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- Cancella-
da of vement D_1s•
`Numbet `. .:_.
1 •liy reason of cutting_ out
several'btoca'of the tnipro4ment or.
dereyd$byyOrdtnance"tn "LsDistrict
.1CO ,11; owing to the tmpoastbllity, _ of
;driving piles on Rallrosd avenue. there•'
in from.�Chase street to inc street.
wbtch made it impossible tp cgnstruct
and plank .the necessary trestl work
thereon' and the cancellation of; a aa-
sessments wfthin tlie`same teroiiat•or.
doted by the coy ceunell theia` was
left a certain number. of Loral Iur
provement bonds tssued to pay gr
ouch' work, now not needed by,`eaid
Rork'beingimposstble, it is' neces
that - said bonds uumbered from1269
tt_oo1602 thus left a surplus be :caneeV
Ied and satisfy the records thereon'
Now therefore the 'City Council of
the City of Port Angeles do ordain as
k ,Sea L All'loeal improvement bonds
issued against Local .Y Improvement
Dis ct No -11 numbered from Num.
.bersrtr1252 ;o "1602-inclusive, be and the
same are hereby ordered cancelled:
That the City Clerk make a record en-
try of seek cancellation referring" to
this ordinance as authority t therefor
land that the ,667, Clerk in the pros-
once of the '.City- Treasurer shall ".:te:
Ctally destroy the 'same by., burning
T them and: a'certificate signed: by both,
ref 'such destruction be: written of re-
'cord thereof. „ f f i.; ,o .
kt - Section 2 -v That the Ctty Treasurer
and all other CIty Officerssor their
agents deputies or employees „shall
i not attempt to sell norto in .any man-
ner cash the said•bondalor any of them
z Section a2. - This oedinancew ehall
take effect and be in- force fromyand
after five days aftercii its lawful -publi
Passed,'JUne 1st.i1915.
"'Appoved June 1st. 1915
�Atteat, J. L -BEAM, Clty Cler
"? ubiished :7une 4th;; 1915..b
g—SL`c\ o. 5c 1.
\\._„, v c .�, 1 TA A.�„