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- , - - en: dictininee conniining anew inetit run ot LOC2.11 LiproTtUnent • Dhariet No. IPS. ertated,hi)Prdl- •. Wawa:Pia 497.jroyIdin tor.tte improvement of parts ot41hert: Winning; hap: otAlttua tits7.-be d swithoitt- to_____"4:44A, an time t;!•:', 14,,:F1,1477.:!daYli.C11111-011 'stitteot „, ithe pat publl ,eatth4 ' ot, the Clti- Trani iiierl 49tieh:ito pay the liatie i4. eil StittFatt hr lair., to bhglren,:antl Otis? sassmaithi 'not tithi,':Pahr shill' there- after be . paid In tett squat_ annual ..4u4 . • • • • atillttita.;irltli:iiitereatae.tliiiTi4a of .11f teen per cent peranhum: "•.• : ' -- ••.• : ton, Cluttnt"ers, :ttines,,Albert- 7,-,..7: Section., 6: '.... That: btinetilateip.. 140 Sli ; iizi' thit:.tiaditis initene-•OL:tnts ...Oral; ..1±',Ontfiti; 'F.I.S.ti;::: Si:04 natiiii:,..:anitt:i, 'assiisininii,:natt4shatrliO! A'Alid :,-6eieliclik,rifitii.-,,:. pia*id■fiii piiicia -,in Alie; "h"iiiiii,t, cd ,40 4 ..,_ for -the liti•ritnd- collection iii the Tfeasuier �r. collection;.:trho eliiiti _AL °I' the -.1:Angeles do 'ordain: 'las • t011oias:.:, .‘i: •:. SectIOn 6.,-.;.,i, Thls:;ordhuinee 'shall. Ilie,:gity.:.06,,iiial;et:44,91ti:OrPort .elded .1.i..,Eteeitt*,yorztkla,Ortlthaneel Qrj-‘)...p,,... 1, 134sAtkrvv.,... 2S 19 ttihit therafth.•;;;:,,” 7:.::,:... '..-_,:,,I. aininiXtienO01430,-4.F„ ,•::41.4,-*13::01:3":1 ot :Lb ts.a,rcl . S S ' • :i i7; . cm t1-.4:jhat --Pit assePaTent! „take eiteeCana int In inrie",ironi-ntat. .. . . 1 : 'and asieiainreitt.inettiocal i.;:.■ ... alter fire _days:lifter: tie lataftil-iiuli;7 1. ilinnti&ii•io.".^497. ef.inld hitt- entttled •%..s. ,-- • --.• i.. • -, ,- , ' It -.h t. -FISI1ER 3 :1 silent Dietrict;No.',34,:elieeted by.,:Or, lielifon,-: :. - - ,- ,,.--,..,•,,...,1-,,.., ,,,,,-,-.t.;:.,r.,,,:,,,-, .4.9ns., ..,- .I6.30,itisns.,s.N. R.Lar I • I 14-Pr'').te41eP• .::.`.) ; • errt...4*.:PF.att .,,..,--.77.1, co44.1,4.: .Pahish„:4S" iiirk4th,41916. ...•.-,.:' 1 ..1Ii.."7•:-#'"0'''1Y--. i"14-7144'•=0.174.F0--e-0-i -4T.."--:14:7=9-kt7-.'Pl1L-1111' l''*Iirii‘-ji.s'-7-'is.--' ' , • • 0 14,1itiOsii*.i.eleiith. streets. :I PublishettAanuary.1:12th1916.• I titafq113•""orPitit7Augeles.'4,,..areatt ' -'1f6e.4.170.'Toi44•04til,Id-t:114".."4. --'‘NSLICS1- -3"--;:>-1;;,-k.9‘-```A 47--iireitittnilieiitili'' pe;yraine::q _ 4t9r.N... -Stc,',..-Le8a-z.N-set2r.t.t.s., 1 ithropertt,'Irtthlh::itlid-r,daitilet•Vheitill2 • _ •• - . t;•;-1.strehtalKaasessul.011ts-:.t1P0.43:`,,A,11 a 3,_rtv.f.tAlsA :14.--...esNaisyva-rp.s_Nv,..-erri.in_s-,,:„i,„,,,Q•sk31-A, ‘&31-hm..seschArt4st.s...k716 1 1947.;,....417ernr*,A,inossfrig! f i:!--:7i,1,. -51-_,.A. I :, assesstu it Ahomatand;-*iiiiitithViitiii•YOSZI NIC5 • 3'1 •e"-R-Akk --% vr•S•;---s-o-----'v'-z, • Ai / 7. J::::::?:..:=d,im, : 07::::::::,,,l'f#41.,"1:.111..,,,,, . 5,),,,\3.,rs. ot.. k.-,....,..t, 4./4311,A . E....,,,,;,-,...•• , 40.0. ii ir. 0•-”,....L .. fi,se-e-a,, 11.1e.iti-V.i..r.r.ittne‘ . C...4‘.e...NA.1-kiND , )-trydra , , At; i!ts'Irt67.::::t. 13:6:::;11:; 1lill:ie:6-1ilbl1;1:11!Idt:7 Ill.. \ uatea:IN,...,g44.:,-ieeiiieeiii;ii-,.2 1R4.14iiffelii*.,'4 A ifK„, . _ t iite:74441.144111....."4ctil.T4"i4IT'*en1 (3.5.4 -..G.P." .. . '2,•- , IS) (2"-s--''''''51, t="-r"rA c-------a-L-\-----,us itidT,itithealitient thil 't•ui,,.atid',the 'Seine . lii."'iiiilliiiiii.%-e'nliiianiiTtin-tf, Q-N&Xi-rx.0-Nixt_SI.‘‘e• ' `.-4\% 6 ‘C5t."-°, • I ,'''..'ReLitiri-:3•:'T.Iiiit..,:eaCh7:1'oi`,1:iiidil:;i0 , Co...),-,,cA : seasment: roll la•liefeliy, iteelareilltrhe , :apeatallijtehelttted'Ai4,stiietaiiriiiiel V...•-•,...\\ _•:_tz$V.,..u_c\, 0.-t-a-er..air.n..a.k.ts 3,z,.....,,, . 4.iincl:1,3kaoi4etfii,Tiiiii-i•ii-iii•&'11-nr- ' -, or•:: onsoiied..cagotneetth'e 1:saiiii: -a. " ": •A • - • .. • .-, if,T,1,1:-. , ■ ,,,, - ....,-,C, ,,,d,e,3 ObLAcyX1Sig.-1.9 I A 3,-6.-„, t9,,, .ak,...,...%, ... thiit-4 null aeseesinents ,`",tiPPetirlii,4 " i i agaittet, . the "'saitte,',:are'tti":"....Propcirtliiii ■N cyNNALVA, I Q.-1:11, cl.. ,. . ,,.1 •..the:,• several 1;asSassraeitn.:(:;oRIL•iiatq' ..-' . ]:% T.neie,iii;';i11eietilin:i)Oilestai crt We"j""' 1' /1" c e. rrienkiii OrzaiihiSeaiethst; tn,,'O'r. parcels: of qand..aPPeorMg; eC:iitttehist? each i...'of "; said-7,161mi alchrOlt ;.ittti;':-..itth otiate;',.iiethiiiiti: • ova .°°'r‘Liweelli ‘0,x,z,..N3 .11"2'''scPi f c'j'A(.0 • '2-8LA -4;kI4 i 1 tt' ,tharsame.`W:..; .••• A 0TC1.e. v .qe4!Oil''31:1VIIIS.: T,i11.,...qi•461,610 Se:ce tithil il'idrtlibi O'rtliniihae. there. Is 1 httliatniproverhentAes6rtbed,:li heoeby?rereate4 : a-r.speclat;:fund;•-; to .:lia:' I ,111.4,Cittlatproreiheitt.!FUnd...Noi, phi ;i:thtriqhttit ha.hitttoatiett,iti autrusVcolteetatrCO4aitiatisessaieht Wilt,' and out or.ivlitah•isltalL tie" p'h id ltlIpk*airantii ,and ':,,,' bonds •V. Issued ii&ainet7tialcIAistriet,La • 11 t