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An Ordinance ordering and providing for
the improvement of seated street from
Vaunt. From to the right of way of the
Angeles Oa western nail- .' 1
way Company. tnencn In a southwest- .,
eny mr.cuod acroaa blocks 97. "across
A•• street and Mock 104 on a line •
parallel to and 25 fret tLatant south-
easterly from the boundary line of urn
tight of way' of the Seattle. tort An-
80100! & westero 1toUway Company to
the' center jinn et Tmrd ,treul m the
: -City of Port Angeles; 011 In acceNa City •.
;Yth t a Hes t ?
oluon n s 53 of the Clty
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CS.oa o.rn. e ACotk9_ ov me a7+.J.r 4, , \ , c%o .3,12.&s
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Council t of Port Angeles. creating - .gyp {. Ntl�7���_ `9,
101.1 improvement. Waal. therefor and CJyW,� lTls(•QLf•(�
Providing that :payment for sad lm s
. prevenient be mean by special assess ( • ` �����r�.�(� y�.� ^Y �`.�,�
1 diems upon property. in said dish [, } •r' • 1�S�r.>\ h C1�_ "_" "`mil' -"'_ �^•^.
.. City a by made of payment by t .ut- �{ . A `l
-., g esd Council dale of the City s: ,, Yon:an- ✓ ' W
gales do ordain as follows:{:::. • T.rt:., Fib,' Q p
•Secuon 1. -: Tna[. Second street." ax. bog..mn9JV \�tTt
VaUgy street to the rlgnt of way of, the •:'? U UUU
beanie. Port Ansetee 01 Western Hallway',
Company, thence In a southwesterly';dl..
remain across lflock 97. across "A' street.
• In Block 104 on a line parallel to aod'25
feet dletant - s0utheasterly the
boundary hoe of the rlgut of way of- (h0,∎-
s0atue. Port Angeles & Western Hallway ,-
Company 10 the+ "center line of ThlarC
street. in the City of Pon Angeles. be
proved' by grading. constructing grovel r.- --
reudwny, .tatting .. tare of all - necessary
aur,uce drainage.. and doing such other :,' .
'twork as may be necessary m,eennecuon
herewith. all In accordanc0 Livilb 014111e '..�.
to be•prcpared by the City Engineer and
on ale, In -the 0etce of the C117 - Clerk. lit •
'- SOL"2 . That the cost and' expense 0f
sald'.improvement. melbdlug alt necessary .
and'Ainmdentat eapelines, mil t he borne
by mad assessed against the property in
c uded In the assessment Maui. herein
-after .created in accordance with law. The
City ;of Port Angeles •011a11 not be liable
lit any manner for any portion of the cost ,
expeltse•. im
of said improvement.'
otSea ;3. That them is hereby established
a' to al?dlinprovement district No. - 53,
which said. district is described an fo1-
lotvs: "AU property between the termini
Jacenf amid Improvement abutting upon. ad- 1 "..j
t, ' ,
vtctnal or approximate to such' ::
portion of Second street to be improved
to a Maumee back from the marginal:
lines thereof to the center lino of - the',
blocks- facing or abutting thereon accord-
Ro•Iaw. -. *.<.. ,., '..__ .......r
Sec 1. - Bonds bearing Interest at the
rate of seven (7) per cent per annum IMF-
able on or before coven years from. the
date of their Issuance shall be laoued.ln •
payment of the con and expense of sold
• ..oprpVement. which: bonds shall be ro-
deenIed a by epeclaV assessments to be
le /led", and assessed upon the • property
within said district,- hayablo.ln live oquah- •t
annual Installments with interest at the
• rate of seven (7) , per cent per annum
under the mode of• -Payment by Bond
al. required by law and ordinances of use n
fly' of Port' Angeles. - These bootie shall
be delivered to the contractor in redemu
lion of }warrants on the Local Improve-
n n nt District. Fund, Issued on the t1
mate -'df the Clty Engineer, or the CIty 1 ',
of Port Angela may at its election sell
said bonds rind make ouch redemption In
Sec, 5.,- The said plans and speclllca-
tlons - n'file with' the Clty Clerk wherein
they differ from the specl0cations named
In lteaolution No: 53 wherein a saving of
oat and.o better 'work are secured are
hereby adopted and'ahall be tnodo instead
of those named in said resolution.
Sec G. • This ordinance shall take effect
and be 1n force from and after five days
utter Its lawful publication.
Passed August 28th, 1917.''
Approved August 29th, 1917.
Published August 2D, 1917.
H. 7,1..FISHEB,
Mayor Pro Tem.
Attest: •
J. L. BEAM, City Clerk:.
r a/,/4tip 'F tA7CCLRl.1v� \ \07aW0.t l p/ C71. Wa
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Poi. ?W�l1.tc�iktai . CvtA.o rva�tio tVA
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