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\\1b. 5 Z .
'Att•fOrdinance authorizing. the issu-
ance and sale of -teeal
Bonds aipdost ' the4 special
fund' of Local , Improvenient Dia,„
trlctNo. 34. te.:;`;
cost and expense .of, the Improve-
ment: ',ran 'said. dlitrict :under
Ordinance No. 502, approved June
8th.1915; fixing.tbe Elite of ,the
.isSuluice Of seta binds and the rate
The' City CLOcIf Of the City or: Port
Angeles "do ordain is foUons::
77.,../Section..,..4.:0That :the . Mayor, and
CltyClerkof thedity.of -Pert Angeles
he: andi,they„are hereby ,authorized
and; directed!
Improvement Bonds tigninstthe epee:,
iii. -fund of .i3OCS1'..hiprovettentDis;
. snin
ce o. 002, creating ,
triet?!.. and orderingAite improVenient
tisadelherein,-entitiedVA;t: ordinance
inXiiiing414:‘,cenetrucUon ot. lateral
sewers In and alone' the alleys run
itingtbOtween zij011Eck.r, and Pitth.
iffeets; beteen Flftli and Sixth
1014; streets: 'airsewers to inn, tient
250 :Y. feet west , of -":Cherry.,i- Street': to
neelit :street ; :
ioi..,paytiiejit of
inittjmproyernents by sp eci al :assess-
mentit: under: tke!property mkthin :the
d1strict4!ande .!Mode • of 44,,Pay
of SSi dietrlct as --provided by r.1 am;
4iti3iiie'!"..Ordilitincee'de:Siiiiif COY,' of
PertAngelesi,in the:num:7 ofy,($5881
frL,,e equal annual payments or 10
staijnieete;eacksie4; hear Interest at
ti ratcoL seven (7) ier 40C per
exCepci.pcied 6rit,:.
shall !!:i he: Oil the :',.;denbinhiatian Of
lititY,..ene tend !.',4 (17i.0 6 1Dollare,eed.!
OteY;.,shell 1e numbered from No 1
upwrdS;ionieintively, ind
each ! of ii1■1:bOO6o shop:have, sttseh
iintereStpaynentl,*and eaCh'itich bond
and coupon l; ed 1.-hy;.; the
..whal.:.sh al nifir the eent.: of ':ther- city
said cOUpou5ln lieu otlbelligse
ddshalI yai3 • Of
116 76f: the Mayor Clerk,
printeCthereon, and eSeh - such .bond
sIall iefer: to thS:inipievernent end
the. ord innnee'. ordering :. sal d
;mentt�payfor'whLoh b6a4s'
4a11 provlde and state that.the grin
;eija17intberein . named •with the
interest thereon' shall be tiayable only'
.`,;-out of ;the. 'modal fun d! -created Jar
the. payment. of ;the cost expenoo
.'.'sai6•:ttepreveiseet;;S60 Oat'ttae
glee shall ever i: he 'liable . iliorefOr,
7,i&J.te 'et the Issuance and of the exe
iitlon 0! said!bOndti Sh ell • he es, Pre=
incribed. hythe taws, Of the *State' of
*aidlington'and'of the Ordliiancei of
the cify! of Port Angeles ' is in
\ssc6.: case made aidprovlded,
lhatsaid honds;', when so 1 U-11
I executed and issusittshall
.of'the, mom .con
paid Ali- the sanie. • ION; it= iney
par + , aloe. ,
Sect:San 4. Bid el 'b▪ onds or any. o
Omni may be sold or ,eashai wed
ts.*.arni41 *Lied, 10 paymontti46
thelmprovementfor wfilcli
istOecl; orheiittY besold 10 ;any
tiniteliasex for cashFat;not lesa tht.
r Par 'valtiO with accrued interest
ndthe1'roceedsthereof shafl be, np:
plied 50 the p&ynint of.; tie'cost -ad
eiPenne Of said :ttnProrernent4H::::1
said bonds shall
bt,dated thalstday'ofMarcb. 1916:
c'Ueetandbein force fiaiw:Opd
tfivedayaafter the laWfut pit
Approved Mare!'
• ",
ot 'Cot VOA AP4M ZZINS.A1/41's ZgLZSa,..M.
_AtA, 4 c1,e wsis, eAA, 01,A th,
c3_,--4, 1-ertA
..S,rxAmmzMkrsstsA iZto-443:, itd-stA 0)6
-1D-C.c& a'wafmmxmt-erm...A. %tr.I_V‘si `1)0.• 37, t, I \c,x.stSIA
cn0N, •!-S1--ePrtoetAk_ AVst i•emkkomx...tron No.esas:t.", .saoltA
NAss 56 2. , catime,34,
jrj 15: A-941. ckela et tea W.rexa. .3.1.01■&b
0,ArA 1...”ntoADA 1.3n 0— Vm-mt.
Qe$aot ..A.3—erso.mC.stAto ; ;53 7 tukaxans\
9,s1 (4' bat, R11,-c31 Vullt 11-"r÷4 e'"--""k
11 -Li, JscovA Sjc, /
S0 ..1 OkS4L /13--604A
ctS '•\o. .0,-% 191 & Q1 satc141,A
\i`Rov‘c_An )9 / 6 - -