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3._ , ORD NA/•ICE- NO 1500
ENTITLED Ah O8iinudieE ;aES-
tabltshing . the grades of parts
i certain Streets ln.: the City of P `a
,Angeles and£reieallne all
ces sad Darts of ordiaancee In
Hitt herewith. r�r
i The Clty 'Coimctl atiie City of
Angeles ao ordain as follows
a:5ection L,;T� t the giad-e of Esoa '
fi4.1et at th'e'=ndrthi§t' end norther
.corners -of 41bere street is 94.0 id
above datum.. -and a4-the eoathi
ail au'uligtilt 21,1A Font '
4'ie t 6cfet tin :' f : >96'r0
above datum a northwestti,
nortii4ste'6'rnem of Front and
StreefS.-sthegrat de is 92 5 feet atie
datum, and at "tie southeast and 8on1it
rrs s>
west corneio[ said streets it !e 9a "r5
feet ral d¢tu01 att-ths nbrthwe;
and�norfheaa�tLCOmers •.of, Front a�'q
P anotsiStreets fhe grade is 9L80 le et
sabots Sdatum a an a -lee a ntheaell
's�ttilr�vest c'srnera ra'f d streets'
ltiis 9230 teetVabove'datum at t�e
i't4iiteist An�xnartbeast corners',of
Front and,Race streets` -the grade is
l�`teet, above datum'- and at ;fie
aitiieast-and soutwe�sGy�FC^orners
`'sue � %e- tabove
m; at the - northwestand northeast
eorners.ivot.rFrontaadsaWashtn .
Streets the grade is 925 feet above
datum §2andatithe ssoutheast'•and
s uthwest'cornere of;; said streetscit
is 792 75 feet' above datum z�at -the
aoithwes northeast southeast ad
eouthweet:coraerejof Front and -.Chain
bore streets'ihe,i grade pis 94 5 feet
above datum::attbenorthwest, north,
e et, southeast and aonthweet corners`
:!lq* t and0.6R -. streets the grade
Is'i97 owfeet rttbove 5 datum "r at s th
- nirthwestand southwest connate
.Frront and Liberty streets the
1eh106o feet abbe datum an$ at:the
theast and'aoutheastl- corners` of
Witstreeta it it }106 0 feat abbve dat
4ri nt th'e nor4liw4t' au I soathisest
earners of Front sad ; Ennis 4streeta
biepgrade •is''2180 feeti'above datum
aiidat the'hbrtheas3 �and southeast
'ethers ct said streets. it is 119.0 7 feet
aBdve datum u : , , 'a?
i'l:kection 2 :',T0b grade of First stye t
tri:Wilbert street to Enfnuis street` Is
se,iftill 4 `' ,, fig` v nNt li
- r%'Atith idrtii4rit, ncrtheaal aeltilh,
si lhnd ebuthwest eor`ners of'. F1.a
aadi•Atbert',dtreets the-grade Id 98:0
feet above datum rat the Iiiii.tiiiVei
northeast southeast` and c`s➢uthwes
corners of First and Eunice Streets
the grade is 9717 feet above datum
}lie norihw' t '#anilinoitheast cox
sera of ` First asd Francis St ith
gfadeia 9'5:8S.. feet -above datum an
�at the
3oth:eat and outhwest'.:cor ets of saldstrets'it :tar
96.30 ;:fe:t
' Love d m
atu• at the northwest come
o�t.FirStr and:I,Race streets the' grad
1;,.24.62,!, feet above datum at to
northeat corner tof said atreets`'the
grade Is 94.0; feet above datum,' at
tfiea'SOUthweat, cornei.`of said streets
the',gradoris.95 :62 feet above ',datum
(and,04,the, southeast corner of said
treat it Is; 95 :82 feet abov llatuiu at
t1li 1orthwest.and "northeast,corners
'of'Fitst and Washington Streets'tho
irade is 96 o:Yeet above datum, and
atzthe southeast and - southwest eon
kiets it is, o
97.0 feat above datum;;'¢;
Rhe "northwest and 'n1irtiieast corners
iiiiFirst atifl' Chambi;rfi + streets thfi
rode Is 115.0 feet abbve dhtitmllal!it
fthe,soutleast' and douthwest, corners
'of iltestreets it is -96.5 feet above
iitam at': `the iorthrl est cor!f& it
lr ' J d-''Johes streets the grade le
?Ira feet' above datum, at the nortli
east'anirsouthwest corners of sal
streets lit Is 98.6 feet above datum
.'and at;the southeast' corner of said,
streets the grade is 100.0 feet.above
datum at;ttie,ua71111, s81 corl.laQif
First. and Liberty streets the grade fel
113.5 feet above datum; at the north i
;east corner of said streets the Bade
!is '.114.5 feet, above datum, W. the
}southeast corner of said-att'eats the1
grade Is 116.0 feet above datum, and
at southwesecorner ' of said streets
it 115.0 feet above datum at ithej
tiortaebt corner of First and En
StreetY the'grade Is 142.0 f a�
datum at the - nortbeaat'and uul
west "corners of said streets the e I
Is 143.0 feet above- datum: and
sodtlieast corii0r df Said'atreers li Ili
141.0 feet above datdln
1 Sbctfon 3 The grade ot:i4iibond
Set from Albert Street td'�'Flnnls
Street to lie toilows o
At the dorftiwest ;hill northeast
aei`s''of'$eecond'aad Aber'; Steers the
sear a is igi: fret slwie`datnm and
atlte soilthenst rind sontiMs114
nerii3of said trust is it 1s102.5 ; to
above aciga T et titre northw"sstV siid
fn_ ink fc i rY. + rr.
northeast corners of Second and Ean
ell t a,+;fti` w1N. .r
ice Streets the - grass is x.'''1026 < tee
e. atam,tand atthe.so*.heast ad
southwe nu iners !s, l + tar r
southwest- corners ofaatdetmeisebrts-
J ',WS-MILT now, toe -Oi+ i
,1030-feet above datum at the north
b /S t'aU >.a r 'A 'i'lHt f+
west :.sand northeast corners of Sleeondr
t.e ...0 urst L -+n
and',;Franids stress JrawthaBr�pta�e �u U30�
1bnve�'dattim���at tlie.aonth
east' and southweat�� ornyra ofd saidj
streets itds.1037 feet; above dstum
at ^fibs north�ce null northeastLcor
. ee
aers'o[- Second audRace'strr
grade 18 ,104,0: feet above. daw an
tit: the southeast andisouthwest cox
nets of satd:�streets it_.jisso105.0 `te�el
Bove datum'i`at the no>hwest 'and
prthe s cornersss.ot ecend and
kaehtngton streets elarade is 102 0
feet}above saDfa any t a.?, southeast
and southwest •corners,`ot'sap Streets
it is ,103 0 feet =above datum at'the
orWycest comer of Second e
Cliambers sets grade ;Is 1d8.b
fee ,above datum at �iie ortheast
andN �u�hwestycornera, �t said - street
tlie'grade ie,i109 0 [eerabove, datum
id, at the_s�utheset corns; ot,1id
streets 1[^19110 0 feet above datum9
aat bZo1v15 e adWoarttuhJ m at t e c othrneL r !;
Jones streetsthe grae d. SecoaL 0 d,..feaa e1
north'"eaet i i 1
OULh�eO .(Diners t�B4gra�e Is.�'°
tee abev datum and -at rave s
Ju b.; Sts
5,,,satsei et'9tiet _said streets tt Am ,o
f`eet'.a 0 fe dp}urn at,.tsq northwest
.tit .I:u.
co a4tof Second, and Liperty.a meta
t14 grade4s 66p teet'nbove dat
Itl,tjie northeast an'sonti'iwest.:rfor
ra of said_ stit etth0;grade to 1660
feetiabove datum ands t the south
eastcorner ofsaid etsee,:011.15i!'
filet above datum_,�at the{}io�rthwes
and. northeast corners of: Second an
Ennis eG'eets the grade,] is 1613 0 :fee
above datum and a the southeas
and southwest comei'a;,otrsaid etreetb
is 169.0 feet :above.dataut
lr Section 4 , -:The grade of Third
Street from Albert street east to
City, limits in
At' the northweet and northeast
orners o[. Third and Albert 86e■te
the ?grade ts'11J feat:nbove datum;
nU: =at the soft eh•St'aii'd eouthweatl
corners of siitd dtreeis it' it§ it fee
above 1atUrl -at the ilorthwest'iand
northell>It corners of r I d and -bas
1ce-?gi eete the VAS is 1110. feet
;i1364-e 11'atiim,'.,aitd i nt rive southeaot
and southweat carders': of said streets
It'is'112f1 teat above datum at the
rnordiweat end- nakti -g '1 comers ;'o
Thli'd ai d Francis streets'thbfgrede le
19 0 test
above datum an Iat the
gbtit$eae"t'8ne. southwest' c5 i s a "et
said aureats It is 114 feat ago- datum
et trio nortfiwest and' nor; east cox
ners 'c f Third and Race streets the
gracile fe 111.0 feet above datum and
' at 'tile eoathedst and . southwest cot=
Viers it is 112.0 feet•abovo (Intuit]; at
,the no wen turner o Thi
iWashtngton street's the `grsde•`is 1A1-5"n - 0' :
a t - t h e ' northeast;..
and southwest turners of said atreet,p -
the grad la 116.0__Igt above datum
land -at)i` he aoutb coaxer lit:, said
,streetsst Is.1170,feet.above datum>
at 'die aorth ' corner of Third and}-- -
, he'4. the pi!. de is #7,-°,
Rel. above datum at the? northeast -
end southweat.eoraers of said4streett
the grads 1x.22,&0 feet a136 1datu'm;
hand - at the southeast cornbryq Id
streets I Is 129.5 tee abo: datum;
fat the: n' west en t4e.et oorj -
aers -o[ Ind arid' ones streets the
grade .1 144.0 fret abov'e datum, at -
the.no t.: coiner of..sald streets
tae ra�.145.0 feet above datnb
,iiad�atcthe;aall iet corner 0[ said
s ejs the grade is 145.5. feet above
adlm; at the northwest and south.
West corners of..Thirdl•andt Liberty
Streets the grade is 1620 'feet above: -
dhtuliijild'a'bt -.tee northeastAad
•southeast rains jof isaiF`d3 atr6eeis4itis _ •
163 5 feet above datum at rtRe nor},.
; st'ilila goutliweatr+corfieis `tit Third
and Ennis stieeSSrthe rde is'1820a
feet above' datum and at't6e north -i
east 'and southeast comers of ,�^?
streets }the .stadia' is 181..1.r 1`eet abo
datum at the northwest -and sonar -
r >
}vest corners'ofgi Thirti nd Alder
streets - the grade is 194 0 feet above
datum. and af•k,the northeast r and'
southeast corners of said streets >it Is
1960 feet above} datum at;the north
,west and southwest corners of Third
sad ;.Woolcott streetslthe grade 'lei
,201.0 ;feet above datum; and at the
northeast 'IMO southeaettcorners .o
said streets It is12020 feetabove da;
tom; at the northWest end., southwest;
tcorners;i of Third_ and ' -Penn 'streets
the grade is 218.0 feet above datum,
add fit ;the northeast and,:soatheast
corners'' of said .street it is 220 feet
above datum ands at. the northweat,_.
and southwest corners of;lntersection:,
dr Third"etreets:and Cityll_tmita the3
grad(": is 2620 feet above datum ,,i
Section 5 ,ITho grade ' of Fourth
atreet7Proni Albert Street to Ennis
Vtree{!Is as follows s .;if' '-
i eft -tire d'otfliwi!at corder _"of Fourth
and Albert streets the grade is 12q
feet"ove rdatfit fip thenortheasw
3 �r`�c�h
6itb :ioiitliwdst a 'io of said stree
the gi""t'iif0 t!'121d feet above da
runs st e- ",.so"uutheast terser 'df daId
free"[ ioli I2ri.ii,,' feet W646-4'40
lit tt atilt( veaE9and northeast qot
0Sai'siat FOUr ' fgd iiiiitce streets t -'
grna'ee'fs 1i1tLfeeet a16vellaturn
at'the7sTutheas� nd southwest7Cor -f-
nets of said' streets it'- is'1265 .feet}
above datum -.at the;>•iiorthwest and
northeast gornereto t'Fonrth` and Fran,
bls Streetisilrthe grade 11;122.0 feet
above`•lds`t irt, and at the'.; southeast
and sou1f eat corner- of said streets
it ia' 23 eat above datum at the
s'ortfiide and nortbeast' corder .btu
Fourth ait11 11a"ce • ettie tit tile grnde:'1
123.0 :fespbov. e' datamgsnd at; the;
Soutett tVe nd southiveef:corners -.y bf
6hld,'streets it; "is 12?1,' 1 f at above
dOeduil f at the ;•nd3Hlitiest end north•
Ciet","derner ofF'eltth bled ■Wa9hing•
fen Streets .th'eljr'ade is;.1246 feet
faBdva' tatuvi; an the ; southeast
%al:iallui dht'eb d of shill streets,
it , i 5to.:ftia_tlba e'daub; tie
at -
'ii'8r'tlitOst "add _ sbdtllweft'. •ddriterd Tai
Fiipttli iitid t'llabrd'e?d ' stfeetd ; the
tt'r<`de`'te 126b "feet lablsve'datam,.hhd
lit ?ilia ngith`ehilt hid bdutheatit' cot
ndr>I' =it id 11A`•t'ebt 4lfdve''dntam -at
l4ie 3dorthtveilt "aha auutbwblt cOrEere
o[IFaurtit aka 7ollee'btreets the ode
. 10 147.6' f'eat:abOiie' datuld, hnh Maths
noitheast and- seethe/0t cornett It'la
14it5 :fat 'a6ove ddttu5; at 'the north•
Veit corner sndi46athwest•corner of
urtli and Liberty streets the grade
skid els � . : *irides
is it to 169:6 foet aiiO46 dat-
e abrYhwes 0 fi¢ lotttIIweit
t# of Pony hand tinha'ati %tj
the tsradajla*A8 feet above ,d"atumr
%bd htt ;tag north ant sii$ " gtheaet
'eVtere 'drreeid `stree[as 'is3T�fieL
tore dt ti ' '� p
BaMlon•'8.�rThe6rade of;;. Fifth
attest iron P71tat�;atreat to'iifbergl
gtreet >s aslfon °wa
' At the noithweat'and northeast con
ii bt •'lIfili and L'ettee atreete the
4tta'db 18 ,132.0 feet above datum aa�
atrthr'b a`outhasstiaHd sonthweat cor
bars of said atraetarit !8 A.tre
bote:d'af�t the dorthweat and
nottheast,'fornera or F1ftb anfl iYati
'aefstreeta tae grail's 1s„a2.zs,�tee�
CZ) f 14
IA (1
�_tt la 1618; lost, atlEi northvest. "sorts- onth.
'6ore 1 at Y e northwest aad� leaf and southwest corners of Caro-'
heee4t2ornera of Seventh d: Race Use sad Esntee streets the grade fa_
ts�the grade is 160.0 feet abovI 196.0 liiet above datum at the north
m 'end -a; °the eontheast ''andJl west. northeast, southeast and south
gouWwast corners
&if hatd streets it Rest caraere of Caroltae and Francis
la'i1620. feet`abore datum at 'ttiel Str;eeta the -grade to 960 feat above
aorthwaat corner • of leventh `sad d8tlrin at the °northwest northeast;
*.iudit4toa'Streeta the'igrR`d i 1610 J 8,4.4 a 4 and'southA tr corners of
w - Ti• •rte '.,. a-
feeE�nbore ,datum ,}nt ;the>, ortheaeE t,•FatoUnti, and�ace Streets {he �gtada
wr»er�o%esid streets the r`de� to t9�3.a rase a"i,ov� datuw at We noith
18 6 Iebt above datum"at' the isonth Lwea� and soli weal corneis of Caro-
e'aatl oruer of aald at -re the grade1 ine'y a'n( .1i!aehtngton - fairest,. 'the
'C, fi K.t t,xz +P v ,rw r .,+.
E4.6 feet soots �dfitnm.J'ead at tot;` grade, le 94':feet alit a dntn�m• ana ar
thwestico e`>a, p `said sl=eets i[ fa the gortheast' nd:aontheast corners
i 3 0`�fee abovekdafu °meat t}ieiaor�bi' s n
of sad streets, It IB 94 4 -feet stave
r 'c tea. -r . ro sue �• J t +4.
i�eatcoraee .af�aventif•aa�lCastnbeiaF dam ai theROr�hwest'and� t�ttt
- Mi tti :iV+f.q M 1 L � PN RS iC wY r"
¢ su
'seta th fgrade to 1760 feet above ,w, •,� royera.;or t)ullne andfut'.,yhan
dafnm at Ute aeith�ast;and aonf'h`weets,�- ;ihe3igtada to 96��feet
M•V Sa r21' "^�. - stj xY• a . - ?+n F F '�i •b �-7 �r
ciorna"ra, oC'aafd atr2e the grade; ie � ,tdtnm; and at'' -fife. tnortheas
above datumand a tae eoniheat and southeast :St-,;p1""
d etTeeta
uthw t :rotas♦, of�sa!d str€effliltfe ar'
�f � � - a sod�st #comer 02;2111d.
e-fee� iszve"�dataw '"andlat 1y fire
streets tt is lt•�is�96 8 feet ar datum at th�
136 O8 feet;above dium at Uie aotih• ''' -vas., t . G ( ; ,t
r. 179 0 feet above datum at'tthe worth northwest ■ and s t; eiys.�ay •
abt and totithweat $oi$ora of sold i T 4rrr i* n i said"
eat find yt�irtheast mrhdfu of Fltta sege"iwira`erroesSeoenth' and 'J ao ee tCscol1ne and Toaes a Gte •thi
and Race".etreeta the grade -ta' 132.d `8'tsuthe �R �' "�` r }'v" x is 7c0 fe t. abo
feet above.daffimz` F grads Js P29 0 feed abov � of datnm _atl�
and at fhb o r dxvrs S--F .w. .:.ti-
sp ° is d the; northeast•andaouthwes nartheast•;
`streets llb lm 139 teat abbveldatu • �er-a> f a streetts a grL de K
feet shove datum: and r at;Yth
orclIfth.addtWashldgtt•th all
-comb �eagstlitt tt�f ids street l T i¢'
�d�ttl 0 feet aboveU m.f 1 F ••line an g e
S1s�76 18 1290 feet bbove° E9i+i+1h° grade13101 over'
n�rs f is lab 0 feet above datuhl a> ��3
fr th ` c]r33
fF1 Uthz ands Cham}i ti$ti•+eeta a At taetnorth meat and ameasf sot rtgkst�eet�ie�aa follows
19i hth d ds�{r ° rte fife latera t! * th
4 'lf i eilat}a
utheast cornerrss.'et....-
ee it,ie 76 ..feetayovetda
t e ♦thwart;
�standyeauthwestg tiw
•e foe a grad not r g
at the so tbeaEt and eBUthweet co g' t ?from e,8r t i�4ati
a � + � ctfona2�„�lhe grade :oLColnmhla
th0 northwest and southwest corns a tai�se t' d t a at r } em e gaat".Iine$o[ •
° x g : an Fran street ec on or a northt
fel0 ,01 , datum`s` tr1 flit de Is 17L80rfeet abovei4 sum"' line 4of Colambfa street and the ast;;
s• :an thekeoufheastlandsoii west line'oLbtock;33,Ure� grade is 980 feef
ars of��d ,atre s -'1 tg 7a D ta'ei�. t. . {�,. _....� g ,..•
e da above datum ail taer•the. intersection,
r -- t eratot said atroe e_gra
boxe ` at the nortli�an s � t' �
southweAtornera of Flith! 1t2.80rfes above a um Kati the of they soth'ilinero[ Cola
streets the °�� - notthweat' an'd n corners t tot I�;,. asti.line �o�t Doug
grades,si1Ei00 tee b s•a + ra• eJ w
d t a`�st �r~i Yrth } .2•lfght�r•'and Rac a the grade , ��ist9µ0-feet above;datnm •sat the»{
west♦ • east southeast, ^aad
mb'ta street
ck� +33 nth
i u e no east co . —m + nnonrrtthh s + .N
said streets Ste :southeast cons t a 'swtheastrasae e uth'" st acarnere. C t'$�uthwe ' `era�ofa:Co pmbta t'and
um sad at the aoutheast cork" n • x.r +«s wtxc+. �r•"" p ♦Chambers ee •` tb'xe grad rfa 9b 0 _ _
••- ;I. a�atreeta taeu e;ia a7D.m �`iee �"
saidfatreeta�ittie44'162.O,teet is v w iy *a.x,a�:., x # ti.r� ?{� ha P- � � (•=•�y�+l t
s rr above datum,_ttat the • noAlii t c feet?above daztirm at -th' northwe-
datum tat: the�noithw�at a'"ti't n "'r° s r , " .'s�'v p - 11a'ANa.•di "' .fie "d ^+'^i "'� re ,.wfa;4
{ g an ae on s tee .. o the t and southw t
.0-ri r • 9 1ib6e at:ttthe tortheast sad. eovth est °c` the -grade ,a498.Q teat annove datum a at
r • +• -� 4tof E1 h'th d hi gt t is aortbaeat,
m , ,'e • grade is 1✓}9 0 tiYet bd t ca a o{
s erne♦ of t and Yb y. rs + t t +-r q u .._
a ve a um Columbia an Jones streets
tr b the a +ia_:18 0 ..feet, r•' " u �� r a' �� ��
tats t th 'h h ,t
fa g . feet t t b e d tti I tdtlattthe souttbeaet aada so
�'rnrneraofsatd etree�s'it is 1JLtll�feeL� aad4I,iba
I a r.,
.831 1. ort east cel'aer o[ .•y m.t er that c sa• - e
as Hera o[ saidrtreele theigrsde,a 1900 the sorthweot.,' porth°aet. southeast
id 8treete the tads is+ 18 D < + rNrntc +, r
Aee a ova a nm an
abave datum sail dt�t}re sohtheaat or• rr
Her it is 188 0 feat above
r "Sen c tion `7 Tke ytr grad s da otu[ m !r ';',1"..f-
i ath I'z nn a+ bt" rEne lg. d fiath tu .m ar n.t at ht o r v Rori c hw i c oaS in, • neor d a Chambe rs stree t
•tire $ 4
street tredi Frah °ta btre° toy "Tones m' '-'d t 2104` - f ' ii m,,
tes4:cprnefst' •°tat Polumbisi
ytstt,eete, the grade •+ ]pD 0
♦datum if Sd Q.�;Cit,M c1 11
u ty 1� $u Rrdtnancea ana
PaFtaYof prrdlaancea r 'conftict 1 wNth.
thisslord ar hereb re salads
tIont.T,r_• a it�ogr�d�inani°et'shaD:-
tF� i 84p a+
'Street • is ae [ollowa ~` > ra.d - 'ET,' etas set a ovewdatum at the
,, h tt n.,8 southwest coruers,z
heart co
w eafdt- stteete the gradeie 211'0�':fe
bdedt di tYth ' ti
n . corner et {sad streets It fa 2120 -Ye
air e:' ( ioutbeast sand aduthwest cor i •a .. ,
above datum. t 1' Ro.
fiiii it is 148 fi feet.ttbo4e datum at y..r s•,,,,
lth`e orhwe9t and northenetoornera I •?gecUon 10 t„Th grade'of Georgians_
� n .9fi•eet from ce Street Loi..Lib
i iStath iiatii itaceistreets the', grave K tr i.. t flit•
t• northeast south
and • .--. • at4c•• - • - r o ear y a fr y+,ps r ..,, s ..�e7gi,.
Bald etreet6 it to 1470 feet abave dat, aaafeadt and aouthaest corners of Georgi-:
"' t nn and bun,ce" $ set. `the grads °,e
manta{} the northwest and noitheae,v ,
' • ' 94 0 fret sabove datum „at the porttli
corners oC $ixth•i sad ' Washingt .i 3 ,.• r
! :Streets tiie•grade Is +1400 feet, p�u�,,eetfinortheast. soutbea+st and south
jdatum and at, the': southeast »an. �iveat corners o[ Geor.gla¢a nd dace
a um e e no w'
r'' and 1 i 1 t `
Borg nna an ashington treats e
the grade4r 1616!, feet above•datum ywr r tr+ •m 7 i
`at the northenat.coraer. oL said s r » ,grad fa 90 0 feet shove datum �ttlie
the gra0.d;jia 2525 1eet above : datum; A, -°,r est:corner o[ a Georgfafa ? uad
at the sou west corner of sold streets gham`6era streets tae rades ie 4 92:0
pppp gra aM u t 1 r t • yand�at tha;,southeast corner of read y. ,.�, t ¢ sr.t
¢ 1
rtnt We northwest corner of 9lith and �d � • •
At the northwest and rt sort ear
" aersto {r Slath;a U Ftane1siatreeta t11e 1 .yi >, }^ i ti v nrf
a • r a o e nm, an a e so then
{fgmd m 1460 t"above daiteai and
ties of
14ri1.0afeet abave -datum an0 %14 tli i'ee sae o owe
At the north
southwest corners of: said streets iii streets the grade fe 920 feet above
d t t th r ' rth "est, nortbeaetti
1416 feet above datum at the north �
aesticorner ottstxth and!`Cb'amber soutbeast and southwest corners "ot
�'Oe t d th
teats I LIr,
it the de;.Is 1690• feet above datum !'feet above datum at /,the ♦northeast
and southeast corners of said ✓attests
- • rho grade is 92 6 fe �t';abovei idatum�
�retreeta it,;is 169 B feet above datum i
a' at e- southwea corneraot =said
streets it is'92 0 feet above datum 1 at
't.Joaea streets the a southwest-Mini 0 feet that aorthwea`tland southwest f oornera
abOVe datum at the southwest corner • , r , ,w w..,,,, -.:•.
of did,streets the -grade to 180.0 fief of•Georgrana and Tones Streets"♦♦the
,s K• . i e
,abe1:94dtum at We. northeast; comer tgrade to 97 0 feet shove datum,. ands nt
b[ eatd streets the .grade le 1310 feet }the lnortLeast and sontbeaet corners
'above .datum
and:: at; ♦the seetheaat •of ♦;aid streets It 1a '97 6 feat above da•
1 corner of ;said streets it is 1820 tee sum atrthe northwest and southwest
i above datum +: �, corvera .of Georglana, and L1berrty
pp Section 8 Tae grade rof Seven Streets the grad is 03 0 feet above; •
P, Street .from Prussia street to
Sones arum and at We northeast and south•'
street 1s: as follows ::, . �tt - `east b.,cuyrners: of said streets It 1s {304.0' _ .
At the northwest�ind northeast cotf feyt above datum.f 'v srtt 7 r
C sera of Seventh and P'rancls, Streets : %:Seat o 11 Tae grade of Caroline
the grade -.s 169.6 _f¢et' abo`e datuih. Street from °Er nice Street to Liberty_
and at the ,scutheast .nnd'ao • es street •
tc,k, 153cu.v.4.„.1
J `g.s.
Csmus e% Q-k52.ZrawN. kAL
"Unga. _ASA --Scnit_cGtrv7S,LniNsNmcsk. _Cam-i-N;AILVA-Dr\ alls•cck
._SLII.-kaSSX3Sc,i_rwzN .-StrtsL
IaLz \-va-AL.k.s0,
Nr‘ Nk--9-11-"A (-03‘9,
osrAvs, I 9 /5