HomeMy WebLinkAbout04963 Jr ��r-+rrT _
i,,1 g teat ANg 0. y k on a . e para8: ,,to -one handred:drty
conativ of a, x on der street'to Front ,i t thence
Francis Street lean c _Ye' !rest on Front street a print three'
• hundred., (300) feet "west of the west,
and to. the a1.10,betweenr Sereath line.o[•Alder street,7t ence north: on
%and Eighth streets sad cartel¢ later ri
y a line eet.We1 to threeslinndred
al or snbsewers'leadingtheretfa
7ifthe City of Port Angeles, the alloy- (" -de feet west from a •westllne ot.
d . - der Street to [;ear Tana "� street:
t' lion- ot- pleas:,and_epeciHrations. and,'- Trglana `street` to
f . t once west oa Geo
P the payment thereof by the'mode p[ :
payment by bonds �-' ,, a street thence north i7tii- id6J
c street to Columbia street �:'.theneel,
west on _Columbia street Lto., -the east)
Ina of $nbnrban Lot No,33• eace
Vila thBe'ne of'Cdnt
ub[ Sues
33_ need. across sald;lot 3346. the to
teraectloa xof Bace street and Victo
Street thence • westerly along ' eto ..
street to the pointof ne
�} Section "Lila' distrtbnting s _
seasments. to paytthe coetand eapense
t said improvement there shall -be
levied against the propertyylyln( be-
tureen the termini ofithe improve ent
backto ■the middle of the -bi3cks
Front andxFlrs£ Streets from Fran ,—e.,.
cig to Nine streets alao +a sub -sewer aIoS ae- marglnallines of,the:atteeta
v for s •improved • `such amount as
_ St the alley bFrancls to and Second l�s d
z ;wool Tepreaentathev1reasonabla cos
Streets from Francis to Vine streets wa s
-__ flashes" south on 'Vine street tom. the of a ld sewer and -t�s Sts o;1ts s •
alleyie..betweea 'Third and rFonrth Isnited'to the regnirements of its
e - -,._nr Ht ryki�asiH od sari a /,�
etreeta .1#9!..P.:,,, ateral sewer to the al
u,. & -;-;i t 13�r .ste. 98 o es - ..K
ley bates n Third and Fourth streets p
ti a i an tpe Stater o[ rWas algtoa A
from Vice StreeE to tha weat,bonndary 'and. the remainder otthe costa` ldiez
- - of Suburban�-lot)blo 22 also'a Inter•N nneepol:anallzimoloYpment 4-toht
sewer in'-the alley`between Second and
rdietri d over and assessed 'on al(
`dfith opertrwtthln the.bounds.,,of
Redd: entire district in accordance With
ttl .ehe}p etat beneftg;- thereon 'and ",in`
nl e ;., '.
on to area: "4 5 r�
•: ` terebt
, 6 " Boada bearing interest
(160). leet -west of the west line of A1-
The City Connell of the City of P
_... Angelesdo Ordaia�as follows:
li Section L That =the construcilon is
- hereby ordered of: a trunk sewer " n
cis - street from Railroad avenue
i to a alleys between Seventh, andj
Elghtb;atreete; o a anb•sewer fn the
a11ey'.betwepn.yFront-and Georgian
..._ atrre�ts lcum Francis to Race streets
also a Iateret, sewer in the alley he-
-. -- tween�Front and:.Georg1ana - streets
froth Francis to'Vlne street ' also a la
total sewer is filealleyr, +between
Third Streete,,from.Viae'atreet to the
west boundary ar >Suburbantlot'1 Not
22 of tb� Port Angeles Townslte alt.
in4the City of Port Angeles,' together;
with the necessary man holes cntcb-
-- basins wyes`�4openings and 'other ne-
-6 ceasaryappurtenancesf andcto be con -.
_ `stiveted -or vitrlfled�ealtglazed""clay
brlckFor'Qtherrjsuitabte material and
4ngtsuoh other work as may be ne-
x,cessar'pin connection L therewith all
'i+ in�a aorfdanco wlW;the plans,�and spa-
-- ciflcatfons of the -City Engineer on`ffle
with; the= =City Clerk herein and hereby
adopted„ ,,, d:Ti1 ya u-�' ■
R Section 2 That-,tbe coat• and ex.
pense`ot -said improvement' including
'- all necessary and'incidental',eapenses,
sha11 beborne by:'end assessed against
the property included in the aaeesa-
ment district hereinafter created 1.
accordance with -Iaw The Clty;.of
Port Ange,les`is i not be liable sift
any „manner o ally,' portfont of pl
cost and eapenO �; of said ;improve•
',"""t24,;•.,,, tanr 3 y .,
Section 3.! That there is hereby es-
tablished el local ri` improvement ,.,ills
tract, to be calledr.'Loca1 Improvemen
Dletrlct No 33 which said diatkict 19
desurlbed and outl nod as follor ;;..
ginning ', - at the intersection: af, Fran
cle Street with Victoria street 'thence
waterly. along , Victoria street to Al
bgrt street 'thence south 2oit • Alhe
to` Georgian street ythence. • - t on
Georgian a street'.:' •tD �tip1n' reet,
thence south on Vit(e;.A'Fre outfit
Street; � thencei.east o Fourth to Alt
bent Street thence South on Atber
Streetg'.to Fifth ,Street thence east
on •Flfth• attest •rf•to r Eunice Street;
thence; south on Eunice street to Say:
enth street thence east on!Sevonth
streetto Francis :street thence'south
an4Fruncls etreett.to Etghth'street ;-
tbence ".east on- 'Eighth ;street to •tyn
point one hundred`flfty;(160V•tgef west
of the west line ofitace street; thence
south 00 a lino parallel to: to000 hued;:
red fifty,,feet westtof the.:;west line=of
'taco "street; to;' Ninth :Street:'; thence,
iaton.Ninth street to'ltace street;
titenco'eoutli omRace street'to Tenth
street;, thence east on Tenth • stre to
•Badway 'then r ce easterly ' et along;
Broadway to Alder thenee.'north.no
Alder street to.'Fourth! street ■thane
west on'Fourth- street. to a,ppint;On.
hundred- flfty- ,(160) feet.,west of ip4
west line of'Alder street;'thence;nort'
rateyof 7 peer eentper: -.annum
payable on or} before 10;yearstfYom.
the datdtof Issuance shaU1e issued
.1,117 payment of .thEN cost-
tagd expense
of this improvemmnt which heath( shall
betredeemed�y the;�collection. of ape-.
clal assesatnents`ito:be levied sand. au
easeCepon the propertywtthia said
dtatrict,'. payable:.ia' 10yequal'tannaal
inetallmente with, interest,,at:the rate
ofz73per.�:cent per "'annum under 'tho
mode .ef4Paymer by Sonde as de-
fined by.1aw and1tl a ordinanceu of the
City of Port Angeles :,� These boada
shall be delivered to' the contractor In'
` redemption of wa'r`rants on the local
ftpprovetnent district fund iaeued ont
est / mates of the city engtnee xo� the'
City of.Port Angeles or the .city may;
at its' election sell? said bonds and'
Make.auch • redemption in cash
i Secttonh 6 .Th4s,' ordinance shall
take effect and be In force ...front' and
after five days after ate lawful,pubil--
Passed. -14fuy 4 f101
Approved lay." 6 :1916 1 -:
i Attest �zJ L..BEA1$ oCity Clerk:
—U':3& e w O A9(v rr��enr�
. `l tom
DD �0-NV� .
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