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QD...s.A.....r.r:cxl`r.r.cs... \'‘c) -. 5' ti• cr,--r,,..:;...7t7,f,`".-1,-;-.77:----_-•1-av :,...--- •-..4, ''. - z 7,- , ce,Nii,-518,- , . rseettiiii--sr• iiiif iciiiii.17-.W 7- - -,i, - ' _ , _ part thereiat;tmay,bacacdd 'to the-1*a- I An"; Ordinance' anthoit-mi`ne:the ' *ink, bi'phYmine erect.4'201d .-- anal- and Milo' at to` cat, 7inprorej ali Other ...: Inept bOndll -ta p.,*:uie cost inii ex-1 for rook at lad ltAalf, Par S-,. pease. for-thetimprorement multi *ma' and accrued' Intt. and- - .•,:,- andiritesoittticiattto: "267'and'or- illatiedt:itterOf.shi.ii, kcippuid' ... :.• dered by, Ordinsaia ,,ito.`418c= en- thes:Dariaineio;'tba77fIld41! ' --: titlet1it Ordinapoil:ord. ering-the nt maid lalpfinvialant: egetatriettoi, ot ',lateral:Tor sob: .,.: Section 6: -- Said bonds jliiii not 77 -- swat. on Front •Street rltrozn,thei .be -Iratted lit aa.V.:alanaae. In aaliala ;-iitaferly line4- ylia;.Streetintle,: or the 'cost and expense rii aaiif-tia- :. .. eigii Stieettir the',cilii'or Port An iPrOvement. . : • '74'.• z - -v ?:1,'- -- 7_, -: ales and': to.'..tinettect, *tit.- ;ti,' '2, Seetlon 7: -, The date of basdallie tO.tztutk sewer at Ebielgii: Street ITO; oci sal ti: bonds hereinbeforai iiiMed: '''':•"'• iii7ciaisireit ;114i:scot* is:tilay,tie: !.11%..fIxed by resolciticia of the City fa:noanaCtioritherew1U1 1 ''...,:•-• '42.: ' ---,::::?4-:::' )ndi tortiotiride:that,:theenseintr ',..-gilectioA-11:', :This - oiatiin." ea': Abell iMPense of : said: fiowet,:shaiti ba take 5f.e4 and be !n force toPla,.:!lan?..„ and ii-giAnti.e after fire 'days atterlts -bridal pub- ': lorieft7i inciaded :14- the an se- -' Iketion. .•'' ::::-7.:•:"''. " ''' :7-';'::!' - • : .•nient., district _lieviAti4tF4teateoj jt-2,-1 ',. -:. '•-• :7' -1101tACS Avii114 •• nisi to provideior tite%od;e ot•Payl ,.•=7:iiiiiii,:b.i-, bOntis:•;:mitipi6T-ic .***- _Attest:. X; 1.:-.astar;=.::.-- • :..123:,".14.rifixtigithefiitaiii*7anii 7.-`:.:. •'-79#ii-c*.:**,"-- amie:'ot tatirastIliareou.;aa pro-1 ‘,.,?aated-Z9efobar-Asui:■4615;.,.. :-..1_....7 .4.:71441:11ifr tor the sm.le zual 01spoteiroci t_4pPttre._„cli("alobiv..ri27-1616.--!,X,-;r'-j.' ;:thelame.:,,T f;':i',,-,,,,, ..:• ;•-,',,,,L• -,' ;•1" ulOelober.r29th,I#2.4LOIC Th "17ity.flounctiol: tlia_CitT4-,,oti4M1.4 4eiiigeles:"dii 4. int:Lit n tt!. as:,roliouir. . Citealeri-la.e:and they tire.herehy'au: ; the-';*varimild o et 030-1.3v.",...■4_01,-0 ' --- riniializaeilt- liands,upoii:;,thesiiiiver thorlied,,iiiti:direr.ted tO:liann".-1,0*i Ci■"-Q1 Ucaak" .0-rni _.3 8.: ti.,:•if_4.-.5,,2' ',j9ilricaliiltilti4oviiiien -,.. ):_=V1‘.k %--N-t■r■A.M.f■t:a.a..,%-wtA . Z.3„. es6.,AtAi.,,,..., C..t. cat Ci'cr FI-IN■v31.9-x;', c.: ,c3■).1,A2.- at Z6341,..., ,N.Q.N2_1,11,1,.,g,:z (6 3- •-a.".7; Vls.,t7t-htik ttst DistriC1 NO,29; erliated by Ordbian-ie 750-;419,aPProtie--;1,1arch 16:,"4.474:: 'acCatd4igAti.' ii*t!,:a`iiii: Oidiluicei Inr:atiehcascei. imade and _pin:idea- 4ii the. ink of Olia Ttimisand-Three 'bon; dred1; and Siaty-three : and 16-100 (11163.161 dollars ,,1,-,,.,...,:: ' -- --o-Nctlei.34e.i‘..prltalartN, - 11-11N7 )34■A;,...,,,suosst, .: Seaton .. 2: •-••!,That • the • form :anti imoda of execution 'of such:hi:asal's:1i ta.,..3.1.5"otgr.S.. \61.ati..s.sa.,.,,,c..o.,_ 0vkoz r.kst, -be *ptti'ecltiroi.*IniVa 1:. :apppeabla,theretorilnd ,yrittevissued. It:mils' at the'city. Of'. -POVtigeles. ..--4..o.,,,,,,,,,,,133-0,,,Az.te, v,..o....p.s.. cand -eieed, the a7nr7..addlel. ./i,Nos.w.Airtsu.,\_;;;-.\-a-Lx:n44. '91sual't:a-NSI:r,"°' 29 Of§#7iitYialOc r,W .qff...khF :1qt:7 ;:",. it.cea..by4e Cleric,‘-shidi, he:dePosi .iggi ILITIi i(deliVere' .''.pctreltaaasia ibta7ta_07 agon'reCellit- for 'the am-aunt C-Cfn..61‘14..y....a..on•-■ et ct_ actitt-A41,.. .ot:thelr par:Talue.;,.• •,,:-..^-,N;;,!'-:,,c.),,,,,,:i !,4:314yor,, c■4: 4,,,,b,,,, Lh-NCSAR.3,y1-4%,Cl. 011):,:-.x Aimst,tc.,,41.4.,31, Per a„ and City Attorney. aril-author- tied '-iCitegotiataltite.-,Maletot ':- sahl ; ,," tsk,...C& P1,-..,r#1, 0A.x: c-crnyrstA. "1-'154 t-Vsk .4illl74,7'iii-;;__ _,J,•.•....;;;I'7:,'"14:0 seetian '4: ',:,-That saki bonds: Omit t.„.„..N.,.. QIIL.„,„,c_t&,....,„ -.kill" be nuide payable. on orlbefOre,itielve . . (12) years . from, the. date: therciot, ' in I iiil .ilii;'...c.iitlif ituntif:Insilnxi2lits i k-k.31.-Nt Q" \-"3"-56'‘ ''''''st-u14°.^•-V-^`* .e''''"'''-`-k"°"^ t‘stu'll''AS" °"""\ "t° - . sad .atii# bear "Intevaie at: tie ;rate', 'iit; saieii"-'17).iilar. ee-at:pe.eanal-lia: Vr‘c=•;..A.061‘et-t-Ve‘s. c-eb-x-G-NNA,--54k,g-rw4..k etk-a-LA, Ja.2-kma Sa3kaa-0.-,l Issued In denominations each:of •One payable 'inntia117. Pald . bands'. 'LP d ili , • . Ibindred ,pollirs'.' (1100); 'eiceritln 0 Was:du:mat\ Q.Viokk.701,.% Mo-VaKkxs ''•-•ax.-sku\ kr., Jit;ita rcii 1: if...:fricifaii-'oef.;:i,iii;iii b,,,, o_,,,,,,,,......& Aii.1.5...;—a.s. c-,1a, e-N.11/41,3 iwas.;•&k. On Hundred. DollFat shall L be t&ssued fOrYaiich' traitlima, ani :. 51,. ' -/c1"1- '^v24.2- 4 i''.-.i, ‘00)...../A7G-HwzotA hAct,e1x 2. Z. /9/3 77 gy#3,:i.tkireeis'ned Ir‘.1.6-100 4(163.16) aollitrs:•••eartt \of sach botida '.-shall l i t t i e attached), thereto . interest" con- , , • 7 S - C 4 " n V . a , , . , , . „ „ , , „ „ k . . , , , & A Q ot pons ;lor :each,' biterest parpient '11.141 cacti rboudIshatitbenurnbeint” front ‘1°‘-‘3"L -"IL- ” 614aft°4A cii34 .31°-"dk: Z:14 c'-t-'"Ak (3--4• oneq1),upwards,!...kientii 1 sigifed,b,:the-mai6i ,i,iecii. cz - k. Q-c--,..A ...,,,csot elrai:-........"c\-- - .6-, or,_bavo:printati."_thereon 'im ,lleu i ot . - • . • . _ - . , .. theli--•iiiitiiiinVO3,7a ti-C-SiMilla of ' the Q-ov,,,,N, cli.‘ art 7t:Vm, Lt,' A .s.A R-ArIviu, klo•t■t\ VI.3.-‘1\1,ANNa.,• kr.t. signiit of thallitayor • and elm*: and ' the Clerk ahnll atria `the:ileal.;of 404. 0206...v.k..;_t_ 1.4..o..m.1/435 . tro....brut. al-4. t'.- t4 la.tAA, /7/-5: .01 -tiidiii,.fO*olilOis;itct.iicti4riand itiey-shaiietrici!.the,4tiprolieinitit for ,,whic'h, the sanin:shall 'be Issued,' and' le,' tile' Ordlnanii ordering ■ the ' Mime; inOlibii`nri'shalty:provided ttiai , - the principal sum.""theretti named Mid - the' interist,thetion. shall 'be pityame •"••••--44\11-Nsk c•''^- -c'h --tkokk-Vi-t.. j ant of ' the Iocal Improvement special, tuna eietitti'de!iciiitte i3'aimerit Of tan 0 (1.3.At..4, j' )..r. (vita' ittiltierpsils e ..4 Of ., saldl impror , atett:', and iio-eotheijwiail2'04.,:j I 1 at 0.4t. It 11