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of Duct8C8 180. SSG. ...
C.9._ \\O ,s5sa..
nnettanerktlwo white Halite Viable:
.<two; hundred feet.ln advance, provided.
however that
.AR ordinance 'regttlatli3C.s•travelkannd ,
i,INe trame+oasthe = .Striate smual�tlnr -mitred [o eat•rmote
i onaxhl eltiRie
'ot Port. Angeles eeets i
for- the ngeltlonterldin[ and ro 1 'vWble two hundredefeet'la ad
. ane, red .light, In reu,-.tlteleof nvlslblee`
'Dealing all -arable and Part. of, .:S thereof.
3I.• yc,, vaava
'ordinances in conDict- herewith_• -/ .BnD_i+Moto 2.aEaii ha▪ c�
.Ths t
Section L DEFINITIONS: r' The the same or s r add sufficient, t light CASUAL'
h.. -oe "STREETS.. _ xherorer .used , to "thus, rays : or sa ®tlent +streo=th ='
may_Qty. of the City of Port' .. dlatt.ee- 01•_txo: hundred_ feet. and
pion Do Ordain- TJON owe,' h
•OM ST - oa.
this ordinance shall De held and con- the':rekr number, plate,- uoxthat such`,
sted • to mean and Include,. Street... - number -plate may. he. easily; read._ at
..roAvenue; Wake. 4A Boulevard, - Drives. .2 distance .01 at least sixty feet.
1Rahways: Alleys. and all'-places Qpen '' Sub. 3. All:( ..11ghta < required -"o1yl
to the public for the use of vahicle4 Motor -Vehicles shall 'be SCSI -.burning;
1... The words "VEHICLE an used here -' .In _-good order Whlie�movlag °durin6
In shall be construed to mean and In_ _' --those hour. - that the Municipal . - Streets
elude everything ; on . wheels• or run -; Lights are!In�operatom..-
nera drawn by;, animals or "propelled Sub-' 1- n HEADLIGHTS_ : Motor ▪ ' ve'
by'any- mollve: power, a except Street^ hides head lights shalG F prolec light-3'
- Cars :and -Steam Railway 'Locomotives - 'that will be vIelble•oo street or road
Y n- advance. i'72.*... ._-1,
lad Cara'. Tile .+aete da e•rpgiVER way sixty teat
shall be construed to • mean and in- Sub. : NO . z v 1:11. • awfuE t dINJ
I elude the. driver of a horse or horoe4 - FRONT "It a h a l l be)aalawtul, to dL ,
tlu •. t h e driver off and the arse.. play-lights- showine red. to the front:'
or operator of nn Automobile or, motor of any motor vehicle..-7-4774 ss-'uf .s-7,
y kind. 4 �, T$ ORSE+*DRAW ""`�'�`�^j -
penone hl l
serve :'• Sub..7 LIGHTS.. ON,1...b•TANDING
the - following= rules -and regulatl000 -- - ~VEHICLES `Lights muet §.be-45 placed
�L..KEEP .TO RIGHT:. All . vehicles on any vehicle while left,etandtng.fny
. except as hereinafter specified shall. any street at nlghto _when120or et o
be driven on the right hand aide of more. distant =from any,etreet:
1he Street n.: - :.p.:.:, _ • 2... SAME I A. vehicle -meeting an- - not 8"= BICYCLELIGHTS 4BIey es
other shall pass to the right. , - ..hunt.; have -lights "borne hIle- oving;j
3.7. WHEN.9 TO v LEFT A i vehicle hundgii, feet In advose. bo rir at the∎
at nights during those hours that er-
overtaking another • shall peas le the ' Muntclpal Street Lights ar 1ln -oppe ;
left aide -of the overtaken vehicle and ration. ---rt g.m•.
shall. not pull- over to the right until 16 STANDING OF VEHICLES J To
entirely clear of -iL a- ..:. ' «n parka vehicle to to place -It at rlghtti � . ��
1 ( TURNING <CORNERS_ A vehicle angles•to t h e to: Stand;. vebiclel
turning -onto - another ∎Street to the • It-t -place it- parallleel t -k b 1 �O Qm .,` ��0.�,tQ w
comer as near the Sub..-1...' pARR'1N "b
aaprocticable and In hlcte - will Nb t
vehicle of any 1 - N Sub; S. ...LIGHTS. H -
r_Sectlon i.ting or Al "" G'Vuring E9t Horse'. dtbM -e ve- A n �� �� `S
driving,- operatlnB ,or using a vehicle -' a ea•t ihta-ahall rarrr-a burnig'� VIA.]17.0•- j'
on any street-in the City ot:Port An light .during= those haaro:x.heta the
geles-shall to and observe municipal. Lights'
aro to operatlon.r-
.5,�+,�••.�,\- p �p a,
rlghtahall turn the•w e cur e,t.
right hand curb - ng a e.
no -- a permitted between∎
turning(to the left. shall keep to the • the,houre of 8goclock- ATet and 9 i
right-of --center of the intersections of o'clock -P 3 on-Front Street between`' `TY�1 tS'A. •�0
the two streets -y,;= K.. ,- .cs.,. Lincoln and Oak - Streets vin the City`
6 •CROSSINGS - A vehicle : - crossing of Port.Angeles. excepting on Sunday, 1� •} 4- -
from one aide of the Street to J the :` t nlese- such vehicle le being used for �Y�D�. Why _�CA�
other;ahaU do so by turning to the l the loading or unloadtngof: merehan UUU
left so.a0 to head In the same-general lase- — - • - • direction of the travel on -;the side of ` Sub: 2- All vehlclee remaining In d
the street t warde which +the crone the street must .. be next W. :the right' C�_ "'`SL �O. .55 .1 <3J
rang Is -made. +" +^ y- < ;f hand enrb =F. -.
6. - DIVIDED ,STREETS_ -rn et ties :- „17,-: .DUTY OF:DRIVEILS "^ '-” f� `_ 4.}
shalt take right •hand passage on dl Sub. 1 Drivers • of7. vehtclea ahall?� i ::0:_th C.•09-G.
vided streets. bridges or other public not drive no as: to collide- with any' -
ways ` -.w- r_,.. - -a.= a ethers vehicle.. -.., t j.. • . . p
7. STANDING . VEHICLES : - Vehicles 18.= SPEED. LIMIT %' n ?�.-�` +^' _ �C p-1 o-��LMQN"�
must not be left, standing in any - Sub. Q Motor. vehfcles,'eka11 not be. 0
street --within thirty feet of- any'dre driven at a higher rate. of .peed •U1aa - '
hydrant.. nor within'thlrty: feet of any .twelve - miles:an.hour on' Front -and! C �,_ J� `CS,
corner, nor m-the cater distance }hen Chnee .Streets between:••Valley'rand•∎
two feet Irontl Mr:ldewalk. :+A �, Chase-.Streeta:a &ndvon Ida' •S[reeC'
named£Off'cIOF;:WAY Ti" following between �Fiont andb.Feurth r Street, :l v� ` -
shall have the right n .turn corners or cr Ida'
o[ way, on any street sections at a greater tate=of_ speed than:
_ Apparatus of the. 'Fire Department. - ht -mils nn hour nor.aravel at. a, T�
" Pollee.: Patrol - Wggona - greater fr..
r.te ,speed -than twenty;l _- -
-2Ambulances responding to- emerg- - miles-an hour. within; the :City' - Limits"
cues -. cull. •^yard ^ ^. °-� - and:ehall. notrbedriven "at as excessive.
„ United•'States Mall, 1rt1 S. o unreasonnble,raie o[.;apeed oe such'
9 -PEDESTRLIN6 RIG H T O F _ speed 'aa will) endangerkahe lives.'
WAY: r- Pedatrinna`. shall} @keys the 11••.1s,or propertq of1others uetng-
rieht: oO, way atj Street - Intereecti street0. ayP_•lar -.1 .,•y
and, crosafngs overall .vehicles ez •r Sub. .-2, No driver ohatl- While --whfie
cep. - those' mentioned In RulelB Be _ un•ler, 'the Influence 011 inforicaate.- ^•11
tween-*.Interaectfone s, and '•.- crossings - "19. ? :BRAKES: •+ All. motor. vehicles
from`. Street •.to- !,Street vehicles shall - shall have :on their- vehicles: properly-
the right -of way n i. _ attached and 10- good condltton at all
10.',.FIRE; APPARATUS P 7. Upon 6 the : timea.Drakea capable of'bringing. such -
Pproach: of a flre?apParatus .respond - ai vehicle to a-. stop within fifty • feet` O1y. . �sAss, d `s
Ins'to an. - alarmythe driver..;of an when troveling at -the rate _of twenty. _ `^
vehicle shall t Immediately -, dram up miles :per hour. -Y+�+ -.. ....� --.- ..,: ,
said vehicle as near -as practicable to 20..- STOP :INQUIRE - ACCIDENTAL
the right- hand 6 curb and -.parallel _ INJURIES B ;REPORT.: Drivers a' o[ � • 0•MU -A 0.mD� p
thereto -and. then- ' stop his. Vehicle. motor,.vehiclea'.In; cases oG.c Injuries
4711...WARNING-, . BACKING: - Before _ Vent_ their vehicle.• must atop; ricer- �f
backing. ample warning shall be given ' fain extent oClnlury and give assist-, vi oti p•Nvt}t_p ' l\ P r«.�.
and ' =while backing. ;:uncenaing- vigil- ance when necessary. and, they 'must
U °•'�`^
once Mali be exereieed so as- to pre report the same to the Pollee Depart
vent injury behind.» -r .v-.ew x ment'of the City: '.3 wu: -, -r ; `
12:: DRTVEIL$.VI1 No'one shall 21.x7f[UFFLER9: Moto fie vehlclee�' `CY •7.1JV�7A 't•'•A p,laaL5L �
drive a vehicle that le so. covered or must:be- equlpned...wlth mulTlero which
inclosed :' as to; prevent the." driver - the be closed - and nof- opened within `i qLL, .Lt� _ S ivy - fl
'thereof, - from: having. .a.711.111 ' View of -00 tfollsest by- Valley bon the `•"' v+VM1R b t1.N.Th.
,� travelst -the sides -o .., - on the west by- Valley Street on the ` v.
• east by the east aide of Francis Street
....--1.,4 Any "vahicles::F.a ~and; between First .and Eighth Streets w
PDorn 'th g an Idclueion e.,zy .,., -k. ss�, �
orbsr -simultaneously from the right .: Section 3 The ' „violation of any of 1 =
the provisions .o[ ahfs ordinance sh :1 O.ts,.T tells-AV), 1. r�1
be deemed a misdemeanor. and punlah
ed bra, a -fine not exceeding one hundred A' `�I �'
lellare or by Imprisonment In .the City4' \ _ _.l ���” • i q t /0 .' J.
]ail for term of not exceeding&Dlrty.,• `W vU. av�
days :or by both such fine-, and Im
Prlsonntent .,:i?r ec? -_ +:- }•,the
Section 1 All ordinances and Dart/J.1 ..- -•���y vl.31) v(WJ,10
o[ ordinances • In , conflict .myth thin V U O
et•.tIPpgce are hereby- repealed- w^. .
r Section 6 This ordinance shalPtak — Qo-1.,e �, A VirA
effect:And be:: In force .from -and after _ �'•'"`
live 'days after Its lawful publication: - :.
Approved -O tober+56,91819 -..' ` 4�-7 YEA "
Published October 27.'1916. , DDD p
v. + ':4 E. 7 WA' ' JdVWVV�
stow rate of speed. � .Mtteet 1}. -
16 LIGHTS . Motor vehicle- lights r• -• .I J 1..'7E AM, Ctty Clerk.' • 1 ��
.oi all �4.
at street, intersections .' -r --a
p 2 - A •vehicle going eoraight: abea 1
when • meeting another vehlcle�,desir
ing to ,turn • to the Alett.of eald'6treel
,e3 A-- ,vehicle turning+te the, -right
into any_'street • oer a veh'�ele. gpllty
straight ahead °turnedafnto
4 A1171310101'. - otn_ vehieleehmu t !
r g - an cur
I-1-14..4, BELL Olt HORN- .Every auto-)
mobile.' motor vehicle ,or bicycle shall=
be provided with - .-bell or horn Which
.hall ring •or blow whenever there 19
:danger ,of- collision or : accident; • or
when Crossing-any street Intersection
upon 'which there are- other vehicles
or, pedeetrlana and turn corners at a