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Ordinance "autborlolog the ,•
and •sale of „Loral lnrprorement' Bond.
0 for.LOml Improvement District Na ;47.
d ordered by Ordhunee No.-545. being.an
' ordnance eaUtled.'•r•Aa ordinance order-
fns and providing for the Improvement .
of,; First street from the east line of
Pe body street to the vent line of Vine
:.atreet.ln. the • City,( etPort Angeles.
Washington. b77• eonstruettg theretn•a
sewer of aullable. rdse .nd dimensions.
together '..with , the neorvsry • catch
basins. eyes. manholes and flush tanks
and Bush other_ work as nv Iguneee.- -
;i �mcl -s,.. C.vwr�t..u...
.i leL`i'�'Frl6tlr a"1&3r
✓r tn
+weent. district therefor and' pros
riding eilmq mee tbe' that by. payment for said
oan:prope.ty In 0041 district. payabl
by mode of luymenr by bonds. fixing i the. rate of. interest thereon and theC
thee for payment. approved April 25th.1
1917..flxing the date_of. the Issuance or
' mid bonds °
t The City C0ur of the 07117,00 Port An
i! . Seim do ordain as • follows: .- .- _ ■
Section 1. That 'the Mayor and' 050 -
•`N a v Clerk h d they are- hereby cur,
i i thorhed and dlrecetd to leave Local ent
Vrotrict Nlionds fo a Cat l Improvement
geles.et No. 47 00 the City of Port An
pro e, created by Ordinance Na 545• ap
proved the April 25. 1917. and in acconlanc
with the d the of the City f Port,
Angeles and the lawn of the of o ,
Six -hington. In the sum of Six Hundred.
Sixty and 45 -100 Dollars. -• -• . mad
' Sec. =..That said bonds shall be mod
payable- i doon or before seven yearn fro..=
Hie inter f the lesua, ee thereof and shall
bear Interest at the rate of seven per can
' per 0nnum. payable nnuinl•_ Said bonder
1 ahall'-to .issued in denominations 0.00)' of One
Hundred:: One (a•(0100.00)!each: exeep
Bond No. One (1) thereof. which 01,00 b
of the denomination sr Sixty aered c10
Dollars• and they shall er numbered con
w wards: and from Nunioer One (1)'- up ,
w.f cheand each of said bonds elm)1 haws
j eachlnie thereto Interest an coupons fch
0001;' In crest - payment. and each -- such
Iloht)' and tte shah •5e signed by. the
miydf: toad attested : by the city clerk%
i ,040:5.1 II flit bonds: veal of the et said
each'.-[ id bonds: providedgned shad
the In lieu im le being so signed `shall
mayor handreitylc clerk printed thereon.
land each such bond shall refer to thedm-
provement-and ordinance ordering the
;improvement to pay for which said bonds
(shall be Issued, nd ^each of ouch -bonds
{shall provide and- state: that the principal
sum therein' named ,with i U, merest
thereon x45 he..J yabli -_
envy ofllheri"-
inoo`fund created':lo the;paymentet9the
ts nd expense on (d- Imt ro cmept:
11_that no *other fu of the Cthe of
' 4A ..,lag 0'....i ever ..`f,.e.liable the
c. 3 That the form and mod .m?
Alm Issuance and execution of said- bonds all be as prescribed by the laws' of the
:State of Washington and -by the ordt;
'nances of the City of Port Angeles ;,10
such case made and provided. and tha
0014 bonds• • when 00 , lawfully: exocut.id
'and Issued shall be placed in :the custody
:of the City Treasurer and -'by' him de.
`.IIaered Ao the pnrcbn.er or purchasers
,0000 receipt by him or the' amount con'
IFtracted• to be pald for the.same.:'but In
o case at less than their par value.
1.• Sec. 4.. -• Said bonds or' any ,of them
may be sold or exchanged • for -.the ,war-. issued. In payment fdr; the 'Int-
Dr0Vement for which they wore'Iusuedior
they may be sold to any .purehaser••for
000h at -nbt.. less -than their par value
;t(4th accrued Interest. - and the proceeds
hereof shall- be applied to the payment
bf the Cost and expense of said Irnprove-
Sec. 5. -' That said bonds shall be dated
the 191k,'dny' of October. 1917.
Sec. C:- T ordinance shall fake- f-
in feet 'and -he in 'force :rota and after flue
days after Its lawful publication thereof.
Pnsded October 9th. 1917.
Approved October- 10th. 1917.
Published Octuber'lith. 1917.
AttcsC. ' - Mayor.
J. L. BEAM. CityClerk.x„
\. 59 L.
179 r7
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