HomeMy WebLinkAbout0525AnA:Ordinance a - confirm:
DDroring and
the : ' assessments'= and assessmeec
I —Rolls-of' Local: "Improvement Dia-
tt tract No. 22, made ' under Ordi-
nance No 461 ,:Mid in accordance
with' "the orders and'dIrection of
;_the City Board, of Equalization and
the:Clty,,Councll. acting: thereon,
levying, and assessing, the amounts
so assessed against the severai laid
'-tracts ,or' parcels of la.nd.; ns sbown
open :said assessment roll, provid,
!ng ffor., the_ coliectfon Of said, as-.
sessments" and; creating .e special
fund therefor ; %:;:i ,.,1
The Clty Connell' Of; the City , of =Port
!Angeles do ordain as followa :
Section 1 : That! the' asseav=
[meets and assessment roll,'tor Local
'7illmprovement District No 22, for the
f lmprorement of{ Peabody' street, by.
' the construction of a,bridge:and cil.:
lert' thereon, " as ordered under Ord!-
naace: io 461'; as said assessmei
roll now stands ,be and•the same is
hereby ln, all things approved and
confirmed as found and •adjudged,•fly
said,BOard Or ;Equallzatlo'u on t1'f.:
19th i day of November 1315 rri fa. :
Section i 2 TbaL I each said lots
tracts and parcels of land .shown up=
on saidassessment roll •and:4thergln
assessed, 'is bereby`:declared'.to be and
Is speclally { benefltted • by said , im'
protiement in a 'least 'the!,an>ount
charged,, against the same and 1n pro=:
portion :to the several? amounts or
assessments appearing,on said r01
and,lthere is hereby ;levied`and..as-
essed ch
`on ea' satd lat 'tract. •
a or parcel
of land'`appecring'.on paid': roll''; the
amount ''Hnaliy chargedaga1nst the
same thereon] r�,y. -,;' ,�''I�y',, yia.1
Sectio "n' 8 That :there is hereby
created'"a special'fund to .be, known
as Local;Impro,ement District Fungi
No 22, into which all sums which'
shall Cbe' _collected' upon said assess=
ent roll ail all° be deposlted1_a'nd 'out
rof whieli'shall be :paid 7 all. costa and
erpensesG 01 said •; lmproveme and
all !bonds * which ,�' abal7 b issued
against said District c ., ,
i Section 1tt y.T,hat; said aeges eats
or any Oet emishall be paid \vithout
- : interest i1 any,<t mrc wlUzlu •i (30)
Thlty days fromcllei date; of the
llrstpubl1calion.uof.,the1Cit7 Treasur-
er`a.Notiee to pay'taame swhich no
tice„ is'reequ1 ed to_.lbiven _by Sec-
.flan 5Irof_Chapter 98 of the Laws:of
'1§11;,,• ot,", the State 01; 1Vaehington;
and all'assessmeiits not paid' <within'
said thirty data, shalt be"paid ill d2
equal annual - Installments `,tWlth:.in- •
terest,thereoniat,,tbe rate 'of (75"
revert per cent, Per annum {t}3'
Section': ,:,',That i;immedlately; di-
ter the'rtaking ' effect" of;'.thls Ordi•
,nance,said assessment,' roll stall' be'
placed_ln theianlis of the CIty,Treas=
'urer far` collection;'' who sha11`•therd-
• upon proceed' to; collect, the same in..
the manner provided by law.'[
''� Setio
cn,;;3 .' Tihis ordlnance shall`
,take effect and'be'in force ,. f om en'd
after lie_ days after the lawful putt,
. licatlan thereof. a.
'ty 11, 31 ) is1 -1ER,
' " Acting; Mayor Pro. Tem.
Attest J_. L; BEAM, Flty�.Clerk.
Passed •December 14,`1915
Approved Deceu>ber14 1311 , '-
Publised "December ;17 1915 „ ,
'(ta 525._
b3Co ,:47iN, &a a.a.htl c_ `r"-‘/,
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