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' OanI/Laausrao -
An ordinance approving end v.00n
:-arming .-'emesamenta' 'end . see
1'. - '• Meat' "rail 'of,`:local Improvemt
r.- :District - NU:, 34 : ter tha -lmpcg
',. .meu of certain . parts- of . pun!
= Race,:; - 1lieltington . Chamb
Lt.' Jonesi*U3-erty Ennis Columb
,-Albert` - Irst ''Secona .Third
rjFourth -:Fifth `Sixth Seventh
Franela ;and Front Streets_ - unde
KOrdinance,No 497; pr'oviuing tot
'the levy, *.and hcollectloa of, the
4 Pfl8seaements , against , the, sere
Iota. tractp.rparcels o[ 'land._ en
er.other; property as' shown on Said
toll end establishing a Local -lm
.provemeat Fund•: therefor ,
' ;Tha city-- counetl;ot theaCity
Port Angeles: do ordain as follows
!7 Section 1: That the assemnien
and assessment..roll::ot Local.,‹Im
ptoreme.0.30 tract --No 34 forth
.improvement iof certain Sparta;,,, o
Eunice.,: Rnee Washington Chem.
bars Jones ='-Liberty '.Ennis Calum
gi,Albert '::';Flret Second Third,'
Fo�urth *FUth ,4 Stith Sere'nth'
k'rancis rand' Eront '_ kitreets$, imd
;Ordlnance'?*No 497 as •` saist,kasseas=
meats andf2assessmest i roA?�ow
1.if-i7;iit:!4-i'tiP6.Clified, bykthe action; o
-7the CityjCoanetl'rsitting as atboard
of ,equalization thereon be and:, .,.
same is hereby In all things _confirm
ed ,and approved . r
Section 2 ;'. That each lot tract p
parcehor land shownupon taeaaid
assessment roll le herebyydeclaredto
be:iapeclatlys;benefited`-,by saldj.lm-
;provementg,inn,etlleastthe - amohnt
Charged against the' same andtha
the' }asmesamenta:appearing against
ihosame ¢ruin proportion to'';the
•.several4- assessments - .appearing .upon
said roll ';There is therefore her
'by;ile,ted and assessed ngainet'eacb
suclt,iiiit tract or parcel of land,ap=
pearing on said asiesimenV,iell '_the
amount actually charged or assessed
against the same ,je: �5c"'8j..
Section 3 0That .for, the purpose
• of„the Improvement - described on
,Sectton 1 ofthis ordtnanee'there:?is
hereby created a- -Special` fund ',to -be
called Local' Tmproveniont Fu`tfil.'b::
34; pinto which shall be depmttod alt
mums collected. on said`'assesssmeat
roll:and :out 'o[ which :shall be paid
all; - 'warrants Q and r bonds rssued
'against the:said district r
Section 4� This ordinancette.lp;
tended to ratify and confirm ,Ord in,
ance l.0 530,' approved Januar¢-9
,-1916 approving an nsyeamment- resit
Identical, with the , `ig9s$ment role
hereby approved and oo.11rmed ez
cepting wherein any'j &visfsn then t
�In is t¢ i conOlct with this ordlnanc
any t provision of this ordtnnnee,
and all r sums; atk moueytJterepofor
paid' to tae ity treasw'er"as af3se`as
meats upon'Iahyj otFthe property
situated In said district purauanC.ro
said' Ordinance'No 1- 636. ahall .b_
placed in;tbe - fund heneby created,
andiall 1 Bachasums shall be credited
upon the roll^. herebyw approved' \as
,payment of;the,aasesamentsagatns'
ouch: property -as was,antended.to be
redeemed from the,lieu -oi the' assess=
Meats con firmed.: by said Ordinance
No 530 and', all - paymenle made' up-
on;;the assessment ;}.roll ,hereby ap
•proved land {;conllrmed1e 04,11.4! P9.
facto satIafy':'and ilquldate an k.11elt
-created by', the' assessment -loll co
finned and approved °;by the :'mil
Ord inance.i4b. ;530 r_:-,
11.`;;, Sectton:' §, ,-_That' all. asaessmenta
appearing 'upon eaid;:�asaesament'roll
..as unpald'_'after crediting the •pay-
ments- mentioned In the z- •Preceding
nee o ima be paid without interest
or iiiritti2MOSIttifiFw Iibtalthlrty
zrao) C'the side "o;
pubII Uon:of :the
:notice to pity - the- same,as.
by taw:: to :be glyen..and all
:Meats-not theibialesliatirth
be: paid lu.ten igip al- annuet
menta -with :interest at the : : 'of
7%per,ceutper annum:
Section O. That lmmediatel
Oa ": the • taking * eQect, of this "
ease satd assesament' roll 'ehai sbe
iplaced In the -hands; of the 'lelty
treasurer for. collection - who.•shall
Lthereupon :proceed ;to j,ollect; e
)'same • according to law and is
vlded In Section 5 'of this ordinance:
f:cBectton -ordinance • shall
'take effect and be • In force feoml
and after Aire (5) days after 'its1 A
lawful ration ,;, �TSU, W O- A7nl.rv�
Baseed.May, 2nd 1915 f� }� �A
':_Approved May 2nd.=1916 : I C �l U
{ ''':'F.:-1.-- WAETON 'i
Attest ,,
J ".BF.AM'y
I.f°" CItY.� Clerk..
J t-1'4 tkAArkLnAs k.
Ms.yat 1m-t),A e:t,tb t
t, \;—\W
o a�
S.rvv. .cto, v.A,a.0 �.oCrac� 'no. 3 y. �at t�,fl'Urr,J�r nri,r, of ,�
Chu > N. ro rfp ng uio -‘ l:'44v;.
� �pp erQ h -�a c
- �{.^}j,1
Sloes , G� , r org .R .
3.,,d`&o vt'CS�o> lq G in. w,l.;.c,
1sLu a.9.r... 14,c. c \ L,a,,
54, d.00- m I7 /1r
UTION ao sa:'
'• -OF PORT'A1srGELEpi. -
,- _ (1.) That -it Is the 'Intention of
the City,; Cou ieik,.6 ',Order': the im-
provement of:, that yart _or. : NaIey.
•Street In the',CIty of ?cit nge)en,
from' , the norttter1 Ijna:;, of{s�$toq
Street northerly to;the Inner It
the - Harbor Area of,the ort .
Bay (being a 'po tloi or aaldaal-
ley' Street eitende4lato Ehe= 'o`rt,
Angeles tiBay� acccordlug�.to ,law 's id
ordinances of tk CIty, t fort Ange-
less by piling with creoaoied u
treading and -planking thefu1
wldtti of s d. street ysa as to con-
nect�and�be,con,a LIeveI. and: grad
wlth'�Front� Street: ajJmproved to
construct sidewalks - croeaings and
guard ratls`tivhere ecary and'__to
do such other work •an map be n
eery apd proper °ia eonnectloaith
sllpersonsVho mayde=
to object thereto areJieerdly notl
Mad'to appear an present such
3ec t nsat a'meetlnog loftpeuCitY,
PCon�c�l $toRb�ek held` In�e� Co�n61.:,,Y1
Chamber in tae: City of�POrt,ngeles,
k \Vasliington at8 o clock p m oa�the
23rdtday of 3iap 1916 1sh`ich t mo
"' jilateais hereby ftxed.'for hearing
lall� matters relating to�'sAid� pro�
posed'.1mprovement and 'all yobjee
tfons, thereto`` and'�for.� determining
the method of payment for said im
(3 j` That the Clty Englneert
i y Council '.at
of prior to said: date all data and
inforuiatlon required bq ',law- to tie
bmltted „°may s�
'(4,)That. the coat and,l'expenso
of -said improvement�ahall.,be borne
bytand aasesaed�agafnst• (he propert
liable�therefor:as provided'. by law'
Passed the Oity Councilk[n op ¢'
sesalon end signed by",me':on "sthts
2nd day ot'May 191.
.j* {VALTON r:i
�SZt>�1.>,�•.o.,� ho. • 3 q •
9, tc .3.i,.a.9..t:,z a , c;,t,, u.9.-ort 4
�tc�o .n�ww.Ik.o+wr■ \ o .3q e,>w}
0. .-+ Vvh
�t�, duo rn . I7 /6. _ _
eso�ntionNo -'
Be it resolved by the City- Connell of
'`the City of Port' Angeles
(L): ThatIt is the "intention: off the
CSty'Coined to order. the construction
of a lateral sewer 'along the -south
side - ot. First street'` in the rCity,of
P m ort Angeles.tro the!liouthweat"cor,
ner of First and Lincoln street 10 5
connection': 'with a ;lateral sewer.. at
about two hundredteet' east fiom;tke
southeast corner of FIrat and 'Oak_
streets togetheLri S';._the necessary .
tchbasins,.veyes mar�hotesj, and`
oP@nings.lf^anY to be constructed'of
kret �itrifled.: �satt glazed:; ela7
pipe or other suitable" materlal;:and
to. do such other- ; norkaea; map _be
necessary in ;connection therewith: all
la "accordance with the Plans maps
and speciflcattons to be prepared by
the City Engineer and "filed with`:the
City Clerk.,, on or before pie. time
fixed heretn'for the ,bearlug on: this
resolution. i,'r —J'� ;
t Xqr Ka 'y%yrtr, r, '^F' -
2)Thst.all persona who may. de-
sire to bbJece thereto are hereby. no-
tt8ed to appear ,present"such; obr
Sections in witting . sire meetings[
the City.Counncil'in the`coundl. chain"'
tier in the- C(ty} of e;Portk; Angelesr
Washington on the 27th day of June
leis,:aI 8 oclock D m: -of, said day'
iehbeh.itme and place Is hereby fired
t ,hea�ring1;all matters`relating..g10
said proposed Improvement, and, all
obiections Uiereto aadlor determining
tire method of payment of 1.m4.1'; c.94
and expenses of said ;Improvement'"r;;
�'�,.'':(3) , The' Clty Englneer�ahal1., sub
mit toFthe city connrll`- on nr before
said date, all d¢ta and 1 In(ormafton
require4 bylaw to be'lsubmitted and
an estimute;;of the'cost andXexpense
of;aaid improvement ::FF-'rl+s.ka
(4.)'rThat- thoKcost andtexpense of,
paid improvement shall, be borne by;
and assessed`against'tho property;
liable therefor as provided !.by, kin*,
.within , the district "outlined teas fol?
lows viz 'bounded by-- ,Fret street on
the north Lincoln street on Uie,eaet
the ¢lleya on; the south'and,Oakstreat
onf, the West which InclUdes and' 10.
tended to accommodate the 'sewerage
of Mthe nortli,baif of rBlock3lof :Nor =.
man` R. Smiths Subdivislo¢'
of ...the
Port Angeles Towneite and Block 32
,of the Towaslte of ;Port Angeles In
Clallam ^county, Washington
`'',Passed' by the City 71 Councll t and
signed'by the Mayor Pro: Tem, on oils
23rd any Of
�;z " ��: ay Pro: Tem.
'Attest: J.'L. Mor B17AM,'Ctity Clerk..:
�Co crQ . �Jote„�
0 C9.00 �r.r� S .
ReSoititioilEo tentioh
- '
.-eise-Toot of- "A
Street, :
irie it resoled by:the CitiCfninell ;if.
77...tha,..citi. of i.ort ftintelee! ,.;;;;... ..,::
..... . •
•111at it is1ite intention Of the Cl '
Connell to ' gnint-it 1ie-of the foot
Of -447 stiee111(the City of Port in;
gelve, itroinfFiret ' street., to'' Second
street. to'theyfishiiigtOn'tumbee-Co.;
.a.:, corporation,: for.;-the 'tetra= ot.:: tea
j19) 'inerii, 'atithe" rate: Of :Twelve: dol.
fais-4 4400):: Det„-Yeitr:,,-.fatttli-e!, drat
five; (5) :yearn, and subject te • read-
inatinent df;thevent.e1;eharge"..1ot the
iilCond five, (5):yel&sint 4idterm.1.
.Tlie4ald ina..".1aIori.lido7i* of.
iii,"•e-t6r, such approach to., aiii;Vdiarf
iliatf-iniibeiconstrtintedin front there-
ali;i10,9P13.7110.-.Ina37..7ie00 tc!
79),;.i.e.ci, thereto are hereby ;notified ,'- te
viiitt:iig rzi..,:-47.4,-;iatin'iii:koz,-ff-di4,
;i017:0iiig1*-4iine-7,-.1;'19.';', 1916; .; ai Ste,
Lour id fnigli1'oielonit;..P...iii„ �f that
'5;ced.Jor'7'tpe ; Oath* 'Of :'aii „eon* :eb="
.iections;;Mid%• for ' determining as to
et 'Prier to adehl heatiOg,. tee ctty
,iiiotier-iibl;..*::isy114 oie"Oiti:alerk
a PtePosee:oia!liaiidePrOvirting- sit,
plil,irApiing ,.oi sueh lefien.";,',...
Passed ;1;r:the -Olti,.;. Ceinell ., and
signed .., hr- the ", Mayor pro tem; ' this
Ord.-aan of May 1916,,. -,`,.;-:'.;',:...,..;;,:-.,;,: '. ■ .
-'`''' ''':-;•".:!'-. , ,'; H1w.":FIPH1f, i;.;
1ai-of Pro.-Tern.'
1* tiiEloir,':dity , Clerk. i,;-:,;:F ''.;;:, I,:.:::- .-i
*:;.;t4601.::i;FY ::''.'ii",",A;:..;'7'1:;.i,1:.;:;':.,'';'..;1'.
,, .,,: - ; ;,, • '''..!.: 7.f.g/U:..a,
- : -
'. s.
kAssk %AI bs.x.s.SL cs..r.csk
Ceekmell t-Vk \-vamak
A.N.s1/43,5k, N,k,AsklA
434A. att-k_GZ Nk\ ‘‘CS.3\NStr,
1 tko