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oanUI faC,
CE- relatingto,le
ltgmr �ithln>tha Clty".of Pert.
,keep, mlUa iuidd, ?dis ''
'. . ascot. except In certala;casea,--
soliciting-, and = .taklagS.of ord
7/ Wthereton: the •adveruaement. +the
and the making of -false statements
or,r the . purpose r of obtaining z the
e: declaring certain places 155 be
:: nuisances and • providing- fir,,. their
abatement-= regulating • the keeping.
- sale and 'disposition of. intoxicating
liquor by-druggists and pharmaclsta.
the, prescription - thereof by':physl-
clang'-the transportation. thereof' and
"aiding for the search' for and eels-
(land' destruction 4-thereof: pre-
,' ilsrt5ing't the powers and duties of cer-
tain ?otncera,and the forms of pro-
cedure'and. the rule. of -evidence • In
canes and - proceedings hereunder. and
Axing 'penalties 'for violations here-
:Sof : repealing. all ordinance. and parts
otr ordinances In conflict herewith.
tty. Be It ordained by the City "of Port
Angeles as 'follows ',jell, ^} ?v '•.>i ?i
fir- Section'," 1 :This entire °ordinance
shall s bet deemed an'- exercise - ot -the
ioolice powers of. the State -of. Washing
on, and of the Clty^'of:Port (Angeles,
r'the protection "Of ,the, economic and
cial A. welfare... health;-.•- -peace - and
orate of the Ateoplet or: the: City of
s�pport "Angeles. and alt of Its provisions
shall '-be -- liberally fsconstrued A +for , th
abbomplishment of -that purpose. st,-•..:_
Section: 2 -The phrase -Intoxicating
t• Liquor... wherever peed In this- ordin-
- ce. shall be held and construed to in
t ude "whiskey - branddy. gin. rum, wine,
a beer andany. lrUous,.vinous. fer
(mated,: or: malt" lion .and. every .other
llquor -and :every•ot erjiquor or liquid
ontatntng Sjiintozlcatlog -, _. properties.
hich it65eapable:of.. being -used aO";a
everage (whether t medicated'; or not,
nd a all :•Iff ulds. %whether. proprietary,
patented t opt not:" which *contain + any
A;alcoltpl." "which' are"' capable;;ot being,
used. as a beverage: _aaasv' .ri,a,t. .r
. is-.Section ' r 3. b The ,;3 word:[:+ "person"
, whereever _I used.: in i4 this t' ordinance,
!Mall 'be- held. and. construed -to.: mean
j - and *Include ?natural persons, ,,...• firma
I co- partnerships and ! corporations' and
all ^ clubs _and: aseoclataons . of": natural
�'- persons. whether acting by tkemselvei
or-by .a. servant. agent, or, employe )&
r', The term, "Common Carrier.. when
�, oiled in this, ordinance, - includes' all
railroads. " railroad. companies,, Street
rrailroads.'.' street? railroad ' companies
steamboat a companies. 4- express as com-
Ypanles'car :companies, t. sleeping car
ti companies. ,freight companies, freight
:line companies, and every corporation.
• company'. association,' joint. -stock -'as-
. sociation, partnership, or: person„- their
=lessees .;trustees or. receivers-, appoint-
edfby any -, pourL - whataoever, . owning,
∎operating, +; managing ,,' or' ;controlling
any:euch "agency for, public: use' In the
rconveyanee :of, persons or. property into
,,or. within,tbe. City, of -Port :Angeles. ^',o
eft Section ?4, .?. It, ;shall ,'be, unlawful .for
any t person - wlthln' the- City of. Port
;Angeles „to', Manufacture. -sell. :barter,:
exchange: -gave away,aurnlsh or:other-
"waseodisposed, of ante. intoxicating
-llquor or'+- to keep, any t tutor !eating
(liquor -with • Intent 'tog sell;: barter:' ex-
change':'glvo - away.` - furnish . or other -,
,wisojlIspose, of the same.' except assn
this,;: ordinance ^set P.«_ forth; - .provided:
however.:. that it .shall be unlawful
,.fora person to "give away . ntoxicating
liquor,. to be „drunk on- the:. premlees,
to a guest° In his private dwelling or
- apartment 1.-which is t, not a place .!o
public • resort A The y^ giving • -away o
'otherwise, disposing'?: of c h.toxictttln
liquor, except'- -as • In Ir, this' ordinanc
provided,, or any shift 'device or- sub
1.terluge, :'to s evade "'the - provisions -; o
this ordinance,. shall " be deemed "un
awful,? within the meaning of tills
dinanee v :x ^a e^eu:,- ..4t;.I
ectlon -5 It shall' bb unlawful - fo
y a pereows owning. a'- leasing,: rents
+occupying any ' :premises':. building,
ehicle -- or ...boat within the: City' -of
ort :Angeles to knowinglypormlt in -
oxicnting .. liquor to be manufactured,:
sold bartered. exchanged, •given away.
urnished" or. otherwise " disposed -' of
itvlthin said CIt In 'violation of the
%provisions.. ordinance.: or. to be
`kept: wt t" to sell. barter, ex-
than a away, furnish or --others,
wide" dispoo of • �he�Sa m-R-1e ?violation,
@./...S... t o,.,+(....c,s_- `(■ . 55 o
pollee- judge„ot:aald 1Ufs'a; vioh
ties n0'. ap:provlslonaeor thia'neetlom
ateh lea appeal has:ibaia- taken.- from
suebh: ,. court troika's be =the nduty:
Of. the:coarttin all ' wkoal -thet oonvlc -t
tioa la= bad;;:(. 54 altleS to e reig:aing, 'side dPIn a r" rhea :"to - rder :the' defend ash p pre(_
fenda --[o- 'order: tqe-detendaat-o►•'de-
faadants'.In.,sa tton ,to forthwith
it t abate and remo ach nuteaneff nd,
If within la; one by each offend-
witbe- roan hour;' the
shall - be. -tabs d:'.removed : by
anpthotity- of of vo Uetp
the City ofP gele;.t� er
other officer authorised by or
of - said =sour whtcn? aatd l orrrrrrdddddder l of
abatement .ngu -be •:entered' upon -the
docket of the. court- and;made a part•
of the - judgment In l the-section- >',, - -
'. Section :G. It :shall be_nnlawful for
Many. person to take .or solicit * within
{the' City, of, Port-Angeles, omens for
{the purchase or sale of any'Intoxlcat
jIns _ liquor.-5 - either.'.inf person �or by
j sign. circular letter, postal.'hand, bill,
fffPPPcard. priceUat. advertisement' or other,
wire. or_to- dlstrlbute.. -publish ,or -dies.
play, -, any:_:advertisement?tt sign or
notice.' naming-; representing-: descrlb-
ing or referringto the quaUtyor quaff -•
hies is off any *1ntoxicatng , Uquor. =' or,
.kivitig.the-name or address of MIS per
sow, mauutacturingt or?' dealing - in .< In-..
[orienting Ilquoneort stating where any
such. liquor may- be obtained- •"-nese
'Section, 7. Nothing. In .this ordinance'
shall be construed to .prohlbit a`. -Mgr.-
tetered druggist oripbarmacist witbtin'
the City- ot. Pork Angeles from selling
(`intoxicating liquorpfor- .. medicinal ,pur-
.poses. upon the prescription.:' of 31
licensed physician as.: herein provides
or for mental:purposee„upogthe'
^order of a': elergymaq an berelnt,pro
'vided or from'sellingnlcoholtfor -me
`chanicaor;: cbemical 54 purposes".• only,'.
j l.
upon_ the ;written- oroer -or the , Mayor:
:the Chief of :Police or' the Police'Judge.
of- then City: =oC Port_Angele9,:• but It
akalI ebe:tuniawtut," for • suchldrugglst
For - pharmacist`) to .permit ^+Sang -such;
,Itquors to:be'drunki:vpon 'the 'premises
where,solaL Everyjdruggist'or•pharm-
acist selling'±Intoxi .tinge liquor n or
alcohol •for• the rpurposea • uboveS pro-
'v)ded, shall keep:!'a'true; and :(exact-
record!l we" , book,provIded byjhlm'for
that purpose, In whlch'shali.be- entered
at the"time -of every sale. of intoxi_.
cating,Uguor or'alco1seo made by.' him
file employes' clerks -or agents In or
about' his- place of:.business the -. date
othe- sale; -. the 'name or the'purchaser.
his- place - of,'residence. - .:stating 1. the
street-" 000 bouso .number. (It :there'be
such),'. the kind; :quantity : and$prlco C of
seek- limier" r, alcohol ,and: the "purpose
for which-It -1 sold and when.tke, sale
ls. for medleina14 or•_sacramental -put'
poses, i the ;nattier of:;the: physician: is-
Isuing the` preecrlption;gr of the :clergy -,
• man zgiving' the 'order - therefor, and;
'when: the. Bala^ot -- alcohol for .rnechani-
cal or.'chamical purposes the namoof
S. the, ofllder `giving. the-order andsth
: purchase- shall be `required to+'si
t r. the reeordrot the -Sale In the "book
'- Whenever any druggie6 on pharmnclggT
. fllisssalt prescriptiona.t -tor^b intoxicating,
llquor, rho-. shall cannel the ;^samo /156.
!writing-acress the faeelthereofAn ink,;
"the word '.'cancelled " -- with- the -date tilt
which -It was presented,and'fllled,?And:
shall keep-,tlie-oanaeson i file.: separate
from other prescriptions and no=ngq4hi
prescription shall be -filled agaln:•:St1eh-
book and "all, prescrlptlona foef'ntojd -'
eating- liquors - filled- snail be „opcn,t-
Inspection, by any prosecuting attornt
of. Claila County, or' City,`Attorr44a 5.
Ponce. Judge' er'Justice of ,thee Pen e:
of Port %Angeles. "Sheriff or - ConstableQ
of- said Clallam County.;: Chief of Police
or. other 'police 0 Ill 00rs: or member sot
the City- Council of Port':Angeles Alt
shall. .110 - unlawful for any'. druggist. or
pharmacist., within 5:said ; Clty to r_ fail
r- neglect• to keep such record, ur to
destroy er1n "any -way - alter`any :ouch
record or . entry • therein or any, ,' pre
scripton tilled, or to permit dr. pro
cure name to bo destroyed or altered,
or to refuse ; Inspection -thereof :to .00-1 ,
person entitleds to such <. Inspection. of
to fall or neglect to:- cancel any.” suck
prescriptions• or to refill any prescrip
tlon or to.soll intoxicating,ilgnor" - for
medicinal, purposes except on 3a, writ
ten prescription of is Manse yhyst,:.
clan or a fora sacramental a•. purposes;
without 'An '.order signed by a clergy.,
man, on to :'"soli any alcohol or::zme-
chanlcal "or. chemical purposvithou
the order-of the Mayor; .Chlehot?Pelle
or :the Police Judge- :oh-the,City ..s Of
Port Angeles' -and obtaining signatures'
of ^the - purchaser. 11 Provlded,,'tthat
atuedd d lb(t the. .ale by a:drug -,
gist r . armaclet' of -such ntoxlcat-
nothl sjp. "contained 'shall : be con -
ing 11gdorras•may- be needed b' or for
a sick person' in :base: of. extreme 111- j
dngewlfere: alclay :may be- ddngeroug -to'a
the• atient n,A druggist or pharmacist,
who pow- second: conviction of unlawh.
fit v selling Intoxicating liquor or. pf.
a ther-act.1n- violation of this see,-
t1 hall : not.: In "addition to the pen-
al hereinafter provided. within two
Years thereafter; either personally or
tie,. agent' sell intoxicating liquor, for.
i any purpose ; whatsoever within � th
City of :Port ."Angeles. O- ,0la.' d ", r
%.it;,$ectlon' 1,- It shall' be unlawful for
any ..licensed - physician ' within c the
City of Port.. Angeles: to Issue - a.: pre"
scriptlon !for Intoxicating 's liquor ear
coot in writing,- or in any' case unlos_.
ha has good. reason to believe, that the
person for whom It is !genet/As actu
-115- sick,- and that the llquorl,Is. re -.
r a intoxiclating liquor shall han -:
I rain the name and address of the phy
�eiclan, the name and quantity of liquor=
.porecrlbcd, and the name of the perapn
for w oln, prescribed,- the date od'
'evhtch, thk:prescript)on is written, ati'1
°directions for the use of the Iiquor so'
prescribed. = Upon the conviction the
;second time of any licensed physician
Ian violation of the provisions of tills
:webern, it shrill be unlawful for such
!physician thereafter to write any -llre-
ltheett t•ICyr.ganrt all premise
inge7svehleiee and bonts-whereon•
whe[einkln bald: City. lntoxlcating-
Iquoa Is: ninbufnetureq�p7d rteerred.
exchange t > vltY ".`.YQe --rr ,stir,
ger a
,o ;gM' rts'o, f oxr c `ane, , l
away, or, otherwise dispose'
, h
@@ ill(: violations• oare re co pro -.
• As ol';lhls • ordinance comuhlonx
antes and may be ,abated sown;-'!
^ ^dl Upon '%sc nViction'5, of thee. owner,
e epant or .occupant'- -ors any
i hefting "vehicle or boat of
of the 'provisions of this
the police :judge of said:: City
;der that {"ouch - nuloabtce be'
nd that such ,`promise,,.bulld_-
ecor • joat, be closed -unt-
llesse, tenant'er occupan
1 give bond wlth.a Leddl
to' b11 approved'jby ath
the•o rdor in the-po
uhdred - Dollars, , pay
t Angel a .a
tu s
ange n away, turn=
herwlse' disposed of thereon,
r" [e or kept thereon or therein,
it i' to sell, barter, exchange.
vet : .!: or 'otherwise - dispose ef
ame trary • to this ordinance and.
tha . -�f[. will pay al Ones costa and
damages that may 1i ssessed against
him, for any violation of this ordin-
co; and in case of the violation of
by condition of such bond, the,whole
amount may be recovered as a pen.
alty, for the use of the City of Port
Angeles wherein the prom ices are
Vi and In _all canes where any
that.]: has • b000 concfcte 1 -bt ore a
ocr^l ale {o ntoXIIC irlIshing, Hand i
.ball D,' unlawt�ul for anyq�dr ggts or
Pharmacist: to"jtnowingly-511any;!ueh-
prescription .written .or signed,• by any
physician. who has been convicted :the
second time of-a- vlolntlon of the "Pro'
of this section. ' y
°i Section 9.-7,-It eha11 be unlace 1
any person 'directly ' or .tndlrectlY'
keep or. maintain "-within the CIO?, of
Port Angeles by himself or by.asoet-
aUog.with others. or to Many manna.'
aid. assist' or abet in keeping. or mSbD • .
talning- any club house "or club.'roorp
or other place - in -which antorieatiqg
liquor is received or kept for the nog-
Pose of use. gift barter.sale • or: other
disposition. or 'for the purpose - of. dide'i
tribution or env-talon among the menit�
here • of any''clu6 or. asaohlatlon'
guests or,vlsitors thereof;gr
plaectiof 10, pe on. I •tae ll them
plslnt of any peraaq It "sash them t.
to : appear to 1 judge taat";therej,f0'
Probably. cause use to believe e- thatactllrxlr�
eating . liquor lls being.: manufactured.
wig•barlerrjl� exchanged,�given away;
furnished. or. otherwise-:dlapoaed <ofior.
kept - In'.1-flotation. 'o1" the. provision ; of
le ordinance„ such, police `judge' shall-
Issue . a warrant :directed.'to .any - peace'
officer An:the- City -or: County of Clef:
lam, commanding Manta search -:the
premises ...designated and - described - j9
such call o b ant :and." warrant, an the
seize . alt , iatoxicatingk.11quor. the
found,<_together with .vessels-An table
it Els n' contained, st and'_bntl aimpletnen
used or kept ;for the_ltegar menu
fury sale,. *_barter excserwia :atglvlu
nway furniahing or cotherwisa 1 1 ke
ingot each :llguor and:: to eafeslyaltee
the<sa rr and tett make's( urn
said warrant .within: three shojvcr
log e. all *facts : and things-;do 'there(
under. :with "•:.:.particular.: statement: Of e
all articles seized anti, the ee rose' -"the
pereon%or persons :in' whoeelpossesslon
the - -same: were. ,'any: ands If
o person • be found-, in, the 'possession
of.?-said -- ' - articles ' tae: return ;shall -so
state- - A!copy, of -said' warrantahall ?be
served' I. upon;: the n person ' ore parsons
found -in possession•of such intoxicat
ing: :liquor, or -Implements so ^'dselied:
andaf :no ".person be found In!the;pos
eselon, thereof; a copy,ofsaid. Warrant .
hall be, posted n
o: the ,• door :. of !the
budding ' r, room" 'iiherein -the game
are. found -c Or tf there: be no door,.
then, In any. conspicuous place ;upon
the, premises :;, .^,
ti' Sec tlon s provided the .the next :of :the'.
warrant' as provided in: the. next: pre-
' °-section +'t the xr police, <yudge
shall"' era'. time ten days
andynot more; than, thlrty.,days; there-
after,, for- the ',he of Rd ai return,
when h he, shall pre eeeea eed:to.liearland;de-
termine whether or ,not, thecarticlre
o"•setted, =- any ty •:part.: th pt or:- sed or, In; any.amanner'.ttept-:or:-pea-
ssed byobatlnparson:9?.the herinton-
00 thi ordinting any. othhe, provisions
of' thls.ordinance. ilt;:uponiauch':hear
ins;` the evidence warrants and :• the
:Court so finds- or it e'persen "shall
appear as, :elaim f anl. the, poldestredge
shall,order.such lded, hleever.'stroyed
forthwith- Provided; howeder. t.go anf
In Abe, opinion Ies>oe j'ollco. judge -any
of^ouch nrticlea anther a: man trtntoxl
caing.liquor' and such.implements. are •
of•value and, adapted'to any` „lawful.
use.- suet;£ police. judge shalt as apart,
of the rder °and judgmcnt,dlreut ;that
aafd7 articles = other: then',ilntoxlcatieg
llquor^- shall- be 2sold - -an iupon'teiecuLI on
bythe- ofllcer'' having:; them,ln- custody
and + the "proceeds et, seen :sale, "after
payment of. all. costs ;lni:t1 is proceed-
ing. 'shall be paid into' - taoCity.Treas -.
ury, r' Action.. under r " this section €and;
he destruction ' or' sale.'ot nny srttcles'
thereunder;shallsnob be-a• bar •to''any'.
prosecution ,-under any other'provlsiong
0f. - this - ordinance. -' All provisions ,un-
der - this section shall be, subject,to' ap
peal” and Stay of further prop oidings
pending appeal, S 3. t.* '4
'!" -,ectlon '13... Ind any . aotion� or- fro"
ceeding under thla ordinance o Wier
arbor- ordinance +'relating 'Shoe'
ul.-dlspositlon:. of;sposaessi fl of
liquor 00 person ail •.be.
excused h front" test,fyl ro• aald
Police, judge on the : grourt t$a`i l'id's
testimony may Incriminate him butsnol
person shall .. bo prosecuted or/..punish-
ed. on account of. any transaction "or;
matter or* thing concerning E which sh0
shall be compelled to testify. ass+-,:,.,
.- Section 13. -Awl- citizen' or organiza-
tion', within", this " State ._may - employ'
without expense to the City an attar -. ,
nee, to assist. tho City.:Atorney In any.
action or proceeding under this -ordin-
ance and such attorney nay :,be
recognized by "the City' . Attorney and
the Police Judge as "associate counsel'
1..4110 case ^ c y ,;r. 60 ✓t$ :,'w.'.1
pharmlon r14. When any or-transport or.l
pharmacist shall ship - "thensaort any
intoxicating liquor e• into gays: said ,City,
he: shall within "e, City: Clerk of Its ,,:re-1 eeipt Ole with . the; City; Clerk n state-
ment under >.oind :s etece forth., i.ths..
quantity -and. ., Attor so received .'h ^s
- The Clty l Attorney'. or any, 0!..' his
deputies or any member-of the Polio
Department, shall . have 'p the right • a
any: time. during,' the :usual busines
hourlS to enter any pharmacy,. or dru,
store and £ Inventory tae. amount -f o
ntoxicants on` hand./'':, r+,,. ••
Section 15.. It shall be unlawful, fo_
any, person; to.. have • In his poese0sloni
within the City of -Port
than one -salt gallon or- two quarts oft
intoxleating "liquor other than beery orb
more .than : twelve quarts or- - twenty.. -,
four pints of beer; provided, however]
that . this section - shall not apply to .
registered pharmacists or to persons
eeping alcohol to be used for me -.
chanical or chemical purposes only,
Section 1G, It shall be unlawful fort
,Piny person, firm, co- partnership or
corporation to transport or carry Into
the City of Port Angeles any intoxl-
'cating liquors without a regular per-
mit issue', therefor by the County Aud-
ltul_ot CQiq)lanl_ County, 'Washington.
y.geetioal "permn`•'Eonvfe
mr•tn. tbls;ordlaaaee'h b.
yy t. :there[ i�qce whe
Mcly o . J 110:
ed 0.00) an L� thane •
• ([60.00) �:1)o10000 ore -_than x
- (2100.00 lla al or- by
prieonment an th gtr "jail for a; •pen
to& of not more ,Thirty (30) days
ror by. both each vlc 1d.rlsonmant
. Any >,. person •gqonnvicted . < of any
subsequent violatlpn of thtikardlnanrj shall be 0 fined noCC leas thanZ+OOae Hun-
dred. (f100e0): lars or: py Imprlson-
mentla.the C! Jail for not lees than
Thirty; (20 or -by, Goth. such fine
d lmpyrisdnm t.--a j rs. ...:.,-,.- ,. -....
•:The'' City rney.- or • - the . Poll
Judge .having owledge of any' pr
alone convict!qn of any person accused
of;- violating AB Is ordinance. • shall., In
preparing ISg plaints for sueh - subs
q t'nffencea :allege f, such ;. prevlo
co vletlon grthereln,: and at a;,. certlfi_
t script, from. the; docket ','of -. an
-- Ice: iodine or -a- certified 'copy 'o
F record :under the seal of the Clerl_
FhrI� o[�ally Court of Record shall be suffi-
I elddaa4 evidence' of any previous conic
: tlo or_' convictions of •violations o
r thin ordinance. <",;.5-•.; Y__ -i7.
. ilectlou -.19. • That all oMlnancea.an..
• .ordinances
toe nI in conflict with
this ordinance he and.. the satne-.,are �!
bareby- repealed. i:r: t
Section '= 11.;.This — ordlnnnee.`. -sh_
take effect - and be in 1011 force- fro
and"q[ter five days after Its pateag
and bllcaUon. -fpM"
sed:August 22nd. 4916.
.. Approved August 23rd, '1916.
Published August 25th, 1916
!Attest •-., �i.,.f'`ar „v:. t..i''"tMayar.
raZ, J. V' tl:Abf.• City. Clef$:_?' ,
cs NRo.55a..._.
cam. tt,,,��
cssl. va,v. o.i\l ck.
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1-1--o-vs.t. UNA, 't.Apj ck%szsuww.„9_,,,Z14, R-Vss-Nsts\ Jsr■ ti•k touzuwaply,susA
1310,-cgs\ ai■N.-VntNytNAi.siA.`%2L3C C\z. 3Lf +'zi`vv•
Co 13 isy.p-ixk.■.N.. %-‘crack 3Q 1 Ar■ovv. tZ) L^^-c-LL\N.
3', -teko )- a-3_4 E 32,5 EA_ (IA /s- 4- 17- /8
`3 -1Arl WA keg 5 Q3a - - 9 -/o-ir-/2-I3
—cftk&A,'4-\):A-,10k, 1.z
kjN\ W■QA V, Ulf\ 1-CrWkesiN. PcsA
-toAsL lt,t4 i'vzw. tt 7 -4TNA1'^N a to It,
i.j / w. 0,•&.
; 7
9c 1,■0Th 21 to 213 ■;•,.s.1>as,,;_r■ atcs-c5Ct / 4-54-0.i-klb'
IN) • -siNV3NA-S-; ---"X • IAA CSvv■ ) ta 9 isy.ca:r.K. i.pf■
' • 4 tvs, eca
aNz,-ok 10-to
1-to t , 'fto,oR 6N. __X>A4k.
1..),,z;)A UxbouyvacL..% LI 9
li3,.oraR It. 6„
c_,„3„9,;„ _IAA. est ...„„
-to tv, q-BAsk Niaq-NAk
crY\ 15, crest. afwav■ckq t-ch .YLA
LketAst&X o...NAAVA `e■N-cs..&9, ey‘..Als;,kk erk,
JN\ LW 4 4 d4_1;1.-s.-4‘ \\._tt.3•Ak -11--VINSLONN
C&A NS.N■;■1,...—V\O\ C-7Nr
g-9 t j °I"
3. esLkakk.
C1A.N.las C...cs-v•as-*t
Niw-ky.,9-e. ca,AQ°•"4 "4\5.
19 1.
; .=-•■; •••••••,-
Wiese rata
Ds_� n 'n+ h . 13
of/the xelt»: •.. .i:- 3QD+
r,,:(1) I- That.itrle:ths':intintlon;=of.;
City' Coenell: 1o' order -rite„ improrem
ott,,,,I street' ^iromaThlyd:"-street -=No
to7Elghth,;,ntreet^ and' Eighth.* ;from the western Ilno of -I street =te?
ter :71aa fort C, etreet by cleari
the eonatrne)Ion:
eroaaing..acroaa -well traveled . stree
which -cross =idol: snit Eighth. .tree
within" the district herein, named, and
to a. construct, sidewalks . flue` feet., In
width: along: said :I and :Eighth. .tree
Ithina the ` dlitrict. -end %:doingo. such
'work ork -as: may be neceassry In con:
neetion *.therewith. ^:ell int-accordance
with the' puns and specifications to bei
prepared;, by the ;Ctty . Engineer. The
!improvement to deflect- at; the bluff
as• to- "run or: °follow , the - gutchr'td
dlacover';tbe easiest• grade.! down the
gulch. „;rnw7y,-
, 3) +That .ttJ.la'7'y��•to `treat
ant. enlarged dletrlct,, to i pay ";for sthe
. expense, ' or thee" improvement - font.
,street.::: The, The boandarlea Cot. such +en
larged :.dlatrlct.'arer'"'. hereby ,!c apeelfl
ands: described as,<follow :a, vii: ^,Com -
mencinglat the. Intereectton}of -Third
street:an9 iF street.', prodnced ;;then
soother totthe= southery`.'i.lme -1-of
ghth street _thence. running- westerly
lone, 'the southerlyZllnevof''Elghth
reetr. to thetwesterly j�:Ilneg'of.`S?M
•et thence, along; the :westerly:7lne
M. streat-to : the'' northerly lIne"(taf
nd.-l?�streetd''andj* thence easterly
nici the 0 nartherlikt line i, Of Second
etx toy ±Third+ street tnorthl tthence
terl)r olong }Third streeti,north and
rd street to point of beglnning• .-
3)1.Thaz therm be, neeesaed agalnet
at ?;portlon +of- thex *. propertyt-_;within
cht'.nlarged distrlctarying,?between.
Oterminllof, thezproposedilmprove=
entitbnck (from'tthe marginal 1Ines
ereotito- thh,.mlddle; otitheLbloclt :on
rhp silky thereof sin tnef. mode -pre:
!bed *,ln;Section 13Fof?Chapter'98'of
e Session =Imna -:ofathe;tg.State *of
or -1911; Iforty_fper scent
9 the; cost of the improvement of-1
eet;atidhthat michb.portlon:tot.:the
malnder.'rotthe,;; roat and expense of
street dlstrlhcted and +;assessed
li�a(nat.,'all the property+included'In
the' remalnder nt'such enilargedAdls-
its-1644 1n' accordance',wlth speelal ibelie-
Rte and;¢he *hale .,costdandtexpense
Af ^k(he;M improveinent*+sproposedM: on
Eighth. street Shall :be" nssesaediagalnet
at:nortlon?'ot4 the {property: abutting
Elgtith'etreet,:and ]extending -bits
o(t the'^inarglnal, lines •thereor=to- -:the
Iddle iof; the block.1 onj7:each: -aide
ereop f n'the ' modes preecrlbedrby: Said
'ectlon":13v of?`eald 'iSeeelon'S,awel;0
(4) i:ffhatgall? personsi•who:imay('de=
e to.oblect thereto nre,nerebl 5noti=
Bbd to:appenrXatid'Vpreecntamich ob=
ilectinneat aimeeting+'ot, the'- city corn-
cilits:ibekheld9lntthe*Councli Chamber
1,9 tlfe'City9.11allgin the City of -,Por
Aii eles:dzwashington raty18- o'clock p.
on Nthe..11tht }lay: or;tictolier ';1916.
which time.?ande,place In hereby.; fixed
forfihearingxall ; amattere s relating ,te
sa1Q'Ipraposed;,ltnprovement!: Mid* all
objections! thereto l;and i0 deter mine
'peommetht d o y said 'im=
'.(6)k o bat he ,,Clt;54 Englife! Shall
osubmIt coundl; at errprlor
to ?said,,,d0(01
all`:Information 'required
byi' law :tosbe`aobmltted:•+§, —isWicios , r
13- (6)•Thatathe;f,cost+ andA expense,: of
said biniprovement:- Shall ,be ;borne; 11y
and: -1 neeeasecl ''againet-b the- 'property
'liable: - therefor'(. 1e } provided byelaw.
fPanned :bit the', City,Coencll` anti: algn-
ed by,the Mayor: on:, the 20th'. day: of
September. 1916. '
x r n t,.C. J WALTON
Attest :..q∎ rg x4 C''fi ., rar Mayor.
ar '.9`s ,J: L. BEAM; City Clerk.
n Date', of flrat publication, Septembe
;22,.3916. t2 _;r ;,
...J-W.. v� WcssaV1.Mq •t�0.�O .34�.GSJ� r`M}�Fey t31[ltL�
U V�A.trwA7.VV\ LA O._ Uu
e ers_rss,A, e•ga4 c33 :% ..steno —ov. alp \N-eot .ik
�, �1..1�;..>•.f.,.9� bL).1„�1�4 . `"k,X
osi aa...,.. +.s o �° ' U)
/a) .sy- N.cSti ssauv� - Q39.ec9« (55)
Csar,. �I 1) f �a�.�n,. a,v�c� l 2)n� Cj
vv, ac 9� i� ova (� cj
\A.. Q.5 p'l t9,,,,
63' DD
to 30-k ro i > .sur, te,st e i� 9Y.o �S 'v `i`tw ff, tau.„
k �v , t v� 6 `itA � a
p k t�r� .A,a,w � A
_ 1 "\cnT.
9 ! ro .