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154 • - ORINNANCE .P s) r@ia rt ACCUMULATION ..011 DEPOSIT 0Y DIRT.1IIUD: ORs OTHER - MATERIAL. - N.: ^ANY- PLANKED..- :OR,`.xP S'°..• EWAL'IC.a WJTIiU . Ti- F. -JOAT•�.*ANOELE � : WASHINNO .I'OM111DECLAR1NG' -THE SAME TO.. E 7A; NUISANCE,;,ANIL P11OYID EIPALTT TOR ' THE.TIOLA'(zO_. ,THEREOF '.¢' CITT : COUNCIL- OF THE CI OP..PORT ANGELEB.:WASIIINGTO DO O AIId.:AS:YOL7ASPB_ ,7-- ,,,.. • Ho' �Anrowner,or other•p - edn }haft •charge,of;any..bfLdingdo ot`of_around;In- t1{,ecCitr oc.Port� Au ea:'Waahington..abntting upon -}d t, brn. pubUO= plies ,ythere aide d;ehail wllhln'.EI: Hours ,after _the 1 oC_dirt.or, o mtber sterJarupo d,,aldawalk: rmpore 7such. d ltt ozetb _Material' rocs bt�sld walkfsn5,get pon. tlte'tald ot;theketrea an -'�rbl .011. `tbutidings.or.Jot:Abute,:�th, ho etween 9- pi:mr.'and,:7,.0 msnot.being Included , in the "above. perlod: ofzhou Honaa'r2,1 =Thu raacumulation:'? ` mud. eartb;.dbbrla�ardother miat on- ddewalke:.L 4.h $ rebP.- declared ,be a,_publcn nuletuce_ <andl,..:itetie 0111 ;owner. -uoi' personehavinstcha • 0 f:•euch abntting Dropert4 nneglegtil> refueea ta. cumpITt;!wlthrthe cane -• mentp of, Hilatigedlnaoce. thereblet :o pollee - eha.11 r cuueeMmich,mtirl.:41 1 dobrhqor oLhen• materlalgcon0HRuting., • tharEulm¢ee.'_to be reeinovedl-and-afl ezpen&a"�Ineured rinclddingjltitepeti• tea ot-1rofecutloniohalljbo.rrepa ld tri.4 clts. by,Saa1.1;fawner, orA.othertu ined ln .- o pdo, es l ngleinlovortraNeing- tb-lompli* r he ulrementelabevee-t tl i - deemedgtillty?q m dr snd, Upon eonv0Hon1therein ob i? notpltbM. - tvelmilllUs:iy more than One gdrd f oiler. -- e bylmp menttor notTmou thtln -3 iz!Sec on oda sahal S ;tl d to ,q_Vp ageSa0a ;and PI taayez attet^21te laglUl ,,P,ayend"2Hay fy9IA. 91717. 1ppioved%'J A7,4jot'+1911 - �bAAhed June 1 04117:.. �ho.572 tiu QC12-^ -tat, cN.sA, `Pf• -k , a, >, cs i4 o,, o,v a_ \&\ o, 571_ c;.:\ A caA . :�-�v rAVyo`a. Own Vg_ 1.9y N■rvs-,- 1 11 7. G.N.a. \ Lb s>, 1 a Et, 30-Lest > 11)7. 1