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\NO .55 a..
An Ordinance Axing the salaries and t
i compensation of otlicers and em-
ployees of the City of Port Angeles. 1 -
li.The City Council of the City of Port
. Angeles Do Ordaht as follows: ...
Section 1. On and - after January',
first 1317. the annual salaries of the • •
i. Salaried Officers and Employees of the
City of Port Angeles shall be in ae-
■ cordance with the Estimates aged by
the City Council for the year 1917. ae •
The City Treaourer. Twelve Hundred ,
• Dollars per annum.
' The City Clerk. Twelve Hundred ;
t s..ltrefill- 4 v+, ) ..
I Dollars per annum.
ThThe City Attorney. Twelve Hundred • CCN.S.J05b 'k(lCiSIOdta•rti\- __.3 ' •
The City Electrician. Twelve Hun-
1, dred Dollars per annum.
Dollars per annum.
07-100 Dollars per day for each day •-•-9. Iskst tx,....tu.A.-‘,9A, z.,,t,-
1 50-100 Dollars per month. •
The Chief of Police. Ninety Two and
The Street Superintendent. Three and
The City Engineer. Five Dollars per
employed. • - QSUP-Zik Akv,,,,, z-.,.?,)%t3...t.
day of actual employment -
Seventy Dollars per month.
The City Fireman or Watchman.
The Street Cleaner. Sixty Dollar. pet C--CtakSaa-Nrtl■, :1-2-. 0% l'ILIWII-U-N%.. tZ'tid i EL
- All of said salaries and compensa. .
lions shall be paid monthly; the an. ''. R-4t.3ka -,t..S\Si
nual :salaries being divided Into twelve
equal payment.. and paid on the drat k•VANJW3,...4•NS._o_ i.J'ASMSZSZ\ A-"Y`t. Cti../4N-IatiN.Ct"MSL,
day of each month. - ' • -
Section Z. All Ordinancea and part, :.
of OrdinOrdinance are hereby repealed. -
Section 3. This Ordinance shall take . , 4,1-‘ 91- \ SC tAta0.-F■t41.-q Qo•-strtk
Ordinances In conflict with thir :
affect and be In force from and after ( : 4.
ftve day. after jta lawful publication. s at C.3.-0.1:1 06.....r.A 0-5 t* '..;.S."-.,
Passed October 31aL 1916.
Approved November .1st. 1916.
Attest: E. J. WALTON. November 3rd. 1916. It, ot citctA",.....etzz,",
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J. L. BEAM. City Clerk. .5 •
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