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'RT. "37;74 0 V * 4 • rAnd sOil and Abolish- ; lag, certain ;arts 'of cer- • tain atitietiof thet7Citi of.POrt 'An- ... ,._ ._ . ..., _. ,.. ... geles. established 'by:Ordinance No. -.. , eima 432., entitied:,.),•,'An .--"Ortlin- _ . ,, ancti to estitblislr.the4radea'OrOtr, . --f4v,streets '1n, the..City or, port :An- . ieles;vittlaiiierinin itinita.'! aillikow- . .ed Catoiter-18:i1919:.',..4- ,....,,.: : 11,,T.hti',CityTeancit,toilhalC1tY,crt port lie.1ea;:dti7"didabrrairiollOyal: ,,.:.;i',,,, - ' Seeticin„:1i: 'file: gradek:- creretntore t"lishe47Ii ,1;ar.s.''.'.f-4.e:itafit;'kii,t4P. ce.....blo.:421.;i3ittitied.".in-?niS. etr,;64110O9104'i0,,Tiif7A4.'. within ' certain , jitedig... iiiirOffed ober 413.;..1913 :,1(1zE4.Xlip'H;i44E1(tt of Second itieeCiitai'e'stiedis fo Ciii•!;treeiiiitisililTa011::Filqc173, 1.4e1YO4'.'-'0E:41d'O;764-rurc't 14);,;:Of-is ii;Ii*iiiii913)*A.:,iiia'ZiciimaYea,s tii-644:4'47,1*ifiliNefirria ay t bliih0 ..Iii,q0ifinirefik-Fgaia`,1, cls , stinethi hereliynelicelledd ',Sicilia' '3 l'illeflin■ie'CrOliii'artli etreet;eatitlilishe0Y,sectliiii' 6,Or. said qailia n 0 NR:2 0 4- from dedac ati eei . cancelled j- ,..:,.,•. iA 9,-Ctigf4i)AS1:114--f▪ t5.e..af-1:7WP-tret biR344;:l/S,40eCp0d2,711i.f81141: of0- a1440421; is herebyeaticelled and !4' 'graeili57The glit de7Ol'alith street S. s. ac„..4tA —9, '4,9, 15,k 11) • arsVposo...N._k_ W■kAk-A - - Qsu:S c>, JAY■gs_Ak, t9,9, —50A1Zoe,36 YI(s. Y-'Z, I wwk AVIA\ t9a9, QsAQ:,,sv, (3-V_ =1-3,g6"- /Z"Iclis nr:Cedar s..‘treitfito ib-7:it,n-c1.0: street; Said 421,- IA • herebY, cancelled nd abolished 'Sea'licin, t4._,Tbe'^,.erade; ot. Seventh. et 'from edtef.„Atreetv.to.. ranc il'ifitepatittdlidied `j13y,4acti a otaiii1141:*iii.j.*;-berebeitli,: " th 67431'i:item' eilit'il"Street-,7tOT:Pinbale 0 ,dc,nald here= 3.t411,. Sect1on8 ,Thegrade pt Victoria itiVa; esta,Jllshe • In it14.ti;;;;,'66- on.”1. otisaid relweancelleda and aboHsY Street it:'41nAti1eeStitint%Okaabi thireet,esinhliiiiigilifi,:elirlf;:bi • 144eii ietit 1dOrdhic No421 is. hereby 0;53ectiOn' 10. -The grade of georgIand stVeet.i.frea;',AiiiereiStre 1y canceiled and aboilshed Street...'established. fleation I■y■P.4.5:1:Aeliere- tt Street :Sereetr_ to Street; eatablished7. in.' and by -Sealed 71,6 Oidinined:2■65:421; Is , here. • • y • A C-;-M C'eta As,1/4cas4,-, V-vk a, As3-. 14-4-va,‘ 9's- k-‘k sifeee=frOmi4rOilt cStreet to - Victoria 16.k• of rea.i'd rdleanee'. No. 421; Is harebyi., cancelled ; tuid..Altolialt?d,, also 011eatiiidislied:zintr..;:. az:4 4i#3.4ri; 02 „aii21■:!iiaii!aa stied 10 11 and 16A ot and • ardinan ea- iltirtsi.ofOlna!"?es= in pipeetiOri 14 this ,:ordlnince sbafl take:4feet, and be1nforcefrothand . lifter dve :days after Its 2pub1 catlon , '.Approved gp4cE' Mayor ,Published April • 3Otb. 1915. _ . Attest: BlifAbf,'' City Clerk. . \X "1:91- / /9/5, A-Nes.ceir,____cr-----51r.sL- 3 0 f-V.