HomeMy WebLinkAbout05197-4.7rr.,7w..77 ,,..,,F=7P •
I6idOii',1 64ritil
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i the eF1(1C i0ltl7bi
, t:enbiiiik-rtittelei-
iliiii iiiilerbir itii.ortliai
i; ;.:„.::ett.i.'"aainet-to.thajainence' li* 'yl!
rnA geald
I '3.,-aieltesva0943qIntli:tlg
i il':.f:'-:feekket•thoqSght.iii.e.1414:lot_riald
cltir; aiiii mile:Of '66ziciiinr• ibe ie.-
.4:fiemptionlot•aaldwdrrants andfer
f.414getanitm:Or];extenkein8 z Ol4aale.
electrte lighting: plant of -aale. :r.itY
funI '-`;;Ondi,forAlinIcieitloiGefli;::splelai
--r•-r.,' "-• ,•'•;':--;, . f.;,%.;:,-,;;;:.,,:.- ,:. •;:, -.._,:-,,,
R.41.Vel* catip*Afliiiith9.1,
lit-eitidoiejigii eikcertiitii*On:04 '?:
thZ°)!F74K405#43t..„.i4#!01i, ;:Yiere
drairiL'UnonAne‘Llibthig:Feiid.', for
Fkitar' 113 roire-4.-.G4
by 1 rid
the,Uniymen ' ot,coatiandoxpenam, of
- 1 :kaiiii,ii.w:iivitiettea61,.?Of,tii
. ndettloilatdundearelnended 'toe
■ A-.4...;a,,:",,,,,v,...-:,,,,,-.1,--dv:,--;;;,-,4,4,•:ir:,..7.,.;,.
,ilamegiateAeatenattozet,..: an ejor
; eAfe'tiel.e4‘efiilO.Ie.eff eneXtlIC
:I , V?*;10:kii...ild0Ciiiiiiiiree.:iiiith0
l' AigleiViiiiiifinanneeeinfigi'liiii!'ket
ee CiiiiitaOfiltfi'etiiiis'14'iiii-ST
an _ ,.. .,.A932Y7L'.Y'4h°04Pgq,.....t.04
1 TV44TP41, .11,0;t40K, c49:44uil:g
1 .lntios:!■eerts1ti..41.4, 'arOtn1 1!4psioottMor
.1 the: einiiiifuCtiail,,CZiiiitali
i gninfliiiiiiiiiiiA.i;
1 Z4ih''W.:1isti;tliaili46iai).6i0tViti;1
1 therefori;ned4deularing,that: thle'nct,
ihniiNaict4eiteetninineal.4etY;!;;, 4ii)
I inntItn144Pa:?:&n1e;s;Tsi$ireA”ii.4fiMsaPzER'
sent debtd gltqll
greatlyineteese'JPin 4rosel 4nenO.' enil
• aooner:;-plare,; Bald platit ,:upenvntaelt,
P., P.P,..90.1t!Fi1)TA'13`.',Y41':'9TjFg1j),
prevent.: thm sale and use, Of :addltiOn:
o nereeiarY:fiees;:;nN4,001:
..,,,,.. 7474Tyl7i9°Fir:■41,0..8 c.:1' Pe s,l,t iiT,o. 941,4111
ne te it.i,i*A:`:',A.i.411;:i:.1$4;*i
*.I.,Peq!?1(.,4 s o That :'Alle,;gztyPr:!14d
•ClIty.fatzthe !re , lint49Ity4.,...en,:..1;e
:gelea qi.rniine. eit Zi.iieT.nfaiii4e;?Baldl
... ..„.
.ii'n''.:%40.'.'..;"'ni.i:fcee',J704.;::•-•.Pi- V, 44 af.ten:
tiii;'..itiatfiiiidaijOf :tie4)0.k...i1910",
'retift.eat!or45.4itid.s.;,fsotl,,,og!,.,under.J.;, . , e
liiiiii.elia•;:iiiitiO;Of ,iiiiiiiiiiniiOnNit
ternienbi;Ohekanlergenientte;. the
givhlah hay. o;.not-;baw4 fully, authoria I•
$141iiiF:eleetOrii 00 ?..04:.oiti-Ti1iiO, for
eitrcipitlrrItvot .,Siiehjicoriiorate;;.:44.
*iiortifeeOf 7soidelti.:tofsetie,4iiteeti
.',IOlci0Or.,.. the iiiii SiAieii-KOf:::'4iit'10
Warrants 'ciitcl.-
f o,.r i
, tg
i: tber."o;rtanaetena
intiei tOflait;;,-Etettie
L g ting i
.:, the y aggregate
amount-. of: TbiljYtOthousttlids,Dollors
.(130 000) op itlaah,amount . Oil - said
electors ' saiallnt to, ' • -
_ tWee,proi?seittonittazi!.!
ecuasi,F4ipoetti0i3f1l0klfIrilek hall
rediviiiiiie Alieitlankotya11401n1Pan't
iitifilikialirirairoliti famed iniciiiii0;
itandin41**4b0sbeiha :'.'fat-di
*Om' 414the:Lititiniljrull. :4`40,igel
alealitaigta':Dbint,-,4-40c11*1: and
442, fidebtailiMIO;Ogabiat;;;;iiik iiib-i,
., 610 r.'.7"lich'.,, in14its.at
4rfOief`.307- I'v'ilha. ' !
Dquari ,:(08,000:00):.4,S....":;.;
inioattleivrtrii`tiinaifrafer ikthe.
ggestion'. Of ; Aftliciiiti-7,,gir'. ti4':14i4,-;
&nee tot . bonas"Upon. said Sperial7Bond
Vgliting ;Fundlito -Ya.tor....andtalie
nponeitilibliettIngliiiiii'ii3t ihagi
•grilr;i0a!tie14634.,:iiii.giu;iniet ;We
#,O, (;illbenneOrtnalian3?..(f2:;doo:oq).
lakiCiih.ii '.iiid.*iiiiitiginiiiii '.1i37ifiZr:
4u111umot 74%-ty...gkous4nd :pot! ..
109 0 0 60 Yi'ft-011'llileiL&Z 9
di' e'rtilitiPiaz — -
nuen•ro0: :warranta7forcaddltion
feinialiralnii?eiliticel'elifL •
' • 1:10,744:01ilitiAg tkitlipa .
tiOn;,,' et •;', II ilit,iiie.rrinti3:t.No;cor,"'
writing:a; erns: (Xn erasing:the ;word;
,,, ';:',"” ji. - ' '
ye::-1.'tiAt,,,:!•Stblg:0149i ,.i"
Everyn'eleAae' eleestoi 444
o r
vote a giving .1). io:07:. ::: .„6 i, . . 1_, firin. :Bai, ;:,, . i:C: i, ,:iyi ';6.,:aia,,o. iii 1 :1;:iliti , i ;:h..:.7 ri e:e: oi:. 1;1 ; 7r4:tlin, i i:9:e ,ty, 1,::, i i...174. , : 9: ;: T., rnvi :;" IT: :,', e t :i ,1.4:' 1 ...i.- 17::419,... : it:, t'. . .:lleskt:',. :a,,:zi mi. ifi,a,,,d: i? ,ri. ,ii'' t:ii. „ithe _., i is,e' i- D.3r:eii:p.., .i i : 1.5 i::.: - ,11- ::: i. and i," :7: .; irs:;. .o:i.,,eri'
"Atz -,A9--_-,-;.4'.:yes:::-..-: , f t4A.
u,..''''' ntt g— '^
iikainatrTiropualtIon`,"ti 2,, L, hail
::::::-4..- -,:...6,, 0.-. 61,,...,..;u0',.:.,',......f1hi iitt,,,. .. ,11.41':!li;i: .:?...::::;:u111t., ..;.,..',..:, 1 i , 1•,-,1,i.
Bond tanding, kelit' the: BIT,-
','_:,•,....4,r;,.'t.ivi'n'' aile'anaty.ldr....,,,,..,:17.1:r.flilibt.,,,,...osiaiF,n04,,,,„ ;_:::
(8 "...$18.'" ,,.•••'.?0
,t','itnr.?!e•:,':•:?•"::'''n'tiralt-!or.1.7;',•11 e: b'fkli,;&ti
,--;;;.;;*".' luat4;:fr•-, , • • •,,pbleh:a
ent to O‘t6'#1?.1..i:,.-4riis;Fi.T.-.7;':,,'‘ •V':4■41,17.i.
,1.d,",'?, 4tFtlie.
,,,71,!inq ,,.:,: iirousan,,,
thet!%44,...- i ..Tivelq w6nd Issue
7,Z,,tiott,9 4‘ a,,v,,I.01( ,
ii,02-.•p00.0,0 )..7,. an ,
ffi,,) ::,..;Iree:0*gettia0.1-thered.cifi,
lonal?I;Oga iaMe",.,OfX;tVO±'Iionaiiit
Doll Ms ,ort,,altntal 11 Jenne- et iTblntY::
4t7"iiiOnelCii-„iiaiiiit:tiiii,iiii(f-.:li the
vote , is '. In:: favor; ;the'ioter . shall ; areas'
lielik.7*OF4r70,..,I , and It the vote
the word 7E3,7i 'The tlireo.,'propos1=,
iieii,.: may ;;epiliii,Ciiiallof.ed --.1A;`-',
••• . • ,. • ticket .tiiiilleet...''.'
aratelY :. on • one , .......... ;,,, : 4.,
eethni:;.:i ii If : a':i niaiir4if , 5, Vt149,
iclollt'i:;1)ii24;:l.'"i'7()Ir9'7i',":970.B L'e;!;!6fnj;:ti4111;t.'9c'1:!ti'iih7;41;11'
iititieii;;`rii4eeti■ieia■ia ', iii#1knF.._?p.
'e.''fit' e" 0 le} ' -eltY and;z1Or.
authority to'.1aeue 'addltithial;.; hoot]:
! : , -: iii •' : ..,.. ., : 4,
Itia1iiiti:•1et1(1. 1Ightifig•,.,fnud;.. to. , t..
iieideeinl:Of ,:'I'Nio .7.1iousan'd :Pniln,
($2;000 .00) ,. 0 pay, for., further r
mdcledillotl_gOliai, ': baltegrOlopO
- — ''..-i' ' ll ht.' ',,tliiiCit: tel7eluergiterl
--->Yrevrsvri..f., • •
- .
ct-t-rdn"air.... ic---4.-• '-anurirri&
.i-udkii-jaiiiit4riak.f ",t - '
soli-04:01:p leetc" ,..ri7 46:
. , ' , ; !fil,41.1'1!":4■7:::th .„ 44iie..;9,
bOodsiaira414"#LWP4sh,, *,„.`11!q.a4.40.
"lie fsnin*:4 :1''w.eiitfr--,,elt.flt .,T,11,,O.,144011.
Prd.ilF........!($28;0q(09 to take I; 1,34Aq,
outstanding or in:11204a,
..,0'6.t77ilift0.0fti41*-:".tieltdq4;'Ttillx. ii:«7!;: 4:91'01'4_ i,
er 714.60, , i_ Prfi),160
ilgne linit saK city,ConnaRaballi
40a13.. a4b1':#i;tlidin,0-'ef
MP*10if* tVDondif4eliafr;ineid:
iilbli*:'*3.. tiiniiiini.iiiilii'llik= ‘i
thiiMi!itii' iiiii,ioii4iiii.igr.'; :
;1. "1;41w:itob*.• ilL'Ii4jui iija••Itidii,iittidii4iiiti44
iiit6froziaidii.fiiiiie"iiiiie''Ofili -
,11'44.13-.0.1re-,0 V.116- ;90 liCtlii;;r24
At'idichl-TrCiiienitir tuTpald;-
tale 3tO'atliZA titrereltiPOZ
payable" atOhe offlev.of;:t.the City
Trekalireri.:ne4:Pa33131° at: lin- ooPoe
4:0-"' ilii:fi:i,lai;i2:#1iiiiiala. 44,":**--
4..ii3igrit: iiiii4,,_rik J-IlliiNtii4kDe4,
ij5r4iigiarikeir"41114,7e iliiii -19e
IsaiieettiidWriii - , ' v 4 -, '----,,
Ili tOiglieCitii e7hiniiii"MitfleN
1Jk:1.11e 1 ik'..w Liaii?6tiliii"" ..
frOM*91213 JA) Atowaros, asitspeiitutd,
kiiiiifieVaiSiad*Ifirel, bii0r,Taii;
r..,11,.,..,.... k.rtf 7,,V.,....,,f,.....-r, i•Or,q,,,,1
.ar., at; purpose ;-; ttte7,13,lian:be ,prnt,I,
if!*"i*itili".0.Yiii4313i14. iiiaP4d,
1 ie:411
gtlittiPi. itra1klelhiiiiVlif
'tlieS;:iSitili. .'iieeae":tclielit41-40,VM
.4.r iOA62i''rtitilliiiiidi; deilleil;
frenkiffier,', nel,n; etleahl;:.b.ROP„:,n1IN,!:111_
dendalt d. in.'" Mild"sneabilI.;bone%,ligat,
tz: ;74e,id% 1nchjs :i, ,ci:, ot 10,e tri l n 2,,o,r, _
-,siriiiiitil f4til.,..beVI9,1'i,ii..:'iiiii'iii4i::
riiailkink nitertiielieiietrigten"ntiaki
sl00s*4!;il1ilik'eSii.;00 ii;&i:lkiii=.
, .4:„!,,,,,Ai,,,,,
i::'siila tele iqhe-ISSiiiz - of
ilta. of -: 1
said 'boucle,' me ; .“; Md., Aht.t.
:Iiiinlant',::, shall be:',' pal d -;. Into ,- said
special ; 1tiid . iiiiiiGi fiiiidan4 said
bonds and coupons shall be;paiSonly,
:frin::thO":Ihneeechi::in..';Ina'onin i,,1.
..?...q.0eC:tApir,7:It:OiSildii]:;4he'.4143/, it
the . city; Treasurer jo place alt irlon
--vblet;abelf4r.CarOe4U (iiiiia,'..i 1 1
bond ;lighting , fu n d •, iato:,tb the credit. ..: d
:0.1,1,19gepla1.4:.,13ond11011ng .1!fund ii3■•
lerellinii-OVOCIPIor ,the';painent of
said b.intZa.oane interest
ilghtliiKfaiid*aliba ii,Stieetat'Euti-d.
InYf ten ;.glin0n1rt)ikPeenn:liefe!e: enin
ee,iatibleatAO:dio.nasent'dt.ioa LeieCi
of — bonly...tn .:;. be r:•inaiba5,djablitiable
aliallIbUZereafect and .e.e...)-.94tnel', :At
An-Ordinance providing for the sub-
mission to the qualified electors of
the City; Port Angeles; 'Washing -
.. 'ton,'at the next ensuing clty,elee-
tlon in December, 1915, for theta
assent to 'the validation;-ratifier
Lion and, funding of certain. war -7
rants drawn `upon,, the - lighting'
fund of the lighting plant of said'
city, meat to the Issuance by said!
city and sale of bonds for the re-;
- - demption -of said warrants and 'furl
'; the further.' betterments and [en -'
largementa or extensions ' of 'said
electric lighting plant of-sald city
. and for. the crouton' ofa.'special
:fund therefor.
WHEREAS, the corporate, author -
Itles of the City of Port Angeles have
heretofore issued certain warrants on
the apart of ,; said city „which were
drawn upon. the Lighting. Fund, for
I the payment'of cost.and expenses of
extensions i and betterments of ' the
:Electric Light Plant of said Clty, aud .
their legality,; is' questionable; :and:
; additional. funds are needed for the
■ immediate extensktn of and for tliei
betterments otsaid plant; and �. t
;;¢VHEREAS ;said corporate author=
)ties wlsh..to proceed under the act
entitled, "An• Act' relating to cities
except, cities `'of ; the first- ittlase,
and towns authorizing . ;`the
validation ` ratification and , fund-
ing of; certain . warrants , Issued ?'for
the construction extension; makaten-.
anceand operation afpublle utilities;
and,,the lime and dispo8al of bonds
therefor, and declaring that this net
shall 'take' effect Immediately," :ap-
proved ,Mare.h 19, 1915,-and
a WHEREAS,� said warrants repro-
Sent'. an: Indebtedness against said
peciatfund.to' about theamountok
sum o, Twenty- eight ;Thoueand Dol-
tara;(1Z8,000.00) and that there are
urgent; demands'for'further "eaten
sions.and betterments of- said electile
light plant and for addlttonal funds
'therefor 'which 'if secured ;would
greatly increase the gross income and
monthly surplus over expenses and
sooner, place `said plant upon a. self-
supporting. basis, while the large at;
cumulation' of warrantlndebtednesi
and the',questlonable legality thereof,
prevent the-sale and use of addition-
al' issues of such warrants,' prevent
further:; betterments, and :extensions
and greatly,- cripples the operation
and usefulness of said plant,' for want
of necessary. funds; ,
s . Now, Therefore, the. City Council
of the City of Port Angeles Do Ordain!
as - follows:
,.•Section 1: That the ?Mayor and
City Council of, „the'dity of Poet .An-
geles `propose,q.':the voters' of said
City at the'regnl_ar City Erection to
be held on' the first. Tuepay after
the first of Deecniber,'1915,
for their assent to F the' validation.
xntification l and= funding under the
Act of the Legislature of the State of
Washington; +, authorizing ',the Same,
contained' in .Chapter 183 of the Ses-
sion`Lawsof'1916 and under, other,
laws of the State of Washington,' of.
certain'': warrants Issued;; upon, the
Lighting Fund for. maintenance, bet
termentsyandt'enlargements to the
Eiectric Lighting plant of said Clty,
which have not been fully authorized
by the electors of the - city;. also for
an: of such' corporate au-
thorktles of said city to lesuo and sell
bonds for'' the redemption' of said
!warrants and for'further extensions
and ;. bettermelA,iof said Electric
Lighting .P1an4i,ln • the aggregate
amount of Tiiirk4thousand Dollars
(130,000) or lI tteliyamount.as said
electors shall ,assent to.
Qf�i7.)./`nL�.1 `� • .� r 9
Beclon 2 The'; eet remit Piopc!I
iubmleelon to the electors
ty In' and, by Section, `ot'
lnance,; shalt be aabd dud
tnto'ihree propoeltions sad d°
t -,
ed ae Proposition No 1; which !hill
refer' the questions of validating and
ratifying all warrants Issued and out=
standingkagalnst .the special `fazed,
known as, the Llgbting Fund ot the,,
electric light plant of Bald elty and
the indebtedness against said light
Ing"fund. which amount in the dg=,
gregate to Twenty-eight Thousand
Dollars (128,000.00). .
Proposition No. 2 shall refer tdthe�
question • of authority for , the -asaji
ante of bonds upon Bald Slieciat Bond
Lighting. Feind.to pay for and take.
up said outstanding ,warranta'lsaued
neon said•llghting fund' in flung -1
gregate ' amount of Twenty -eight
Thousand•Dollars ($28.000.00)
Proposition No. 3 : shill refer the
question of authorizing the lssuancel
of bonds to an additional amount of
Two Thousand' Dollars ($2,000.00l,
for further and additional better=.
meats and enlargements of said elec
tric lighting plant or the permissloi
to the Mayor and Clerk to issue bon
against thosaid lighting plant in th
full sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars
($30,000.00) for the payment of out -
tending warrants and for_thjasu
ante of warrants for additional b _
terments. and enlargements., yr,_.
Section 3. Every , voter electing'
to vote for or against Proposition NC:I
1 shall vote a ballot on which tshaIl l
be printed the 'words viz, PROPOSI-
TION NO. 1, for validation, and rati-
fication of light.warrante .Yes •,'_
▪ '. ;.Against validating and ratificai
tion of light .,warrants: No,' -or by .
writing a cross. (X), erasing the word
"yes", if voting,. "no
Every'. elector. electing to'vote for
o r against. Proposition NO: 2k shall
vote a ballot on 'which is written'tho
words - -'viz ProposttionvNo. 2- For
giving 'authority to the i iayor' and'
Clerk;: to issue,, bonds ;,against the:
Special 'Bond - Lighting' Fund, to pay.'
the outstanding ti. warrants : Issued
against said lighting fund -in the sums
Of - ,Twenty- eight'. Thousand Dollars
($28,00000) :Yes
,: Against giving, authority for the
Issuance of bonds upon' the Speciil
Bond Lighting' Fund to Pay for „tied-
take up outstanding warrants issued
against said lighting feint' in, the-stile
of ? Twenty -eiglit - Thousand '- Dollars
Every elector electing to vote for
or against 'Proposition 3 - shall
vote: a ballot upon which shall -be,,
'written the words, viz: PROPOSI='
TION NO. 3, For the Issuance of ad-
ditional hands ; for ' - .further; better-
ments ands. enlargements to;':the
amount' of Two, Thousand ,' Dollars
($2,000.00)] and a total bond issue
of Thirty, Thousand''0ollars ($30.-
000.00)..Yes. "'Against' the 'addi-
'ttonal bond Issue of 'Two,Thousand
,Dollars or a total ` Issue of Thirty
Thousand Dollars >($30,000.00): °.No:
;.;Upon each ballot thus voted If the
vote Is In favor, the voter shall cross
out the sword 'NO, ' • and if the vote
Is against, the voter shalt cross out
the word 'YES." S The three precool=
tlont may be printed 'and .voted sep-
arately on one ticket or sheet.
'i Section i4: t If a majority 'of the
qualified electors of . ' the city, shall
vote in favor of assentingto,the va11-
dation, - ratification, and funding of
all outstanding warrants Issued up-
on :the Lighting •Fund' of the: City
Lighting Plant of said city, and for
authority.; to Issue additional bonds
against said. lighting fund, to the
amount + of Two Thousand Dollars,
($2,000.00). , to pay for further and
additional betterments' and enlarge-
ments of_said; lightin},%plant, the City
Ceunclt- sha1t�pu op sue$ : autborltii
of said eleetars,tp> "to�4e-oncej
valldate;-•'ratlfy,. and fun, such
outstanding :warrants t .
jority of such electors'v gat such
etectton shall laver -. th dace of
boadsiagainst said Llgh Jig Fund In
the. sum : ot' Twenty-eight Thousand
-Dollars ($28.000.00) to take up-said
outstanding .warrants or In the sum
of , Thirty" Thousand Dollars' ($30,•
000.00) .` to Include Two Thousand,
Dolltr,( ;2,000.00) for further bet -
termentsland enlargements to'sald
lightingl slant, said City Connell shall
order aali authorize the - Issuance of
such'bonds ; 'ifald bonda.:to be made
payable in installments in the order
01 thelr numbers as issued; within'
twenty (20).years from the,date ofi
theli'issuance as follows <; t: :
Two- Thousand Dollars ($2.000.00)
(thereof shall be paid within five (5)!
years from and after the date of their,
issue and the balance shall be paid
In annum Installments of Two Thous-
and_Dolldrs' ($2,000 00 pat: the, end
of each ; calendar, year, until ;field; '.
said bonds to bee interest at' the
gate: of %ale. (6);, per :'lent ;per ',an
numi'Said' interest, payable "semi -an-
nually, •tgnd .., shall ; have :.`: attached
thereto semi- annual Interest' coupons
payable ;'at• the office, :of - the City.
Treasurer, and payable at the option
Of the holder when due; ont`the Thir -�
ty -first; (31st)- days of July and De-
camber of eacli;;year they 'shall be
ilashed under the.seal of said City In
denomtaatlons of' not less s -thank One
Hundred-Dollars ••(1100.00) nor more
than One Thousand Dollars ($1'000.=
00) and,the'bonds and 'i0onpone shady
be signed.by.the'Mayor id' attested
by. the Clerk ot said City;' and they
Alien 'be!i numbered „conseclttiv 1;;
from'One (1)- upwardsaVasued, and
bear the date.ef _their Issuance 'and
,ball be registered bythe'Clty Tress -'
urerin;a book&,to be kept especially.
for that purpose; they shall be print-
ed and engraved, and sha4�ue issued
and, payablo:only outof 3h Special
1 undhereby created'and'to'li ;known
as the Special' Bond 'Lighting. Fund
of said' lighting 'plant of Said Clty ;'
and out of the gross proceeds of said'.
llghting.plant which shall! be paid
into - Said 5Pecial bond lighting fund:
in sumcieut amounts to meet all -pay-
mcnts.'of, principal and interest as
they shall become due ;:
wSection 5 :,,;Tho funds jl derived
'from the sale of said bonds ahall he
deposited in said special bond ligat=
ing fiind and shall be used and dra vn
tlieretrom for . thei;payment,t first of.
said, tstandtng lighting fund w tip
rants named In: Section 1 of th)aOf� -z'
,dlnance, and the haldnceothereof re -.
mainiig after the redemption of said
warrants; shall be used 'for the pay_
meat of further, betterments, eaten-1
sions and enlargements of the Light�
Ing Plant of said City.
Section 6: -. Subject :to the assent
of Said elegem -a— wr the issuance of
said bonds, alffncome.'of said light-
ing plant., shall ' be paid . into ` sald
special bond lighting fund and said
bonds and coupons shall be patdtonly
from the proceeds or inconfe of,Oild
lighting plant and out of said speclal
bond lighting fund. ,°1 .:
--, Section 7: It shall be the' duty of
the City Treasurer in place. alt mon:-
which . shall , a:, accrue to`.said i special
bead lighting fund Into the credit of
said special; bond lighting' fund a-4
herein o- provided, for the payment oft
said ,bonds and Interest ,.,
r= Seetlon '8:, -Said ,.. special bond
lighting fund 'shall be a special fund
for the special purposes herein nam-
ed, subject to the assent of said elec-
tors to' alr3.ratlficattbn and Issuance
of bonds, -to be mado disbursable
only for 'the purposes for which it
shall be'created; and any ofilcer of
suiht7'of a m
n 14dameanor anil
bla In .an7 BUQi:no nS
Hundred- Dollars:1 ;SO oo): or
.4nonnieat'not'e=to dins hit
(3b) or.b7.both:auah fine and
•rlaona enL
lion .9 K Said boada hall; be
tinted and sold .under the dire
bl'_ lutloh'ot��the'City.Coun-
J.`;Section 10: Itybnll be the duty
oZ; the City Treasurer, to note upon
fLe: of =each ,bond ands on':the
'reglator, the came; the purpose for
p -+e:., u .
whtcti. the- bonds`;are'hjsued; "�to-wlt:
For` Electric T.i8htlab Plate ;era`
r; �Sectlon 21: . Tbis ordlnaneq'aha11'
to a eftcct <aad bo fin :tope from'and
after five..(5). da7s;aftar )t5- lawful
tin. iq.x c..
i.: ,; HQ$ACE WHITE;_
J - L. 'I3E I'
� tT-P.. a �te 7 Mikk �
Passed Oetab 191 5
Approved O¢to er 27th; - 19
Published October 129th; : 2915:
1.; 4T '!c,., ,';r^5' =._x rat•
79 !,
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iZA ��po✓v. -c� Q - 9 o,- kr
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