HomeMy WebLinkAbout0547'AN:; ORDINAT{CH.- :ordering.,=the ^eop-
' :`'atructlon. of" av lateral ,•sewer, along
.?‘ the south aide of :First Street In the
City, f o tlAeget.a from the lout
+- we as of, Flrat ,aod• Ltncola
4 "Streets to_ nneetio wlth'a lateral,
f,;" sewer .abp two_ hunted- feet 28RL
`. ;the utbeaat: earner ,of :First:
t1. ereatL a�lgepl,lm
t - district - gee. '. ,.and
:djpecial. fund in.-and
or - the. payment; of -said'
at by`sp.elal asseasmants
led against the property
district and for the'Mode
thy Bonder:.;. <.•_
S hat,i l he4reby'.sore r-
1.',.." mat ,16 la t hereby'. sewer' and J1de.1 that - ay latest sewer'.b
cons ed along.: the south; aide/o
Firs from . t rSlet In the Cty of PortAngele
from . t1 0outhweat'feornerc6 of . Firs
withaincpin { Sewer,eV- eV-about too
with tee eral newer; ab:abouttwo:hun-
ed teetteaa nd-Fir the.eoutkeaat cos=
r at; Oak and• -F"cat Sheet.. together
th tbe-neces; othe catebn baalna wyey
nholee'•.and ether;openenge.s It ',arm
Id .ewer -,to Sak.'Gla Glazed first
Inns :vitrified Salt-. Glssed.nd,do. Pipe
Dr er,!wo eltable. awl: attend, domeueh
other- *work as may(tie -tnecesaary.rin
connection; therewitb.;all;ln; accordance
.wlth-plan., mapa.7• and !eapenlacatlope
tprepared :by the .CIty:Englneei- on file
o the -odlce of the- coiti lark.. &fie
;r Seetloi.•structan -orth later,.espener.
:otthe.eonntruedon of'th5 lit -ail- sewer.
eecrling, :n Section'n;'of thle=drdesearY.
eznenses. sh l dncidental,and.neeeatary
espenaee:t the.be•.borae by an rt.witsa
ed against. thS property •situated dtwlthl
.the „Dlatrlct hereles.sha,creatbe.11 The
C;:ell Port er,tora'ehaIL. not00itabe
It[ any manner for;anp portion of,Othe
Coat oro eipen,e of eueltsaewer.'Mblis}-
7 Sectloria,' There`ta;h reby;eat,'tO:be
ed a local; tce1.rovement dlntrleti to ,;be
called "Jx,cal•1tlmprovement Dlatrle
N6 41 i and described .1t rollows, .to=
'wit t•?. - - ,�+ntr.=. lu”
�LrAB dies nsseasah- "Letweerty.betweeu
the terminl to wit :;between theeouth-
Streeteoreer orl Llnt"don Cedtin Fire
Street. anil:at a polatoonnectingwltfi
at l:eitat newer, about }two- ; €hundre
feet snag from= Streetetheaat' coiner'
Oak andPertyq Streets,.and ;all: ease
able }property!lmate ing on,'.: adlacen
:vlclrnuI, hpproalmate'.to the,aoutlt 8)
of..eald- {Pleat. Street, "according: to;.la
sSectlotiont- The pinns.!rmepa =a
specification. for the eonstructlon:, f
the lateral' eewer h11- Sin,,ordered;.,p
pared by the City !nglneer arnI own
in the office. of the City Clerk bit it
the name, -are hereby; adopted..du4,.:
- Sectlu. p1. Bonds..bearin -lute
-="frit' the rn(ao[ .even (7) per cent per
num.-pkyablekM on J.ar betore;5;seYesi
ea }a fromahe data •ot their isouad'ce,
hail be•3ldeogd r In 1' payment 'of^ e
coat and :espense• of eUeh4lateral,a
herein ordered, _ yvhich - honda -.hat
redeems 1. -I,$ the eoilectlon of line
tiaseanment8:' to x$p e levied and', arse:
withinteaid: dl trltt -aliabrovided
described ")n- Section:.or -thla ord
once pa able 1u five L•pual ;enntial1
atallmentes.wlth Flntereat thereon,_
he rate• of.;edven;,(7): per ceutr per(.
nut, under' ?the Ym ode ' of payments'
bonds. 1 Those :bonds may be:.deltver•
Oa, tl a contr actor" 1n' pnyment,o,. r. -
emptlonLo- warrant8'f. ieoUed :to Lthe
entrnctor. """on ' estiniatee of, ther!CI
Engineer against•sairt'apeclnl"DIatrTc
fund or the' City of Port Angeles Lpft
at Its election soli each +bonds and mlik:
ouch m
redeptions of Much special : fund'
warrants: Y( .•.as,1Fr ,q....yr,',/
I. 8 eotlott 6 4This ordinance shall take'
. effe t at 1 lie In force =Yom and.:after'
(five days after, Ita lawful publication.'
t i t . i F -J W 1LTON, Attes •Y-.. T I.-i v
v Mayor.:
J Lin BEAM.' Clty'Clerk
ri 'Passes July 18 1916.•".- %
1 Approved'.. July 19.1916.' Z (Seal).
.Published July 1 1916
'S\. 5 41.
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