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.:-.„,.. ,......, r N tm • .....— 0.' :.--4:*-94.t:::...0- =:::. tr::::t4ii:edii- jiiiikiiiijtl,?.`:"#1**eilt*:. and '‹Ciiiiiiiinee.1co: ibi; of-the 0472 IiiclOrdtirace -aim:1,1:91442 and nierit -.Cirri-let. :- No."- 3i. Created; b seerniritt-; roll • iii•l'i:Oeitt::1*PrIr L.:' • .' );'.:-..:'=-W-::1:..--:: :•••----:-..* ,:. --- .-7. ,,• 11-i' I70:thiltriictitn,Ot11triinii'.80e.i..; .1 ' 4: pfiiiiiiiiiirotiii.lminiiki4... kie, c6,....i.iii,:fute:icetiVe6;i:,4ielaii E.17,._ 4,iiii7imitti.h;„•iiiiiiii: ..aiia.;:-:eirtig. '-'1Otheilliatera iSet;iars :letiditig therei; 1.1'771.7toT..'iiitiiitilici:t6iilie le■iittiid c:51; *f-IL4iiiiii:'-'-3ifeafeitiktisoIrietitiali4 ,..1:,crogutts,st.seechtl. fund therefor: The City, Councll of the .City. 01! Port 0-:,'".;tiiiieles*: Cidaiii:aa, follows. sP6ii1. ?.?:,1hif,I..t•hi,:a.s***eRts 1#il lorerguient roll Of Local 1ntirOiO- tuialibilitrick11o.-1- 3.3:3.. otelited 437iir,. taliiiiae*O:70C6i:tii city-Hot .$' l'eigels, Z i.t;atrkOtiiirOi-t_t.;ehcr1-o.,"riO i e : tthrieti;iiiiiliererpi;Iciiiii street from 4itirOitgirerir4igt t a attei-:trtyeenTseiricilniiEIghi reetSiiiiiii4laii11, ser lergittileieli;54iiitiTii iiiiiiiiibirtteditleii:ltlieFit.'ake'"- ' Stlitiiiiilliaticiiiregtirer1i4:1'etili .4.11erecirifiitieliiiiCeillitIWIiiii 104Pglq*41P.4x1411.9 let'Y',..1q.5.,sA meatB5n '.1atit '1441.4=154647-Fiaid'.18 tif4bie7:ei 41.'.204i,roridiiiitit-7-T74tht ,iithaiiidgi:,it.:tiie:•iiiiiit76:iiIii- Angetes.,thelisinie tieing; erroneo asselSed,:ztlierelitlaiirqoundlby -sat j 46iii;ii4;iieriefitte"*.;)*,s41aiiiiiiiiirel iiii;17,t;; ii#iitite..riiiiieI*ilit•Ciiiig4 Is.14q1)3', iPii0.".164Ai0..-:nittliiie0:q ti.;igd4:!:, ii::;?:%'hul.',.:.t.c.4144'dIfi.:9i;*.S19:_:ii:. tji iiit intl. oti jiti aao pi 9nsiCict'ioii.ifett917t!ng:t:lii said qia/ ' celled -asseistudri(e: and lots) iii:-her '.7.41r ...,:q01,i,1:il.,..,..-.,,,,7b _',4_.' a, !4 - Y,I. >II? P91°! iienefifted :by 'iaidt.improileteene in at leash, thwamount, charged: agatneti the 11-ii4Iiiiiifiedi.1A iiiik-e'iii--1,iii;11 ttlarPlg,:f,gilYist';'91191VuPe9.P!!"4 .iiiitlitthii3r:oliarthirtil:fo7the'tiereiratiag a eisaieate,`,' egiddittieati"eetifil roll. Thattthere :as ,herehrvlevied ..- antt.:28- sessed against each. said-lot-,- tract and parcel:74ot f;:land77'... appearing,. on said rollktha4 :amount•d;Au.aw.;; charged ,iiiiiiitainthalattaig,:„Waitt4t- rill:§4099117'44°F4.ihe::01:boiTs. of i.;:fti is! iinirciranieiit,,therci Is heritw, ;rreated.z.lt::imeciai:ruiiitt:40-lio2 known ;'..tsti.t%Ocati7-Ititarot■eixielie+piniii,1140-:. f33. '%.:'/..,:(,..:-isIlk-a7.25k:;a<ieii.P) ., i, ,i,., n:4,,,,' T' r"Itir3a t i:,: s‘. .i ii..:. i,i,.e..::.i2,,,,y,oth1mat yeitaFlt403fi66-iitiiikt4■4y:(39ii7i fro,,, iiled:ii61:ti(3..:Oity. j.',11.areettai.eviiIrr:ii7,1. `ifce,io,.iniyithS'aPr• iii ia' 77 1:,•.07,, ,••67F',7,glifca4:at,'!! Oi:11.0d:pio:.91Z.ii viitit - paid ..ivIth In- saldf thirtT. .. ' '' l'iiidl- iiif fweit,e, equail aiiiiififinstailinetite:kiytth.4: nterea, thereon,".at :the 'rite of gel:411.4),er cent :per :.< annum', until .. field ,!roll.. •rshal1.7, be turned..;over.:o .. the '. CinintkTiestaiirer far .'ebiteeticat7 ,iiteit'.. they s iial F. betr, Interest -r at !.t.he' -rate ... of 4 fifteen ;•, pert cent 7per - annum: .14 2,,,-.. -,.;.. ,,-,-;.,-,,;,-.t ,ksotion.5. 0 That i m meat otety. It or 1 :ou,•the %taking. effect' of this ,Ordi, 'lice ce'7tutid :assessment :. tall •;;Cliall::be. ;Vi4aidlo;iile.iiiiiifitiii!t*ckty:TI:eaii-. tirefOr••, ocillerliii'vitio • :14iait: il4r-6L ' open, proceed :. to ." collect the iia:me•...t.4 tilri:!;tiled lo , Section ; , 4 ; of • tbisordi- „Iiiiiiri,..671;...v....ei,,,.. a!til. ati,...ite.::i:ttai,..,;..if:1;i.,,,,,v;,,f!.1..,••••!i"11"i 1 'T7P'..A!.'`!- .:.;',1,).1-'..'3.;.,:-,T.;.,-..''...0.4.,,,,.. -i,.' •?••i.,;•..sectioti.,, 64, •iiTht§„;', ordinance :I:shill take , effect 'and, be In force ' froniainif ,, „ : -•:-'- ..-::::: .?4,3'Pr .,, L.. p vai.rite „ a 14*vrittiOu t •: the t Mayor' !i310t.Lri. ''.j, .l..:: .::.. .,-. .'::..‘• 1 ip...*4eii•' J; L. BEAM,.-. . :'," ", .. ' .'.■1 :.;:',:: '•,' ••, , .' . • - ' Citi, Cleric: ://;-.4 ' Passed - January 4th; isic. Published January 19th, 1915. 7 — - ---- - Qt_r■.•S-1:-"r■sx-isn.e.s \\fa. 531 Atst„,„sk.u3 tjAk Qal,s VcsA.j.)Xr.e#a. QctE> -1,0S&Ww., Atak ftit W ckel iirksk ExptA c‘Roksixow,A.9-;:A. cb"Lat:s. ‘Al2.- (SLNEVa.f.p-N,Q-k_ q L, 4 thst C-akA ert k9i■k 3uu,sseAsN■luon +-cu.% zp.stsk. aL;;;,'11(6.,\ �r4 QLNj trwss, c•-e,\ Sd GA 0.1,;.i4 (VAL Ri-Vvt V0,1 A-Nvea, /9 4 cta,- 1 / 9 / 4 cx.c.-cce, Js 9g$ j ,raA . liritmws exx=\ 2-1" 1- astsk-ryv‘_. tasu&R