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06.Mt.C.9, \No.5oa.
J, ORDINANCE NO lac¢¢¢r�� , rate Of eeYei .(7), yer.cent psi annam'
4a Ordinance; ordering the lb,.. !',Under the mode oCPayment.by bonds
t 'tien o('lateral sewers, In'add etees ;a.defined bj lair and erdlnance.o4
t. e5
� the alleis'ranning - between Fourth `the C14 of Poit'Angeles:- These bonds
? and , Flfttiisjteets; betweeii Filth ?sbn11 be delivered to the contzactor_ in
and Sixth Streets 1letween Slith :Payment to the centraetor or In re,
and •Seventh Streets arid, betwe!a de-Mitten of warrants on the local lei;
Seventh and .Eighth Streets all 'provement district Lund of the district
said sewers to ,run from 250 fee- , herein , created, on _:,estimates, of - the
west of Cherry' el Engineer; or the City of e, Port
rr to Lincoln Streets �, t7
'., creating, a' local ■ Improvement ' die. r,Angeles may at Its' election, sell sal
trice therefor and providing a s bonds and make such redemption in
dal' sum for'payment of Said Im 1 ..cash warrants , - 4,....:. '°
provemeenta by apeclal- .assessmen{s 1' Section v 6 This,: ordinance shall
1.4 ,levied upon the property, within tbe,Jake. elect and.be.in .force from and
:district and':oC tbeimode of pay ` atter live days after Its lawful pub -
ment.by bonds.'. - lylilieation
TheeClty Ctlnne l of the Clty of Porto HORACE .WHITE. Mayor
Angelea;`do ordaih�`- ai�'folloas , 1 iPaed June Sth; 1915
,.JF+i Section 1 - 4_That;the improvement i :,Approved June.. Sth 1915.
ishereby ordered that lateral sanitary Published .ions 11th 1915:
sewers bo'constructed fro m :250 feet j Attest J. li� SEAM, CitrCteriic . -1
west of Cherry:: street , to Lincoln "" - •
Olivet In-and along au the following.
Mated 'alleys -.viz: the alley lietween■,
,Fourth-and Filth street; the alley; be-�.
en Fifth:- and @Sixth streets, the
ttltey .between Sixth and Seventh'
, Streets = and the.; alley between 7 8e4-
enthand Eighthatreeta Said sewers
,shall be constructed of drat class vi -�
trifled salt glazed` day, concrete --or
other suitable material together wlthl
all necessary manholesr catch basins;
drains, wyes openings and }other ap-
pnrtenancea. all of - proper.; proportions'
and the doing of such other work-as-
.. inaybe necessary in connection there
° -with all to accordance With - .thePlans
and _apecifcations:prepared ; by the
City Engineer on _,fl1e 4th'.the Citr
Clerk and herein adopted ;` rt .;.
Section 2. That; the coat and
pence of the construction of' ihe'seiV
eisttinamed in section i of this ordfn
sues includtngall- uecessary; and inEt -
dental eipenses. shalt be-borne-bie grid
asses edtagalnst the district hereinaf-
terter anted provided tbat;the cost
y "4
and expense o[y each of Said Sewers i
Shall be respectively borne by-and as -,
aesaed - against property' abutting on
each such sewer only The city ofrport
Angeles shall not be liable in any mme-
ner for any portion or the `cost or: ex-
. pense of any portion of such .sewers.
( -,: Section =3 -;. There is herebyp stab-
Iished a•locnt improvement dtstrlct to
be called. Local Improvement. District
ho 3, and described as follows .1i '
. ?f All.. property lying between the ter -.
,mini,of said improvement; to -wit :.
between'' Lincoln'stieel; on3tlie :East
land 260. feet west' Of' Cherry:street on
Ithe West -and all property abutting up-
Ion adjacent, victual or approximate
to said^ alleys and s streets' including.
3x11 Iota'and blocks s respectively : on
(gach side of said alley ,named In sec-
tIoit 2 hereof between Fourth, and
JEighth Streets' - according: to law.
i. Section A. :':_!rile ,plans and specified-
( lions for the construction of said sew-
i ors prepared byy the City _Engineer,
I approved :by the City t? Council,' and
filed ,With' the 'City; Clerk be and the.
same are hereby adopted : ; "
Section. 5. Bonds: bearing- interest at
: the rate of seven per cent per annum
1 j payable on ;or before live years from
date of'their issuance, shall be Issued
• in AntYntent of the cost and expense
i of Bald sewerstitia. all of them .named
lain'section 1 1 reef which binds' eball
Lbe redeemed by the `collection 'of ape-.
lal assessments ito be levied and as-
ueessed upon the,property,,liable there:
fore as' provlded in section 2 hereof,
payable,'. In flvo' equal annual instal-
ments with interest thereonat..the
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