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�Ordtaapce "sutho� and d!
Voting the stssdaaee d sate -of
l$•opal Improvement:.bopuls- to 'pay
_ ,ete cost, aat Ba4nBa T ImproTe-
' mat ordered in :ti d b•Ordinance
.0 49s In Improvement
!rfct No. 36 of a City of.Por
tydei, -.entitled ,'•An . ordin°ance
erlag 'th =eo ructloa .e...
t ` war alon : Lincoln'., and
rests and alleys,or the �•it
'Angeles; .creating a -..
ent Sower District • th;
for providing foe the Cont ent
'meats uin n'_-the ;property _wl
' the district 'according.. to bene
received and;.payment by Med
Paym nt by Bonds ' approved"
915.: Prescribing the. ra
eat on said bonds, for the
d - delivery;'. terms • of -;pay
end liking the date of thei
1tmGe �r
The O ,Council of the Clty of Port
5 Ange es ao ordain as follows• k
r: Seet1'ony l .:,,That the layer and
Cit }:Clerk be' :and they,•are hereby .
'nu thorizedi and - directed-AO insane .16
cal 'mtivement bends, "for :Local-
improtiement•Dlstrlct .No. 36 of :the
City i of Port Angeles created
by; Ordinanee :'` No 498;` Approved
J1fayJ 18th r 19i5 and a In,. -- ac-
cordance wlth`-1aw and Ai- ordi
uanees •of the elty :Of -Port- Angeles
in' the sum 'of-($21,382.66) „Twenty
one „Thousand ,, Eight •B:uidred ::an
Eighty ijwo and 66-100 Dollars rv,
+' Section 2:' That the -'S mode t and
farm .of the execution of said,
eball'be as prescribed byalhe Ytews`o
theftate of Wdshingtoi;und tfie' Ot :
dinances of the City of -Port Auugelea;
that. said' Lauds when-:so d!ented,l
thall:be placed In the custody of the
City,;,Treenurer,and fie; by hltn -:(1e-
livered to the purchaser•or Purchas -.
•ers upon the receipt of the sum con-
traded to be paid therefor not lose
than :their par value s r„
a.Sectlon 3 . -Tit at the-',.Mayor and
CityaClerk '.officers -of. ;the city are
hereby authorized to ecu said beide.
. Section 4 ;,That said .bonds Shall
be wade Payable opt orbefore ten
year the., date of. their Issu-
anc .the assessments in' +said dis-
tilet'being payable In ten equal an=
,n 91. Installments vita said t, bonds
t$ha1Ii.bear interest at the rate of (7).
s 1 v ,'per cent per annum; s h a l l tar payable,;* annnally;�
stiejl'bonds shall be1ssued tn. denom --
ina:tfohs each Of 'one, Hundred 7Del
Inrs -eaceP[,theflrab Solid shall -be
to denomivatlon of ($82,0? '`.
ty two t and 68 -100 Dollare.
aindroach '1)0.4'1 Anil: hive attached
thereIo Interest coupons :for eaeh
inilre0t payment and > sa d j bonds.
0101] its numbered from No 1 up "-i
a� �)conseouttvely,- and each. • such
• on and • coupons -shall''' be signed
1iy th Mayor, and City Clerk;: pro-
vided that each coupon; In Ileu- of
being o signed.,have „printed there=
on Ia foe simile of • the signatures 'of
tho- 1Ht(yor and:,Clty Cl rlC sud sac
$$fi sbal}thavo.t seal }'o(J,tile 1ty
mtryaed'theret:and.shalljlrefer t 1 he
Ia meat to'`Pay fof,�,which said
bo s all be:.Issued d,eaCtitbond°
ip§ evldo thaf Oteli'l clPal Spin.
named- therein`, and Interest
thereo shall be- payable only out of
the :s Ial fund of 1• oca mprove
nvent. tatr1et NO 36 ores d there-
for ;� he < City of r•Pngele8
shall r be llable for a payment
of aat }fncipal or Interest`nor any
•Pe,It.tl sot.` r ,"'''' v i'•`%'
C-r-vNi-- "ms2.-fv.¢5.. \\.0. 5 4 0
f : Se t' :5:-; Bald= :bonds <^
aok to the eontraetr'
,aidlmprdv&meiitfin' "paymen
foraor mi be fold tor 'caah at-n.
Ie thaheir, Yalue and^th
Pr eif a baa ap111
rn- »ay!lenfof tie !coat and' ern .
of�slid,lmprovement.nbd they apal,
1 ;4.
nbtsbe. issued In an pat in etc
of.eald cos" t and etpe
Section 8. =The date and imuanco
bt.=sald bonds shall be April Lily',
7916.' . ti- .: _
Section 7. All ordinances or
-o/ ordinances In conflict, with
'ordinance are -hereby. repealed
Section 8.' This ordinance gha_
take effect and be in force_ from and
after fire days after , its. lawful pu..-
le it WALTON .
i cMayor:
Attest: J L. B1iAM City:- . lelk.
Passed April' 4th 19.16. r }.
,; Approved April 6th, 1916::'.''
tiblish'ed$April`5th'19i: el.
°SAs `. J .A
`--Va. >�CSi Da."�AsaR��l or�- �"`'^�+�1Q,.N�4,.,,fi -% ,
emx,V,A z'e\
he , ti 9 a . L,.,■
a.xav�a,�'lly� cv oiMf.+�.p -S�. pia o✓.:c�i, .0.�9iD v]9v�i °�
• ~v.XO fl
a; }5 ,1 . eL �n°vv� i r.r� 9 Coo n nnc� �4 .0.ry aL
3.9- ��A,JJ -mil , e,cs-ensko ” ,,,tee , t _ ,ns,c .was�
— _3'�^cnn�
�.cr tstc� 1 Y % I l5. 13.,.3ne,:A,L.0 .1.s
3mna.A . �a� . VI z, `Aa x0. o..r:a Arrmq U
�°' rv� "'"•�91� - T q c 0. O� LA.At.1S1.rr .
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