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dmance .53!
., ..A, • • . 1
tii. Ordinance confinable tka„.raiantea-
r_,,iiient': roll of :' LOW, IMprovenient
„..,..' Dhstriet No.'36„ created under Or
dhlin.ice:Nti:--4911, fov'thtt eonetrue-
t.'ilen Of a trunk sewer on Lincoln
Street ',rancl , other streets ;in: the
II,City„ Of !i Pori ringelei;I:.! appreved
Ma ir 1Sti,' 1915; ordering' the levy
and collection of suchlesesententit;
.i...: establishing a !special fund for said
r...1.....- 4/in.ppriireineiit'DIstiict:No.'36.
The bity, CiiiiielL of. the City, of Port.
..1-t!.A..iigelea, do ordain as follows:
.i; Section 1. . That, the ,assesements
and assessment roil of Local improve:
Meat District No 36, created-by.,Or-
dinance No. 998..which ordered and
_provided L for the construction !of:, a
'think sewer On:Lincoln 'street arid
...-_ . .— . - .... ' ......% ,
other streets of the. city: of :Port .1111
geles, approved Nay18iiii.:1315, -as
sad assessment roll :neW, stands:7as
nodffied. and approved by theredun-
tion-LoftheassaissmeiitnOn Lots Flye
(t),. sin;(1..,Sli'' (6) '111,,b1§"ek-±Wo .Elun,
iired:Twentylilie. (325)cif.the 4.ovin4
site 'tif.POC-t iiiielei,3-tvititliiageoi;:.. to
..... . ....... . .., • .,.
the 'amount against...each mild; lotto
!iVrd, Dollars and Seventyz-eikht cents
(33.79);-.IneCOOrdance iiitii.:the,,ae:
thin of the 'nit:Y.:Board ni..Eonaiiiit#
tiOti at :11ta*reinlio: j sitting .,,. tni -"t1-.ie
Weetyrfourth. da.Y:oi'entiary,1.916;
tei,' due.and regitler.,published no..
tice:.thereit.i.n..ell iliiege,are hereby
confirmed and approved :.144,-.:,,,,,j,
Deetion:.9.1.'Thae deck, iot; Or trae::
I iil iinid :ShOwaufsinCnaiCiisies:itaelk
roll ' is: iferebi,, diciiii0,-„to be "SPeciall
iiiiierietitted by said itiaproement in
at least the amount charged against
theta-440T,, and that the
appearing againat the same is in firo.=.
eljPeiiving.: On., Sitittreit;'- and-there Is
1 ihVieliY,-; ieViedlinii -;.asiciaed: against
1 paring .POr*d relli!,tha, anionnp: an=
iiiii:"diY barged and assessed' 'against
Section ::,3.:),,..:•That' there is hereby
created i• and „ established :for said Lo..
iinnrovenlene:Iiintri et. NO ,,,;.• 36,'a.
irpeCial fundtolie knoWn and desig
pled .'„at( Local IMProvement District
Fund "Nd:::-36,,. for the uses and liar-
,nosen nrovided by law and ordinances
Of tie 0.Y...:.:',.:::i'i:•:".':::A',.-.',5';'..i.'i.,..4
Section :- 4;;.. Said I assessments '.ilior
any "of ihein'' may be iiiiid5Othi)4,
Interest at any , time witiiinthlity:
(30) days from the date 'of the first
publication of ; the City , Trestrierli
notice to pay; the - same an reqlzired
jbyilaw ;to. he glven;: and all ' asEieni-
•inenbs:, not :paid , within .1.aehl . lift..1y
(30) :days period :stain, thereaDer, be
'paid 'In tenetnial_annuni 1entallineata
with Interest thereon'. at 'the rate of
• -• - ... • ..
even!' (7)„,. per cent per, annum. •.,:,',..;;;.,::
00 the taking effect of this of:diem:Me
said asSessnient roll ,'Shall be turned
over • to ■,'. the City:, Treaserer fOr:; the
collection Or said first. annual Insti&
1 ^
le sae accordinv..,:,,,,:
who will 'eretipon 'ProCeed to
collect the m g tclaw.
... ....,
9ection ' 6. ;,,,This , ordinance shall
take effect and be in force from and
after „five days after its publicatidn'
according to law. . .:,....,',,,".„,::,:.,:: : '...
Afteeti J. I.;.: ADAM, City Clerk.
Passed :Fehruary,lst„`:1916.i1 :..:_, .,
...,.. Approved 'February 3rd, 191L
Published ri February . 9th,r1915.-,:,
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