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z.--,..z.,:-...., --.0,4,4,4,4„...Y4,,,76,.
112119111Vese t/
the-north. .PronttStreat-to.th
:Street' froin
tanner, ba,b11no ., of 1. the-I:Port -btu- ,.;
meow Itiky;
'.,.1.' ;i 11t.
h' e,Cbity. o u pertIgg,
rel...-by l, p wlh'ersosoted piles.
.reitlfug pMeging. ha full
rldth -or. d-Mtret."eo as to 0011-
. .
00:- level :and grade
-7 with; Front Streetfiniproved': In AC-
cordon/IV .vrithItResolution .r., No. ..t40.•
• s, Ureati ...`e .local. improvement Ills-
trict btrefor and providing • - that
v.payment therefor .10e'mada. by 'special!
"Assessments :upon the property . In'
paid `-district1" payable': by-the mode.
:."1. Of "I/ayraent,, by :Bonds:. , - • ' .7.
That, Cherry :Street !In'
the.teitTet Port ,'Angeles. 'Washington:"
front the . north +line.' of Fro
to-ithe Inner Herber :Dine o rt
es . Bay., be', improved og
tit ^ creosoted 'piles.. "7"trentl 0.1
planklogl:the , full 4 width -1. the so
aa. to ' connect." and be .'on -a ,lav . and
grade: with '.. Front Street • ao :Imp 'timed.
and . cOnstriict 1 sidewalluit'and ...` guard
rails ::where " necessar0r. ,:. and * do - such
other 'works ,AF,.. may :' toes necessary"sin
connection therewith. according to the
lane and spechications- therefor.' pre-
ared under. the direction-,of the - City
ng I ieer ' n- d m . e, 7 in - 111. , Office .A;o1f
thCRY Cle -l.7,.
Section'2 at:the ,-,
I cost, and 7 ex-
beese,ot-- Iniprovement1,-Includiuir.
all necivisa d.litieldental• empensels.
shall:vb - .J411.bWonc tebe '.assessed
again roneHy ..' ncluded'. In , the
asses tifct:Aherelnafter !,‘cre.,
-' nitp -At -leto. k The L CIL,. of.
Port i- :Abgele hall: not ...be -.liable: In
ogy,olenner.., 66,' ::any' portion 7 of :1 the
toot,' or ;1expeliSe..1of :.saitt -linprovement
o4 Section 7 3.7`..;That .7 there*- In -1? hereby
established 1:`01:71ocaDisnigevementt tils-'
trict . to be t„"alled-L0LocaltiImprovement'
District* No., -404: which
....' :j. : 1 am!i.. district
Is idescribede afollow st,7„. 4,gogt
betweeii '0 the
terniint ef: said ..: improveineot-MbUtt ing
apoo.'t atIJAcent.'ivicinal ;or 1-proximate
Ito '!: eUeh..", tiortIon of, saki 1 etreetA . to ; A:
dhstenee; back- -tram, the marginal 'lines'
thereof. as, provided by law1 the same,
:comprising 'or ineluding :Lots', Slv."-(4):'
'Seven0; (7).OEightl. IS); i NI ne 17(9) 'tend
-.T001(10) 10 Block Two (2):-. and. -Doti.
One .A (1) Two 10(2). ` Three, . (3); Four
341,4and - Five -AS) ' [O.:Block'Tillun- (3),
,ofittlie:- Port Angelett Toornsite. Wosht.
a:Section' • 4,...:+ Bends jbearing, interest
at; 1 the t rate ,of seven:,(7) 7per 'cent ' per.
annum ... payubl ex ont.; or- oeforAr twelve
(1!) yearn from ;date 'oft their 1isuanee.
.shall.. be 'issued. In"paymenttof. the"Uost
Attid17.1texpensCy-of ..".said4;imprOvement.
tVehlehta bonds shall q be ,.tedeemed.t".bit.'
the .7 eolleeticin 4 Of 4813661010:nesesin enta:
tio7:b-,leviedt.Uild"".-asseased -.upon .ittlie,
prO04 perty1-•within4said.:dietilet1..paYable
10,1.0 equal t annual. instaihnents; "With;
intereise7thereon-0atI the': rate 7106., seiteil:
(7)0i:paY:-Ytent'llier 0AnnUm70tunder "the
niode1007Payinentby: Dentist.' as ; de.'
flnildttbyt lawtt and oroiriiinces '. of , th
These"i bonds' '". shill', ne 0 delivered'!" t
_Hut:contractor :in k rederMition cif .- war
rants,on i the ,Locill:, Improvement Digt
trict Fund :issued- on estimates of ' the
Se on 1; 5.4' -This kt Ordinance ',-' shall/
taln,Mtect . and be -'1n force ;from and"
after:live . daye after its lawful publl-
• - •-•"t Passed LJUite 27, 1916.•,••
• ?.
;Approved June 28, 1916 ti, ...:;'"',1,...'
PublIshed Sept. S. ISIS. ",,,,, ',Pr.,.
Atteatt.,1,...- ,tA..., f..., r,,0■1.... Mayor.,
4.7;1135 .0:11, .J. L. -.' DEAN, - Ci ty t Clerk.
s L.
ee_L.Ak ot
(a,AA Qcr.,„Akes
ot`ck.s. ikt.a•c#J,
laNk .sam%
\X):A.V. C.S■SLO-k-og_ N-■)&4111 i
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30k. o, 33A Q,..'&
\.}J o , u\sus-Ni,,\
kVA _. \‘‘,As,
Q4:j1o_,s1 uvt3k5 Q
v-u-V(5,26Alk 3.d.134-
\k‘Sis, Ittk
V.I-Orrs*Nr\n aWrIA
iLts, ,X,,..13-10,,19-way,,, /9/ 4,,