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An'•, Ordinaries authorizlns, the •lien -
mice and sale of Local:- Improre-
fund of '.Local Improvement Djy
trlct:Na:38 -'to- pay- the:coat aid
expense. Of the 3mprorement• made
?i- In ; said ' dlstrlet 'under' Ordlnane�
No: 508;- approved,.August 24th
.1916, fixing the'dste,of the ;iasu
:` anceof said bonds and the rate o
r :nterest thereon
he Clty. Council of the City 1of pot
"`.Angeles , do,prdain as,follows i:Secton 1.4Tat s thesyor a
City dlerk of the ;bit Port .Aage-
Ies be and they are hereb authortied
and,' directed,'to issue "an sell Locai
prorement'bunds against the specs
iat, fund oL, Local. impnorementrDAt=
trict 10 38; and against the pro
iii: , assessed :therefor wlthlny sal
district in accordance jwlth the sal
Ordinance No' 608 creating eaidid
tract;; and orderingsaid r`improv
merit entitled;An ordinance provld
„lag -ingfor the'coastruction ,ofIlateral
sewerstin and ',along "the, alieys,ron
nin-Ohrough'-Blocks -.35' and {X- 36.of
' orutan R Smith s Subdivtalon of. the
Toirnslte of Port . geleatfrom 260
fe ,test, from the west';line oC E i.
.nice'lstreet to:a connectiogrwith; tit
Trunk sewer on Franctestreet and ;a
lateral seureil to Abe constructed =ln
and aloagCarollne streetfropIT*11
nice :etreet to connect.tidlth the trunk
sewer on Francis atreet.' to aceomnio
date :Block 3j,".; of sald.suhdivlsioa of
satd,townsite ;;all In the Clty of'Port,
Angeles y creating a 1ocalb lmprove;
Tend district therefor. and provldiug
for 'n special fund 'br:theidistrict
and•,forethe mode 6f payment ap
!prord4'�August„'y24th ;1910 'eand
against the; specialt poi d of said;cdia-
tract ;J :leZ.pro dedcbylnw�andt` the
ordinances :aid city in'the sum o
One tShousan�*dl One l Hundred IFift'
one and 291110 Dellara s ( ;1161 29}.
Section 2..,That said'bonda shall
be 'uisde pa'yabte In seven yenta from
the' datei'hf .thalr: isssy"ance In '.fly
equal, annual Ins! ilments with t In-
terest thereon ai the rate of 'kb.
•seven' per cent'per annum, said In, -
tereettpayable`•anirually `and 4 said
bonds shall be':dssned inydenomlaa-
tionsi' OL one hundred 'dollars each'
ezeepting the -brat bond'whiel shnl
t e lasued't in ",the sum of Fifty on
and s X2,9 100,Dollarai,.(361'.33);:',; an
they:shall be'.numbered• from No"',1
upwards consecutively `,# and; each
Said#bonds'}an upons may.I;be`
signed ° by f the', Mayor !and ` attested
by the Clerk :,provided; hbireverinaid
coupons in lieu of being so,eIgned,
may -have printed On'•edch of said
coupone the Lac sImilealgnallt sa, o
the.imayor and - Clerk and a ch :sal
timid' shalt. refer to the.Improdemea
to pay for which said .bonds (shall be
&seued and tithe ordinance ordering)
! Said'", Improvement t. and' '1. each y said!
bonds Shall state the -•.the principal;
sum named therein wlthr'ttto interest
thereon shall bepald out'of the local(
improvement' special diiidFcreated for
the payment ofthe cost and expense'
of each d rovement and not'otherl
wise .andjhat they.,: Shall never be-
come `a liabllity against. %the city: of
Poi t`Angelea 1t: ,10 }s 7S +zr''' -
p Section 3 5 Tbat the mode form
and,mnnnertio[;the e:ecuUoh of said
bonds shallbeas prescribed by;;the
laws 'of the '.State of Washingtoni and
of ;the ordinances of the Ctty of.,Port
• Aatgeles, .'they shall_ be dated
Marchyrl 1B and thereupon they
eh 11.;ji 1vered Into•, the • custody
of ;ha Ctt Treasurer-and be by`hlm
delivered�i'to the purchaser. or pur-
chasers' ypon. the receipt of the
epIIt=to briii. d•*rOirb47ii
`ecbange ;them .forwarrants ...
stied'. to thdeoiitractnr. for • bets'. ani
expenses ot.sald tniprorement of
orerbaad'e?z{iens6s;'at not tL..
the par altie„y . .::'r
?*pinion 4.. The Bald bonds may, b,
acid '.!§ Ow, e0- utraetur5, Of, said- jin
pcdrement ln`ypaynienttthlretor, =oi
may pe sold:for cash to,any pure ba,,,
ln'tlie manner prescribed therein' ani
the Oran-044.
ran -0 de.. theieo abll
f a be.appli'
JO' payment Of, the coat and . ezpe,,
of acd- im
iprovement and,satd'bon
steal ot•be issued ln.any amount.-7
exc of said- costs and' expenses• o?,
said provementa. r j
µ Section 5.17A11- ordinances and
parta of ordinances la: co/Met:With
tbisFordineace are hereby repealed: -;
Section 6. :.This ordinance shall
take :effect and be la force from and
after. flue days after Ira lawful •pub -
llratlon ".,';',.;;-.1
TO Y :x X cs
Attest: J L. DEAbf City Clerk."
1Passed February 29th -1916 (�,,,,, _ t o -U -q Is• S•
Apptovett bfarch lst !1$16 I """� °x`17• ^'�•
'/:1Publiahed'March iat,'1916'•: > };
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s'a tor
chi t.‘"*A. wtio o�w Bt,.cl i Ka, c� `c1,h . S c
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1 m� R�Y\uvk� c, ___ JJJ� 'l� 0.�C� Oc�tO -S1wos fir.
k tC, aaAj Y'llaneNA