy.- constitutedithe
basis ar repreaentntioaVcumber !`fur
-�each�bloch`�Lrontingon euchretreejs
toi eiease,� ;in tha..rgtto ot4if100.for-
aeach successive btockeaet or'.rvest,'
and it Is t -ithet ordered tthat for con;.
ventence inr location or�addreas, alt
strgete or avenuesn'unning: rest
Lsurell street and alt '.etreets running'
east tram >>`. Lanrel i street 1 ab8ll ' bel
�knv�n andjydoslgnated gas e.nt .: "a
orpwese ,;;.� street, adding�.;the
preps Saeger west to ?the sainn as the
case mayitbe tto�auch stree a Suet or
west tram Laurel street
r�9octlon 6: It SahaIl +�ba the duty at-
the CILyF:Enginear`tq.'`prepate� ". and'
keep is hte; ottice plate of 1 is and
'blocks let the Cityi ofr Port Angeles;
and to enter thereon�.,tn such manner
eslto enable all perspns intarosted',to.
readily eacer�ain the same We "bousa
numbers or alt buildings and bulidtng
lots yin acedrdance wlth the action of
the city council heretofore had or
.herenfter ordained,' and to snake_addt'
bona thereto from time to time as,
neceasittesaof the ease may require,
'and any' person or :persona 'desiring
to obtain the number_ar numbers tor.
house numbering "purposes shall be
so informed by said "englneer"sr hta
assletants free of cost on proper • ap4
plicatlon therefor 4 t, a1 °r; " .:a`t`
-"`, 9ection`6 Each'daor on all streets
• shaltTbe;:entltled top.a number;'{tand..
_}scan( land or lots,,between `buildings
frontlng�on`t ea[d- streets Shat] Abe men;
'titled to`two numberafarf, ch•iot' and
- a fractlon�thereof�ahall be entitledto
afracUonah ,number;'between.."adjoin
fng'lotaitliereto. e'4
0r.. V- .''.V�la]luJ
11.0. y `J osa _ kNo. kilo k - - --
C . Z o c�.a. a� __ 19 Is_
Asw.r _ s,._ B„iL
f, c� °-
v.A _ / 61* a t U }rnn_ __ 19/5_ ._
,: TION:NO 1c �;.+{` -;•j
RESOLVED byf tke .C1ty
Counc[l of the Clty_;of, Port..Angeiesl
That It Ia ?,the intention,ot .th. -,Citi.
ConncII ;to•� reamea_a the .+,PipPert1
apeelally'beneffited bythe' ImpruTe-•
meal made on: Ralliottd Aienne- be-
tween, Oak,. street and Chase street; -...-
la6the city. oC Port_Sbngelee;.under7
ordinance •.N tY.,t xentfEed,. An Orr – -..
.meats - providing :forrtha improve•I{
meat of -parts' of certalu streets and
alleysYa:tile, city, of.ortAngeIea, _to -111
twit fRaflroad Avenue, n om the west
e, of Oak street to the west .line oft '
Francis street, forty -feet in...wii
ZIT 4'' stret fromwest line of- aireette "Seat line of Chase StrbYrst? street from Rest line of Street• to:west Riga': of Ltneoln� stiOatreet' between'Front, and`?F}street : Laurelsorest from i,'F
•Stet to ,1.40 feet north of north4llne
ont�.'street: „Lincoln : street "-from
d7Apenue ta4Th! street- and
drd atreet4from Erik line of.;:Lincoln
si.treet to Laurel street and t1i alleys
TinyblocksF15 andr16 ,In;Port'Angeles�
wnsite,:uptto grade;,fuilwvidtli, and
oingasneb other work: as may lie ne;
j#c�ssary is connectioa therewith; GaII
Yn accord`anc'e with,the planwjrepared
r 4 r•; n
by the CEty EnglaeerYnow on %iBe. in
the office.at:the City, ,Clerk•and hereby
dopted a1Eln accoordanceAvith- resole{
gtion No :l et theCity Council: crest
.nypocal1mprovement district there-
p void ``pay n:s r
for and 1 lag that payment of the
oatrand expenses 4 of said improve-
e� aibe rands by special {assess-
mennt m
Eupon'=ppertyt,In4 said district,-
flyable by mode ;o'L Payment By
and. `
That saidlreassessment to be, 'nide
4imakeTupiakdeflcfeney oftcost and
expense • of -said Improvement4onsaid
Railroad.- Avenue - caused by cancdlla
than 2 of assesementiwhich `,were can',
celled by reason oithevfact' that the
mprovement on, saldRaaiirroad Avenu e
Chase to fFrancle street• was
to 1 9 . - - . - rpracticallYr, impossible',
a , deductei4rom ?eaidiimprove- '
a4 eafd1 ■ Raflroad1 .avenue;
fill ency clued f} thereli
= ; buafa sn y
the um of.064278b, and.
easseas propperty G specially
is the alleys int said lblocli
rt Angeles+ tovrnaite f and ,ley
rman Smith sub,withfn Dietrtet No.
part of the impeovement ordered,
der Ordinance No ,424.ira°-7,A
idtreassesam`eae3"ia'tintended, for.
s t'purpoe of pying he declency
riassesamenta heretofore levied toy
ay, the cost o[ esidimprovement, in
dti alle`s;'} Said deflefena', :being f, fn
sum of 1th
al try
alleys�is. th
o LIncoln w street
and the termini at the district for re- -
eet:to Chase
ue �y1
o may desire:
ereby nbtifled
to appeased preaentlsueh objection ,V,.�.•Q� p
ta meetin of • the :Ci �Cp acil toib V � / ` / S
ambers, "in,'.tlie
Port Angeles,
8 o clock P M en the`1Ylh day ot�
May, 1916-'-which time and place d
bye, g :niatters
-tom - -_ -�
-k �.Q {�, -
o�>`�+,c, he . _ _ u� . o� �Cfv,�s> c�v.� Cat v�tC� Q-0
.xao9w-\ \ _ o • /_-
QN\.. __ e2. b±9, — V_ . 0. R•�.;.,..5, -. 14/5 .. cLN A ..._�v 91.A,
$110688 at the -- .termlai�
et oL reasgesameat of Jl
e east line yet Oak'.street�
zanuKthe went 11ne f
sa Be sment =o[ ]iaikoud
�n beings from Oak 4 tr
street on Railroad �vea
�{�� That all ,persona drh
'to- oblect> thereto fiYe*]l
g ty
lield initheCoancll {.Ch
City Iinll in the City'�of
�h1;�>'re flaed for bearin
lelating toi inif iivpoaed teasaese-
sment and'�oblectiona thereto
„ That the ;City ;E gineer shall Sub'
unit to the'City CouncEl""at or prior to
shin data all data as "a in[ormatton.rJe;
squired by ;law to`be- i iItted "y =;shin
d`eflcleney,.;in4the•cestand expense -ol?
s id' improvement'shati be borne by
na ;reassessed against the °property., -
fable therefor as provided :by;law - >{,
Paased -tile Clty. �Co><ncll this; 20tf i` _ -
ay of April • 1915Jan'd signed by nisi
n4$open aeasion In•authentleation.,of
its paeaege; this 20th`day of April °1916:
Attest <. J. L. BEAM,
City Clerk
Date 1st pubilcatlon April 23 -3t.
6 al - d