HomeMy WebLinkAbout0542Clberir to`iasnp bonda:ia
Lom1•ImProvgmeut P[etrlct No- 33;
c created by' Ordinancaliio:,496,'of
the City of Port.Ange1es;: providing'
::,'for, the - eonstraction. of a .treat.
:r: -sewer on Francis street and, certain
i, lateral sewer a leading thereto ; 'pro-
riding the terms of said bondsaad
for, Blair sale or exchange Viand de-
The Clty_ Council 00 the City of Port
_,` Angyles do ordain as follows::
�AeRi,�G.or `loo . 2 .
yd, 5- ylnns, sad eDee,au-
datatand lnformstiou
w to be, submltted.4
bathllrcAnt and expense of
yemeata ehalt'be bornebY
and'"esseseed_ againstthe Property
table theretor within •-iMd• district
an Protided by law -%
Passed by ;the citT couIICU and
slgned-by the Mayor on the 20th. day.
of June A D. 1916 rice -
a E J ALTON. •
a'iy Mayor ,
.Attest:J L BCity Clerk -,;
Yed , y. thg rot
City et Port'angeles1
;Nis -the z :infentton . of
anal;. to order the eon
.a system -of sub -eew-
sewers to' connect • with
Ltneen'street trunk sewer. -.. as
nre.; to -wit r. -s'
d subsewer to rIIII on fourth
4K. 5!
,meet from Lincoln - street to.Cbase
t and from Chase streeC.to. the
p e alley running. between
th and Eighth streets., and lgtt
yveers :to runin.. the' a1.
1e1.. T uing betw FOnr0li land
FJfft. streets from Chase to : Vin
e.criVfatsnd tram Chase street fa a
feetVwest from Cnase street; also; to
11eY between,-:atb and,;,6ti
s r8 ZFrom`Chase.to170.feet east
%'`vine; s-77 s also - In the alley
eve Gth, and 7tIi,, streetsjfrou:
coin street to 280:Seet east from
Siiiit7 street_ and from Chsse'street
t'ooA270'`feet' east of;'Albert` street.
tales the 'afl�y{behceen 7th'' an
8t$. ireete nom ii se.to Ennice
tteets and 'tr kin Chase` to +400 feet
west. fiom Cb se street. ' -'� 'F
;The jpistrldt hereby -rt outlined ,„(is
described as: folrowe to,wit'"'Begrn-
nIng at'�a %point on-Silacolnyslree"
1l;0 fe *t north of he "north line
4th etreety,then n ing easterIS
a1an a tin ' ` n
� g. arallel wif,i
anl}uoititeq ? a of (4',176W- line1
0Lit9;ilR h s 1 . seat 1ine
Chase street= produced1'thcnce
ion,the east ltaof Cliase street p
on 'Fourth etraft to pt2e i stree
t duced to Fourth sreet; thence -
thence South :;o VIne etriet"te Fift
-ttseet thencQe eastt on,$ 'ifth stree
1.0 Albert}sireet7 thenee:'anith on
Albert street.ao Stxth's_treetJ thence,
on Sixth, street to 7 a7 point'. 100
,iwesttof, "the west.line•of:Eufiice
tytifence,'south on`a ins paral,
to agdt1Q0 feet west the west
f Eunice sheet;. to Seventh'
street,., thence Aeast '.ont Seventh
street vs to ,*FUniee street + thence
south on Ettniee streets -to the,all y
between Seventh and Eigith streets:
`thencet ',on the.:all; betweed",
Seventh and1.Eighth:fsir"eta'to`.a.
point .00 feet east from'`. tJl east- :ltne
of ,Ennice etreot thence south,?on"
tine parallel :to and.100"teettjat ; gt`
tke.,tieaaCa line of =,Eunice stre 'ut
:Eighth Street ° thence,4-wes
Eighth street to'; Lincoln `artr
ttencenorthi on Lincoln street
the" place of. beginning ;Jei
Said .sub- sewers andt',1gt eral -sg
era, to be constructed oflirst elu
vitrified clay;--pipe pr othdr sultab
material together withsthe neee
sary elde sew t`ere'manholes t; rate
!basins ' drains a wyes ',.openings an
.hppurtenances, nil of. 'proper' pr
portions and.; In doing suchlotlie
work in � connection ;= therewith has
may be iteeessary and alltin necord1 •
ante with ' the plane., and specl .ai .
ttone and maps to be- prepared lid
filed by the', City .Engineer on or 'b
fore the hearing thereof. -
�^.x,.5(2 That all persons who may!,
she to obieet thereto! are, rhert
notified to': appear ono: to pres:'�
encb. abjection tin writing at' iii
ilneethle of . the City Council, to ;tie
(held in`.the conncil:'chamber ,in' :',the
city" of `Port'�Angeles, Waehington;
o¢�the,18th; day of . tiSuly 1916 Tat:
ithe. hour of, 8 oclockt-P m 'wliichh
,tfine' and place.' is' hereby nxed-`.rol
then hear$ng , 0? all mattersl. relating
to .said :- `pro'poeed improvdment`,'�nd
all''obiectlons thereto,', and for (le,
termining the method of payment of
Said 'improvement. - "
(3) That the City Engineer shall
■ submit to the City Council at or,
. S.
�cni �d
\ pp�9 A w .1�, _ -s
13,9, CQ 4 &
0AA. C�Cv
lik.;,- •Ite-soliztioir:',
,.,.,-,-.... .:-._-,:;.--_-!.-:.-... ...„,,
I! l' ill'..That k If; ' ihe haention:-.
1 .CIti:Counclf to improve First. s
from the- east 'llne: of -Lincoln stre
to'. the center! line': of . Race: street;_by
paving " and ',.c!,71iiiie...thO'..sliain' 'v-rith.‘
isTiie !sub-snide shalt be!!:Eiliiped !: tg.'., 4.,
1 trie.-saitaCe7.evorivtlIniOheialinei,t4
di/Atwell below' tlieinteided oi: arida
true ,!.: surface of the : pavement; , as
shown ,.by theroas : section and',.PrO..
'neri_ iaiiizieie: to 'rolisiat ,OE!'
Paralle1-atrion .Of.,:concrote: six --; (
liiChes in - ifilaiiiiiii7itiethliteeli''n
e.lit4P'.'li4W0...tile Iiirliiro'Y.6-1.6eiii.
both sides on . 'ea-hcliide6rlife-ii
and - separ-4t!4.,035:.p.:Lcyit.t."1„,_atsip
fee4in. width; :located; fourteen,:
oneludf: (1t: '2) .Ie0.:onfel'sf4e:-,.
aiiiiiiZ646.!a1041;*<60%. thi'9) '
'., The itaibiaa.,2eitib`,;shailAbik);:reo4.
litruated:-in:t .loo-;-porallel 'lobe twelyk.
(iirt.fet 'illitantioin-7thO',111/4411",,en.ill
.stnith;-;_property lines:, o .s . .:, rsi
alroet,.:velth,iretttra',-endo;to: proper
lines at street ifittei*ieptiii.:.","!q!::!A
...i'-ii!eT!dikW*Iil:::1367iiii40“:1 Inch
- ,i WidO,'(311.1411,;.e1g4t.j8).■rip.c.408,/Wid
at the ,', bOtioni:*it ivienty'!!(2() iiiiiii
4-2 ilf,"' showing '''-i lifIn116
-4! s -14 h'!Vg -W,9F 7.,
TAU:, eartlf,vill1 bo.:-.-paid:. for= at ,..- th
rat!' 141q)0.';:901 ,7a1,1;,,-e74,,,:?:'62,*
iciilit!Alle:-:iiiie! ild:rber,lkiviile,.-34411.
6 areteeurb .O•111beqiiile for- at
the . rate ,b1d., per lineal foot.:41.:4,-..,:„.04-,
The f...concretepayemen1 191a11,-..te.
tivOeOarsii!-Portland''Centent - pair.e4r-
?.''', ;-' --,!-=!:-,4:::::.,=,' **"..4.....•-4-,,S.:-.-....!,-7:,t,-, '
4Tha,,.concretei basqlshall tib e= four
and 9°01a44 'A72)-_,:ii'0as:4N*?;,!4„
c'O'Aikit:.: of ;one,;.(1):::inait,:paf,;;Kortlead.
0,.-Iii4,"41, (3).--.14't4'..orifhlilhcl
and four (4) .paits::or iiivet;k..---,-.4-.T.3.
;,■..,The• concrete;wearing: purfaceshall-
bb;Oto ilid,;.!Mtarliolf. j (1 '.,•1,4) 1 1#0,?. i
opor..).iiii:;66iiif4„ Olio' (1) .!!!i.44: i,f,
Portland beUient;'',Una(i)::l.parO'Of
'4.11*.ka.A1.06,(1-)!;1)'A PCATI60rT"1!,
.1)1efore!"!(he"-„tiitie!!iffis iiiIiiteil:16.,..sK
4a-7, .10 iip-7 Oise.;longer l.'ttliirO, thirtY
- 't$nInutes. i;eicii.e!tli(i first Of 4 it
1140 :beln,Aahtfibiie iiiill,;66.:?aPV:siik•
',the'ref.4 the CilitereiECiielizilig! inii-;!
l'il'-:!cOncieta.ti,e!iijig ''66i1fi!C!
h i iti, 1 ead. on ' the base lelTnedL.
tatelyisa t ' maxilla and shall ,;'. Coil=
form.: azi . croii&i. grade ' cif!'llnisheil
:tipalialeav4 joints '-.; aball :-, be .-.' con
ttliCted,'aarass:'tbe =;dadVti.=a1.rin*
l'elic1eSs4ethlk eenter.:fine i' at 1See.t.
' /44•34.tiiiirti,11.1(3o)Tteefiiifflibai.0tf&
leAcP;ihii■irgifA4,ir?.eniiriyk depth ;.4 6
eiiiiiitiiiid;litr.i tilalnimutil width
604,5thill - ,.•(Y-4)Iiich
And :'autlai: ether: :work as - may ,.:=:,:b
V '.fiet3: 15:910iit!66Lt..h!3r690.1
al: Intaccqrdaq ivith!,plans, and , sp
Olflan ,. ons:Stb:he Irailared ,...!;. by '', the
CIO': figijOneer, on ! Or .! before.= the time
11x0":"Wrelzi tii.:tlie lieikiRk-int0i,t
(2)A,Miat all :pers-90.,:t90del
sire 'foi Object thereto are-hereby - i;p,
,■in9d tof ai■iiear - aqd :. present sue4
, objecyombit ijneet,:jkig , of *the City'
\-■0 ti a
Citi, Of: po4/A4.`
S0pm. on the lSth 44:T
tiail."plieit- bete=
flied unitttnitre:
7.14: litaitt..proposed hOuglinaeht.-
ment isaldFicakinTmenikI",
submlt totbeC1ty ;(3piuicil; at•;:,
lielOre!'sa4ate,-77all :alas ln-.
foniakoR:iiquire d bLIaw ' to' he: suh.:
anci-emense of
nabl:16ProTenients e■bir
26 day: of :Rule