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774.5-7". ;'-'7777,47T' .1
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cs aufbestabsit the 1ssu4
7:7 10 payth* ,t and expense for th
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ftileilitCiii.iiiie of:80a "iti:Cet;
and YaMey atreet from the north
icif J First '-. atieet to ".the
lino of fiticoitcli,btreetjia.
tecItjof Port AnielesInb:Pidsid=
andcreaUng Local Improvement
.ri.DIdirfetAit_ire20;.:, prescribing .i.the
If' ratofnteroo.ld Tbiids. and
Sad:: Im-
ereon?nd in payment for
ald linproyemnt .. 4,
the CILy of Port Angelea
Port AngeIesIu the 4, aggrea
Hundred si±L-t. ei:10
8C2.93.) Dolln
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fOriii-Siieftlie' MiOMitiofiNoloiiI
iiiia. ',hid'. -ii be in '-pi.pserlle4 '63"1;t1P-
1iiwtii.i.ifthei State of 3.trashiOnton :an&
of.thdordlnances of said City of Port
sltalli,. 1 d'''ISiinidt:iiii a series i'tflpriS
aiiAlaii=iihi ... 4 4)i,, iiiii4t!
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70thteamiss vitimbitiiy4tiio`aoiA:late
ec c.,:;',.. ;.„,Thatjeatd?:oottailihalt
be4dsted,thelAtthid4i, of Julytlpis
an& tibial ice; inaddOttiiible4it' iTe-
'f0113, ten4egrErfrom.itheir; date,' from
mottoys,ow., ancLiAnf.Lecal,Improve-,
Dliiiiiet istait2d,-1,,atiti:ifirtileatild
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eti'AigtiCeller i4iiiii;Inleresi pay-'
4. 0i4I3tti;,'.-•441.',4Ad4,44..4644h,r..ei..4
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037en!eilti3 ieefe0 iii:iseettoC: Om of
ittqore:atiiiinCe.; init6dol'Oit4:1*01'
itd,6itiiillt4e.140.453:'ael Interest'
'`.b-:dOdu. Oteifti rota ;Stild L.,Ti:itrrittiM'
illeidliiiiljil'oSiMent-to said coil=
tractor In "iiiir'reC4lieli, be'deliCeted
iitifebity :.:21:ettiiiiielbv,deicettink'
1144,ietiiiiiiiiii;cutliCiatt ;. ot ; Interest'
pionsfiDin ald;botidp: at 'the ,tIme,
OP sabr,ilelisiii, ' tdisaid dontineter dr
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• CettOoK and be ip force troni and
aqei:"tive,:'(61'ileie.,'after It ' lawful
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Miler sed JaliWtit, • i1915.4,iak,',,::::
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ibAi■fliea aiiii,,,,, i 6t44§15:,::: • ::.
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-5IND-Na>.s gSLi■VqiksA3h4 t9rx
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Q:botk JJS.A At.-tv% A
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flll. 3J\
_Attst9ii • 1
\-1.t) Li 5
by,k (r._
c_o-tv , o
36---A-Vk CI; ANAsk
el Vc,-vA,
vok_ c--1&1
19. i
/7 th Ck_tkriws-t 9 if',
Clp„9-NV .
�Ba It Besolred by Abe _clef :Coon-
ell ttie Ctty of Port Angeles
q1 104-1a 1s <Ehe :iatenUan ro[
the Ctty'Councll to ;reessegs: the proy-
e atally¢beneftted= by:the:�
provement made on Railroad :Alen
be�weea;th • west :Ilne of Oak street
and the er
f street and
heslm a a ,y„ -i alleys be=
tween"Froat an Fill Street. fro l
Oak street to t %.-14 In said
City sunder Or -� -
the Clfyof Po4naeles appro ped
November 19 1913 and all in ac
eordance:withttheplana and ppel:lfl=
caUo¢eyon+fiI the office of:tfe citt,
clerk and'ef Lbcal'Improvement Res-
olutlon lqo 11 lwltbin Coca. limprpve-
meat No. 11 created byysald Oral-
nance� and therein also ` mviding
tba jthe'; Said Improvem be made
at bnintfand, `eipense,.otc,property
speclally2�beae8tted and�a',to`;ibe use
uredsby. "special assessmadtg:thereon
actor I gto law xy.
The; said reassessment is Iatende�
i be made far the; purpose to,make
up anday a deficiency in, the oryg';
Inal asaessments'orxlhe� payment ot.
the cost.and maenae of-9.4 improve,
meat of�satd above„_described alleys
and for thedeficleneies -i &the
ments,fos, tha Improvementot Bali`
roadTAvendue ITOm'�Weat• line; ottt)ak
street to' west line of4(�tbase�sfr'eet,
caused by tha cancellationof the as -.
aeasments$,made Xor, the mprovement
ko laUroadsAvenuo��irotl`westtIne,
of I asa; street torPrancie street said;
�ap�gllatlon :havlag been ordered by
;thegCi�ty�Council7fpr tho reason. that:
tt dlacovered' tha it ws8�im
aeUcabhe to drivve pflesL�orito� make
mgrovement orderedKtrom said
s e�%e to Fra¢cts atreetl,
at`„the 'fdedelencleelaro ;.1106.86
toiMa"'aid °alleys and;Sel27 SO
d ��tor
Avenue ; 4,4 ditnr a .o
(2. That w
iro'to icf a to:satd reassessments
olrelthersofftbem ;or, for eltherot the
purpoea= herein menUonefl odor any
otherwpurpoae are hereby notl8ed:�to
appear;„tiand present such objections;
4V a;meet(ng ot;;tie CIty,Conneil'at
e•Couneil achamber,In the Clty Hall
nythe ,City etaortfAngoles jVasli-
tlugton 'at 8 o clocicp m on the 31st'
day, ofAugust'1916 whicli?ktme and
plat a are:herebyfl ._ cd'for hearing :all
9natters? elating; to "pro'lioead�reassese
'nte¢t',and oblecfions thereto a. tF�u'
(3) °}That the City En tueei,ahall
aubmitCto thekity Cocil ;be
xtore said_ day all #unata and Jnfo ?m__
#Uon regdtred by law to be submited.
7 PaseelXby cth_Cityy Council ai it
signedbihe Mayor on tho loth day
of Augukt 1910 ' .r,J; ,p ,£4 ''
Attest. 3 •x,.t auh
et tl)pril efz.