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14 :0-
iAn ordinance relating =to th'' depart-
ment of police of the City, f' Port
Angelea.:: Whereas, under ,• ; act
'aenHHed '-'An act ncla!!ng to the gov-
.; , -. ernment, powers anddnties of elites
,`of the third class.. ", being chapter
?184 of Laws of 1915 - sectiop Y.
, the o®ce •of Chief of Police *lean
created iorcIHes of the third.hlass
- of.the Statelof Washington and:tha
wClty council of such cities are.t,hq
In given the power. and dutr_to
�•. c idI
+wide [or. the appolntmenE` of" addY
'atonal'lpolics'ofeccrs and to.II4tbq,
-salaries: of all apyotntve ' officers
and whereat tt becomes necessary • `-`to provide; for the'tappolntment' of
:two additional police otfioera`tfor
f"lpermanent work and to fix their sal;
diaries and -the salary.,o[ the<Chief of
" olice. nor, therefore , . °�
e •CJty__Cwnel ef,pe C1Lat,:_Port
Angeles do ordain' as follows -c c`;-
SecUon.L ,.That upon the taking et
fect of-said act, entitled n A actrela-
�.ing to •the 'got erne•- powers :2 and
duties:of, cities "of the - third: class.' it'
shall be the duty'ot the mayor, and. he
1.1:i: hereby, - authorized: to appoint, aub-�
Lect to coaarmatlon..by the' City peen:.
'cif two.. additional police r oRicers to
!serre - during the- remainder-' of the _
,term of 'the Mayor; if not sooner re-
moved a> ' ? 0
Section 2. That upon the t-taktng�
`effect' of said act named.insection -'1
of this' ordinance, it shall-tie the pow
lot and the mayor of the city.
to fl1t the vacancy in the office of chief .
• of- police by the appointment of some
suitable; person therein subfect to con-
J. firmation' and that upon ;thy confirnma
IT. -ton of said appointee he sball qualify:
' :br taking hIa oath of •- office and' filing'
lita fro (Relal bond in .-.thel, aumgf Of 4,iiiie
thousand dollars as - securityyfor the.
faithful discharge of his duties
i F >c
, .ion 3- GThe'.chle[ o[ pollce?tvhel
shall be, appolated ° ; °under.aatd het,
xf.r .
]iere[n' nnmed� shalt receive a sots[:
of eighty,,dollare tpermonth peyable3
monthly, or..at1.rhei's me tatefctlteypr
1 +x.,
portionato7amount fot nnp �Hmeo[;`
service leas than a - m`onlh .� ` ,4
3ectlon 4. That upon the, taking ei -.
feet of saidoat named in section 1 of
thiscordinance the mayor. of the olty
iiha11 appoint two suitable persons'to
the police�.service, to 1111 the vacancies
in such _offices and upon the confirms -,
tion'of thefr•appoinftnent they;: shall
qualify by .'taking the i usual ° olRetai
Oak and they shalleach receives sal
,sty of -seventy- five.dollnrs per month
o at the same rate -tor any fraction -of
month of :service, payable monthly. •Section 5 + The 'l terms "appoint-
ments,` duration of service by law, go¢
erning all - other. appointees and their,
'appolnrmenta 'confirmations {, = and•;.re-
imovalsrsball apply, to' the appointees
and officea herein .neined and-the sal -
r far'ies•.hereln' fixed .' shall" continue un.
'...U1changed by ordinance, to successive
' terme of such.olflces. y?^` :
,; section :'- 6.:;•Thls ordinance:', shall
•takeZeffect and 'be .in' force •from and
after 11veydaya after its lawful publl°
cation ">'t ,, -;.
.:- ,..,:o ,4.,, ; HORACE WHITE; 1 Mayor
'Passed • June 15th ,1915: r,._,
4.;,Approved June 15th,',1915.`:
pi4.ublished June 18th ,1915.x..,
attest J - :L BEAM.CIty Olerk.
15N9, Q:,-kkg-asuAk et
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Un �vSLA,� Y U 34o4v,d, o.n.cl, a\ . v q 2 i d-
C.9-La ate.