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• • ,...�OftDt I�ANCE/NO. sy:+ Q-M SCI.
'An Ordinance authorhdpg the? Issuance ' - t>�
and sale of foal Improvement Bonds
for foal Improvement District No.
as ordered by Ordinance Nce1649.
an ordinance entitled. an ordinance or-
doing and providing for the ]fl�,�" ,`1 �p(y�
meat of from street in the City of Port __..bc �� '" -e"- - �f \J/`y
Angeles from the east line-of Lincoln y. t1
by paving and curbing- the same with Qe---- W, \ -kv- f� `s-
,concrete, all in accordance with fteao U
lutidn No- D. of the IM--4- Council of the
F3� City, of Port Angeles' creating a local Q �•�� (1 0...9-fat
f Wprovement district therefor and pro- .l • `^�. tt`rv�� t ` ��� \
vkiahg that payment for said improve-
ment . be made by special assessment
upon urry'in sold district payable, 4o_^ `� �t�Q i` /C71,Jy��7.1t�.. ` cal
by mode o[ payment by iwndA flxlug' _e �` V """ _6 '
the rate of interest thereon and the
time for payment. approved August lst.-
1916. filing the date of the lssuaace_ ( 9
LLLThe City Council of the City of Port An-1
I';i geles do• ordain as follows: � r..
-= ':•'
ttSectlon;i3.., That the Mayor and the
City Clerk be. and they are herebyrau-
fthorired and.directed to Issue Laal,Im
I provement Bonds for Local- Improvement
No. 43 of the City otyPOrt'Angeles: crew- �
tad byr.Ordlnanee Nog649; approved Aug
et -1st. 131,11 - and le7siceordance with the
. w6-,C the State of wfashin '- 1n-.`3h0.t-
sum,RElghteen Thousand Two m1andKd
Twenty -two and 93 -100 Dollars •+-..ri-
-,Sec. 2. e That said bonds shall be made
payable on or before - twelve years from
the date of the.fssuam.e thereof and shall
bear interest at the. rara::'of seven per
ent per annum .payable -annually.4,Said
bonds- shall -be issued la'denominatlona of
One Hundred Dollars - (9100:00) -each ex-
cept-Bond .No. One - (1) ":thereof, Which
shall be of 'the denomination of.twenty-
two and 93 -100 dollara'and; they. shall be
numbered oonsecutiveTI from • No.s41. up'
wards. and each of said.-bonds shalt have
attached thereto lntereet`4coupona for
mach •.Interest payment. -:and : each such
.bdnd and .coupon shrug be signed by. the
'311por and attested' ay the City: Clerk:
who shall atilx': the seal of the city to.
each of said - bonds: provrded:' that said
00u•01113. in lieu! of being so signed shall,
have, the fac- simile of the signatures @f1
the Mayor and Clerk printed thereon. and..
each-such-bond shall: refer to the" hn
provement and the' afcnance ordering+
said improvement to per for whlch,sald
bonds 'shall be issued and eacti'fisucli
tionda Shall provide and state tliats'the•
princlpalsum therein named with-the 1n."4
dereot thereon shall be payable only out
of. the special fund created for the pay,,.'
ment of the cost and expense of said Ina-
'provernent. and that to other fund of thb
City, of Port Angeles si all ever be liable;
_ therefor. :.,ke,4! -, it ,5 .:43.-
''�5ee 3.: That �lhe fora, and mode of
liana-nee of the execution o [ as id b ond
j i
shalljbe as-prescribed b y the laws of t fie'
6taleu[ Washington and of the, ordlnan co
Jf the Clty o[ P rtAn g ele & as'in sue
case, made and provided,- and, that said
!bonds,. when so lawfully executed and is-
kiiui shall be placed fa thecuatody of t
ILCity Treasurer and by h:m .delivered to p
,he 'purchaser or purchasers; - -upon. re- 1
ceipt by him of the amo nt tcontfactecr.
.ne.u'.dd f•.r the same, a not lesalthan
Ltheir Par value. • -• . eyse ip"!'
Sec. 4.. Said bonds or n f them may:
be sold or exchanged rOr>;".the warrants:.
Issued. In paymenta'Sor.the0mprovement'
for which theYtovere Issued -or they may
be sold to anyipurchaser for cash atinot
less than their par value • with accrued
: interest• and -the proceeds thereof shall
applied, be
and expennsetof tsaidpayment C cost
: Sec. 6. , That said bonds shall be -dated
the 19th day of O toner, 1917. • - , - : -
Sec. 6 , This ordinance shall tae f-
feet and be In force -from and after flyo
days after the lawful publication there- ,
.Passed October 9th 117. • •/
Approved October 1E0 t lSit: c 1-,W 91 7 t
} ttlesi.t B. .%M 'Cy Cei. 1•;,Y {. .JLe.TM7jO3 aS yo. _ -r
. ' Published October 11 th"1917 i ,
k5NQX:k5,% c w�a,®,. r t o .1.c9, �n. .��•
Ay. ®- t��.jpf�0✓� \C9 bJ-LL'h� wt�t� L3"Af.f�c�1`I�C9 - W4
�mt� T.csu¢lw�, t� �w�lv,St ho • tf 3 [`c1.i'sv51.
ms�c�ti ho. Sy9 . w
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11 tR, o v.x± /i CDA.ci\ tc 1417 ,
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2.4�&t . \al,.&. � J917.