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o'RoitAN And minrimg • ate . . eat • or V1rt efraet hi the CUT of -Wa..blngton. front" the east •bleat to thed eentee;lhat • • .•treet. taN aerhet-attl-curblac- same .vrIth- concrete; prorklIng,..tor • 1011 a01 ealleadoti.of • ralCeseesemen 4agehat_Lt._Imaseinerst• lots end,:taraele •• "lara•Tabayrn Sosu:sald ,antt:-1er• (ion of o special fund therefor. The ;City:, Council- Of the :City -at , /algae.. 1”.haattee.-. do ordain-es fo _:-Sfettoe.-k•WThet the assealreeatC• eleseeement4oll3 -lotg"Lcieal'4.1mprovemea DtatelebiNoaAV to ;per'• the: 000t and- ox 1*-gr.t.tkflePaarement First :etre. ;• Wet. Rtirri Angides.d.from .th • ' 4e",ta"LIntohe streettto,Ithe, einte • etreeVlix1 paring, maul. wah.eanerete"ruKordere& • thdleenee luld'zreider ; of !,th 1CriatYVeleriei r?alg'earattg.btlnieZ4 idt4lid Waxing-4 thereof ,hyrseid: th;', day..'of.,;;Anguea-1 91.7-res ,• "katiaesorenteicari‘atatedbee..iinar"' rame4tekberehy:ettrairea' end: conlaai ' kraal thInte:•&•-gfr, ..,.gt.Thatt: each t.sauf.41106 ,the to 4 eision,lendanaltided,lakeeld, aesaaehtigenthaeseeementtroIILitncV doe - =tes.therforerattend:Itletherebz;f1 ft.be.opectelliK.bitneattetLbr.: laithareemet".•hctira"tnoteffierieet:14,•:th e genlint,•aithtetutileY,••ichergertor.,)4"fra reatieilffeealateta.Aaasti."fthe.41e4 , aPtElht4Mme r.ki"..taPrI.Fj_he.re pmetnteeth:t_thegasemet.; teM :to .7fit • ;. Portia_ WAtteakilevetel7aseenementruitO Ken saildVoltleeiroidharikithelai : bk reriediraOlestifa:OM.8404.Z0 • ..tritettorhu- d.iipt.trii*ourd1 P-he• 14116" 1411-MergregillaVerreaaa thb1Iod(:T,npiroetnent1.FUndN. ', '43,lio whteliketualiaDiAfTAZIndb •togi . MT-Sato' .inthui-*4188ettts, 0"c6fkb !Ma rcipiladlt"trafallafrinveirk,logrtialt e _.„„,rittlt I .,._,. lin p ' hi n% Itokil- 7- 'Pt.' i ratitAlioadeMeterevaiitgiran" ed■-aritlie"dest: , ...: acotrfaratra, . Cridierthep;:the; gp,p414-4-71 'sera-4'1% ecr' th- Sw—fik.iirdinah :00eur-- ta,thriwtith maio,''.'"zrirn,..14, eatillatifirWtInervr_ able , . , rividadter•Uie.idatdgitthe'CltkAreneta netted ttofi3e.vatheIthune-4deolaatith'..: to3helithier:tuldiellisuetaefarosuzenth, retgaldFyivItrhltf?.atrha_ ., tt1tf,det_elr Thereat ter,beafa ten,eqhm_ana a te. 1iatelittlentemlthf n 6 ttherepfif ar!tho . attigtikeve_kg.V..tae!eenkfaega•ahute iitrit...:59677,,..7.1 trirtalWitat445:14:716;iztwPailtinninPr'..:±41 4.11thrt.:feffedrblef.:' thte:brahOtaderi!el 1 a eiianeearollyshealm. phased 111 01 lW,eltki#0*nrOrY.0§-01 e.l.e91, IT 414,hetspon-prooldh coret 'ale i ''-e.gParrettdea.tri Oft,....Ott. , , otr•,,, t. obizatleitoutw ablleation., 11)1.7. 'l 12:41.917. -r d1917.• • 3`.1-.,Wra.I. ers..&;■-•r"4,42...1,2 \\CI . 5 8, o • cik,,,estsuSit. A.V9, *Qr.& PP■r#,., i—VsL ,A-est51 ID PA9fl l'w4A1Astsa- z-3-tA RA.cOsia. lba_a:khvp„,,IpomtiAk-sLeAi-ki,,k ot'liNtr-AA Atna RagsL.IkkA, s)at a,NA u;Ltl. Q-oNvc-,-&% 1.Nts•;`s=\Ln 10,\9‘.9. astuimisfq:\ z.A4sA:c.4, ioao:3A, oadaamwr.RA, 344 op.o-NA daNciwse, ow. cw.Ar‘ Na.k.s-vc. NR,„ 15b t3Ak kevrt Aut,A /5/7: ts , Izi,„„%k,vk Ji '643, oz,-sLA c\c,..A 1 9 / 7. %-ziavv. (i.k%UsiAlt