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1 -PVilronburarfcaNtreisd.V0A. 1 li•McDre.liSA710%1IXCI:T 11,017EMENTiliSONDS,4T01•4•P HE, COSTE-4:AND :EXPENSESIVO IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED "WIN .;±1:11PROVEICENT DISTRICT NO40.`=*-..ORDERED -'11,ND.1;l3T ;•::.''ORDINA.KCE. NO. i; 50Vis,REINO-NAIT • ORDINANCE' ENITLED:it'AN ORD j, DUNCE PROVIDING FOR grue.ni= :,.. PROVE-VENT. or CHERRYiSTREET -irnow-iTSICEe,NORTE1,411.1NE.ZOT !,•;:_ FRONT 'STREET.. TO - THE INNER ..;;;HARI3OR",1LINE:k0E-...THE -,PORT "ANGELES'' BATON, THE.:CITT,„cip PORT.-ANCIELIISiBT 'mato,. •-;:' CREOSOTED ie,PILES. a'''TRESTLING AND PLANKING THE P1711. •.,(IF-;sAro- STREET:; SO AS ' TO CON., ' ,NECT AND BE ON,A'-LEVEL• AND ••..GRADE.WITH FRONT STREET, 1:51. sol: EROVED±INFIACCORDANCEPitWITH I=IRESOLUTIONV N' 40 CRIDATINCir fA" MADCAL,IIIPROVEMENTi.•DISThI• CT. THEREFORAND PROVIDING ;THAT %PAYMENT •S' THERFOR`i0.13E- MADE BY SPECIAL. ,ASSESSMENTS: UPON THE PROPERTY TIN ?SAID DIS-s RIOTtPATABLE,2;BYTTHE ;;. MODE :.•i• OP;i:PATMENT_Stilr'' 130NDS--..., ;AP ii.PROVED '• JUNE ''A 98. .,1.916:FLYINO -..0 THE DATE OF;.THE ISSUANCE -OF 1 SA1D-',110NDSAND • THE RATE ' 0 THE ••. ciTy:•COUNCTL-, OF THE ;CI OF -PORT ANGELES: WASHINGTON. ••■•,‘ DO' ORDAIII'AS FOLLOWS:.";;;N:d..;k",."- FSect Ion ;is 1: ." That .this'atakori1nd Mt SierliliO,i'dndithek."arol;herebr;author. kisestLitrd, directed ,to . Iiiiun "local ,, lin','& iiiraverrient_qbands,,,,',1or %D:nal:, Iniprove; ment",.CihArlct; 1 hirOtt10;I•or,ilint' City, of Port tAaselefrented by Ordinance No; ■ 546;?;approyedia•June,-.28:-!:1916.7• ;and a in .nbcordancis ;:with%theilaw.andthiordlii allneiC;-0/411ei•Cityot.:Part ;Angelea..tin Ahesesiiin.,oti..Two1Thousand,",.TwoIatie, 34-100;.lDo1lara:,:Vll.-II.,'G:s1 g ,;Seetlini i2..;1. That Saldilidilds;eihnillbr made .payable Cor.on;before"twelre"leir ;froir• the tlate Of ;the liianee.ithersof .and;;Shall:bear lateieir, ist,dlieyisite, of seven • per cone; perinniluilir linkable...ail iftialli, .^, SSW' bottiaishalli'belEefied"liii . denominations ,041:).iniGliintleed ;D011iirs. .(1100.00);;;eac excep1:13ond-.No:iOnial(l) thereof,: whit vhlclj7jhoi1 , lal of,tha dotioirdzi‘- atiori to ' ' .,.ignd734,1100;;Dollacs:4an4..; ' theytidiell hea mbbredi'-solitiscat t .(fj,nijNo. h1 uiiwardr, and sach .474_ il,bonds;aliall ave;attnehed•Ibeco. o erista'reOts&L)kfi'llin;each','Intere Sild"s,,,ifisbrid"IsineI.'' is ,:shireliiiTers7n7d7LIP,Iiie••31Inkoi:iiiiTait- nesteilibk,:..itheiCitk.'Clerk-liesloishall liattlx;1' Way sea1ofthci;CICy,;to:ieaclideit imildllicindef,prOldedlhitt,siald:coupolier, iiiTillettIofebeing 'itottlikned;:shall;ihaire I ' thik-Tfac4.5thalle;efrthii7ilgniittiteCoVthe: YhijansUClekk.l''Printed;itheriliiii‘711hil 'IsuchlhondlishallErefer3to.1hoi1iriz provernent2airoll.the'ordinarceiorderIng said :;111linakerriontltiitOrleIorAvilitab; ; ;riald4.;bonds;nhalli be, Irn,ue,I ntr,i. eaoli: 'istioliGionds•ahall- provide -and istateithilt H,fe;;prinCliiitlinum'i therein :named with; "theidnterestithereOWinhallIbeS:payable ;601V40utZiiI:;thoTanecial'Itundrereisted fer*theViiakindfiteint4the;;."costiand'..".ek- OensoFiiit,Iitald41mlikoverninit,irariethat noothetWndiot-thecit:votmortFAO=; .gOleirliihnlIi:overiti,liable;„therefot.rn .SeCtiori4.3 -;1•Tbrit; the ferniiiindinibdo• ,91,1"theMisainceeof •-■ the,:einientiOn 6! salS;lbondir, shalIgoi‘ashOieseribredj,by !thrills-iv- s;',61 :"the:Stiite.'•OI:WinihIngtini. AinIVotithe'Airdinariees'ibt!'thoZCity461, ,tkiet.,:vmeetea,:,:,40 AA..siiaktzmie,miide, initt(provIded a0d4tlisit'l 2341eWlibiilit, I rildri(iiwilaWfilllk;;Oxedlited;anehiliueilz, shall1be,"tilitSed !In,' the 'otiatodk,i of(the i I ettk:',Tr-ensurer!;"and-E.bylilit ;;;delikeredi to ;41i di"liprehisser;. or Du rchasorWT; iipbn. ■ roneltit■ ly; h InroL the am [mitt; soh/rant.: sd ';; to be ;;;, paid ',Ion, the "- Sarno, 0E11 .lesir ; thail;thelri.par,"Calue:■17,4iVFSIXOS4TISV S'...,Section.I.,4.4•Sald•!-.1ionclii•r pr any. 01 • Alictii,inar. be sold ..or'SYChanged. for the ' sraCiants•-•Iiistiod, , I re,•liayment•'; Toir:Ilie Iiripri*.enfent ;for ; which +; they Wore , is =,;• stied.; orgthoy 'mak • Ler:Sold to rink"; nur.- Chitioirloe-; cash at , net;••-lesisAttinn-:: their Title vialueivith.'ne6ruecE Interest and the PrOneeds . thereof .Shall , be rinplied,do ; the. Parlifea;;;"ofqtha..; cost 'And expenee of saldIfillpr mentV,:e0Sce,rito.t6k.T.,:1•9 g siietto .4trliFit sald.Iibnds 'shall li ditOilfili . 4,th, cla1;;Of ../iiirlh',1917:',,,.:;ZiL .ftSectlii ..,iiTtils•••rk' Ordinance -,re'chrill ' take%.:effee 4;ind.:, be'"iii•-.-foi-ce.; from and tel,.fli/r.'diiks lifter 111 ' " RU'iinbli; P..,, 1.1.!nased•.•Apill":10th::•191 . Ainiroved•:Ahril llth;-;;1917:• '17Publisheil,"ApriVIllb.. 1.911:- , ., , .,..}•.!;,1,f (4,e.g4'.4",,4. ,,,, ,,:tr.,0oriarorr. ,.. Attest ,'''."`; .i.7., ‘-s‘I'PrIl,-isoht.'",31,1kor. ' • ..,.. :.;.7.L: BEAM; Clt 'clerlc:,:tis,:ii.;;;;; S.1..."r‘.1Zo..".r..C....g.,_ 41 - Atok, —3 OGt eit We,s4V54.46,‘ tko /9'-q ■ (Sa.r.S.N.r•pansx3L Lf CnASoss.c\ \NO . 5 Li Z, sta Li. (3-m, Vt-hAsts ‘54' t%1■-k. R,Y4e,t& Q.-nAtioX 4L‘AsL Vs.NNAss\ %!•30 ay.\ ltsksk jooFL \VAN,su„, Sp3S1 LiA-4 lAtio ts, otot /4-0 1111. )..\Z9.1,■91c .