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`Nt . 514
,Ala Ordlnanee lteease an�roga> ata
Ithe noel, at innt deniers,,' ''
. ,fI ng Pen ties for ibe *lolade-
i. thereof `,� • e
me tdty Count! of
-; Angels' -do al n,--e C tYPj.P ort
a:' Section, 1. 1datolorra:x,; t
need In fhlsone -1Cord %lnnkv _ =as
shall be -4eem-
ed to Inc lndaXnAlimeapold nope; old
lion brenl, 4uoPPer :.tied leadt
}ags4 empty; bottle4,ppPer.. II giog
parts -;otitm'ecbinerg!�eerap;._mo -tai -of
sii :kinds Nand; snc11,4ithe=: wdrn :;onE
or, di scarded mater) 'sad odds..; and
rods, as can be turned towaome ;use
iltgehall% not ,be deemed endimeau,.
furniture house} tnrn4liInE eboda
floth1ng macnlaerg.or tool w,hk
scan be ueed.agaln, foritLa Purp
tori-prhlch theg were;originally.1
�t�e�•nded v
4aiBecilon 8 Ph �It shall ba un)n tul tot
�any Person :firm or co - ra '"''
. .r :. rlio t>�to.ea�
'gage In the buelnese;9f buying` Bali
r ng ar collecting iunlc� in fhe_: C9.r
taliPortAngeles ywithout first oil ain'-
1ng Itom aald city a: lleenee 90 tu'rdo,-
irh h ehal:be known an unk Deal-1
• er'srLlcense4. The'jee..:fo iebuIag
suoh-liceni - _shall bsFita.eADo gt'is
is;1bE(0) and •aoillcelineehallbe :is:
suede„ for a period .more: or leas tban;
ongyear ",;$4: ,,e, , - :
Section 3 fi ¢'":
shall. be ;vnlawfnI tors y%pereon+
firm oriror ps; orauono uee; xor 'callusk e;tobe usedtiangwgon, cnrt otoi vehi�le or hetcolecton oftJin
I twltfiout{llrstobtalning ;from. the City
oti}PortiAngeles alicence to do tie,
iwich hall,' be known as e a ..un
Wagon Llceage.�Therteeitor'IRA 1
IngteuchIIcense shal beFt
Epollara =1600) and no license stheae al
the ssued fora perodof mte th'
one year • PROVIDED! .howeXr' Atha
the: bolder, 0f +a Junk`;DeaIer a License
shall be entitled tojuee one wagon°
cart or other,vse�ilclesin, connection
4111 his iusinesevwithout paying L
lfceenee ee'there[or; and"fitbe�CIty
Clerk shall upon .the `application
I io. holder0 su c1i 1fc nee ''''C'. ue
blm a junk; Wagon License trot
a`gon cart or other vehlclo lz .
ction`,9'- `;LOCATION OF;;BIISI
S: That',appllcation for;aF�'junk
s License and the 11cen a ;lie-
11tate 'the exact y locatio'
IneasLis to .6e carried
tch r1lcense shall be ]ke•
figs edrin acanspicuous;pla�on- th
premises covered by bard ]lceuse.
1•',,SectionWi SIONS O g- ?t .0
r e
Every') prson_ k Arm sot orporatlon
shall be re - usingiany`,wagon' cart'
or'vehieIe or causing the same td; be
for the n
, collectio; or disposal or
un1 obtaln`fro,the..Clty Cler&;`fcr
each wago n 'cmart or `v`ekicle to:be�so
used two metal •plates!'in which;'ebal1
be istamped'jror) painted 'the words
vJjINK DEAER, and slso tbo nom-
beryof said wagon ly iti,:4h n amber
shalt'be led by be"rEfterk 7gne ;of
t¢ h plates "hall be sepurely fns-
tenptl,n each' outer side pf su6H wa
gon; caPt arrvehicle ISuefi wagon;
cart orybehicle shall l also' be prom!=
neatly and pIalnly arlied with -the
name !of the {lltemsto ether with
the. street and numberr'pfitt(lsrplaee
ofrbuelneas k'.�'f.x + ?',r;ft,Atii1F4 'i4
r section 6 :4;tgwIIAst RECOR!):
Every, junk dealer ehail provide and
keep a book In which ahryt} be •plainly
written In Ink and Injt}ie° Englleh
7a i age `at the time - of every! pur-
ch fs an accurate description of `.tile
article purchased the name and resi-
dense of rho person fromiwhom sushi
nirohaee rwaa made `rile a dgy : a0d
hour of sucl urchase ,9I the-place
where It is b g et�r,dgr kept Band
such book 'sling; at'sall. treasonable
,times, be open rho. dJpectiggruf
;tbe,Q.hie>< of Police, of they Clty of liort
`Angeles, or any - police officer under
`his order, and.no entry made in Said
book shall. be erased or Inns�� m,an-
ner obllter2Rdon dpfacedi;:4'+M' ^�
- _9, tux
L..BEAj fi:
rClty Clerk
�Paased Octobers 6 1915 h
Approved Octobe4 8 191'6.`.
Published Octgber 8';1916:
.l gNk -k
D d " 'r Vcivq
- o t -N :te a.. ta.A,.,,el , w o,•4. Cm2bte!C
: \ ei, SI 1, n-
a -t3„k a\-ti, C tos*t.., i91s.
(a 191.5-