HomeMy WebLinkAbout0534Ord: -53t,
IAn'Ordinance creating ay. general Io
.callmprovement fund_
The City Connell of the city ofPor
:-"Angeles.do.ordali as follc1wa :-
{Vhereas.tkarai.fa no turd 'pro -
vlded or. designeted,by ∎latv;.'lnt
which m�a ,tie deposited and Paid 'Cu
moneys l payment,of ',preliminary o
:uperhead.,ezpenses 'which are otter' •
deposited and: pa� out'.for the h l
,lion of Local-, Improvement Dletric
before thercreation�of any specie
fund therein 'andtbefore, the : collet
∎ton of or proceedings for. collection
of • essessmentsiE are made
or provided- for such 'Local' Improv
went Districts : and !'.•the ypractic
heretofore - followed cf..asing the cur-
w, expenea- fund therefor ?As in
consistent with;purposes provlded7by:
e14r:/i ..
av�for^t7lat fund and`_the lesuanc
�Rnd payment: of warranter for- local
ml�rmvement ∎.funds therefrom ; bas
roien - confusing of- .funds a nd;'or
95 •
�o • S 3 L/
which hereatte ee ed:all the C1ty he dueot �°"�treasusarhna
tayaitent of. said azpeaaeg and eh tlte'City Connell very pp�
ataoinelude: all moneys received and elble: ��rroovlsiati`fori•their`pajmeator
to be paid out for. right of way; for redealptbd onidemand .
..djmages In_ opening . or. '. .widening ...Section �5. �.Thta ordinance shall
y Street _o avenue -or ,:public tote effect-and be id,foree lrom'and
•ands • for any • special Local - Im- .flre days after Its?laprtul'pub-
vement District' or contemplated licatton.
o n Section 3 -All Such general fund „ .:a: if.,....•, r `, Mayor.
9 warrants- issued for any Special dis Attest: 3 L., BEAMV Clty Clerk.., •
r trlct not ; oth_erw_lar:'.payable; or_ re- i?assed,February . lSt ;1816 -
deemed may.he redeemed by irar 4EApproved,Feb 3rd .'1916
tin rants or bonds of toe: local district Published Februa 9th 1916
Issued against;, the :Special'Assess:
uients cf sucli :local i distriet. an'd. In
'c sc any... local improvement district
before it *Shall, be fully "initiated or.
before any :; '7-rdll` thereof
shall -have -been placed is the hands
e :ot the treasurer, for collection after
confirmation thereof -shall be*labau
donedor'further proceedings therein
shall- beindefinitely: suspended there
e senutfna any funds belonging to any�
,such`1'loral•,diatrict stl11 0nrdepoeit
in Mich general -fend after payment:
of fall liabIlttl%J.?, ;such local7im
provement district tom suont expenses
or. purposes for.�which such •moneys
were paid Into such ;general fun
shall-remain ; therein for;;theatse's Oft
such�lacal;distrlct upon `any futurai
retival'thg either milts first proms,
P erl`f` —' -r; substantially for: the
imi #meats t althongh� modl.
,fie d y gone hdngest`in, boy`1{,iarfes of
tha-�a sti$� or' o'therp Minn nan0ges:
if sdch Krevi� 1 occur a within
nix monfas a ter ` -and after
such�lapsepti ' tint such revival
ekall ;occur �uah�fnnds ah�1T remalo
In suck generat,fuad for�sli months
„II„, onger and if thew shall beano:de,'
;rants 4 'l't"�'i"°r`�"'vl'•t<'cx'
That to keep olall Local Impious•
meat Funds separate from all-other
funds of thet olty and'.to facllltat
I.eeping.;�the many' -items of'.ac
tits of theseveral Local Improre-
mpnt Districts by one general fund
`d� a general accollnc Su which to •
counts of the various districts may
eClassifled and especially for the
mmedlate accounting: andrpnyinent
r„or,,preliminary expenses and.to of
fect.much saving of time and labor
In the issuance of one warrant where
otherwise many tgarranta would be
necessary Therefore �a.� Via, d�
k' The City. CoutiebT. f the{ Clty;of
Fort Angeles`do ordniaras follows:�'i.7c
f }'Section 1 �j'l,That a`�"geaeral'i local cs
}improvement district fund be •ana the e
name is herebyrcreatecfor the -tor it
'venlence and,'economy +la ttm,. and
labor in the 'accountingj' pnying onl
andreceivtnfa of funds,of` the various t •
local improvement distriets now 'cs
mand;rforthe; retu t +�
w�thin sucl}la9t n,
uchfunds shalt bt
urren# expenea fund
n according to•iaw f`
In fall cases ywhere ,+�j eh deposits
re made tnto'such ge 3:: fund for'
he use of 'any 'euch' -"'o`� Improte,
menC' district and suck flndsibecome
agalns5 sucn general` d intpap
ent 'o! such �preliminaQy or,klover
head„expensea.of suchfocal dletrlet,.
uch warrants finny be•Yedcemed by'
arratits or bondsof nut local Im '
rovement dls[rict or br oash up •
pproprlations made by. order of the
h Ioa4impro -"
feting and which may�;be h reafter
c eated to be. known an 1 designated,
ar xr,r' General!∎ Loca1'4#Itrprovem.+ne
Fund .Into which ahatl;be gaid.oi
fee:Which 'shall be, approprlated, :all
funds or sums , whtch shall belong ,t
or for the useioL all oe any of the
special Local Improvement Districts a
now or hereafter created; i for�llpre-
3llminaryor,overhead;eipenaes ''for
'the ~.Improvements of such distrlc
and all moneys :to be∎used for -pr .
llminary expenses for the Initiation
'of -new districts anditm pay Out
.wvarrants la paymentxot) Euch,apren
llminary.. and 'so 'called', orerh'
hzhausted before a1r w nts issued
city counell from�eu s
ment%.dlsulet ".and+�ingp opriau n` �o-, �CM- `-"�L Et- As)-- o
,frim:.time,to ttine.as.reeufredahel•
be made from'tke.epecial {'tacar fin �(j / 9 14n..
provemeattunda' eutficient;tor neces
Itsarp. payments bt sue ove'head
peuses,` after: constrain ion-sof .the 'se
ssment' roll ' in such 'local - (districts �- p „ _ p - .•
non. like ortters'0! the- olty,counoil. - - U U ° - �"`°•� vM1t`A
on appllcatfon and' ehdiving,uf the
ty Treasurer o[ the needs there-
nd whet t upon abandonme
apenslon of any; local imProYemea
Whited' by' the'. resolution' Of' futen-
on by;tke City gentian,: thero' halls
maintl any Ilabllltles unpaid for
tit of;funds and the same.'shalk re-
nin unpaid for', six i months from,
e ,date , of :suck', abandonment �i'or:
pension, •wltbout.a °revival there -!
and `.without'. sulflclent'`lunda
yment-of all :suck lfabilttlea'.such
paid,P.warrants ort'liabllitfea shalh
paid'- or,,discharged byi`,warrante
the „current,∎ expense' fund. of: the
y ',and.ahall be,_refunded'or :repaid
said•;Icurrent'..ezpenae upon avy
ere, revival- of;> such .abandoned
provement in ; any `modified form
to distrlot or•otker•'detailed'change.
�dietrlct _.
etlon ' 4. It is the purpose of
s -ordinance that all:'.warrants.
d against, i aId,. eneral,tocal 0 i.
vement district: fund shaii'be'Cash
rants redeemable ',upon -:•deniand
secured by ample fends. Or other.
ns for their redemption and its
penses of the; funds therein for anii� n
Which belong a:toteach such special. up
LocalnImprovement District ,y! t � � Pt
∎-That upoa'ench such`general briar - to
1rant'there shall he written and des= ( A
lgnated the „Special Localalmpreve-• su
ment' District c, and the,�Preliminary in
expenses for which suchy'.warrant ,I tl
Issued and';tho City, v,:Clerk +shall re
keep ,Letween.such Special LOCal Im- wa
provement District,∎ funds �andg such, m
General Locat'',ImprovementiDtetrfet th
Funci, Itendzed :accounts'whtch shall }sue
Show. to detail "the- :amountsT 'aud'.for Of:
which the several same, are secelved' 94
and paid out,by sueh general funds ua
� Section 1. The terms, prelimIn= be •
ary, �; ezpenseni,i, or ;;'overhead Lei- of
pensesl. as' :uaedin'pectlon 1,-. of.title clt
ordinance, sha11 be ;understood`'to to
mean ' and i include all> expenses ;or tut
money : deposited) to : pay '`for , engi- im
veering,' clertcal: hire,' for ; supplies ae
each as maps. statfonery.and theline of
and:for all .necessary work, labor and ,9e
supplies necessary and lncidental'to Ith1
, the ,ialtlation,.and carrying . on. of sue
such izr,provements aAd. ?she •eolle'-- 'Pro
!ion et asaessmeets iand'.disburse- mar
merits of • the funds, Issuance and and
Payment of warrants : and_ bonds, men
Sf.Q>r a, o-TA