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t -7,-'1",;..2----.
DINANCE N0. • 556
,Section L The 'City. of. Port Ae-
,geles. . Clallam • County. Washington.
does hereby grant to PORT ANGELES
ANT., its successors or assigns • for
e term of fifty years from the date
5- taking.gffeet of ;this Ordinance. the
etht. privilege and authority:to'.le-
e, lay down construct. toalatain and
operate not more than two_ standard•
guano railway tracks • for - .the:trans-
portation of freight. and - passengers
together with all - needful croasoverr-
and connections: between any of said
tracks and all necessary side' or• spur
,tracks: or connecting -tracks' and all
Such telegraph. or telephone' lines' nec-
essary.. or convenient to the operation
of its railway- in. over,- upon and along
the_, followings described street& ave
ues. alleys and ,public ways:,.-
Section •2. -. Subdivision ••(a) 1Begtn
Dig at a• point -.at the East side .of
berty 'Street tear the'. point- where
etoria. street. Intersects. -said 3 street
pd Ennis - Creek. Waterway, of,: the
,vernntent Townnite of 4'ort Angeles.
hence in a westerly- direction. crossing
Liberty Street. to a point" where the
nter line. of Victoria< Street inter -
ects Liberty Street; thence In-t.- west.
eely direction over.' upon ' and along
- Victoria Street. crossing Jones Street.
'Chambers . Street. Bl ck Thirty -three
- (33),'; United States Government Hos
pitel - Reserve. Race,,. Francis. Eunice
Alb rt... Vine, -: 1'eabod •, and Chase
▪ Subdivinion, (h)- 1 et,i t 1t a
point o tl :East j id of Peabody
Street w•h re s:ald street interse t Vic-
toria Street; thence Westerly on Vic-
toria Street crossing Peabody Street.'
.Tidelands Block- Three (3).- East' of
Laurel- Street. Chase Street. Tidelands
Bloch Two (2)• East of Laurel Street
crossing. Lincoln •- Street. Tidelands
Block One (1) East of Laurel, crossing
Laurel. Street.. Tidelands Blocks One
(I), Two (2) Three (3) West of Laurel
Street, Oak, Cherry Streets and Valley
Street North of Front Street, Omnce
Southwesterly crossing Front Street.
Block Twelve (12) Townnite and the
alley- In the - me. - Pine Street, Block
Eleven (11) and the alley in the same,
First Street. Block Thirty-six (3G)
and the alley in the - same. thence
aterly crossing Cedar' Street and
'over. Anton 'and . along the alley's in
Blocks Thirty -six (36), Thirty -seven
(37). and Thirty -eight (38). crossing
Cedar and Tumwater Streets to' a point
at 'or near thee'rlgi t [nay of the
Seattle Port Angeles & Western Rai) -
a i fri tot B ::Street. ing et tefSl4
• -East old e trim Streit between
Illloeks Tlalrty -ewe (22): and Thirty' -
three' -(33) Townnite, thence - Western;
over. upon and across Oak Street.
South half of Block Thirty -three (33)'
1 Townnite,' Cherry Street, South half of
Monk Thirty -four" (34)- Townnite '. to,
4 Valley Street, .crossing Valley Street;.
- thence over, upon :Ind along -the alley
I in Block .'Thirty-five (35), Thirty -nix
(86), Thirty -seven ' (37), Thirty - eight;,
I(30)-, Townnite, crossing Pine.. Cedar
'mtd .'Tumwater'0 Streets, Intersecting
the line of Grantee's road as pgecrlbed'
• • to Sudivisidn (b) and (1) liSrat t _
Subdivision. - 01).., Belch hu, _p' .1':i
point at the Intersetion of Grail e's
line in Block Thirty-eight ;t88) ewe,
site... thence -. Soutl westerlg)- creasing
Min • the -same. - Secpnd e- Street, Block
Ninety -seven (97) and the Alice hi the'
•saute. "A Street, Block One Hundred'
,Four (104) and the alley in the same
to :a r paint. on -. Third Street; tlletit e
',Westerly. over along and upon Third
S treet; the - Southerly-, boundary line of
.said right-of-way ^ herein granted over.
'Third Street shall be co-incident with
thp,,rlent line of Third Street; cross
Jim 'B, 'C,' "D" and "E": Streets to
a point,. on Third Street ' North of
Block '3 One • - Hundred • Twenty- three'
(1231, frowneite: thence ht'`. n , North -.
westerly direction over. 'upon and
•along_ :Third -Street North 7 t K ""�
Street; ^ crossing ,.•"K" Street, Firs C!'
S treet., Block " One - Hundred.. Thirty'-
ey ept(1 3). Townnite, and rho- alley to
the"apme vFront�,Street • 7Town0tte
andp,.red Third) -six (1.36) ; Iteql�nlrite,
and',ihe'alley in the- tmnte,' Ratio d
\vente, Block' 000 Hundred lar-
tIve (135) Townalte, to'the -Edf 110)[
Lighthouse Reserve,. said line- EE__elitg
north dad east of the SEATTLE, PORT
tracks.: - ' • ..L. i,C�,.i. .
9ubd Wlston °' (e). Beginnlnl�-,' at a
point: on Third Street, North )0f-Blocl(
103,•'Townsite, intersecting t)1'g-tracke
Bloch 104; thence ht a Westerly dire,
• tion crossing .Third - Street, ;Block 103
,row n.t te. and the alley In the same„
"B," "C," "D" and_ - "E" Streets, Leta:
"A." "Iry and "tC" et Sumpnot� n papa-
lion Claim. "G :` " "H :' I" "K:' .'I:'
000 "M" Streets, Thence in n South-
westerly • tlireetton, .sing tiuhilrhan
s 3131 - aad714132b n,
": Streets at or•aear he Intersact
N t on
.of-said streets; I thence •Bouthresterl_
crossing . Lots 30. 311.;440
14.6 'and enth and "O";Streets -at
!near the. Intersection' of' said • 'thence Southerly over, along.and upei
"O": Street to the City Limits, ti'rossing
iTenth Street, Fourteenth Street Ellt1
teenth Street. • .Twenty eeeond Street
'.SUbdivlsion (f). - Beginning. at -a
lelnt. -on- .Victoria- Street' at c: near
the ;WOO aide of- Block. Thirteen (131 1
or 22ortnan IL Smith's - sub.tvtslon
tholteit• "of -Port. Angeles; tl•thte to
a 5 ntheaaterly . direction over geld- -
block and the alley. In the same- erars-
Ing;• Liberty Street Water r Street.
Block 165 Townnite of Frtuk Chstn-
berr. Addition of Suburban Lot-37 and
tho alley In the same, to,dcolt Street.
Suburban Lot 38 to the Feast City
�L alts, :beginning: again at. . the 7City
�Ljtlt`lif t on the Eaat • side of -Sean ban'
Letts 7,- theneeNorthw ter. Over Ball ;
b acmes.. over and upon Wooleott
add( Carolina Streets; - hence,. In -•a
Smlthwesterb- -' .'direction' -._: erossing
Weekks. 7,..8 and 15 and : the alley - In
�aiCh^� of Bald blocks of the Puget Sound
'L"(go. Perattve. Colonies Subdivision of f
Suburban'Lot 28. crossing Alder Street"
Georgians Street: Front Street Block,'
-One Hundred Thirt•-two. (132) Town -
Ira of -T. IV- r'
Cartes Subdivision ot'-
uhurban Lot 11 and .the alley In thgl
- same,. Suburba Lot 10. First. Street,
Ennis Street,,}Tyiberty-. Street' Bloc
1Twa '( 2) ' of London, Park Addition oft
. Suburbatliyoty9 -- and ,the alley -in the;
samei"f$eeond Stre0t'cBlocks One (1)i
and Four'1L4) n 4lolna 5ululivlefon Of '
Seburban7Lot"1 jtiarT the alle fn each
'of • said' bo-ck: Third a.Fourth i
St net '
- Block:13 9 "Ton lie; nd •the'
alley In-.the same: -Fifth Ste et. Jones -
)Street:'Block One - _Hundred Ninety -one,.
(191), •Townnite, and the tlel-'In th
same. ; Stbthf "Street'. Block - Two : Hun -t
died Ten' (2t0)yTowneite, end the allev1'
in the same,_ Cltainbers Street, Block:
269 • Townalte, and 'alley -an - the same:_.
Seven th:Street; "Block-Two ;Hundred'
Twenty =two (222) - Townalte,' and_th_e_4
alley" In the rime, Washington Street."
Eighth Street, -Block Two Hundred
Seventy-six • (276) Toernsite, • and the:
alley in the same, Race Street Ninth'
Street. •Block Two • Rendred =-Elgkty -(
four (284) Tawnstte: and the alley'tn1
the same, Tenttt Street. Francis Street,
!Block Three Hundred Thirty -tour (331)'
Townnite and the alley in the •ame ,
Eleventh • Street. Eunice Street Bock?
[Three Hundred • Thirty -eight (338) -
Towttsite and the alley- In the sane:
to the Southerly side. f - Broadviay'
Boulevard; thence We te-ly over logg�
'000 upon the Souther. side of said;
Boulevard i to a Point• at or nee th'c,
!intersection of _ Eroad ay ' Boulev rdp
1.11" and . Elghtee fhi, Streets; thence':
Westerly. over upon and •[tong Elgl
teenth Street eroeyi tg Broadway
Boulevard, 11„ "C.^ D, and." •'E7
Streets to to paint between-Blocks Font
'Hundred 'Fifty -two (4 2) i and Foul
Hundred 'Fifty-three „(453) • Townsit0•
thence. Soutkviesterly cr ingl, Block!
Four Hundred Fifty -three L(453) .Town,
site and the alley-- in the .Bane. F.,
I and Nineteenth Streets,- the. City ParkZ
;at or near the• Southeast' a rner of`•
letaid park and Broadway- Boulevard to
the City 7. - . V,
Subdiviel n (g)- 'Beginning
point at Cause Street on :the h th;
side of Front Streeli,thence.Nertherly,
over. upon and along Chase Street to
the inner harbglp•, line- +
Subdlvinlon (h) -. 'Beginning at Lib-,
erty Street at :the :North '..1Ine L the"-
right-of-way of the-Seattle. Port =Alt=
geles'. & ..Western- '—lt4(Iway,'< thence
Northerly over. :'upon " and. along ^Lib=,
orty Street to -Ennis -Creek Waterway,
Subdivisott (1). Beginning at point'
at the City .Limits on the- South Side
of, Broadway Boulevard, thence North
erly cronsing said Boulevard, - -010
Four Hundred Forty -pave' (445) Town,-
site, and , the alley 10 the -same, SIx 1
teettth- Street.- Block', Four . Hundred:
'nye:ay- -six (426) -- Towltsite and the;
alley in • the saute, Fifteenth Streit •'
Bloch Four hundred Seventeen '.(417,);
C snail and •the alley in thes.me
thence Northerly over.',:upon and alonk. •
-Tutnwater Street, crossing Court entll
Street Thirteenth, Twelfth. Eleventh
Tenth- Ninth, Eighth, Seventh, Siytli•
Streets; thence • in Nartheasterlyy
direction crossing Block- Ninety -al
(9(;) Townalte, and 'the alley in tit
same, Fifth Street, Block ..Eighty;,„�1
three (83) T wn ite, and the idly
the name „Fourth Street, Block 'SOV_.
enty -five (75) Townalte and' the •alley
ht the same. crossing Third Street and
Block Forty- eight. (48) Townsito Holt-$$
the . alley in • theca name, continulttgi
Northerly on .Tutnwater 'Street cross.
jing Seeond, . First and Front Streetg'
thence over, neon and along Tumwater
Street • to the inner' harbor. .line.
Subdivision • Or). - lleglnning at • a,
point at the City Limits en the Soutlt
Ihte of • Broadway Boulevard,' thene
Northerly over, upon and along -VOA,
ley' Street, - crossing ' said Broodwa
Boulevard and tFifteentl • Fourteenth
•9drteenth, Twrclfth, Eleventh, ;Tent
.EInth Eibhthi -,S5'venth. • Sixth, Fitt
Fourth) Third, Second-First and Front
Streets to the Inner harbor lino.
Section '3. -That-. the - said . POR
WAY COMPANY. sltall occupy n- etrlyt
of land not tnoro than thirty.' (20) 'fee
in width over,-upon and along th
Streets, alley and avenues of nail City'
and that' said railway on the ahoy
designated route may consist of elute
-n • single or a double [reek, or partly,
single and partly double track and a
Portion or portions thereof any any.,,
doomed from single to - double trac(t'
:tt'any time t • tinter all at the °miter.
of said 1'015T ANGELES:, 4: GRAYS:.
II: \Rt:ltlt RAILWAY. its successors or
a:M d.:a . :111 of Said right privileges •
and ullprrith,, s p'',' illeationu : ,,,l
! guirelntnts ha I i,ia nr,lin :[nee r.�presse,l.
l`+'Seellon ::4,t`de -grant In expre
inane- contained.. .lit -made > expreaa1
subject t to • the Agile of the' City. o
Port 'Angeles to retain' the' rime con
trot of the streets,- avenues and alley
In along, over acmes and upon wile
railway track' or tracke shall be 'laid
. down as Over' other streets, avenues
and alleys-In- said City; land tend City
' shall have the right . al'all - times by
general ordinance to regulate speed of
limits -- of -and - trains within. h I
limits:- of the right-of-Way intern
'granted. and the - maximum period of
+time for which ruck locomotives- cars
and tralus. shall be allowed to block
ade travel-along and across the street
embraced. in,thie grant, or Interseetln'
street,. -.and 3 shall have' such further;
co f o abt fol ice glower . o ver s'
nriogw •t o r f hwoa t'ea-aler tphee rmiCt i o•rdlonc
• Section' "The said grantee, PORT
WAY COMPANY. -its. aueptingn or,
grants. in and - by • accepting : Diet �
grants, Privileges and benefits confer-1
red by this ordinance covenants tor'
Itself- its succesessor. ors or assigns.: with
the City of fort Angeles that' I t w•Rt
at all times keep and save harmless...
•the raid City of Port Angeles from and
against all liability. lacy, roar damage
or ex came which' • may at - any time
arise, or occur p by i reason-] of said
'grantee's appropriation of any real
estate. or -other ^.property; . for the
k right -of -Ws,)' or`otho door. ores.-by,
-once. reason . of tion or runnitlon, f the can -
anee, operation or running -of the cars
;successors : or -noes. s along any of;
said streets avenues, alleys and public.
places; or by reason' of an tldng tl at
may grantee - r- omitted y -
f1. z. aid:
shall defend and ,alt ctionss. aria-
Mg.: In relation.. thereto: - PROVIDED.
HOWEVER.. the,Clty of Port Angeles.
In all Instances. Where the'City seeks
to hold said grantee. its successors ort
assigns. liable - hereunder. stall notify
the rata grantee. Its euccessors or as-
signs. In writing of any suit or action
commenced against said City and said
grantee shall defend any and all such
Sects :'6 That whenever said City's
of tort'. \ngeles shall cause the co-
terminus- portion o1• any- street. upop
which- the - said- -PORT ANGELES' f
ANY. -its successors': or natigns,' tall$
have constructed. -a railway', under the
provisions :hereof, to- be graded the
said grantee. Its successors or assigns..
stall at • the' same time as said City.,
change or alter -the grade 'of its tracks'
co-ternlnus •ith '!such •- street 'grade
and shall.:-ill its own cost and, expenee,a
grade and - plants all the:; space r thick?
tn.' use and covered by each railway
and for one foot on each .side-thereof,
so as to Conform to the grade of such'
street as' established and graded ' by
the City of Port. Angeles: PROVI0ED,I
HOWEVER. that such alteration shall
nut interfere with the practical oper-
tion of said railway and• whenever3
the City' of Port - Angeles •shall cause
to le • paved r. repaved r.Planked -u
rep lanked the, co- terminus' portion . of
any-street upon.whlch the- grantee. 16017
enccessors er asatg)tS..ahall :have con -7
stru to 1' as railway-. under the provisions,'
hereof, tlae grantee.. Its successors or
3salgns. shall a ho same time a said
City tapavei pr repave; macadamize or
Temacadami e'aprtt'��plani#vor replank, as
the case mayt`betWlthr the same ma-,
terini at Ile oWn cost Orkexpeas the?
space between-Rs tracks, tttp4ralla f'
its tracks• and_for one foot nr each'
side.- thereof: and - shall at alt: times
tnalntaln the same an good repair, the
paving or planking to be done' by [het
grantee, its• successors o assigns. lit,
conform 'to _. the pav paving ror p nkingt
done by-' the; City of Porte Angeles;.,
that if at any time it became necessary :
to construct underneath the right -of-
Way of grantee herein any sewer r
underground conduct to siphon or make=
a break. in said conduit all extra ex -!'
pence Ancident thereto :Mall .be borne;
by the granntee herein- On those Street?•
or • portionfi'ottletreets which are not.
paved, pla-pthed" or macadamised,: the
cullers of,tht @.Brant ahall;malntatn. e
plank crosahigt over theiryytrackaba"-
trtreet_)tttoraOCtnns which >etrtea e.. i.�
used. for the Cross. wg re teems •Ind ;
cue • other locations - where teaming is -
customarily - carried • op • actgss-- such •
troche.” Such crossing shall consist of
planking within )
an ., between 'their
tracks and foe one shall extend such - -each
reasonable • hereof and shall enter- such al
reasonable distance • a lengtnwioe f'
their tracks. as shall make a reasonable'
Section 7.' Nothing-herein shall be
construed to pre0ent.;the City. of Port
Angeles- from --extehding..any- strdet
unto, over or 00600s the- right -of -way
herelnbefore described.. • :'. •
. Section • S. That. In the use of the
tracks authorised; • by , this :ordinance
said grantee dts:euccessors or asslgnfl
shall have tite'tfright to use electric,
steam or other motive power as It or
they., shall ,deem suitable 'subject: to(
the■,lawful and reasonable control and
regu latien of the City of Port Angeles,
Sectlop" 9. • That the-- right -of way
and'. all the rlghte, privileges and au-:
`tborities granted' • by this • ordinance,t
and, all benefits hereof, shall ,be as -'
signnble by sold grantee tts(eueceesors,
ur assigns' as-it or the5-•m(tytnt'atiy.:
time see ft.elther as anrentkkt>,' or-
e s respects any one gr311)i1JeoLoC the'
tracks or ports of traeltiivembraced
'Within the scope oL.tbla grant PRO -;
AIDED, that written- notico of any 'or
alt of„such assignments shell be tiled 1
'with "' the -„Clerk of the City of Port •
Angeles vvlthiq;thtrty (20)1day's there-
.,r •r .- '.r`'.
Seouonsl�• Tti 4 = t�ere :,be'
by' Is. granted:4W; ld'•
a aaw A11:8Q$ '.
MPANYi and d t t d SSlts�.gfatYps,t
further -right pri.LLagee aatlterttti Cf
• (ranchW .for the -tem r of or
years to roe ito- tralut6 mrRCaad.loeo
moUrea•pp�mr and•:throngb•aayro p
Streets; kVelues.
and, alleyatot Melia!
City or. Port Angeles over the)raI1wa
traeka' or say other-Peron •or comer
aUea ;,that "•shall' grant. permission;
toldo, to'.tbe same extent and Linde
the same - conditions -and restrjetie
that` -hats govern' the rlgbt■and.tran
chlse qs such other person or co
anon- [ here tracks shall bo ae,
Sect on 11- . That 8 the )' C o m
Cpuncll. -of; said -City o[, Port:An le
may,-upon showing made,by.the,ROR
RAY COMPANY. Its successors or-as
by •, r4dasoolutlyn,r,4 permit sal
Grantee; ;Its Osikcessors'or. assigns:. . -4
Iocate., contruct lay-'. down ad operat
spur;ortside.tracka: from 1 main tree
or ;.track$ :to';lrharvea.,warehousees .o
other, buildings on 'either. side: oL the
Raid- rightoCwan and In ea. doing to
cross .the track. or• tracks ,of•any:rall -.
way company,'PROVIDED;'tbat In ;no
case; shall 'said company. ,its •sueceeaors
orcaasigna _take' or occupy; say more
intervening space 'on: the; atreets;'ave-
Wiles and - alleys for:such' spurs- or:eld
tracks. than 'may. be:aecessary:_toi,croas
over. to 'raid ,whart -warehouse- or, other
.building..: nor, ehall'such.:.spa- or side
track :ever.be.used for:any-other:pur-
.pone than- for:such:croaeing,..if.yti'-t
,s;Section 4.12.3g.That;any othergillwar,
company heretofore - or;hereafteoleon-
atroeting : a r_ standard 1:goagehraiira
�rlthin -•the Clty- of, Port ,'Angele&. end
engaged! as 34-,a>camman'a.enrrine`I'.of
freight and passengers- shall1he. ei he
right ao :cross the`:traclf -or; tracks t,
e•'aafdt PORT'':ANGELES : &•GRAY
the limits^ eflp!said right o[ day
subject> to reasonable rules'and regu
latlono rand 'tinlsucha manner' as ond
tolunreasdnably 'tnterfere'wilh3or im'
ede the; tranttactlon or dapatch : of. th
business bf the'sald?PORTSANGELE
PA Y.:-.1 s aueceasora or,_aother malt
▪ Sectlonp 13 a:That1•any. `.feather /.rail,
Way; company, :heratofordf,,having con}
atruS4ted..,or_ hereafterronathe City." atardlard'guage, railwa the City^: to, y: o
Port, Angeles ..upon:iobtalning a t (ran -,
chits' from. t thereSCIUm- giving acceea:
to any: paint is eng'Irom which; lttaan
reach- withefts -'enginea and (ears-Pans'
point on; the tracke.herein apecided;i and
also :a:[ronchise'Permitting, it!onthem
too,vse "" -and ru it; its engines. nndt��ccors
so-tsr he, he same have. lierirght.
so 'far as, the same -may not -tip lawn;
slstentwlth•or an ante reranee :with the
rl1gg�hts'atid prlvlleges hereln:.and here-
I1yd granted.: to • the,PORT ,ANGELES &
PANT, to the common use hot (said
t ra ks, over said right-of-war, ,fof ?the
runt, Ing;: of r3, trolns.tthereon,
upon, the,payment. to: said :PORT \N
.COMPANY:-.4 Its %sueceeaors benigna.
of..such: monthty annual.:ren tat -or-
compensatlomas -.may be juetand eqult'
able,l'and subjectlto reasonable rules'
and c regulations".I regardingifither4 joint •
use of said tracka;?andttn:such {man
ner as,notl to: obstruct, Impede or. in --
tgrthre "With'the I transactiotf or,Vdis-
patch -of -the'businesskaLihe'eaid .PORT
WAY! COMPANY ithAndtln;f,case.00eh.
,rallwayteompanya;of coiopanies:;can-
nobtagree wlthesald+ PORT'-ANGELES
PANY::Its, successors or•assIgnBMuporr
the terms of- payment oi- the icompen-
nation.. to' be paid,: for the uses f saki
tracks, aforesaid ' :the( eontroversy- re-
epecting..`.the - amount ikiL Itasrental: to
be'. paid -, to'athe "PORT -'ANGELES,.
PUNT, 1ts, successors or- ,migns,rq'for
the., privilege "of' -the uea (.'that rd,On.
tlpPn+ of ..its, tracks aforesald.-and tb=
taYma' and- conditions of stint( 41sci'.shall
be. submitted . to - arbltratloni lit- -acoord;'
anco, with- the' -laws then in' -. forcodin'
the -State of .Washington. v-andhOsuch-
oohmIsslnn shall have . the ,rome: force
and9.bindingi- effect -upon e'tbe partie
thereto" as; shall the provided.byrrsal
laws„ in.kother 4 cases of. ;arbitration.
PROVIDED That.1 no other 6railway
company., or canrpanies having ;bean
grantedrr,a',h right ;of way ut over ?:.the
etreetaa:avenues -and alleye'k or esld
city' shall have, the :right tot "the Rom-
mon. use,: of the.; tracks over- jthe':right.
o[ way..herein`: granted .tO4 the ;PORT
,WAY,COMPAN5. unless' the'.eaMa; other,
railway) company- or compatiler shall
give the right and permit ;the. .PORT.
AY, COMPANY. .tho same common use
of Ito, tracks: over, its rIght;bf way?In
sald,:dty for., the_ rusning:ot: the :trains
ot- theaald' PORT ANGELES &'GRAYS
reasonable, - rules- and regdlatibnsxa
provided; by'this- section 4041(81,1sO
';.Section 14..•Whenetpp Iti$hall;be
come , neceasary, :.In the' construction o
telegraph t 1lnee ofrsald 1,,gra tee-3,4,1t
successors or assigns to . dlg,i or 10 an
Way } Interfere: with, any; .'.publla,.atree
or, alley, r oil any., part • thereof, 1-eel
company. Its, successors a:or- +-assign
shall without, delay, restore •the -ytrec
Ito (lie: same grade. and as :gdod comll
Lion ; as.? It, was , before tbeIng - dug;.up
broken;or dISturbed'and :shall remov
all sui lus' earth,: rubbish dr else
material: from - said strpet.'14,; `.
-'+. Section ^ 15..' That -, whenever lay;
part - of :grantee's- tracks ! telephone, .or
telegraph, lines shall In. any .way,, get
;out of. reiir:r'so that the samee.tnnY
become ...a menace or obstruction;, 1.
teasel ` or the publle. or said tracks
do not conform to the - grade .. of .the
etrcbts or alleys:; at any point: 'the
• grantee._sbp11 . Immelliateig+•place the
r� or obstruct�I w
t ly' iiroeeed.to th e .. - • �, •
to the grade*,,♦! -inch M1'jf}'
alleys If.dald,'etn¢ntpany`
Ito ms -10-d h repy thspin'7/aaq
(notice to 5 d hy. the CltV.nake.° th
' proper .' dep�eat:�shall_-- -make th.
lama at the expense of ,aldieompaoj(_
Sestina .7. 1S., That. the City:'ofe Port.
.Atretes �ahall at -all times. have the•
right :string and ' operate Iii. peUee'
and alarm wiregi..uponi the poi
•Ki tee. its•sueeessore-or
nt d; shall `at'ail times, .have' -the.
gh, -, 'regulate - the ;height" bf.said(
endi the height at,•which "wires,
e bestrunjr .If at anytime'grantee
5, pjaci thqq'Cltyrrm (event'
tha_p - lliltteyoul 2torder "i
any extra IOngih poleeplaced. the Ctt
• bear. extraIexpenee : incident
thereto :`. The City'ehall also have -the •
right Cto,run flog. wlres•through con-
dulta; of underground passages: of said
company. without t' any • extra cost tai
said tion -.11 :That-. as•:_ ^.ft. 1 t :`:i
Section "17 - _77iat g none-A o[ re tie:
tracks of :the; grantee. its. q;
- succeasor
or.aaaigns'whlch: folow. ninon, or across
any' streets or, alleys shall be used; ea"
deadttracks'or, for' the standing. of: rare,
]hereon. -.but. shall .. be' used^• only .and'
whollytfor. the' °Aeration of trains."
engines- and cars. .ensge " re`!'o
soetloit -.1 & >r:A'henever_ s 'n p u b ift c
eceaeity for the`same:sbell have -been-
greed upon byt the ■City of 'Art..; Port 'Art..; eles`.and the ...said PORT.+ANGELE§;
ANYalts ta6elgesssors s or r.aszlgns.1:or,
heneve5;pueh"?Pnbllet Necessity ahall-
y;o`rdinanee 6Ltthnlsald CityCouncil
e:dee1ared`to'"exlstdandthe Cit) shall:
a veilirciRar�edo'dfor the achesuction,ol
en� t h e ff s a ld n, R OHRTT& AN G "thereto;
ANY' ita=euec0aaort betogelans shall
t the4'tam rasatbe City
truck tulle and thereafter.
all abutmeatti retalninghwaUa via -,
foods orAverhead...erl ossingsaver upon
% 'pFBtecttlts'r ht of way'aL such
otreetleross gs-aa o the nee-
eseitethereo tahall, have teentshown
to lnlh 8s. nforeedld:• Said ,ubutmentn+
uid•PEagininageesr r ':;oo to - btteh!lII, tc tjaug h 'elevation
,naefaLlii nd Ih :m at- noroas ,mayihiap proof by%th n City
of : Port-Ageles.
prohowerda( tIt Lhe,sss e
dunst- and r roeain h t-b
constructed-3i n such; manner -gand of "
suchahejght sa to at a times allow
ehfol. Ieazalt 0 f - - _¢r,,t r�
f SectlorPkl9 Aferer)Y traveled, street;
ar tlleytlntereectIngtthtg right-of way,
„streets meeting., nd.forming s.:1 T be-:
ing Included asytrela,astthostereCCally
crossed ,other thani.attho }ntersectlon
of streets - and kehere;dirented; by tli0;
Clb ti bet Angelesij c0 Grautee here
m derdhall at ly ox'1lS�fl_qtand0 sateen
erect and obe.•deslg'i e4- the -mile
power to'rhe deal -noted by';the CItd
Caune)l;c and shard :keep eacb.'of;said
-;nleil - say Y, the `came.
hours t0nt;o htw'hleh any. street light;
ding sy.tem:of er0Uolid fro ;deny goner -, .
thy.theite'aperatlon ; provldo0', that att
thesei,tnth seetionair:ultonya`or5 acmay-
whlcbl,5ther rallroad,tee$;Otlsea may.
be:operhted sald:grnntceatakall bo re
dulled, to:Lesr;the. burden_ ofi. its pro,;
pertloaalepartonly:auch proportion Lo'
beidetewMner14,30the number. of tracks
operatea�b11 each of `sa�d_companles:
9 SO-00[k t' 20 The `:Grantee -` Its - sue ;
sewers or assigns shall at ,all times.
during -1 the _period "'of -this tfranch Ise ;
keep on"deposit-Ihdhe City Treasury, to
.the :credit' of -thee Clty of Port'.Angeles
the, aum--of Two .Hundred and..Fifty
(3250.00)1Dollars, -to' b0 designated'.ot
an emergency fund 3V1•30;WO;r'., e. T- �'•Ytsrt
O- Whenever inthe opinion. of the Street
Commiegioner'an; emergency' arises . for
the'ainmediatd ?epalr Pt any, dangerous
defect found to^-exlet In that • part f.'
any ^street - .Salley,) avemle,,; or: publle
place : -required by ?this granchlse,to.bi"
kept 1 in:.;repalr a by',?anld- PGrantee, +:Its
sueceeaors ,or; assigns';: and -S the tsald
Grantee, its' suCeeseore or: asslgne,, have
falled,'on;- notlaei.to " inimedlately repair
the rain e, the 'said' Street COmmIealone
shall. Cause; said; repair to =be: made;,8
'Once and :ff +said Grantee;rlts' Successor
or assigns shall :not .pramptlylpny?th
bill fowthe costa-of ouch' repairs wire
made' out and presented at ,the 'erne
of Bal(' ; Grantee. - Its"successors"or.' as,
aignn' ;: o7. said City Issas -the . Citl
Treasurer „on - tthe Order of %:the 'Cit
Council''may draw'.the amount:of 6Oc
bill= from said emergency fund . wide)
fund shall be e.9 reimbursed' -by') said
Grantee. Wits ;successora or .( assign
without_ delay.'and'keptWp to the sal
ninount,of Two 'Hundred Fifty - -(S 50 00
Dollars as
Section S: 1.'. That' the.Crantee, POR
WAY.COMPANY, shalt,before the coat',
mencement of the: construction or grad -
Ing.;o1 uny ;subdivlaton of Section Tw
(2) of this- OrdlnancR.0le .with, the Cit
Clerk; a= plat drawn to reale. del Ike
)atig ^the,'right -of -way +,Ina such cue
dlvlelon. showing. the', terminl" of
curves :and - tangents . and 'the .partn: of
all :lots and blocks,..streets and; alleys
over,- acrose'.and upon which -said : right-
of-way. t In '1 Such 1- subdivision,
rune,r_Showing(Bnd%-glvIng 'the mete-
nnd'•bounda, of ;all" fractional Iota' and-
.,gran tee, shall- also ale a
the same time a, plat showing accurate.
ly the:prd0le oft the' said traok'ar. trite and all cuts oriLfills at_all points: whe
the track or ;.'tracks of 'said:': G t
may run'along ...sera.. or upon -
'all- of the streets, and alleys,
In such subdivision. : Grantee • all
requested in wilting, fuehleh,'suel 6Q
over any block name0idj • it _ :nor- sub
division named in SeLrtion :'ITwo¢ -(2)
within thirty (30)- days .' after any
owner of .lessee- of, a lot in- suck- block
shall have been granted a serf - ^to
conatruct a- building on his lot In such'
geetfoo '3 That 2'notbta� herein'
fonatroed an ro=
- 3ae Its suaxaay rO(
tu' (;,more than Fifty:
mlle1tsC', .x* -)j , 0 teaelt or
lind5PrIli *;''3
'f a a„',
Tlut'coogttn A and` peratlon ot•its
rajkwayri,srit�a e,. ngi of ;this
ehiec orb Stagy be made by;
I connectioa)bet>`eea•the.rallway Iloe;
eonatrneted or owned byr the:grantee.'
lraneeeswrs4Y aseigns.and -any other -
rallway.traek or`tracks, over which the
eara-ot- -the; granter - it Successes or...
'of h`ui c asr be opeiitgl
ikl ;a, tadts . by .semreoaIov,
Ibalt bec3. established: . ,.
HOW.EVEIL- ;ThatSgraatee_ shall .436/3.1.;
atrue0t and+.egWWpp,, approximately;Rllty,'
(f1) mllei'.o[ itafown 11 (t0 as prorlded:I
In.Subd(vfalon dwo[ Section 3S•of.thla,'�
tsanahtee, r:= a. wtsrg.� '-Pdr,iy.ar,:
tSectlon i .ebyr City o the PORT
es:LES. herebyYB,H RBQ5t::l'rORTx,
VAT Ib he,(e lb= t.rovlded Inr ee-
for the term'as- provided :1,4gee =
a- one ?(1) bereo4ithe.rlgbt,.pr)rilege
d_ authority : t o con et rue1.and;main=
In :attunnel r deslgned-far3theceon
tructlogr maItenaace `and eoperation
thereiniof-al alogle: track, ofiatandard
ge ra llwaYwithlnithellmits;of;tie
d Clty'and akirti the route.appmi •
telyt=apeelflM' In a Subdlvtalon,;(d
•this'sectlon'and."paasing beneath.allp
el stieets:,,ayetiuda:,.alleys `and'otherh
public. places of;the Said iCity.i,the;ex --
terror; Unes ot.whlch':would• be; Inter=
eected',by)the vertleal, planes! bounding,'
aaidt tunnel on eltherl7elde4 produced
perpendleularly toythe surface; cif3the.'
gr und: ",and alga -.the right.'constilege,
and authority to .lay';done (1) ",.:singlet,
malntalnh.and operate one (1)saainglet,
track of3•atandard -,. guagen;zailwah
through,the length - tlelnld tunnel with';
extensi ns:ot sold{. single track -in
either direction from,5,the two'uends
of eald..'ethtneh together"dwith 'rundrj'
other ,traeka of istana dfitu ge,.rall _-
pray; at :and? beyond,'eacht ;end(Otaiald
inldtun el d:sal,s: rig 'aI fo 41nder
acrd tunnel beneath-tat atlditrac O Ot Oe tuna e
melt lleys- oe,-'pubuc placeplof
nose, alleys ich right- publlc'pfor'ial[
surd l(ehal h(not.bstlp wayri, thirty..
tun..rfe (Lin not belyirnagn 1tfteen3115)
feet on, e:dn width, 9lo ce nfer'lln 1of
feet ounnel -,as t et the center'bs'j f
said tunnel as the.'�a me plereI be;"lo -,
oared, within( lel,1 ridltligheralnbelor
be tic ibedti whteet right of way. Shqall
be thirty .I30) feetan wldth,`anct.au '
addltlonak•;wldth df ;' `}�ght (=way llo=
such track,as • ah'enlreorequlred„fb the ;
construction thereo ,o£ maned lopes '.
nd retalnlag Walls'�ttprthe ?roadbed,of
uch track; PAOVllj� LHO.tr VEIL"
that aftee; that par I atraekraet,ar_,
'avenue Creased rev .sal.^ traele34.6n
have(beet •gradeRifa cfildltlonal
rlaht of way (far: sl , ,.„.9 retaining,
walla Within the lib q)t s ehlStreetsj7,
or avenues: shall bed �f3aHowere -1;.
Ight. nrlvllege suite; ltv'sre here y
1, .G ' 11 tsubjec ,t e,eon '.1
ditlona festrletlonaapecldcatonel(ktid;
requremenls in'thleordlnance-eiprelts-
qt. e s�; i)1:p ' e.
lsj(dltuo.,Ea- 011a111 orll;orreit ce,
ge saltY;tuIntere ctIon ; 1Vrated is e'
near( thSreetereectlon: o[3Vletoria7 nd
Fron a streets In+aai _Dt Clty ale d
granteelejthelrsucc araand;aselgirli
may merest therefor itr.i the eceeter;
line of anid_ tunnel ofi rum thenehin:
a such; d"g:
such tangents, end s0rs. vesrAsieald, 1,000
tee. their- anceessto -a n sealgns may,
determine upot4 toa.a polntitolbe1Ub
!sueeesed n'- by"sald grhhteil,:'3thh-_�
auccesaors and assigns to the YVesterl'
i rtal,. ors: exit d of. %,said tunnel; wh c' I
shall ;be %eituatea,at:or abouYthe• inter-
section.' pf zthe ;alley; in Brook, Thir
three - (33), with the• Weet- llne:=gth0
StreeCaa -s ffi(11•grontee their:ti *ebpra
and.'assigns" mayselect therefor::'pa
Ink under ;Frontlttreet. Bloclt'Eighte
(18); Chaco StreeC;'R1bok:; Sevente
(17). and: the _alley „ hi, thetesani5
Thompson_ & t3oridwlne &SubdIVIsidnr
Suburban Lot Twol,(2) cFlrstr!Streq
Block Thirty (30)'L(ncol1Street:Blo
Thirty +ono- (3y). and:(theA.ajley�.fe7 : :t
same. 'Laurel . Streets Blo0k.1'hirtyt
(32) and the alley lathe sameand: :Oa
Street- a'',q= .,t,r.,:r....�.. z.O.,« X '
'( ;Section ?= 211 That#(f.;Ihe'1PORT.
COMPANY. tsl aueoeaeore i.(,ass[gn
shall; at: any'^ Umeaafloe thr,eonstroe
tlon of: its ititoomknd; tht>:,,++4�ppiatioo}.,
its train.,; over thelatrD0t fl1idtlillO
',here(n grunted 4hrotightaal.yel '•�fa
orjnegleat for tie• = .pperiod rShc_. (1
months-t10 operate.3,1Eq +ttralhaYSnSine
or cars over any df4ha]lne0 p Gas
named' In,, the'severa Oubdivistoni - -'o
Section. 2 of this: Own pance, 1[: ;than :n
lawful' for the,. Chm-mon CoundBotak_
City. Ot Port:Angelea("untess;suehifaU
ureter: neglect:ahalt be- the: eosult;;or
or be;cauted b) :accident geplane,un;
Osumi,'” occurreaco : :4416rma,: treshetel
snots blocitadeseor .other Acts; ar God.
;to- declare 'by. ordlnanpe the;.fotfettine
;of., the :rights named%In ci i (iarticular'
oabdlyision. lescrlbed in sald-1Secttop
2 over which the grantee ,hallo tall or$
aeglect'.10 of erateWts. tn((!na': paglSe0
ante cars;; •g ajtht P' -- r r•a1
Section -, 25. Tha31 tbe ' onli d PORT
WAY its' - sueceeaors or aaolgns:te here ='
by given( an" option- for;the -: term ;ofi
'l4welvo., (12) •months "from the`. date of.
taking • elf•ct ofvthls Ordinance ,• t6
select : the .route / .lescribed .In .Subdl-
.vision- : 'b.!. dl,Section 2: of. this Ordh ,j'
once :6r:the Route - described :in See=
tion 23 :and- the - selection.of,tho route]
des rlbei1 In • said : Subdlvlelon , b yof-'
cctl n2 ,-•shall - ipso facto, !work. - a,
forfeiture of. all Ite rights in,ana` tot
the routes named In said :. Section 23;1
and the Selection of the' ROy' te de -
ocrihed In ..aid Section 23, shell,' Ipso;.
(nett. work a forfeiture oa all rights;
in a d to the route described - In said•
Subdivision 'l•" of raid Section. 2.:
Said l;flag id A''I811,1 filed 'with route. 110a City Clerk.
See tion;Y:`t.. 'bkt t eDTdhlalQrl.-
ari,b`erelnv granted:
sucueaeors a' or assltnalls - no
6. =M t?'' be
eenied' �
•ezelusive. :._Y' ::.'
section 127.': That: It tithed Grantee
(train.. Ito : succ.ase ra :'Or assigns.--
fa(1•W 'Conatructa railroad and•operat
train.• upon• "tO e'3' streets and r:alte
named' "115 any subdlvlalon: of 8eetlon li
of = this ordinance -: within —three - (3)
ears s -from and after.tbe•taking effect
ot.ft•this .. franehlse.A.11: rights 7 and
privileged herein:given as•to each Sub -
dlvlslon' ••over. vhleh,' Grantee:- Its ave-
eessora` oc: aeelgn(...fails- to .conetr.it
its' tracks- operste'lta linea.,Mall
be rforfelted runifies said. - t)me:; be- ex'
tended; by, said .City upon .good cans
shown by said Grantee^: • r -..
Sectioni 26: This' ordinance awl the
franchilidOmielietsranted Is upon.'the
fo)lowtng'cgndllions ••° z•^-r +• -'
PANT: Its aucceasora or aeaigne. agree.
to ..commenee .the' actual construction
of . said a_
raliroayrithln;.Ir (6)' months
tram ther takln }:IIect of this' Ordin=
EIXSIT.Aha Giants . 'PORT,, AA0
COMPANY.a lls .uceep.era- donelgna
Shall, on or front before _One and, .me-hall
'(lii) -Ordinance from the: taking: effect of,
this te-;So hwestestruct. lequlp . and
operate .Southweeterly:,from .Fort; An=
gets., through' lndla
Twenty ,
(20) .of: railroad. one:te r minu.: of •
De ■ln
T E(cr ) F S T hat'-.atd' Grantee...' ^"
OMPANY .,Ils successors or, assigns.-_
aba14 on or'-Sab re`.two andQ one -hall
(2yr) year. from ;the taking` egect:'o
thus, Ordinance '•construct.., equip3 and
operate; Southwesterly; from Port An -.
ueles.through 1ndla., Valley -', Forty'(40)
talieis d.ot: railroad.:, 'one?= terminu,. of
av}etcl, ehal05. 1. Port'Angelea - ""
o(d)dTliatT'paid Grantees PORT'AN-
COMPANY.' -Its successors or`adaigos,
shall. • on or ,•before three and 'one = half.
.(331) ,it
}earrom. the taking,elect; of
this ?j. Ordinance ,thare'c.iq <,operatlon'
Southiveaterlya{ from *..Port U,Angelete
through; Indianp Va11e3'. approximately
Fifty -s (50); .miles 'or railroad; over.'.lts
R•(e) That Grantee.YRQRT AN-
COMPANY; %Its auccessnr. or,amisn(,
s�all. on or.before Five;(5 ),-yearelrom
the taking *'eftect+•ofi' this )tfrarichlee:
have established Pk' reliffd •Cerry;rotier
Its awn orate own taitdssuchport(ons
00 other:)ine& ustintewh1eh eeride ac=
quire, a through Interstate. eervic -:
:Failure oar the part -of, the, Gran fie;
AAILNAY „COMPANr' :Its eu' A” Sri
or ^assign,, In itheAperformantetdtgaziy,
conditions )'oCyt 11,1..Oielina,,ag- Faball
work,. complete .Sprfelturt;y,f.raRjth'e,
franchise righth,rand.'pi(bliegC, bergffi
and'herebj:'.granted andajtI011aql1Lberebr
beS7awfui: for the Crtyanid1Codncjipi
11,0. aid Orityrtof fitheNtneltirr?to_"
clarp by. Ordinance• the_forafelture .0.
rights and?prlvllege. ^he`rSoln pnd.he
by ptdnted%Pgndi.2o 'modlf) or• rep$klI i
; itelotionxE29.+aSaid GFaFit 4Ra suH�=
00000ra nrraasigne. • oha11 ithin'Thirfy;
(30) days,falter the ^passage 00 thin.
ordinance, dale w the FCIerK ofs tryh
City 'ofe'ther An it y, Ur e - ritten_;aa'-
- gptaace" there -4 my, Ur b"ti'd by�amd.
granteORli RTa dNGE ^GRAX10
HARBOR'. RAILWAX- 'jCrjl, r• ANY; �'st
".uscensurs'!: 00 'taslgns,!.
fl1ingrot such acceptann• t .'grdaFFee,,
Its succersors' or assig 11 net *b
entjttled' to.;any of the benefits
ort privflegea herein ine d L'•p. -sr
>- .Sectini, 30 Thls li ord Ur SIu,11
take effect: and: be 1. forco • -an d• after
its passage, and pubiicatioh '.:required
I)y Ia.v 4!llme
;•Pnsred Ftebruar ) 611i;:191Ti 1"}
Approled,Fehruar313th 19..4
ti r 1
Published Februiirya10; 1917
e z A J. ,
1�O.f�Jso-. V`Zo��o•�C.aw.�.o.,,r.>�, � :ra.).�ccs„rzaw
0.M &Ca.ti - to �.>�� �1,�1i,v o,.pto�stilo.556
eer,k 4S.s sslcl *' in
c,,,� py'k`.'s),•.ti 1 t-:,.,_ -.�- I.>ao ,.i /'1 I
V Y�J .4
l- %%%Y`11.A -D - J(��.,•� d.N.C� 4z.A
19 tR. okoJA 1 917.
3 e•-kvss• Vc\o.).&•\
ecrk fL :ii\t%-■-ie
Qtr-,...\NSV1/451A—XL:r-v CIA.4teLy-N-rtiA psr,r-A 13,-N-A&P. e•-NA
c't 'A LC ■k-c vs& -15,..)-tas.eit ; e■.t-
-J ecr,
MJ\ ovbrA A
, \\)->J,r,3",
• &croJY.
.)„SrA , -A--A
EN-■ Acr.33,Ag„ cja,J÷,N,
C3sr\,z\ \KA , C5.,R.3‘sz cs,eu , 0.1%3Rrio.1.
t3S&A_k AvtA ,Aka,,
csi-V-JA9A k9c.
VerA_ 1-
gull., 131:1\ /917.