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krlmprovement of certain parts of Al
;y bent, : Eunice Race;:l Washington,,
yChambers. siMes Liberty Euale, Co•
}umba, 1st 2nd. Third. Fourth. Fifth.
Sixth. Seventh and =Francis Street
s in the Citrut PortAngeles creattp
a local,improvement!district abet
for and provldingfoi.- the payment
Y':thereof by special assessments upon
the property; within. said district .
l'+,cordtng to,beneftn';recelved and'„"by
the% 71.1ode' ofyPayment bylEonds.
;it Ctty- Council of the City "ot Poi
Angeles }do Ordain as follows , ' tF
i Section 1 That.Euntce street fro
Caroline to Fourth, street Race stree °t
from Caroline;to Elghth,street,,Wsah
t ngton street;trom'Froat street to Sep
venth�Street; Chamber astreef '*from
Columba to.Nerth line of „Eighth
street l Jone e*ts treet from t Water to
streetitlilberty ListreetEfroartio
�oltne to rFlfth�f street ;Ennis•�'sfreet
from Front;to Fifth street Columbia
street from l7. S Reserve block 33 to
Liberty street 'Albert, street from
Oeorgtnnn to Fourth street First
'area tiiom Race ;r Street to
heet { S eee ,fromt4AEnbris t
street# tolEnnis street Thtrd'latreet
from Eunice - street to3Eset City limits
inciudtng+ the copstrn ton of a bridge
across Whites Creek on Thircl'etrest
nrth'�stteett tom Albert ,streetl&to
eeaffi3'Tiiit there fa Hisse s:
tebl1ried a local improvement district?.
called "Local ImDroveiaeat DIs-
14 .;which /amid district fa
'and oatLaed:as follawa• "pi:
e"property,,between"ctl termfni'of
said improvement, ati ttink Upon, _ad
la ettefvletnal. or proximate i. to each.;
portion of said streets and aientahkce
a. distanne back from . the maiglnal
lines thereof. as provided by b ;w; :,
'_'Section 4.::'Eonda .bearing interest;._.
-t -the rate'of;7 per cent per ananm _
payable eeL ;or: before 10Lyears from ',
thedate of; issuance-.atiall be issued. — -
in' pavment ,of :, the ;:cost and. expense
of this improvement which :
be- redeemed by the collection. of ago- _
clays essii*I0 tn.be leied and"' kk W 1
144 d upon tiie property within.' �—`�^ � -1 -
disteict payable in 10: equal annual' . (.. )
kInstallmenta with interest at the rile . �0`-+v�
f: centpe.rannm; Under --
mo¢a efy Payment by Bonds as =
fined" by law• andsthii ordinances af`_
Citz of port Angetlo e s These bon
sll;ba ;dedcted the"coatraefo"i d
reempion of - warrans "oa the loams
improvement+ district fundissaed }on
estimates 8i. ilia- cltyengineer oiahe
CIt3iofaPort Angeles or the city may
at,( -its election sell -said bonds and
' ee c isoun c h 6 c!;e 1s ordinance
s. s.
redempion in cash. '
force from ,and
after 8re days after its lawtui publi
Passed Afar lth 1916 ' it
n 3r— 7a. Approved Afay 12th1s16
nna street i�yFtfth streram n t' " HORACE
Ica'" S eat toy Liberty Street et t Sizth
11 • ' shed Mayli6:1916
.Attest? L.".:BPIAM < dig (8erk.
stryeet from Francis.to;�onea street d
Seventh stre(Ir,fram Fronde k to Tones'
street be; improved by.,clearing ,ginb -'
bing surface gradingfaccording to;th.
grades shown'on the plans�of the'Ci2y.
1•]n�'gineer and the construction ot,alt
'necessarycurbs u-ains r orosstngs,.
bnla reads, and retaining.,walle and;do-
Ing, such other i orlt''as'" maybe neces -y
saiy,,,in, connecttonitlierewlth y,,alao'
that etdewalks be: -,!' " as: followsc,a
concrete sdewalk 6 feet in width; on
both'sides ofa'Francls' atreet�t 4:12
of Victoria street tor.Front atreet; and l2
feetwideafrom Frontto_ Fourth street,'`.
Concrete +eldewalk 6" feeto- wide ^ on:
.north{ side of Frontratreet from - Fran•
cis;atreet to- Liberty strreet} Concrete
etd'e%alk 6, feetwlde on South side of
'trot street tram Francis street to;Lib-
e ty Street.;:,, Plank'.eidewalk 0, feet
wide on west side 'of ; Illunice street.
from Fourth; to Caroline stree Plank
'aldewalk'fi feet wide ;on south elde'`ot'.
Third street'from Eunice street toleas
city t Iimits.'` Plank'sidewalk b <fee l;
wide n West side of Cjiamberp street.
from Front t Columbia attest ePlank
sidewalk 61e& wide'from Aibert,;�to
Race atreet'eon north. side or :Secoii d'
Street ally In�accordancewith;pl
1 and TSpectidationa now oa 81e=in
City Clerkaoffice "' '� a
ro'47on -2. rTbat the cost,and ex�,
pence of said improvemen ..... . ndtn
all necessary and incidental •expenses;
y shall be borne by.and assessedagatnst
.the�prop0rty tnclude(l�in tbe','sssess
,meat district? heretnffter created -j` u
accordance with law,,ti.4 ii insavat #lie
'cost Sad;expensa'of the improvement _
ins h street within Bald district shah
ibz -SV. ssed`agatnst and be paid by the
abut{ting. property on ;each street j,,1n
feiulding the ' of Interseo-
zlions o , , , ,, is , tThe;C1t1 of Port An - °f3n! shalt not be Inble in any, man +.
,,ier for any;portton oi`th` a cost and ex
pence of'satd improyemeat r #$ 1 Leal
Em l n ro K.c ati ,vim
_.. �C- Qa c .o.rvv�ai¢� ., .n,•..��av_i.a. sa�Q .d.�.7�UQ_•.__"i"�''c`.'�r, C- ,
_A- tu.._ut'- ^,
O` �000.� Vrn�v al�lvr9 N.� .
ai A�,., t�E,s: ,n �m Vo n,1�, _ "r,, ors a,; ,Y,� g m.j �o ,•mil. . _9r,w,QO
- .. U 'tie -
`t`t\odsL .6oti,�,,C )vim %OCSA. - -to 0. ws> o m� Cav�2c CAfiv,
Sig .\\.• 9.4 7.. oA j os�ac�,�,,`` _Ci,�y. Cis.,,,, oh
�h51_ 1i. c u °i .�0.�pi41S 4r, _r>s ss\A QcvCVti�sm��o
ao.i v . or. I n i d4, n -_k t�wy _ i _9 I S L t9o-r 1+3J4.1„nf.sc. al■xvs.a
-L f r`,L.L„' �°\ ,A c�p.�c-
Q Q .
;trunk sew r s'4c-
- AOgefes; creating'
:and ?: expense
TheCi offPort Ang
be fabl In any:manae
t1on,of he cost :and
[piney eat s°
Secti S Bonds
at the'r te rot ;seve
num,'• pa
e r shall not ° —
for any+por
ense of sat'
benr[a'� fnterest�
percent per, ai
store, ten. :years
maybe se er d6'or dra
such trunk a 9r and au
ori�br¢nche a may hei'ea _
strutted tOr c nett with � ` id trenir
sewer <an des lhed tae fol wa Bh-
~gtnntng n� the -.1 tersectio i o Lincoln
street 'und Rail oad,, avenue '� thei{ce
• east alongRallrad Avenuo,a distance_
at "226 %feet to7 a center of Block.r2
'!ride Lands E et702 Lahrel 9r, Street
thence'��outhj hrough them: dd1u 1 �,,
said block 2 Idelands,East to',Front
3treet,athence, et on Fro h feet�to
3TIne`Stre`et rt 'ace south;, n5�tyin
Street;to4Four 'Street Atli ce east
son Fourth' Strc t t to I,Alt,ert Street;'
thenee',South on Albert S1re: to Flftli
Street �thenee. ast on Fifth reetta
Euntce',Street hence 'South n Eun�
Ice Street to'S venth t'Streeti thence.
east' on Sevent ' street to Francis
Street;' `thence, south 'on Franelo,
Streef -;to Eight
;Street,;',;-t,-11, ce east.
to a
poiny 50' reef
th ra nth o a line;, pars et :ta
ne b ndre :and fltty Set west
the t II sot Itace Street
ne of • Ra a street
f Street ace east n- Ninth
a set .theu south
Broadway thence
t= y way to sip int 200
vest liner Cherry
hs an n ]i paraF
Atcof -t west
�, ry et toy`
an Secon
t O� tr ence north,
en1Eightii Stre
do. v
oR I wes n
n ettof the west
t Nnth
Street to CRace' S
an nave street't
,W aterty von Brea
eel weatt Of the:
treet ,!thence no
1 to-and N00 feet
1 e of Cher
Street ` hence ea
o} $ set .
street the alle
sISecba .. Stree }'t
beten Firty�`ia�
La paint +226 s feet -w
tne; parallel to.Su .:".225.,',. fee west of
the west li10f Lincoln ,,;street '`to
Railroad A eenue,? thence east on,natl
roafLaienue_teah point of:beifeet g.
betfeen . F
enc east o
Second sir
t "of the w
thence. nor
City; of
6x Sectte
tnko -.effe and ba in ce�from and
atter' fly,, days after it \awful path
cation: y$t
r Pnese t W.18t1 1 1
Appro May�lgt.