HomeMy WebLinkAbout0549• OLLOI7ANCE X0.: ',441,;.; ^. oAn. ordinance; ordeHng •acdriding, for the Improretaent otimut ln_the egret ;Port �tngelsa tbe'
East line of Llncola'•Stre t to ',the
center line of. Dace Street; br pa�tf�tng'
:and- curbing ^. the .tame 'with Lon=
-erete all In: aceordaace;w)th,Resole -:'
!Ion- No. '45 et: the. City ;Cond 1' of
the'City of Angeles,•crea g a•
.local Improvement' diatrlct th for'
and providing: that payment for said
„Jtaprolement. +he made , by - special
- 'assessments -upon property+.. ln4 said
'- 'district:. payable 'by„ mode of • Pay-
meat by Honda...
{ Secton 1.- That; First :Street Dui. the
City.' of, PPaprt Angeles" from the ,East
line, of:;Llncoln ' Street to the center
11ne' ofi Race .Street.. be' improved` by
paving and curbing me, same as fol -:
lows, to -wit: c.' +t't•
.t• he sub grade ,shall. be sloped Ito a
eurface.everywhere,.' the. reduired
distance -below' the intended or larade .
true•eurface of the. pavement. an4hown;
by, the.- cross section and prolUe'r The'
pavement t to consist •of ^two rallel';
strips ,'of concrete 515 ;: (6) .. Inches : hi,
thickness and; thirteen- and-: one -halt:
(13' +1- 2),'feet;. In( w(ldth:'C? the. ?entlre
length • of,. the'improvement : on '• both
sides and": separated ;l, a.central- ,.trip
of; each, grade sU'eotlj:excepting; that'
at1 the :;'Interaoctlons+fsormod .,by „ + the
Crossings -_of" phase: N. Peabody: "Ylne;'
4.4Eunieo 'and Francis: and�Itace
to, Its ;center line- the;, concrete; pave-
ment shall coverJ.the ontlre Interred=
tient,' .IY(6)lnchen rotes.' A concrete'
curb -shall be.r Consti-unted ""Ini. connee -:
tlon t with fourteen foot`dlatent; from
tlie' north and ;south_ lines;of.ealdtFiret
Street r. with ".return ends +to' property
lines %.at Street §Interaectlone 122 feet
from'property'llnoe flze& by sahl8eeo -,
lutlon »,42 _,being -1 hereby Changed I': to
fourteenafeet•;,to-.avold :lineeiand_ set -'
tIng-ufitelegrapk:¢nd,phone" pole. axed
by ordinance 'An d to,,do.}�such Other
wort an-may be 'necessary Id connecv
tlon`thei'esy th 'a11 Jn. aceordance .with'
the',-, plans !Andaapeellaatlone'rtherpfor,"
prepared Under t the/ dlrecttone -UM the',
City.` Engineer' and' onutile An, the office
of ..t(ter.IClty ,Cierk:'t -xyv ;:v ZTtr'T'"' ".•
;-t Section, 2..t That t the costn.f
, a oz-;
penile: of said iimprovement.''Includ ing
alI necohaary nnd!Jncldental'• ezpenees;
Shall .be'-borne by" and assessed, agalae
the ' 'property ' '.Included r. In' the ;- anneals -�
mint 'District + hereinafter e' created 'de;
a cordanoe 'with '.--. law. Tho City rof;
P rt`L'Angelea shall o be; liable "lit'
any Em y annerl'for?tan portion o[ ttie•1
coati- or,,expenee ^of. said Iinprovembn£;
SSectlon 2.' There Is a hereby estab-
llihed't' locar•dmprovemontt district to:
bo called •Local- Improvement Dletrlet,
No -+r43,nrwhIch•p said fidletrlct in de
scribed rats,. follows:F'J AllS property be- -.
tureen i:the•` termini or 0ea01,+ lmpro%'e
mene- 'abuttinggiven.'nd]ncent vlct'al
or lnpproxlmate totsuch °portln(tt 01 5111,1
Firet;'Street t to n ?dlstanc xhaek� from.
the' marginal linr e thereof /to thel mid,•
dleI of -'Ute blocks. ail provfded,b -Iaw;
tY Secttona 4 Roads tbearlhg,l Interest'
at •the •rate of. seven (7) (per "centipar
annum+t'payabley!on or .before twelve
yearn from" the date of tnelr:rlanuance•
shall be tested In payment'of that cost'
and expense of t+eaid"tlmprorem ent.
which .bondsa she] irbo redeemed a by. epaclal -- eseeeament °to be levlod
naaeeaed.•upon n the s properly 4 WIthin
said,dletrlct Payable Io ten,equal an
nuns Installment with Interest arthe
rate ofseeven (7) -per cent • per annum;
under thew mode e'e Payment ai b$
Bonds ins requlr d. by law and ordin-
ances of r the CI y- of Port Angeles,
These n
bods ehal_be delivered to the•
JContractor In redemption,of,warrants,
on the - ''Local++ amprovementrt!Dlatrlct
Fund,'IesuedVon estimates of'the,CIty.
Engineer, or the City, of: Port' Angeles.
may at Is electiont sell said, bends and;
make} huoh redeniptlon In cash +'f:rt',
M Section 6 The'eald"plans` and apecl',.
gent' bus : on file, wltlttthe .-CItyq Clerk•'
wherehi•c they :dIPer + freer the aped.
cations; named,. In!!Reaolutjon No g43;.
wherein. a'•eaving. of,: enet`and, better.
..work' are; secured :'artr hereby ,'adopted'
and ehall be'' followed Instead' of those
named, In said; reaoluII on. n't,',*+• ! z w:v
,_ ;'Section i6:: ?.ThIs- 'ordinance 'then ;take
effect. and ;tie In force, from an,l after
eve "days °after;, its publlcatlon•'accord-'
tag ..to'lasv J,44'- ^ >...g t.•.y,j
;, Passed• August 1st. 1)16. '•
'ti Approved August 2nd 1916 + 1'
Publlahe l Augu t 4th, 1916:
-,' t /,E J WALTON, • ''
Attoet _ J.. _1lEA1(f. City Clerk, ayor..-
@sti�.l.sv�6 f-4- 9 o - 5 if 9,
'WUar. 4 C9.o.519.a1w. S •S •
i. ¥ ., Ufa, r,A;s;,ac� c1 T . of
test C.fi ,u% Q'o`t H- Nnctsaika. L' o y-., og C91,NMaw..
�9- $o.>Z�tt -a�r.� �lit3/.H.w•,.c� &..�fit.Qy� " �r
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